Television The Walking Dead

That was a better episode to be fair. Do we think they might actually start to consider improving the defenses of the prison? Or will they continue to hope that a chainlink fence will keep the hordes at bay. I also couldn't help but giggle that they keep all those guns outside with no covers from the rain, I mean really? But it was probably the best episode of the season. I enjoyed the Zombies chewing the place up.

The idea of keeping weapons and ammo stashed around the place because you never know when you are going to need them, doesn't seem like a bad idea. Keeping them exposed to the elements, probably not a good idea.
Old pirate leg seems to be the most nimble guy around in that cell block of the sick.
Don't they have fully automatic rifles? Why don't they just open up on them at head height?
feck sake, such a bunch of idiots, how fecking hard can it be to stop those zombies building up on the fence in the first place? With the ease at which crowbars go through their skulls I could've shafted the lot of 'em in 20 minutes.

Governor back, why? He should've been a one season antagonist, he wasn't good enough to return, yawn.
I hear such conflicting opinions about this show. On the one hand I have all of you guys constantly posting about how poorly-written and full of plot holes it is, but on the other I have numerous friends in real life who absolutely adore it.
I get such conflicting opinions about this show. On the one hand I have all of you guys constantly posting about how poorly-written and full of plot holes it is, but on the other I have numerous friends in real life who absolutely adore it.

Same :lol: Thing is, it's not like you can argue against what's being pointed out here. I'm even starting to notice the shiny cars now which is pissing me off.
Ah, I should elaborate - I don't watch it. I was going to pick it up on the recommendation of my friends, but the ridiculing it gets in this thread was enough to turn me off again.
I'd watch it anyway. A lot of my mates told me to watch it and I got hooked despite the obvious flaws.

And let's face facts, it's fun to moan. If we had nothing to moan about, life would be boring.
The crossbow really pisses me off. It's the daftest weapon anybody could choose in a zombie apocalypse. You get one shot and then have to wind it up and put a new bolt in it, and the bolts are probably really hard to come by. It's also big and unwieldy and likely to snag on things. I mean, where did he keep it while he was driving a full, shiny the boot and he had to have somebody pass it to him when he needed it?

The big ninja sword thing is a good effort although a bit shit for CQB. Shooters and knoves are where it's at. Personally I'd have about ten different weapons and back-ups on me at all times.
feck sake, such a bunch of idiots, how fecking hard can it be to stop those zombies building up on the fence in the first place? With the ease at which crowbars go through their skulls I could've shafted the lot of 'em in 20 minutes.

Governor back, why? He should've been a one season antagonist, he wasn't good enough to return, yawn.

Not even, it's not like there's a ridiculous amount anyway. Just get in behind with a chainsaw, that'll learn them.
The crossbow really pisses me off. It's the daftest weapon anybody could choose in a zombie apocalypse. You get one shot and then have to wind it up and put a new bolt in it, and the bolts are probably really hard to come by. It's also big and unwieldy and likely to snag on things. I mean, where did he keep it while he was driving a full, shiny the boot and he had to have somebody pass it to him when he needed it?

The big ninja sword thing is a good effort although a bit shit for CQB. Shooters and knoves are where it's at. Personally I'd have about ten different weapons and back-ups on me at all times.

Daryl being the fine craftsman and carpenter he is has made a few himself I think, if I recall correctly. I think the advantage of the crossbow is the arrows are re-usable if you take the time to go around and collect them, whereas bullets will run out eventually. A mid-ranged sword or a bat with a nail or two through it is probably your best option.

Also, how the hell was Steve or Mike floored by that one zombie at the fence grabbing his ankle? How do zombies fall to the ground so easy if they have the strength to take him down by grabbing just the one ankle? It's not like he was even moving in a way that he would trip because of it, he literally seems as though he has his feet taken from under him.
Glen's punching above his weight big time with Maggie. There's no wonder he's getting so emotional about her now that there's more competition in the prison. I mean when they first got there it was just pedoprisoner and T-Dogg 2
Personally though, I think it's great they managed to find an almost perfect peg for Captain Whitebeard to get about with.
Hershel is probably the only character I like, along with Rick. Was hoping Glenn would bite the bullet, it seemed to be leading up to a big climax with Hershel, Maggie and Glenn all in peril, one should have gone IMO.
Hershel is probably the only character I like, along with Rick. Was hoping Glenn would bite the bullet, it seemed to be leading up to a big climax with Hershel, Maggie and Glenn all in peril, one should have gone IMO.

