Television The Walking Dead

He sacrificed himself for the group, did he not?

Fail at my attempt at spelling his name though.

I wouldn't call it that. Using one of them as a bait because he wanted revenge himself? Wouldn't call that a sacrifice. He just wanted to kill people he hated and he hoped he wouldn't die along the way, but he was prepared to go.
The fact that I like the character probably helped with overlooking alot I guess, and allows that hope they can redeem themselves.
Correct. Massacring a bunch of people is a point of no return. They should have killed him off last season it self, pointless to humanize him now in any way.

Agree. There is no way that people forgot what he did last season and will sympathize with him. He's such a pointless character and don't understand why they are giving him episodes.
I'm really not sure I can keep watching this, I pay less & less attention to each episode as the current series progresses.
Why don't they burn the zombies that congregate at the fence? Just why?
Where did all those people come from? One minute the 6 of them are having a beer at the picnic table then next thing there's fifty people and a huge RV campsite. That lezzer was fortunate to find a super-fit lezzer....definitely not a stereotype army-lezzer.

What is the purpose of these zombie pits?
So end of the day this season will just be a repeat of last season with the prison folk vs the Gov only this time the gov has a tank.

So my guess on how this all plays out. Gov once again attacks the prison, convincing his new group of followers the folks in the prison are evil. He wil use the tank, the problem with tanks being that they are big and noisy and don't get great gas mileage. Especially since his tank is not an M1 but an older model. Well a big noisy tank moving down the road is going to attrack the zombies right. So as the Gov launches his attack on the prison, just as he seems to be ready to win, a massive hoard of zombies will take his group from behind wiping them out, though the lazy ass writers will probably have the Gov left trapped in an out of gas tank just in case they want to use him again. Rick and a small group from the prison will them escape out the back way and be on the run next season.
Where are they all getting all this petrol from? There must be a working gas station and refinery with delivery trucks just up the road.

It seems like there are gangs of people just hanging about in the woods too. How shit was that camp that got hit and why on earth would you camp in the forest? Behind-the-washing zombie really fecked me off too - what a fecking cliche.
I would think by now, given how quickly we have seen gas supplies run out in areas affected by natural disasters, that the gas would be drying up pretty quickly. I mean people trying to get away would fuel up and use most existing supplies at gas stations up so even taking into account that there are only small groups of survivors the gas situation should be an issue. I suppose there would be gas to be syphoned from abandoned cars, but after 2 year or so of sitting in a unmaintained cars I would imagine most of that would start getting moisture in it making it less than ideal fuel.

My guess is that in this type of situation they would all be reduced to riding bikes by now.

Also, when are they going to run into a huge fire situation. At some point something is going to catch fire and with no fire department around it would not take much for it to become a wild fire. Be an easy way to them escape a zombie hoard, oh noes zombies are after us and their is a fire. Oh joys the fire is now blocking the zombies and burning them up, but we still have an opening to get away. "YEAH FIRE!"
Speaking of gas and fuel, it actually goes off after around a year or so, especially if it's just sitting stagnant in a car/fuel pump, so the whole thing is inplausible.

feck sake, that episode was so bad, I mean Jesus, where are they even trying to go with this? It feels like we're just getting Woodbury all over again, only this time it's a camp instead of a town and we have hot lesbians who figure out each other are hot lesbians because they both like guns and promptly begin to scissor, difference being we're just getting a shitty backstory now involving a character we've already become incredibly bored with, actually, he's probably one of the shittiest written villains I can remember in recent times, mainly because they try the whole flawed personality stuff with him and it just makes him come across as a boring idiot.

