Television The Walking Dead

The only way the next episode will be any good is if it opens with a shot of the governor being eaten by zombies, no explanation, no drama just a dead man being eaten.

Somewhere along the episode he could then come back as a walker only to be unceremoniously disposed of by the fence. Best episode ever.
You can guarantee that now Hershchel's had a 'centric' episode, where he had a lot of screen time (and in general a lot of people started liking him more) he'll be dead soon.

In the previous season I remember actually laughing when that Otis (?) prisoner bloke started talking about his past - must have been the first time we heard anything from him that gave his character any depth - only to get shot in the head about 5 seconds later.
You can guarantee that now Hershchel's had a 'centric' episode, where he had a lot of screen time (and in general a lot of people started liking him more) he'll be dead soon.

In the previous season I remember actually laughing when that Otis (?) prisoner bloke started talking about his past - must have been the first time we heard anything from him that gave his character any depth - only to get shot in the head about 5 seconds later.

You're thinking of Axel. Otis is the fat bloke who Shane shot in season two. Axel talked a fair bit prior to his death, thing is, no one really gave a shit about him.

Hershel on the other hand is one of the few very likeable characters and possibly the most believable and best actor on the show. No doubt they'll kill him off, but I'd rather see Daryl go in all honesty. Caricature of what he's made out to be and average an actor.
They are slowly turning Herschel into a pirate. First he got a peg-leg, now he's got Capt. Birdseye hair. I expect him to lose an eye next.
So I started watching this a couple weeks ago and have been told by numerous people to skip season 2. I've finished season 1, saw the last ep of season 2 which was meh (mainly cos I didn't know half the characters). Gets good at season 3 right?
So I started watching this a couple weeks ago and have been told by numerous people to skip season 2. I've finished season 1, saw the last ep of season 2 which was meh (mainly cos I didn't know half the characters). Gets good at season 3 right?

First half is pretty good, then the seconds a bit dull. I've liked season four so far, it just isn't impressive in terms of acting, dialogue or the pace of the show. I'd still go through with watching it, but I assure you, season two doesn't get much better.
So I started watching this a couple weeks ago and have been told by numerous people to skip season 2. I've finished season 1, saw the last ep of season 2 which was meh (mainly cos I didn't know half the characters). Gets good at season 3 right?

No, it gets progressively worst. First season is excellent, the second one is good (IMO), the first half of third is ok while the second half is bad. The fourth season is Dexter-like (season 5-8) level.
No, it gets progressively worst. First season is excellent, the second one is good (IMO), the first half of third is ok while the second half is bad. The fourth season is Dexter-like (season 5-8) level.

Uh, the third season was a lot better than the second season. Hell, this season is a lot better than the second season.

I quite enjoyed this episode. It was... something different.
Do you mean why they showed him in the first place, or why his beard has changed? The first is easy, they wanted to make it a little less shocking when they spent an entire episode on him. As for the second one, you do realize this episode took place in the past? So I'm assuming we're going to discover how he finds himself outside the prison in the "present".
Oh look a bunch of walkers that are attracted to sound. Lets run forward shouting just to get away from them while getting their attention, instead of just turning around and heading back the way they came. I do like how the gov can punch a walker to death as well. I remember a time when if you were stuck unarmed in a room with these guys you were in deep shit.

Really pointless episode where nothing basically happened.
No, it gets progressively worst. First season is excellent, the second one is good (IMO), the first half of third is ok while the second half is bad. The fourth season is Dexter-like (season 5-8) level.

Oh feck.

The first season I think was good cos so much happened in only 6/7 episodes. The other seasons they are dragging it out a bit. I've started the third season and 4 eps in and its OK so far, nothing special and a lot of stupidity but its watchable. I still dislike every character with a passion though.
So what's their plan for the Guv'nor then? They're trying to redeem him here and show his compassionate side so then what? He still goes to the prison for revenge? Or is he going to come to the prison a changed man and try and make amends? I find that very unlikely! So why the need to show this side of him?
So what's their plan for the Guv'nor then? They're trying to redeem him here and show his compassionate side so then what? He still goes to the prison for revenge? Or is he going to come to the prison a changed man and try and make amends? I find that very unlikely! So why the need to show this side of him?

I think it's going to be quite obvious what is going to happen to him. He still has humanity and compassion left in him, but we saw what happened after his daughter died (for the second time), it set him over the edge.

Now he's met and is protecting a little girl which reminds him of his daughter, while also getting busy with her mother. It's the idyllic, happy-family scenario and no doubt he will lose that once again, which will send him over the edge and into a frenzy. He'll then probably take his anger out on the prison.

He didn't exactly look on top of the world, after they briefly showed him outside the prison the episode before the last did he?

I quite enjoyed this recent episode to be honest. I mean the acting from the new characters was poor, as was the writing (which isn't exactly a surprise), but it opened up a new side to The Governor and David Morrisey's acting was very good.
I just found myself not really caring what happened throughout that episode. I don't think they've done this character justice - Morrisey is clearly a talented actor but the writing and pace here was pretty dire. If it were better, then that episode (and the Governor himself) could have been much more interesting. As it is, I don't find his character fascinating enough to focus on for a whole episode.
I can see the Guvnor aligning with the group for a short period, then I reckon he is either going pull a Myrrle and die a redeemed man, or a Lots-o-huggin bear and die a cnut.
It seems that if you just shuffle along the street like a pisshead the zombies will avoid you. You can also camp out in a field, have a big fecking campfire and not worry about biters.