Problem is, at this point nobody would care if they did. I'll root for Maggie to stay alive, in the very slim chance she'll lose all her clothes one episode and spend the whole ep naked.
Problem is, at this point nobody would care if they did. I'll root for Maggie to stay alive, in the very slim chance she'll lose all her clothes one episode and spend the whole ep naked.

I hope Daryl dies personally. Shit actor, mundane character and particularly because of the cringey love-in a lot of Walking Dead fans have with him.

I agree about Maggie, that's at least something good to look at, when 90% of the show sends you into a constant state of boredom.
I hope Daryl dies personally. Shit actor, mundane character and particularly because of the cringey love-in a lot of Walking Dead fans have with him.

I agree about Maggie, that's at least something good to look at, when 90% of the show sends you into a constant state of boredom.

Yeah they've ruined Daryl as well. He's as lame as everyone else, next ep he'll confirm this even more when he loses the plot.... over Carol.

And now THE RETURN OF THE GOVERNOR ZOMGOMG. Proper cheap shit.
Yeah they've ruined Daryl as well. He's as lame as everyone else, next ep he'll confirm this even more when he loses the plot.... over Carol.

And now THE RETURN OF THE GOVERNOR ZOMGOMG. Proper cheap shit.

I wouldn't worry if I was Rick, Daryl's means of intimidation will probably be bumping foreheads.
Why exactly are the zombies constantly going at the fence anyway? I thought it was noise that got them riled up so what are they hearing that makes them want to bust through the fence? It's also a bit stupid to wonder why they get all riled up when five people stand right in front of them and start poking them with sticks....wouldn't it be better to be quiet, remain hidden and ignore them?
The crossbow really pisses me off. It's the daftest weapon anybody could choose in a zombie apocalypse. You get one shot and then have to wind it up and put a new bolt in it, and the bolts are probably really hard to come by. It's also big and unwieldy and likely to snag on things. I mean, where did he keep it while he was driving a full, shiny the boot and he had to have somebody pass it to him when he needed it?

The big ninja sword thing is a good effort although a bit shit for CQB. Shooters and knoves are where it's at. Personally I'd have about ten different weapons and back-ups on me at all times.

Whats the problem with the crossbow? It's silent and easy to get/make ammunition. It's also not that big to be fair and easier to aim than a bow. Pistols/Rifles is a last resort weapon as the noise will alert people/zombies to your location. It's why TH's idea about a chainsaw is a crap idea, it's a last resort weapon and could easily backfire and slice your own limbs off.

You need weapons that are either very light and quick. Or weapons with plenty of reach to allow you to keep your distance from the Zombies. Pikes/Spears would be very handy if you were on a raised platform, while bows/crossbows allows you to take zombies out at range silently. Knives are all well and good, but to use a knife on a Zombie relies on you being up close with them.

Personally, if I was in their position. I'd be cutting trees down and making a big wooden fence, putting old cars behind the fence to support it and then digging a ditch on the Zombie side and putting the dirt on top of the old cars to make a platform. That way if they did somehow break through, you'd be safe on the wall as the only way up would be via ladder. Then simply have long reach weapons like Pikes/Spears. It does require a fair bit of effort to do it mind, but considering they have a chainlink fence, it would buy them time to do it. Instead they piss about making some barbecue area.
With each epsiode does Herschel start looking more and more like some kind of hippy Santa Claus?

