Television The Walking Dead

OK it is the worst show ever nothing about it is good. crap crap crap. But I will still download and watch it at the earliest opportunity next Monday so I can whine some more.

:lol: Fair point!

Though it would be amusing watching someone try to argue the points being made above. Care to? ;)

I used to watch True Blood, it became total shit after a couple of seasons. I found it so shit and such a chore to watch I somehow managed to stop watching it and no longer care about the show.

Well whilst I don't hate TWD, certainly not to the degree above, I still watch it out of interest and to see if it will pick up. I don't see anything wrong with watching/playing anything and then having an honest opinion on it.
By the way, can we all agree that the illness is transmitted by drinking the water?
Yep they kinda ruined that storyline as well. And now the best storyline they can come up with in a land completely ravaged, unsafe and desolate of life...... where human conflict and tension is sure to bring out the worst (and best) in humanity...... is a virus and more supply runs.

We should be on the edge of our seats watching to see what the characters will do next to survive, instead we're hoping most of them die.

See Last of Us for an amazing story. Says a lot when a computer game has a better storyline than a freaking tv series! It's not even that the storyline is bad, it's the execution of the idea and how these idiotic characters try and 'fix' the issues. It becomes frustrating and hilarious in equal measure.

Says it all when the audience wants pretty much every character to die and barely knows half the names.
I actually think from now on, all zombies need to be like the 28 Days later ones, i.e. The Last of Us. Mainly because it allows for far less stupidity from characters. I mean feck sake, these things are so insanely slow, most of the times when characters die from them it's through sheer and utter dumb fecking stupidity, like leaving the door of your cell open at night in a zombie apocalypse! With the fast, ultra strong feckers, it leaves far less room for feck ups and stupid decisions.

Too late now though.
See Last of Us for an amazing story. Says a lot when a computer game has a better storyline than a freaking tv series! It's not even that the storyline is bad, it's the execution of the idea and how these idiotic characters try and 'fix' the issues. It becomes frustrating and hilarious in equal measure.

Says it all when the audience wants pretty much every character to die and barely knows half the names.

Last of us was a great game with an enjoyable storyline.

Hardly amazing though, was it?
Last of us was a great game with an enjoyable storyline.

Hardly amazing though, was it?
The Last Of Us had amazing characters though, you're never really going to get a great/amazing plotline from a zombie apocalypse, I mean, what can you really do with it? TLOU showed where TWD failed so bad, because the contrast in how likable/real the characters are is massive.
OK it is the worst show ever nothing about it is good. crap crap crap. But I will still download and watch it at the earliest opportunity next Monday so I can whine some more.

You're acting like the two can't co-exist. Dexter turned into a complete fecking joke of a program, yet I still downloaded it each weak and enjoyed watching it descend into something even worse. It turned from something I had an interest in, to something I just enjoyed watching because it was so entertaining and stupid. I still wanted some sense of conclusion because I had spent years watching it. Then he turned into a lumberjack.

Now despite still wanting to watch The Walking Dead each week, I can also acknowledge it's still a stupid program full of faults. In fact the two now go hand-in-hand. I watch it to see how stupid it can get, like with all the things I listed in the above two episodes that make no sense whatsoever.
I liked the symbolism of the watch exchanges. "How can we fill some time with something meaningful? I know, some really deep anecdotes about watches" A good watch is really hard to come by in an apocalypse.
It's enjoyable because it is still the only show centered around zombies, albeit badly. It doesn't really matter how much they seem to ruin it with the characters, as we've seen every single one turn into someone no-one cares about, aside from maybe Daryl who lost a lot of points by banging the living zombie Carol.

Did he actually feck her? I don't recall.
Probably not, but the fact he is willing to go down that road is enough.
I actually think from now on, all zombies need to be like the 28 Days later ones, i.e. The Last of Us. Mainly because it allows for far less stupidity from characters. I mean feck sake, these things are so insanely slow, most of the times when characters die from them it's through sheer and utter dumb fecking stupidity, like leaving the door of your cell open at night in a zombie apocalypse! With the fast, ultra strong feckers, it leaves far less room for feck ups and stupid decisions.

Too late now though.

