Television The Walking Dead

They got into the medical supply place like it was a breeze but it became a zombie-fest on the way out. Why didn't they just go the same way they came in?

Why don't they already have a massive stock of medical supplies at the prison anyway? What the feck have they been doing all this time? Did they not consider that there might be health issues down the road?
I wasn't expecting much at the beginning, but it turned out to be a decent episode in the end, highlighting the trust issues within the group - which was the idea of the episode. Better than episode three IMO.
Bit meh really. Some interesting moments here and there, but I think that was due to the action being away from the prison. It never seemed to really get going. Although I was quite surprised at Rick's decision regarding Carol, was that a good move? You could see he was deep in thought for most of the episode, trying to work out what to do about it all.
He should have shagged her first. He must be gagging for it since Lori dried up on him. I wonder what they do for porn too with the internet down. I'm sure Daryl has a good stash of old-school mags in his cell.
Seriously, why didn't Rick and Carol (finally worked out her name thanks to a few posts up) not split up with the new people? They just ruddy said they had terrible aim! I mean seriously, what the flying feck! Last thing you do when you're short on bodies is let some fresh new ones run off skipping into the forest of zombie death. Why did they split up, I mean really! ARGGGH. :lol:
It annoyed me how happy-go-lucky that couple were. Over a year into the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse and both were stupidly naive with not a care in the world. Although they don't matter now, but two really poorly written characters IMO.
I am enjoying the series, as usual. I hate this thread though. I dont know why any of you bother
This has become probably the stupidest show of all time. Every episode has major faults with pretty much everything any character does. I'm still rooting for the zombies.
I thought the last episode was decent enough, maybe because I've lowered my expectations so much for the show now and basically expect the characters to do stupid things. I mean, in zombie movies, characters are supposed to do dumb things, it's part of it, so I'm OK with it happening in this. They've also upped the gore level recently too. It's all the melodramatic nonsense I hate.
In between the 90% of posts trying to pick apart a show about zombies you get the odd person who enjoys it. Rare but it happens

And in between the 40-odd minutes of runtime there might be an odd enjoyable moment.

It's the same thing really is it not? People are allowed opinions on things whether they are at odds with yours or not, and this is the thread to discuss those opinions. If you say they should stop watching the show if it bothers them, then by that token you should also stop reading the thread.

Not everyone likes the same thing. Why should only some be allowed to talk about it?
I thought the last episode was decent enough, maybe because I've lowered my expectations so much for the show now and basically expect the characters to do stupid things. I mean, in zombie movies, characters are supposed to do dumb things, it's part of it, so I'm OK with it happening in this. They've also upped the gore level recently too. It's all the melodramatic nonsense I hate.

I agree. If not a single character on the entire program is interesting or worth caring about, why the feck should we be put through all the poorly written (and heavily regurgitated) emotional nonsense?

Just have more zombies, different locations and more blood. Then at least it'll have an excuse to have terrible dialogue that no one gives a feck about.
I thought the last episode was decent enough, maybe because I've lowered my expectations so much for the show now and basically expect the characters to do stupid things. I mean, in zombie movies, characters are supposed to do dumb things, it's part of it, so I'm OK with it happening in this. They've also upped the gore level recently too. It's all the melodramatic nonsense I hate.

I'm going to go through the faults in this episode alone later and you will realize just how much leeway you are giving it. It's really bad.
Of course, for the same reason I continued to watch Dexter or still watch Sons of Anarchy. Too much time has been invested, plus now the show is something I watch to laugh at.
I'm personally just watching because the missus enjoys it enough still and I really want it to get better.

I mean taking it even as a zombie-movie type thing, it's still hard to bring yourself into that world if all the characters and the location is just so terribly dull. But I still have hope!
I agree. If not a single character on the entire program is interesting or worth caring about, why the feck should we be put through all the poorly written (and heavily regurgitated) emotional nonsense?

Just have more zombies, different locations and more blood. Then at least it'll have an excuse to have terrible dialogue that no one gives a feck about.
Aye, you can see that they're basically trying to do what GoT does, the fantasy world with real-life drama, except the GoT books already had great characters where TWD is based on a comic, and they can't write their own interesting characters for shit.
Such HEctic? WTF is that?
wow so ignorant
I'm going to go through the faults in this episode alone later and you will realize just how much leeway you are giving it. It's really bad.
I know it's bad, it's been bad since the second episode of the first season, and consistently full of stupidity, it's still sort of enjoyable at times though, there's just something about it that makes me keep watching. Well, apart from season two, that was awful and I gave up on that a few times.

As daft as the last episode was, I still kind of enjoyed watching it, I'm not sure why, I just did.
It's enjoyable because it is still the only show centered around zombies, albeit badly. It doesn't really matter how much they seem to ruin it with the characters, as we've seen every single one turn into someone no-one cares about, aside from maybe Daryl who lost a lot of points by banging the living zombie Carol. Each decision they make as a group is stupid, but as an individual it's even worse. They have no survival skills aside from when the odds are so heavily against them, the zombies seem to give in and just get massacred, rick cleaning out a prison with almost no light while being deranged, cutty claw-hammering the feck out of 900,000 zombies the other episode etc. They seem to have no sense of priority, or basic common sense either, like killing zombies before they group up and can force fences down, or just you know, simply fecking distracting them on the other side so they spread out. People have to make decisions that no actual person would ever make in their lives, like white-ponytailed gimp-leg deciding the best way to treat a bunch of dying infected people is to give them tea, by face-to-face visits, ensuring he is as close to them and in as much danger as possible to help them "drink their tea" because simply giving it to them and leaving isn't enough. Characters aside, the direction and writing is so amazingly poor that even based during a zombie apocalypse with more death and destruction than anyone can imagine, in a time where the subject has never been as popular, with the first show to really tackle the zombie angle, they are still focused on the shittest love stories and bullshit lame relationships that wouldn't be missed from any standard to shit tv show.

