Television The Walking Dead

These people are all so dumb. How have they survived so long without implementing such basic rules as "don't go outside the gate alone" or "pay attention when you are driving"? I mean, come on.

I've decided that it is a side affect of them all being infected with whatever turns them all into zmobies after death. Makes them all dumb as a rock
Decent episode. Thank god we're starting to get some scenes outside the prison, far more interesting and getting sick of seeing those fecking cell blocks each week.
When did Hershel start walking without a crutch? Didn't they cut off his leg? It's not as it'll they'd be able to make a proper prosthetic leg for him either.
Why couldn't he just make the tea and then pass it to them through the door without risk of infection? Is it a particular doctor/vet area of training that requires the making of natural tea properly that means you need to be in the same room as the patient?
Its hard to sympathise with any of them because they are all stupid. A guy surrounded by walkers closing in on him (tdawg3) and he still manages to get out. Really? Theyve made the walkers so useless which is sad.

Thing is, when ive watched this much of a show, I cant just... stop. I did it with shows like Dexter, Heroes, Lost, etc.
How did T-Dogg 3 survive that surround without getting bit once? I mean, we've seen people surrounded by fewer zombies get eaten to death in those situations.
Decent episode, although there seems to be less and less threat with the actual zombies since they're so easy to get through like when Tyrese did, unless the plot requires a zombie to kill someone of course.

Hopefully Daryl and his group will be split up from the rest for a while; part of that is what this show needs. A lot of the main characters have died, but the ones who haven't have always conveniently ended up back together again, but this could be chance to change that for a while. Since they're constrained by budget though by the sounds of things, they'll probably be back at the prison within an episode or two.

Did anyone else get the vibe that Carol is responsible for the burnt bodies and deaths? Maybe she was just having an emotional day, but she looked like she couldn't look at Tyrese and looked guilty to me. I doubt she deliberately murdered them, but maybe she noticed they were nearly dead, put them out their misery, panicked at what she'd done, and then took the bodies out back and burnt them. It'd be a lot more interesting than someone like the Governor being the one who did it, for example.
Decent episode, although there seems to be less and less threat with the actual zombies since they're so easy to get through like when Tyrese did, unless the plot requires a zombie to kill someone of course.

Hopefully Daryl and his group will be split up from the rest for a while; part of that is what this show needs. A lot of the main characters have died, but the ones who haven't have always conveniently ended up back together again, but this could be chance to change that for a while. Since they're constrained by budget though by the sounds of things, they'll probably be back at the prison within an episode or two.

Did anyone else get the vibe that Carol is responsible for the burnt bodies and deaths? Maybe she was just having an emotional day, but she looked like she couldn't look at Tyrese and looked guilty to me. I doubt she deliberately murdered them, but maybe she noticed they were nearly dead, put them out their misery, panicked at what she'd done, and then took the bodies out back and burnt them. It'd be a lot more interesting than someone like the Governor being the one who did it, for example.

What do you mean vibe? Did you not watch the bit where Steve or Mike or whatever the main guy is called asked her outright if she killed them and Carol said yes?
fecks sake, Rick said did you kill them, Carol said's not difficult guys :lol:
Quite a boring episode imo. Is it me or all the walkers somehow being pulled to the prison or the area somehow? When the camera panned up and you can see thousands and thousands of walkers down the road a ways....there were never that many before. Yea the car crash was very weak especially after that dumb bimbo Laurie did the same thing.
They could have at least taken Glenn on the hunt and let him drive, it would have made crashing into static walkers whilst 4 people including the driver look at a radio somewhat realistic.
It was a disappointing episode really. Not really appreciating the whole 'virus angle' and with a lack of action at the beginning I was expecting more when Daryl, Michonne, Tyreese and Bob encountered the herd. As it is, they show Tyreese kill about eight walkers when he's surrounded by dozens. I suppose if they showed more of that though, it would just exemplify how completely implausible that scene was and we can imagine how implausible it was anyway.
I like how negligent they always are. Even Daryl. Messing about with the radio instead of noticing zombie Woodstock in his path.

I still don't get why they don't simply kill every walker that's right at their fences. I realize the CGI budget doesn't allow for piles of dead walkers being piled up around the fences (I'm assuming they don't clean them up) but why they don't kill them I don't know. They can't have much better things to do. Not all of them. In episode one they showed a few people doing a rubbish job of it but nothing since then. I feel like those fences should be clean for the most part. I mean it's in the middle of nowhere Georgia (most likely). There shouldn't be that many walkers about considering that all the walkers in the woods can barely move. Their migration speed is slower than a tortoise.
They sort of made it sound in episode 1 of this season that they were killing all of them at the fence each day, but they were building up faster and in more numbers as time went on. Though since then they seemed to have ignored it and we are back to having random walkers at the fence in each scene. Largely because the producers think the audience are so dumb if they were not in the background we would forget about the zombies altogether.

