Television The Walking Dead

Why are they not putting up plywood or something around the fence? What are all those people doing all fecking day? I'd like to know where they are getting all the petrol for their vehicles too.

That's what I absolutely hated about Lost. A massive amount of extras having no interaction with the cast and not doing anything at all.
Irish. She's actually an Irish actress but she didn't sound very legitimately Irish in it.
Argh thanks Cina. Yeah she didn't sound that Irish IMO. She mentioned Zimbabwe or something in her dialogue as well, so it had me a little confused.
That whole thing seemed incredibly pointless.
I thought that scene was more "unlikely" then pointless. Whata re the chances that, considering all the zombies roaming around the prison area, this woman and her zombie half-cut partner could have survived that long on the road etc? But I liked the scene though.

Rick having to kill another "living" person and not to mention, rewinding to season 3, Rick himself was very close to losing it like this lady did. Only Carl and his new born kept him sane.
Really enjoyed that latest episode.

Reckon it is D'Angelo feeding them the rats and burning people
That's what I absolutely hated about Lost. A massive amount of extras having no interaction with the cast and not doing anything at all.

Lost made the extras and even supporting cast look like gimmicks and they were unable to distinguish the right balance between 'lack of dialogue' or making them appear as mindless sheep, unfortunately it was the latter. It was a great show, but one that was seriously flawed in that department. I really hope The Walking Dead doesn't go in that direction, but at least extras actually have a voice in this to some extent.
I reckon the burnt bodies and someone feeding the zombies are a stab at getting some of the new cast members story lines.

My guess is that the screwed up kid who has just lost her dad and has been naming the zombies on the fence is the one feeding them, will give Carl a break from being the irritating screwed up kid for a series.

My suspect in the murder and burning of the two characters with flu is Tyrese's old partner who seems to have become a bit of a hardass and probably saw keeping them in isolation as a risk.
decent episode again, no idea why Rick bothered to actually kill the pigs. Could have just used them to make noise and then drive off 5m wait for the zombies to follow and then move a bit further away.
I reckon the burnt bodies and someone feeding the zombies are a stab at getting some of the new cast members story lines.

My guess is that the screwed up kid who has just lost her dad and has been naming the zombies on the fence is the one feeding them, will give Carl a break from being the irritating screwed up kid for a series.

My suspect in the murder and burning of the two characters with flu is Tyrese's old partner who seems to have become a bit of a hardass and probably saw keeping them in isolation as a risk.

Theory chat below:

Agreed on the Rats, it's got to be that messed up girl. Still think the burner is the medic army bloke, he was in the meeting after all when they discussed the flu etc and seems to be a ticking timebomb.
Enjoying it so far, the idea of the flu spreading was an indication of imagination the show has sometimes been lacking.

I reckon the burnt bodies and someone feeding the zombies are a stab at getting some of the new cast members story lines.

My guess is that the screwed up kid who has just lost her dad and has been naming the zombies on the fence is the one feeding them, will give Carl a break from being the irritating screwed up kid for a series.

My suspect in the murder and burning of the two characters with flu is Tyrese's old partner who seems to have become a bit of a hardass and probably saw keeping them in isolation as a risk.

I'd say she has to be the chief suspect at the moment, she seems to care for them so would have reason to want them alive. I just hope they don't go down the twist route of one of the people in the prison working for the Governor or something.

Can't believe they killed Karen, it's a big blow for the attractive women quota. I quite liked the way they did it though, her opening scene with Tyreese Dawg had "someone is dying here" written all over it but when she survived the shower scene, again nicely played out I thought, it seemed it was a red herring so for her to then die at the end like that came as more of a shock.

I think the rat dangler is the shit girl and the body burner is D'Angelo.

I think the rat feeder and the murderer are the same person, and I'm calling Carol seeing as she seems more prominent already in this series.
decent episode again, no idea why Rick bothered to actually kill the pigs. Could have just used them to make noise and then drive off 5m wait for the zombies to follow and then move a bit further away.

Didn't they talk about that the pigs were sick?
- Everyone sleeps with their doors open at night. That makes sense. I don't even do that at home.
- Did that woman not hear the man in the next door cell being chewed on? She only just laid down.
- D'Angelo Barksdale's character is called Bob. Bob.
- Fence retardness.

The woman and the first prison victim were in different cell blocks.

The writers aren't really good at writing plausible scenarios on how walkers attack them in masses. The roof thing was stupid, the prison thing had a good premise but then the nerd walker suddenly had the mind of a lion and went straight for the trachea. But hey, whatever gets rid of some pointless extras is fine by me.
And finished the second season.

Decent TV show, but nothing special to be fair. The writting is very poor in some cases.
They must be doing something right as the ratings are huge. And we all keep watching.
One pig died just before the kid died of (presumably) the same disease. They also talked about pigs and chickens (I think) being the most common sources of such disease.
To be fair, a recurring theme of zombie films is that the characters are absolute idiots who bring the terrible stuff unto themselves by their silliness, so I guess it fits with that, at least.
They must be doing something right as the ratings are huge. And we all keep watching.

It's not bad, but it neither is great. Decent but not more than that.

People like zombies (for whatever reasons) and that's the main reason why a lot of people watch it. I started it last week and the first season was very good, but even as early as the second season the quality starts decreasing. The writing is poor at times, almost Dexter-like levels. The characters aren't that good either. The main character is by far the best one, but still you can't call it great. The other thing that I can't stand are the headshots. Even in counter-strike you don't see as many headshots as in this TV show.
To be fair, a recurring theme of zombie films is that the characters are absolute idiots who bring the terrible stuff unto themselves by their silliness, so I guess it fits with that, at least.

All horror movies play on that also. Characters go off alone. Fail to take simple precautions even when they know they are in danger.
It's not bad, but it neither is great. Decent but not more than that.

People like zombies (for whatever reasons) and that's the main reason why a lot of people watch it. I started it last week and the first season was very good, but even as early as the second season the quality starts decreasing. The writing is poor at times, almost Dexter-like levels. The characters aren't that good either. The main character is by far the best one, but still you can't call it great. The other thing that I can't stand are the headshots. Even in counter-strike you don't see as many headshots as in this TV show.

The headshot thing, well that is pretty standard for Zombie movies also considering that basic Zombie lore says you can kill them only by headshots. So not sure why that bothers everyone, almost every zombie movie I have ever seen pretty much allows the characters to become crack shots (except when the storyline needs them to miss) who can take off a zombies head at half a mile.
Proper Loled when I saw D'Angelo. Think the first two episodes have been rubbish. Storyline and characters just aren't engaging enough and there hasn't been enough action to make up for the terrible 'soppy' scenes.