Also, on the subject of poor writing, suddenly Herschel has a fake leg that enables him to run up stairs. I can see the writers room now as they unfolded this storyline. "But how will Herschel run up the stairs, with only one leg and needed crutches?" says reasonable writerman. "Oh never mind that , we will just have the leg grow back" say the other writers.
my favourite moment was when wrestling a zombie he basically stands up with ease, hauls the zombie to its feet and then launches it over the railing. Then after that puts in a nice little fake limp to try and make us forget he is meant to only have one leg.
At one point in the episode, when Rick is with Maggie at the fence, a walker grabs his leg and pulls him down because he got too close. However, when he's with Carl later on attempting to reinforce the fence, he's still happily talking away to Carl while leaning directly against the fence while there are still a tremendous amount of walkers attempting to get to them. It just seemed bizarre that he hadn't learned his lesson.
At one point in the episode, when Rick is with Maggie at the fence, a walker grabs his leg and pulls him down because he got too close. However, when he's with Carl later on attempting to reinforce the fence, he's still happily talking away to Carl while leaning directly against the fence while there are still a tremendous amount of walkers attempting to get to them. It just seemed bizarre that he hadn't learned his lesson.

you would think a walker biting at the fence would be able to draw blood as well. More so when you lean on wire fencing your skin pokes through it somewhat.
I really enjoyed the last episode...

If you just ignore all the wrong with this show, it's so much better.

The fecking Governor is back, more bad-ass than ever hehe... i hope the black mamba keeps her word and divide him in two. In slow motion.

ps. i waited the whole episode for Hershel to die. Keep waiting...
That and fire could backfire on there own defences just as much as help them with the zombies. Ie weaken the fences or something like that
Why exactly are the zombies constantly going at the fence anyway? I thought it was noise that got them riled up so what are they hearing that makes them want to bust through the fence? It's also a bit stupid to wonder why they get all riled up when five people stand right in front of them and start poking them with sticks....wouldn't it be better to be quiet, remain hidden and ignore them?

The Guvna is baiting the fence with dead rats isn't he?
I really enjoyed the last episode...

If you just ignore all the wrong with this show, it's so much better.

The fecking Governor is back, more bad-ass than ever hehe... i hope the black mamba keeps her word and divide him in two. In slow motion.

ps. i waited the whole episode for Hershel to die. Keep waiting...
Definitely this, I don't see why people expect this show to be the greatest written show ever, I watch it because its fun
Definitely this, I don't see why people expect this show to be the greatest written show ever, I watch it because its fun
it'd be fun if it was an entertaining, funny and witty group of characters going around killing a shit load of zombies and getting into lots of misadventures. In this they spend entire seasons holed up in the same fecking spot with more time spent on melodramatic, nonsensical shite than the actual fecking zombies!

I tell you what'd be great, the police force from The Wire in a zombie apocalypse. Mc Nulty, Lestor, Bunk, Carver. They know what's up.
I hear such conflicting opinions about this show. On the one hand I have all of you guys constantly posting about how poorly-written and full of plot holes it is, but on the other I have numerous friends in real life who absolutely adore it.

Don't ever be stupid enough to actually fecking go along with some of the stuff said on here when it comes to quite a lot of TV shows. It's like a bunch of old ladies nagging and moaning about everything but as always continuing to watch the so called 'shit worst program ever created' with the excuse of "BUT I INVESTED SO MUCH TIME INTO IT. IT'S THE WORST SHOW EVER AND IT BORES ME AND NONE OF IT MAKES SENSE, BUT I HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO WATCH THIS SHOW!!!" :lol:
I enjoyed the last episode tbf. I can understand why people are so annoyed because the writing IS sloppy. There's nothing wrong with leaving weapons around the place, but all they had to do was stick a sheet of tarpaulin over the guns and they could have saved themselves another stupid flaw.

And the bit with the fence was just annoying. "I could drive the bus in front of the fence..." "It won't hold, will it?"

No. Clearly a MASSIVE feckIN BUS won't hold, so let's just use some pieces of wood instead.