I could live with people getting killed because of momentary lapses in judgement, afterall how well would anyone do in a situation where they had to be on guard 24 hrs a day for essentially the rest of their lives. Moments of lapse would occur and it would cost people their lives. What is bothersome about the show is, as has been pointed out before, the characters don't seem to have much of a plan at all. If they were at least trying to do the things they should be doing to ensure survival then I could forgive the moments of lapse of judgement that get people killed. In that way it might be more "realistic" then, you do something stupid in a dangerous situation it gets you or someone else killed.

One thing that bothered me last season with the prison was when that 2nd group of survivors got in through the collapsed part of the prison, that really should have been a huge clue that they needed to do more to secure the prison and themselves.

Though I have seen some argue that the level of security that they might have begun to feel within the walls of the prison led them to a false sense of safety. Much like in Woodbury, behind their walls people were trying to live pretty normal lives, the same might have been going on within the prison. People got to feeling a bit safe within the walls and let their guard down.

But again this brings us back around to the problem that they still don't seem to take some of the basic survival steps necessary to stockpile supplies, secure the prison, etc.
Yep, without a doubt Lori and Andrea were killing the show, I'm just glad ghost Lori is gone and Andrea never made it back as a zombie. Season 3 was actually really terrible looking back on it. I thought it had improved, but I think that was just the aftershock of Season 2 and how bad/pointless it was.

I liked season 1, didn't mind 2 and enjoyed the first half of 3. The character development and story was nothing amazing but it was a lot better than it is currently. I liked the Shane character arc and the moment where he killed the fat guy to make it back alive was good and completed his transformation. Similarly the Governor had a nice premise but they ruined him in the latter half of the series and so that storyline totally died. Then again, I bingewatched 1-3 in about a week and a half so a bad episode wouldn't have pissed me off anywhere near as much as the guys watching it once a week.

See Last of Us for an amazing story. Says a lot when a computer game has a better storyline than a freaking tv series! It's not even that the storyline is bad, it's the execution of the idea and how these idiotic characters try and 'fix' the issues. It becomes frustrating and hilarious in equal measure.
Says it all when the audience wants pretty much every character to die and barely knows half the names.

Last of Us has an average story but great characters. The characters in TWD are all spastics and I don't care for any of them. How can they have ruined every character?

I actually think from now on, all zombies need to be like the 28 Days later ones, i.e. The Last of Us. Mainly because it allows for far less stupidity from characters. I mean feck sake, these things are so insanely slow, most of the times when characters die from them it's through sheer and utter dumb fecking stupidity, like leaving the door of your cell open at night in a zombie apocalypse! With the fast, ultra strong feckers, it leaves far less room for feck ups and stupid decisions.

Too late now though.

Agreed! Rick and co would have died in about 5 seconds though, no time for 5 minute chats on the roof with zombies unable to climb out a simple window.
One thing that bothered me last season with the prison was when that 2nd group of survivors got in through the collapsed part of the prison, that really should have been a huge clue that they needed to do more to secure the prison and themselves.
Did they ever actually plug up that hole?
How does anyone even get caught off guard by the zombies anyway? They spend 100% of their time making noise; 40% growling, 60% mouth-breathing. In fact, why hasn't there been a group who calls them "Mouth Breathers" yet?
How does anyone even get caught off guard by the zombies anyway? They spend 100% of their time making noise; 40% growling, 60% mouth-breathing. In fact, why hasn't there been a group who calls them "Mouth Breathers" yet?

That term is exclusively reserved for RAWK members.
This show hates coherency. It slaps it away every chance they get. Sometimes the zombie being trapped for some odd years can barely move. Sometimes they become green beret zombies that jump out of plants that humans couldn't even get through.

This bunch of people also must be the shittest learners so far. They've only made it this far because they figured out that the brain is the weakness. I mean how many houses and buildings have they searched so far? How come they never got out the same way they came in? It's always calm as shit the whole time they are searching and then when they proclaim to have everything they came for they go out some other way and stumble upon a room full of zombies.

One thing to add. The other day I mentioned a cliche that I hate that has now just popped up in this show as well. A show ending with a slow sad-like song whilst we see a character montage.
Just caught up with the last episode. Wow.