When did Hershel start walking without a crutch? Didn't they cut off his leg? It's not as it'll they'd be able to make a proper prosthetic leg for him either.
basically since the first episode of this season. I just assumed they made him a peg leg and ignored it :lol:
Did everyone not notice the massive swarm of Zombies that caused them to reverse/crash? Presumably this is what the increased zombie numbers have been building to.
The way how Rick became a schizophrene has been realized in the most retarded way.

And now here’s the least-surprising renewal of the fall: AMC is bringing back The Walking Dead for a fifth season.
“We are very happy to make what has to be one of the most anti-climactic renewal announcements ever: The Walking Dead is renewed for a fifth season,” said Charlie Collier, AMC president. “This is a show that has erased traditional distinctions between cable and broadcast. Its expanding base of passionate fans has grown every season, most recently – and most notably – with the season four premiere earlier this month, which broke viewership records for the series and became the biggest non-sports telecast in cable history. »

- James Hibberd
What do you mean vibe? Did you not watch the bit where Steve or Mike or whatever the main guy is called asked her outright if she killed them and Carol said yes?

Wait, that happened? I must have stopped paying attention or something at that point for a moment or two.:lol:
Very poor start to the season. Carol and Carl are comfortably the two worst characters in the show. Still not sure what the point of D'Angelo is yet. The Cutty scene with the zombies was also ridiculous
Just when you hoped they'd make the zombies threats again, they give them extra-squishy heads. And now they'll completely wimped down the Daryl character even more, is there a single like-able character in this? The worst bit though, bar none, has to be when the new black dude gets out of the car and shoots a zombie in the head. Whilst aiming at his knee.

I really hoped they'd pulled this around too, but it's gotten even more dull and even more dumb :(
In general you have to take zombie shows/movies for what they are - ridiculous and full of implausible scenarios. I'm not expecting much from this season, but I've been pleasantly surprised with the first two episodes. The third was very disappointing though.

The acting is really poor (see Tyreese at the start of the 3rd episode) and the writing is even worse and massively flawed. You just have to appreciate it for what it is, as long as I find the large majority of episodes entertaining and the storyline progressing nicely, I'll keep watching. That applies to the first two episodes, but not the third.
I don't get how they get this so wrong. But everything that seems to happen is either so implausible or inspired by dense decisions the characters seem to make. It's getting worse too! That radio thing was just mental, I mean wtf, I know women are a bit shit at technology, but surely whats her face could press the up/down button on the freaking radio. Besides, it was a fecking BMW, surely they'd have radio control on the wheel!

That was a big horde though, i'm going to start rooting for the Zombies in the next episode. Might make it a bit more fun.
I don't get how they get this so wrong. But everything that seems to happen is either so implausible or inspired by dense decisions the characters seem to make. It's getting worse too! That radio thing was just mental, I mean wtf, I know women are a bit shit at technology, but surely whats her face could press the up/down button on the freaking radio. Besides, it was a fecking BMW, surely they'd have radio control on the wheel!

That was a big horde though, i'm going to start rooting for the Zombies in the next episode. Might make it a bit more fun.

That's the thing. They could kill anyone off, anyone including Daryl and Rick and what difference would it make? It's hard to like or believe any of the characters now, it's just terrible writing.

But yeah, apparently because it's zombies we are supposed to accept it has to be dumb and "take it for what it is" (whatever that's supposed to mean).
That's the thing. They could kill anyone off, anyone including Daryl and Rick and what difference would it make? It's hard to like or believe any of the characters now, it's just terrible writing.

But yeah, apparently because it's zombies we are supposed to accept it has to be dumb and "take it for what it is" (whatever that's supposed to mean).

I am now in the end of the third season and the writting is confidently arising to Dexter-like levels. It looks that it will only get worse. Two weeks after I started it and already started to regret for doing so. The first season was great but since there the writting is really poor.

And yeah, none of the characters are particularly good so I don't care if they survive or not. Rick was likeable but now he is like the others.

Is the game better than the show?
killed off shane too early imo. Really enjoyed his battle with Rick. But i suppose without his death, they couldnt progress in the same direction