Television The Walking Dead

I liked the first episode more than I thought I would. The zombie ceiling thing was a cool idea, but piss poor execution. You can imagine them all sitting around high-fiving each other when they came up with it whilst forgetting to actually write it properly.

Btw is anyone else getting really sick of that Glenn character? I thought he was a great dynamic at first but now it's all soppy and pointless with him. I don't get why they killed off the interesting hard-arse (or ass) characters like Merle and the other cop, and left us with a boring location and wimp characters.

Oh and the poking the zombies through the fence scene was terrible. They didn't even bother to act like they were having to make any effort. If the zombie's heads are made of paper, why not just carry around sticks to hit them with?
Btw is anyone else getting really sick of that Glenn character? I thought he was a great dynamic at first but now it's all soppy and pointless with him. I don't get why they killed off the interesting hard-arse (or ass) characters like Merle and the other cop, and left us with a boring location and wimp characters.

Glenn's starting to annoy me a bit too. I really liked him at the start and he was one of my favourites, but he's too soppy now. They need to go back to what he was like; sort of comic relief due to his obvious awkwardness. Not really obvious comic relief, but just make him more awkward again and subtly implement it.

Come to think of it, that's what this show needs. A character who can be serious with serious plotlines, but witty and funny at the same time. I know it's the apocalypse, but too many of the characters are too dour all the time.
Yea glenn is annoying me too, I used to care about his character but since he started shagging that hot bird he's been a whiny bitch and would not care if he died
Really happy how they have started this fourth season. They could have massively screwed this up by plodding along with the same old storyline in the prison, but they are shaking it up with this illness spreading round. It just brings about a massive air of uncertainty around the place, and now they're not worrying so much about the zombies outside the fence (although that fence collapsing could hopefully make them move out of that prison once and for all).
The fence drama is fecking stupid. They just need to stand somewhere else and make noise instead of standing where it's weak and making lots of noise.
Start has been decent. Currently, the show is suffering because they did not establish too many characters in the last season in addition to existing ones. They killed off new people way too early. The doctor from Governor's gang would have been an interesting addition to the regular cast for example. The new T-Dawg did not get much exposure in last season as well.

Also there is no shock value to any death on the show anymore. I think there are only about 4-5 characters left, whose death would be of any shock value. This does not bode well for the show going forward.
- Everyone sleeps with their doors open at night. That makes sense. I don't even do that at home.
- Did that woman not hear the man in the next door cell being chewed on? She only just laid down.
- D'Angelo Barksdale's character is called Bob. Bob.
- Fence retardness.
Yeah sleeping with the doors open is just ridiculous, you'd think that would be one of their first precautions especially in a prison.

The fact that the pigs being killed caused more of an emotional toll on me than any of the people says a lot about the show right now I think. Even out of the main cast there's probably only one or two characters I'd care about dying.

This episode was better though, I'm glad they're taking it in a new direction with the sickness going around.
I'm still confused as to why they killed the pigs. I mean the zombies were already following them in the truck, so it's not like they needed the pigs as bait. Killing them seemed a bit odd and pointless.
Where the hell did they manage to find a pig anyway?

I love how they conveniently just skip forward a year in these shows, make a lot of totally implausible stuff happen in the meantime with no explanation as to how it happened and just expect you to keep going.
I think because they were sick.

Yeah, I got that. Just seemed a weird and pointless way of killing them. It served no purpose, other than to cover Rick in blood and set up an admittedly pretty dreamy topless scene.

Should have just saved them and used them as a zombie diversion or something at a time when they could actually be put to good use.
Where are all these zombies coming from anyway? I mean the prison is pretty rural yet hordes of zombies keep finding their way there.
Where are all these zombies coming from anyway? I mean the prison is pretty rural yet hordes of zombies keep finding their way there.

They explained in the third season. It's called the red zone or something. Must be like a zombie getaway.

Yeah, I got that. Just seemed a weird and pointless way of killing them. It served no purpose, other than to cover Rick in blood and set up an admittedly pretty dreamy topless scene.

Should have just saved them and used them as a zombie diversion or something at a time when they could actually be put to good use.

He had to get them to bleed so the zombies would attack them. Besides what a scene ;)
When are they ever going to learn that t-shirts and vests aren't really pukka zombie-fighting gear. At least that Glen has got a bit of body armour on.
I've enjoyed the first two episodes. What's the guesses on the saboteur then? I reckon it's a main character. Anyone else would have no impact at all.

Probably Carl, he's always been a cnut. Other bets are this new liability medic guy that everyone seems to know the name of or the guv'ner, which are both too predictable.
I'm very curious about the end scene, with the burnt gal. Must be the person who shoved the rats through the gates. Carl doesn't seem brave enough to do such a thing like that. Good call on this medic, must be fecked in the head.
Yeah what was the deal with those two burnt corpses? Had they died from the flu, turned into walkers and were then disposed of, or murdered before any of that happened?
The other option of course is that the bracelet woman is hustling them and faked her own death. Seems like the sort of shock factor thing they would go for, without any real motive. Although she did used to follow the guv'ner, did she not?
how long has actually passed since the initial outbreak?

Difficult to say. During one of the episodes at the CDC that nutty Doc guy says something about it being day 194 since wildfire was declared and I think he said something about a global outbreak starting 60 or 70 days ago.

From the time Rick woke up from his coma until the end of season one, I get the feeling the time frame is a couple of week at most. So was Rick really in a coma for almost two months? And yet he managed to survive that long with no feeding tube or hydration?

Okay I am going to stop now because all this is going to do is open up more massive plot holes.
I really hope the story moves on from the prison to something else, it's getting a little boring imo.
In the first episode, what the feck was that woman in the forest (the one Rick tries to help) accent supposed to be? Great scene to end their "meeting" though. Pure drama.
In the first episode, what the feck was that woman in the forest (the one Rick tries to help) accent supposed to be? Great scene to end their "meeting" though. Pure drama.
Irish. She's actually an Irish actress but she didn't sound very legitimately Irish in it.
Whether it's true or not is another question, but I saw someone suggest the woman was a figment of Rick's imagination and the 'three questions' signified Rick's inability to deal with his guilt and regret of group members dying. The person who suggested this talked in length and this post is quite vague, but it does seem a feasible idea.
I actually like it atm. Noticing the differences between the Guvnor times (when none of his people seemed to die from walkers) and the Prison times (when it seems like a daily event!).

It was a better episode than the opening one imo.

Oh and the writing in this show is mediocre, therefore the burner will end up being the mental army doctor guy. Obvious is obvious.