Just how cringing was every single conversation? Was any of that supposed to be deep and meaningful? And that big black angry dude one minute won't let go of a zombie (thanks to his pathetically scripted death wish) then the next is screaming at someone to let go of a fecking bag? And the whole Rick/Carol thing was just terrible, absolutely terrible. Yeah it was handy for the plot to meet the two people on the planet more useless than Andrea to prove a point that Carol is too mean now and Rick once again flip-flops his character between not letting any newcomers in then welcoming all new comers because of his major many have you killed? 20? 30? 50? Oh yeah, you aren't a raving psychopath so come join our group. And that Redneck headbutt thing...yeah way to ruin the last interesting character.

But since watching the trailer posted, it's true. How fecking clean are all the Hyundai cars? I mean seriously, sparkling inside and out.
Just caught up with the last episode. Wow.

Just how cringing was every single conversation? Was any of that supposed to be deep and meaningful? And that big black angry dude one minute won't let go of a zombie (thanks to his pathetically scripted death wish) then the next is screaming at someone to let go of a fecking bag? And the whole Rick/Carol thing was just terrible, absolutely terrible. Yeah it was handy for the plot to meet the two people on the planet more useless than Andrea to prove a point that Carol is too mean now and Rick once again flip-flops his character between not letting any newcomers in then welcoming all new comers because of his major many have you killed? 20? 30? 50? Oh yeah, you aren't a raving psychopath so come join our group. And that Redneck headbutt thing...yeah way to ruin the last interesting character.

But since watching the trailer posted, it's true. How fecking clean are all the Hyundai cars? I mean seriously, sparkling inside and out.

It's important to keep your car clean during a zombie apocalypse and in times of scarcity.
wood to prop the fence really, surely it would have been smarter just to kill the zombies before trying to reinforce the fence if you were worried it was going to be breached soon. Particularly as they would have had to go fetch the wood and cart it down there as well. And all the people in the prison deciding to turn at the same time :lol:
I thought the last episode, as stupid as it was was one of the best in ages probably thinks to a lot of it being filmed away from the prison. Surely something will happen now to force them to move on from there.
It was non stop action, something I feel they have lacked in ages with their zombie fights. You really do feel they are back to really fearing the zombies, rather than just casually poking them with sticks through the fence now.

And will they please just let that soppy rag Glen die already?
They keep a massive arsenal of weapons in a skip in the prison yard? Maggie and her axe...what the what? Buries it into a metal door and then snaps the shaft with her bare hands...what a woman!
haha, they shouldnt be allowed to have conversations. No talking, it should just be running from and fighting zombies. Just action.
Just me, or this the new series utter toss? I'd really enjoyed the three previous series, but I keep on drifting off to browse the net etc halfway through each episode this season.
With each epsiode does Herschel start looking more and more like some kind of hippy Santa Claus?

Also, on the subject of poor writing, suddenly Herschel has a fake leg that enables him to run up stairs. I can see the writers room now as they unfolded this storyline. "But how will Herschel run up the stairs, with only one leg and needed crutches?" says reasonable writerman. "Oh never mind that , we will just have the leg grow back" say the other writers.
With each epsiode does Herschel start looking more and more like some kind of hippy Santa Claus?

Also, on the subject of poor writing, suddenly Herschel has a fake leg that enables him to run up stairs. I can see the writers room now as they unfolded this storyline. "But how will Herschel run up the stairs, with only one leg and needed crutches?" says reasonable writerman. "Oh never mind that , we will just have the leg grow back" say the other writers.

I think later on in the season we will learn that Hershel is part newt, so can regrow limbs. Should cover up that plothole nicely.
They are all a bunch of humourless pricks too. I mean you need some moments of levity even in an apocalypse. The custard-pie fight in Dawn of the Dead, Bill Murray in Zombieland, all of Shaun of the Dead.

Herschel's spaghetti Tuesday joke just doesn't cut it.
That was a better episode to be fair. Do we think they might actually start to consider improving the defenses of the prison? Or will they continue to hope that a chainlink fence will keep the hordes at bay. I also couldn't help but giggle that they keep all those guns outside with no covers from the rain, I mean really? But it was probably the best episode of the season. I enjoyed the Zombies chewing the place up.
The prison setting has made the series very tedious but at least it picked up a bit this episode. Says a lot when you're watching a program completely based around these characters and yet you don't really give a feck if any of them are eaten alive.