Television The Walking Dead

Speculation regarding Mike or Steve.

Is he due to have some sort of breakdown you think? Some of his facial expressions at the start of the episode were very strange, and similar things have happened in previous episodes.

And who the feck looks after the baby?
Speculation regarding Mike or Steve.

Is he due to have some sort of breakdown you think? Some of his facial expressions at the start of the episode were very strange, and similar things have happened in previous episodes.

And who the feck looks after the baby?

The hot blonde chick (no not the 10 year old).
Ahh, the old 'slowly walk away from a zombie then fall over putting your life in danger' routine! Was wondering when that would make another appearance.
I've invented the best defense system for the prison. Take two lawn mowers, invert them(or mount them above) and put the blades on poles around head/neck height. One can be around female average height while the other is taller for men. Put them on each side of a breach wide enough for one or two zombies to get through. When the zombies come, crank them up and it's an automatic zombie blender. If lawn mower engines aren't heavy-duty enough, attach the blades to a car engine. You don't even need lawn mower blades. Just some sturdy, blunt material.
I've invented the best defense system for the prison. Take two lawn mowers, invert them(or mount them above) and put the blades on poles around head/neck height. One can be around female average height while the other is taller for men. Put them on each side of a breach wide enough for one or two zombies to get through. When the zombies come, crank them up and it's an automatic zombie blender. If lawn mower engines aren't heavy-duty enough, attach the blades to a car engine. You don't even need lawn mower blades. Just some sturdy, blunt material.

Noisy and would require petrol. But yeah, lawn mower engines on poles would be a good way of thinning out a horde. This is the type of thing that us British would come up with and would therefore survive a Zombie Crisis with ease.
Noisy and would require petrol. But yeah, lawn mower engines on poles would be a good way of thinning out a horde. This is the type of thing that us British would come up with and would therefore survive a Zombie Crisis with ease.

The noise would attract the zombies to kill. It'd only be used when there's buildup along the perimeter. They have enough gas to make stupid runs to get supplies or just drive around for no reason.

My neighbor/cousin had a lawn mower that would go 60mph. I think Americans, especially in the South, would be all right. Poor yankees might be SOL though. Not enough rednecks.
From the looks of many of the zombies decay is setting in slowly , which you would expect since they are dead. Eventually will the zombies just rot themselves to pieces? Which in the hot, humid climate of the American south should not really take all that long. Also, getting a bit picky, but since they are dead, and it appears to be rotting, wouldn't they attract a ton of flies? And eventually become maggot covered meat sacks, that eventually got consumed by the maggots?

Then after watching the tv show "Life After People" when are the nuclear plants all going to go Kabooom?
This show doesn't need more character deaths, it needs more character development into characters we actually care about. Karen was set up to be the new Andrea and she seemed alright, until they decided to turn her and Coach from Left 4 Dead 2 into some sort of couple, also ruining Coach's character too.

I think there is only one character left in the show that I actually care about and that's Carl. I want Carl to die a slow and painful death.

Every episode is constantly ruined by big anti-climaxes and it actually will benefit the character development for other characters if someone dies - how will Maggie react to the death of Hershel or Glenn? And vice versa.

I'm not saying there needs to be radial change in the show or a mass exodus of characters, but it's been a very long time since there was a major character death - Axel and that black guy in season three don't constitute as major - that the show runs the risk of stagnating or becoming dull without that aspect.

Personally I hope/hoped Glenn dies, his character has regressed so much since season one that I don't think many people see him in the same light. There needs to be a lot of character improvement, but someone has to go very soon also.
Every episode is constantly ruined by big anti-climaxes and it actually will benefit the character development for other characters if someone dies - how will Maggie react to the death of Hershel or Glenn? And vice versa.

I'm not saying there needs to be radial change in the show or a mass exodus of characters, but it's been a very long time since there was a major character death - Axel and that black guy in season three don't constitute as major - that the show runs the risk of stagnating or becoming dull without that aspect.

Personally I hope/hoped Glenn dies, his character has regressed so much since season one that I don't think many people see him in the same light. There needs to be a lot of character improvement, but someone has to go very soon also.
Lori and Andrea too, despite being shit characters.
Better episode, more actual threat.

For the people saying take it for what it is though, well if it was intentionally just a mindless zombie show then that would be fine, but they themselves are trying to make it more with all the shitty 'deep' talks which ruin the momentum it builds and decends into real stupidity.

The worst thing for me is just how they have very few original spots and just have to resort to every cliche. Just look at the last shot for example (and next week's preview - standing in front of a burning building gurning). It silliness and makes it all seem like Eastenders with guns than even the semi-serious show it's pretending to me.

Still on the plus side more action and plenty of deadwood being killed off. Let's hope they end up as a small group forced to leave the prison again.
Better episode, more actual threat.

For the people saying take it for what it is though, well if it was intentionally just a mindless zombie show then that would be fine, but they themselves are trying to make it more with all the shitty 'deep' talks which ruin the momentum it builds and decends into real stupidity.