I've actually started watching the show through again, and I'm enjoying it a lot more the second time around for some reason. They really need to lose a major character soon though. Suspense is created by putting favourite characters in danger. Ignoring the fact this show doesn't necessarily have any favourite characters, any that might be considered half decent are never in any danger.
I enjoyed the last episode tbf. I can understand why people are so annoyed because the writing IS sloppy. There's nothing wrong with leaving weapons around the place, but all they had to do was stick a sheet of tarpaulin over the guns and they could have saved themselves another stupid flaw.

And the bit with the fence was just annoying. "I could drive the bus in front of the fence..." "It won't hold, will it?"

No. Clearly a MASSIVE feckIN BUS won't hold, so let's just use some pieces of wood instead.

I've actually started watching the show through again, and I'm enjoying it a lot more the second time around for some reason. They really need to lose a major character soon though. Suspense is created by putting favourite characters in danger. Ignoring the fact this show doesn't necessarily have any favourite characters, any that might be considered half decent are never in any danger.

This, but who? In series one I would have bitch slapped anyone who suggested Glen, but he's so boring now, however with him pulling through last ep he seems certain to survive.

Rick will be a constant as will Hershel as the foil to Rick and Carl and Maggie (seeing as she's the only real female lead) will live, which leads me to the most likely candidate, Michonne.

I think she'll get redemption against the governor and then die so her arc is finished.

At this stage wouldn't be topo arsed if Daryl died, but hold hope they can make him interesting again. Knowing the writers they'll kill off D'Angelo and wexpect us to give a shit.
I enjoyed the last episode tbf. I can understand why people are so annoyed because the writing IS sloppy. There's nothing wrong with leaving weapons around the place, but all they had to do was stick a sheet of tarpaulin over the guns and they could have saved themselves another stupid flaw.

And the bit with the fence was just annoying. "I could drive the bus in front of the fence..." "It won't hold, will it?"

No. Clearly a MASSIVE feckIN BUS won't hold, so let's just use some pieces of wood instead.

I've actually started watching the show through again, and I'm enjoying it a lot more the second time around for some reason. They really need to lose a major character soon though. Suspense is created by putting favourite characters in danger. Ignoring the fact this show doesn't necessarily have any favourite characters, any that might be considered half decent are never in any danger.

Good point, I thought this also. The suspense in the last episode was actually very good and the best it has been for a long time, you really felt the characters were in peril and the zombies were taken more seriously as a threat, as opposed to the gimmick they've become since season three.

I thought one of Maggie, Glenn or Hershel would die, but I really didn't know who. They also did a great job of building up the tension throughout the episode, particularly with the foreshadowing used with Hershel, but that inevitably just turned out to be a red herring. Ultimately the continuation of no major character death could mean the show stagnates - if it hasn't already.
Good point, I thought this also. The suspense in the last episode was actually very good and the best it has been for a long time, you really felt the characters were in peril and the zombies were taken more seriously as a threat, as opposed to the gimmick they've become since season three.

I thought one of Maggie, Glenn or Hershel would die, but I really didn't know who. They also did a great job of building up the tension throughout the episode, particularly with the foreshadowing used with Hershel, but that inevitably just turned out to be a red herring. Ultimately the continuation of no major character death could mean the show stagnates - if it hasn't already.

This show doesn't need more character deaths, it needs more character development into characters we actually care about. Karen was set up to be the new Andrea and she seemed alright, until they decided to turn her and Coach from Left 4 Dead 2 into some sort of couple, also ruining Coach's character too.

I think there is only one character left in the show that I actually care about and that's Carl. I want Carl to die a slow and painful death.
Don't ever be stupid enough to actually fecking go along with some of the stuff said on here when it comes to quite a lot of TV shows. It's like a bunch of old ladies nagging and moaning about everything but as always continuing to watch the so called 'shit worst program ever created' with the excuse of "BUT I INVESTED SO MUCH TIME INTO IT. IT'S THE WORST SHOW EVER AND IT BORES ME AND NONE OF IT MAKES SENSE, BUT I HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO WATCH THIS SHOW!!!" :lol:

So true :lol:

I quickly learned when I was promoted that this is the most cynical place in existence when it comes to anything entertainment or pop-culture related.