Also, apparently there are only 2 roads in America, one that's blocked by zombies in mud, and the other than leads to the prison. Oh, and when a zombie attacks you, don't run away, just ... crawl under something, it's not like you're faster than the fecking thing or anything. And when pulling said zombie away from little crawly girl, keep persisting at pulling that leg that's falling off hopelessly, even though you could just as easily ... go for the other leg, or fecking get off your feet and lift the thing up.
I'd forgot about mud zombie pit. what the feck was that? Are they saying that they are trapped in their tinkers camp because of it?
Surely tanks need a lot of fuel to keep running? There's no way that thing can be going two years on. Also why the hell was that guy happy to let the Guvna murder his brother and get away with it?
Also aren't tank rounds quite heavy? They're unlikely to have too many of those knocking about aren't they?
Why are so many just out camping in the woods? You'd think they'd find somewhere a bit safer to hang out.

Yeah I don't get it, even in season 1 the initial camp was by the woods. Surely you'd want to camp in a wide open space so you can see people coming from all directions around you?
Why did the lezzer give up her pistol to play 'It'?

What the actual feck...I'd never go anywhere unarmed and I'd have minimum two back-up weapons.
M60 Patton tank, roughly 50 to 55 tons, round weight 18 to 24 KGs depending on the type of round. 300miles on a full tank of 385 gallons of diesel fuel. Left sitting outside, it would require a lot of maintenance, not easy to do, to keep in running order. Another plot hole, to keep a tank in running order requires not just the manual effort but all teh spare parts, etc.
He might be able to drive it, but it needs somebody else to fire it.

That also, normal operations take a crew of 4. I suppose in right enviroment one person could drive it to a point change into the loader and gunner position. It would not be efficient but could be done I guess. The maintenance would be the thing that would bring this beast to a standstill
Now from a perspective of keeping other people away, obviously zombies won't give a shit about a tank, even an immobile tank could be something to give any prospective attackers at bay. Having that parked in the middle of your camp might just deter them.
Yeah, they were kicking off over the Super Mario Bros taking command. They're not going to let Old One Eye take over just like that.
There's no way that group just let's some stranger with an eyepatch lead them after 5 minutes.

I go back and forth on that one. A lot would depend on the trust and bonds they had with the previous leadership. Lets face it history shows us that when times are bad, people can be sheep and will follow anyone they think will make their lives better or safer. Mentally this would have to be awfully tough on people and they might be thinking "I have enough trouble having to worry about fighting zombies each day, I am more than willing to let this guy be our leader rather than risk my life opposing him."

Sort of like when a crowd sees a mugging but nobody steps in to do something. IF one person would move in, others would follow, but if there is nobody willing to step up and challenge the mugger, many people will sit back and just watch.
The drunken golf session took place away from everybody but with a convenient zombie pit nearby, yet every other shot of the camp showed the RVs all parked next to each other.

The camp that was far away was that? How far were the Guv and co. when it was hit too since presumably there was a gun battle yet they didn't hear anything.
How about lubricating oil for all the cars they drive ? These supply runs they go on, surely it's long distance and after a while the engine oil must go completely to crap.
So many stupid things in that episode. Though I actually enjoyed it. They have at least given up on trying to redeem the gov character.

Seems this season is just full of random people that have somehow survived yet seem to have no idea how to deal with zombies. You would think that every person left would know how to take out or escape from a zombie by now. It has been years now.
How about lubricating oil for all the cars they drive ? These supply runs they go on, surely it's long distance and after a while the engine oil must go completely to crap.
Nah, America is a small place with two roads that each run for around five kilometres, one leads to the prison, the other to a big pile of mud.

I learned this from TWD.
Nah, America is a small place with two roads that each run for around five kilometres, one leads to the prison, the other to a big pile of mud.

I learned this from TWD.

It's true; I've been to the US twice.
Episodes are getting worse & worse.

I'm not sure why people complain about shit like "where they getting gas from" though. It's a show about zombies and you're moaning about realism? Not to mention, if they were 100% realistic with things like gas and supplies can you imagine how even more boring the show would be?

Rick: Hey, Daryl, want to make a run to the next town for supplies?
Daryl: Can't man, there's no gas.
The end.