The worst thing for me is just how they have very few original spots and just have to resort to every cliche. Just look at the last shot for example (and next week's preview - standing in front of a burning building gurning). It silliness and makes it all seem like Eastenders with guns than even the semi-serious show it's pretending to me.

Still on the plus side more action and plenty of deadwood being killed off. Let's hope they end up as a small group forced to leave the prison again.

They have to be working towards this. The prison setting has become extremely stale. If they had a core group of 4/5 (excluding the baby) I believe it would get better. Endlessly adding crap characters to provide filler has killed this show.
To be fair though, they can hardly force the characters to keep moving. That's not realistic either! What they should have done which I assume its building too, is the Zombie Horde approaches the Prison and they have to abandon the place.

Considering the 4 of them witnessed the Zombie Horde on the move, I assume this will crop up in the next episode. If it was me in that situation, i'd have everything packed up and ready just in case they have to get out. It'll probably take the Horde a while to get to them but even still, they should be preparing themselves to leave just in case. The issue of course is that it seems like they'll get distracted by the Governor for a few episodes.
Well we can hardly talk about realism here ;)

But three seasons of staying still? Better off having at least half a season on the move, but now Mr bland baddie is back I think we won't see them leave until the end of the season at least.
That babysitter is like Dexter's personal slave (Batista's sister). Her sole existence is to take care of the baby so that Dave can lead the group and do interesting shit.
To be fair though, they can hardly force the characters to keep moving. That's not realistic either! What they should have done which I assume its building too, is the Zombie Horde approaches the Prison and they have to abandon the place.

Considering the 4 of them witnessed the Zombie Horde on the move, I assume this will crop up in the next episode. If it was me in that situation, i'd have everything packed up and ready just in case they have to get out. It'll probably take the Horde a while to get to them but even still, they should be preparing themselves to leave just in case. The issue of course is that it seems like they'll get distracted by the Governor for a few episodes.

They've been there fecking ages though. If Grinner can build some decking outside his house in a couple of weeks on his own, surely they could have found some cement and building materials to build a more sturdy wall to defend themselves in the time they've been there? I mean seriously, instead of building a considerably stronger fence to stop zombies from getting in or building up around the fence, they just keep stabbing them in the head through the links? It's ridiculous.
They've been there fecking ages though. If Grinner can build some decking outside his house in a couple of weeks on his own, surely they could have found some cement and building materials to build a more sturdy wall to defend themselves in the time they've been there? I mean seriously, instead of building a considerably stronger fence to stop zombies from getting in or building up around the fence, they just keep stabbing them in the head through the links? It's ridiculous.

Agreed 100%. As I keep saying, they're right next to a freaking forest. Just clear some trees and make a strong wooden fence. They need to clear the forest anyway to give better vision to avoid sneak attacks by people or to spot larger crowds of Zombies.

They seemed to have a fairly large population at the start of the Season and a fair few strong males. So it seems pretty mental that in all that time, all they did was build some kind of metal gate thing. It's absurd really. But hey, it's stupid television so yeah.

FYI Grinner, I am now calling Rick, Dave from now on. A perfect name for him.
Agreed 100%. As I keep saying, they're right next to a freaking forest. Just clear some trees and make a strong wooden fence. They need to clear the forest anyway to give better vision to avoid sneak attacks by people or to spot larger crowds of Zombies.

They seemed to have a fairly large population at the start of the Season and a fair few strong males. So it seems pretty mental that in all that time, all they did was build some kind of metal gate thing. It's absurd really. But hey, it's stupid television so yeah.

FYI Grinner, I am now calling Rick, Dave from now on. A perfect name for him.

Steve or Mike hasn't been Rick for ages
Words can't describe how much I cringed during that Governor shot. I sort of liked the season so far, despite all the constant silliness. Probably because my expectations couldn't have been lower after the horrendous second half of last season, mostly due to the two most craptastic characters on the show in Andrea and The Governor. But all my cautious optimism went out of the window in that one shot. Now we can spend the rest of the season witnessing the worst villain ever written magic himself in and out of every scene and generally exist outside the established laws of the series' universe, lik some sort of 90's video game boss character. They should've just left his character for what it is and just move on with the series, especially because the dramatic events of the last few episodes thinned their ranks and seemed like it would force them out of the prison permanently, which would've set up the rest of the season nicely.

You just know they'll keep him around far too long now. What they should do is kill him off in the next episode already, let a major character die (please be Glenn, but of course he already had his close shave so that won't happen) and get the feck away from the prison. What they will do: keep The Governor around until the season finale, let all major characters live and probably kill off someone like Sacha or Bob that we're supposed to give a shit about and stay at the prison. Basically, a re-run of last season.
Words can't describe how much I cringed during that Governor shot. I sort of liked the season so far, despite all the constant silliness. Probably because my expectations couldn't have been lower after the horrendous second half of last season, mostly due to the two most craptastic characters on the show in Andrea and The Governor. But all my cautious optimism went out of the window in that one shot. Now we can spend the rest of the season witnessing the worst villain ever written magic himself in and out of every scene and generally exist outside the established laws of the series' universe, lik some sort of 90's video game boss character. They should've just left his character for what it is and just move on with the series, especially because the dramatic events of the last few episodes thinned their ranks and seemed like it would force them out of the prison permanently, which would've set up the rest of the season nicely.