Why the feck were those people just living in an apartment? Were they expecting it to all blow over or something? Only fit birds and lezzers survive the apocalypse too....great news for the lads.
The (for some reason they randomly decided to make her a) lesbian girl somehow managing to fall over whilst turning and twist her ankle was the best bit, I swear, nobody in this show knows how to turn or walk backwards. Derek Zoolander would be the fecking King in this show.
Best way to avoid a zombie horde is to run into the trees and unknown danger instead of just walking a bit quicker and outpacing them on the road?

Little girl brings a wheeled suitcase for a cross-country hike...great organization.
That was also the fakiest fake beard I've ever seen.

He really should be known as Brian henceforth. Brian and Dave in an epic struggle between light and dark, good and evil, English actor and English actor.
That was the most boring episode in the history of episodes. They want us to sympathise with a character we absolutely don't give a shit about, that just doesn't work. And now we're getting more Governor episodes? This series is done and dusted, it's been downhill since season 1 and it looks like we're not at the bottom yet. I really wanted this to be good but I've been dragging myself through god knows how many episodes now, but this last one was just too much to take. Horrendous writing, horrendous characters, piss poor pacing and every cliché in the book being recycled over and over (people falling over backwards, feck off). Not even worth the bandwith anymore.
The (for some reason they randomly decided to make her a) lesbian girl somehow managing to fall over whilst turning and twist her ankle was the best bit, I swear, nobody in this show knows how to turn or walk backwards. Derek Zoolander would be the fecking King in this show.

I bet some saddo could do an amusing montage of all the trips/sprains/breaks/amputations that have happened in the show thus far. Dave getting pulled over by that zombie last week like he'd been hit by a car was especially heinous.
I don't understand why the writers are doing this? There is no way anyone watching the show will forgive what he did, so why build him up? That whole episode was essentially pointless because no one watching the show gives a toss whether he lives or dies. Sticking some vulnerable women with him won't change anything. Christ.

What makes matters worse is it looks like the next episode continues with this arse storyline. Which is so frustrating considering the last episode at the prison was actually half decent!
Well that was the shittest episode I've ever seen of the walking dead.
I don't understand why the writers are doing this? There is no way anyone watching the show will forgive what he did, so why build him up? That whole episode was essentially pointless because no one watching the show gives a toss whether he lives or dies. Sticking some vulnerable women with him won't change anything. Christ.

What makes matters worse is it looks like the next episode continues with this arse storyline. Which is so frustrating considering the last episode at the prison was actually half decent!

Correct. Massacring a bunch of people is a point of no return. They should have killed him off last season it self, pointless to humanize him now in any way.
Does anyone actually give a shit about the Guv'nor? When he turned up at the end of that episode before I actually sighed in disgust at it, now he's getting episodes to himself back to back. Newest episode was a shit show.
I don't understand why the writers are doing this? There is no way anyone watching the show will forgive what he did, so why build him up? That whole episode was essentially pointless because no one watching the show gives a toss whether he lives or dies. Sticking some vulnerable women with him won't change anything. Christ.

What makes matters worse is it looks like the next episode continues with this arse storyline. Which is so frustrating considering the last episode at the prison was actually half decent!

Isn't this all sort of a repeat of how he built himself up in Woodbury? Got a bunch of people who needed protecting, convinced them he and his thrugs could provided a "normal life" despite the zombies. Is he really changing or is he stuck in a rut?
I can see the Guvnor aligning with the group for a short period, then I reckon he is either going pull a Myrrle and die a redeemed man, or a Lots-o-huggin bear and die a cnut.

You thought Merle died a redeemed man?
Does anyone actually give a shit about the Guv'nor? When he turned up at the end of that episode before I actually sighed in disgust at it, now he's getting episodes to himself back to back. Newest episode was a shit show.

He's a better character than any of the other lot. He's the only one that isn't monotonous.
You thought Merle died a redeemed man?

He wasn't ever built up to be the main big bad guy behind all the stuff though. Sure he was a racist thug most of the time, but he had the brother link back to humanity and the group. In the end he was shown more as a lacky to the gov. Plus Merle was an actual decent character that you wanted to see come around. The gov we just don't give to hoots about.
I think the Guv went all comatose because putting up with Andrea's bullshit finally caught up with him. fecking cnut...she didn't die as badly a death as she fecking deserved.
He wasn't ever built up to be the main big bad guy behind all the stuff though. Sure he was a racist thug most of the time, but he had the brother link back to humanity and the group. In the end he was shown more as a lacky to the gov. Plus Merle was an actual decent character that you wanted to see come around. The gov we just don't give to hoots about.

There was not a single good in him. He had killed more than a dozen people. He tortured people. He played nice for a little bit because otherwise he would have been stuck outside alone with people on both sides wanting to kill him. He only cared for one person and I'm being generous by saying he really cared.

He was an alright character. Nothing special. Just your typical asshole with morals. One of many characters to broaden the spectrum. Show was better with him, definitely. Mostly because you had Michael Rooker playing him.

I don't mind the governor. I mind his storyline, how it dragged on last season. He's not just some mindless psychopath. Could be used a lot better though.