I'm still even haunted by stupid fecking things Lorie did or said, or in the case of last episode - new information that I have no problem relating to the old spastic Lorie - like how she made the shittest pancakes on Sundays because she wanted a family that ate pancakes on Sundays, but at the same time didn't want to be the kind of mother/wife that could make food for her family that wasn't disgusting to eat, despite making the same dish every week for....ever?
I'm still even haunted by stupid fecking things Lorie did or said, or in the case of last episode - new information that I have no problem relating to the old spastic Lorie - like how she made the shittest pancakes on Sundays because she wanted a family that ate pancakes on Sundays, but at the same time didn't want to be the kind of mother/wife that could make food for her family that wasn't disgusting to eat, despite making the same dish every week for....ever?

I was laughing so hard at this shitty, totally pointless anecdote. The 'deep/meaningful' conversations on this show are always hilariously unrealistic. I also loled at the 'face-off' between D and Daryl, followed by deep monologue by D rambling on about life. Wtf was that? :lol: The scriptwriters are terrible and they've fecked this series up.
Is it bad that I want every single character on this show to die a horrible and sickening death? aside from the baby of course, that never seems to cry.

Absolutely none of the characters are interesting. I don't think I've ever cared less about the safety of people on a show, or even a video game for that matter.
I was laughing so hard at this shitty, totally pointless anecdote. The 'deep/meaningful' conversations on this show are always hilariously unrealistic. I also loled at the 'face-off' between D and Daryl, followed by deep monologue by D rambling on about life. Wtf was that? :lol: The scriptwriters are terrible and they've fecked this series up.

It was beyond awful, everything with those two and even the time leading upto that conversation was terrible. They can't even make D'angelo look like he belongs in this world. He is so upright and rigid and not only completely clashes with everyone else in every scene, but the entire world they have placed him in. He looks like he's about to go hiking, or on some expedition where he will then be rewarded with actual lines or something. It's like the entire reality of what has happened to everything around him has had absolutely no impact whatsoever, not even his facial expressions. He's now just some kind of non-caring, no-emotion showing, mindless alcoholic who somehow kills people just by trying to fight his inner-demons.
The best character (actor) of the entire show, Lennie James, was essentially killed of within the first episode, or at least removed from the show so far (minus the cameo). Years later, realizing they now had terrible excuses for actors and had made a grave mistake, they brought him back for 30 minutes as a crazed mad man who could only repeat the word "clear", followed by a quick beat down and robbing from old friend Rick. Genius.
The best character (actor) of the entire show, Lennie James, was essentially killed of within the first episode, or at least removed from the show so far (minus the cameo). Years later, realizing they now had terrible excuses for actors and had made a grave mistake, they brought him back for 30 minutes as a crazed mad man who could only repeat the word "clear", followed by a quick beat down and robbing from old friend Rick. Genius.

Yep they kinda ruined that storyline as well. And now the best storyline they can come up with in a land completely ravaged, unsafe and desolate of life...... where human conflict and tension is sure to bring out the worst (and best) in humanity...... is a virus and more supply runs.

We should be on the edge of our seats watching to see what the characters will do next to survive, instead we're hoping most of them die.
I think Daryl was only great because he was untouched from the writers. Now they've seen he's basically the only character anyone remotely cares for, they are busy working their magic. I think the point where him and Carol starting acting all gay towards each other was the moment they got involved.

Seriously though, these are the most shit people ever. I'm reminded of the scene whether they are talking about the virus being both deadly and easily spreadable, and someone then mentions Cell Block A or something, as in Death Row to place the survivors of the block with all the dead people from the flu. Now, of course this is the most logical thing to do as a quarantine is needed or they will all die, not to mention a new block for the survivors, but fecking Glenn says something to the effect of "Death Row? That's not much of an upgrade..." and he says this deadly serious until Daryl points out the obvious. Now what the feck does that even mean? Obviously it is an upgrade, because there aren't about 8 rotting corpses in there, nor a disease that will immediately kill them, whereas Death Row is completely empty and clean. I mean no-one is that stupid, no-one, and it's full of little things like this that no-one would ever say or think because they wouldn't be taking the situation around them as so lax. I mean he's worried about a place that was used to house people who were going to die, compared to the block he just left which was a bloodbath, health hazard and full of dead bodies. WTF GLENN YOU DICK.
How can anybody make shit pancakes? They are one of the easiest things to make. I bet she used to gob in them, the bitter cow.
See I just think S4 is more enjoyable for two reasons, no Lori, no Andrea. I couldn't give a feck how stupid it is as long as they are no longer in it.
Yep, without a doubt Lori and Andrea were killing the show, I'm just glad ghost Lori is gone and Andrea never made it back as a zombie. Season 3 was actually really terrible looking back on it. I thought it had improved, but I think that was just the aftershock of Season 2 and how bad/pointless it was.
They should have had Michonne and Carol battle it out for the love of Daryl just so she could chop off her stupid lezzer-hair head.

You can understand why the man in the hat is so angry. He was close to getting some with that fit bird and then she's gone. Decent fanny is incredibly hard to come by at the prison. I can't help but compare him to Benny from Crossroads with that silly hat.
OK it is the worst show ever nothing about it is good. crap crap crap. But I will still download and watch it at the earliest opportunity next Monday so I can whine some more.

I used to watch True Blood, it became total shit after a couple of seasons. I found it so shit and such a chore to watch I somehow managed to stop watching it and no longer care about the show.