You just know they'll keep him around far too long now. What they should do is kill him off in the next episode already, let a major character die (please be Glenn, but of course he already had his close shave so that won't happen) and get the feck away from the prison. What they will do: keep The Governor around until the season finale, let all major characters live and probably kill off someone like Sacha or Bob that we're supposed to give a shit about and stay at the prison. Basically, a re-run of last season.

I was thinking that it would have been far better if the massive zombie horde or other extenuating circumstances drove the group out of the prison and they are forced onto the road again until they meet a new group, where The Guvna has climbed the ranks and asserted himself as the leader of the group.
I really thought (hoped) Glen died when he stopped moving.

Me too. I even did a small 80's air grab. A little of me wanted Glen to die, Rick and son being a bit overrun and having to fall back and the next episodes would be chaos at the prison where humans would slowly lose until finally the series would end with everyone dead. Perhaps everyone except Herschel. He would emerge from the ruins with a weapon for hand, Ash-style.
feck me. Not talking about the novel Frankenstein without putting spoiler tags isn't ok but blurting out the next episode is? If there's one thing I hate more about shows that start with "Previously on X" it's "Next time on X". Those are pure spoilers. Might as well go online and read the plot synopsis before you watch the show.
Herschel is by far the best and my most fav character. The rest rank from idiots to useless.

Mine too. But they should chop off more of his limbs as he's still finding it fairly easy to survive despite being 105 and having only one leg. He needs a challenge.
I hope Herschel falls into a bear trap, and then someone also puts bear traps on his hands while he's sleeping. Also hope someone shaves all his hair off and covers Dave's sons entire face with it.
Captain White Beard is probably the best actor in the show, the way he struts about as though he has a peg leg so convincingly is oscar worthy.
He was fecking skipping and hopping around like he had three legs in that episode. They are taking the piss out of our faces.
He was fecking skipping and hopping around like he had three legs in that episode. They are taking the piss out of our faces.

Have you guys not seen the promo poster for this season? They gave Captain Whitebeard a really large spring on his stump. I suppose that's why he looks like he's skipping/hopping because of the spring?
So they can engineer a bionic spring leg, but not a fence that holds a bit of pushing from zombie flesh that is soft enough to poke a crowbar throw with little effort? ;)

But I don't think the Governor will die at all, the lazy way the writers seem to work, I think he'll be kept around to come in and out as an easy plot device.
So they can engineer a bionic spring leg, but not a fence that holds a bit of pushing from zombie flesh that is soft enough to poke a crowbar throw with little effort? ;)

But I don't think the Governor will die at all, the lazy way the writers seem to work, I think he'll be kept around to come in and out as an easy plot device.

What can you say Lambs? They're Americans, they aren't the smartest bunch are they?

We Brits would have made a freaking castle in the time it took them to make a bionic spring leg.
I can foresee the Governor and Rick becoming allies at some point, probably when the zombie horde arrives and destroys everything.

A bit like Ben and Jack/Locke in Lost. I've always been intrigued by the possible angle, although it would most likely be a load of shit.
A bit like Ben and Jack/Locke in Lost. I've always been intrigued by the possible angle, although it would most likely be a load of shit.

I would say Hershel is Locke and Rick is Jack. The Govenor is Ben, so could still end up teaming up with them.

People keep going on about the horde but wasn't it travelling in the opposite direction to the prison?
I would say Hershel is Locke and Rick is Jack. The Govenor is Ben, so could still end up teaming up with them.

People keep going on about the horde but wasn't it travelling in the opposite direction to the prison?

I don't know how they would do and it probably wouldn't work, but it is intriguing nonetheless. Maybe if The Governor had some sort of leverage against Rick, so they were forced to work together for a while. I've always been interested in films/tv shows where the protagonist begrudgingly teams up with the villain.

I'm not sure, but there was a lot of gunfire in the last episode which will probably result in the horde heading to the prison somewhere down the line.
Not a bad episode, at least we had some action. I quite like Hershel actually, he's probably the only character becoming more likable, even if the whole thing with his leg magically healing and hardly any limp is a bit daft. Since he got a lot of screen-time, I expected it'd work out that he'd end up sacrificing himself for Glenn in the end but he'll be around for a while now.

I hope they kill off The Governor soon. He'd already ran his course by the end of last season but I can see them really dragging it out now. I wonder if Carol might be bitter about getting kicked out by Rick and might end up forming an alliance with him or something? That'd at least be sort of interesting, especially to see how Daryl reacts to it.
The only way the next episode will be any good is if it opens with a shot of the governor being eaten by zombies, no explanation, no drama just a dead man being eaten.