Television The Walking Dead

Decent first episode. Quite slow but some of the new characters seem okay and could help open up some more plots. Now that the kids infected, hopefully it'll start spreading and they'll move on from the prison.

Rick's rendezvous with the girl was predictable as you could tell her partner would be infected, but it was a decent plot for the episode nevertheless. Rick seems to have returned to his humane self too after his sort of psycho spell in season 3 after Lori died.

Quite like the look of the new guy too who was D'Angelo (I think) in the Wire. Good actor and his character seems to have some sort of secret which will undoubtedly have a big impact at some point. Interested to see what happens with him.
Regarding Rick lgetting the couple survive as zombies, I hope it isn't going to be another case where they come back and kill someone important, causing Rick to break down. We have kinda seen that already. I do get the impression that we haven't seen the end of pyscho Rick.
I really enjoyed it, in fact it was the best opening season episode I have seen in a while from all my current shows. The market scene was awesome with all of those bodies crashing down and exploding, Rick's scene with that crazy chick was intense, and they killed off all the new characters within an episode, fantastic! They were going to be bloody annoying by the looks of things.

Everyone is talking about the roof incident, and I am quite bemused by it too. The only explanation I could have is they started moving quicker around that roof, which may have been heavier footsteps, rather than their usual amble around the place?

The ending has definitely set up for a messy deal in the prison, and hopefully there will be more deaths of unfavourable characters (fingers crossed for Carol and Carl). But something I only thought of just now was not only did he die of some illness, but the water had stopped too. So perhaps this signals the end of fresh water and a need to move on from that god awful prison?

I wasn't a massive fan of the whole governor story, so I hope they focus more on the group surviving than bringing him back in too soon. As much as I like Morissey as an actor, he was a little too fecked in the head for my liking.
Popcorn TV would be if it had constant action, witty dialogue and didn't try to take itself too seriously. The show is basically the opposite of that, it's a show about zombies that spends little time on the actual zombies and instead takes an ultra-serious tone that tries to make you have an emotional connection with characters that are ultimately written very poorly, and tries to put real world elements into a surreal environment (basically like GoT, which does it far better).

If it was "popcorn tv", it'd be a very different show.

While the show is set in a Zombie Apocalypse I had always gathered that it really was not supposed to be about the zombies at all, but about the people who are still around. The problem being as you point out, the characters are not written particularly well.
I really enjoyed it, in fact it was the best opening season episode I have seen in a while from all my current shows. The market scene was awesome with all of those bodies crashing down and exploding, Rick's scene with that crazy chick was intense, and they killed off all the new characters within an episode, fantastic! They were going to be bloody annoying by the looks of things.

Everyone is talking about the roof incident, and I am quite bemused by it too. The only explanation I could have is they started moving quicker around that roof, which may have been heavier footsteps, rather than their usual amble around the place?

The ending has definitely set up for a messy deal in the prison, and hopefully there will be more deaths of unfavourable characters (fingers crossed for Carol and Carl). But something I only thought of just now was not only did he die of some illness, but the water had stopped too. So perhaps this signals the end of fresh water and a need to move on from that god awful prison?

I wasn't a massive fan of the whole governor story, so I hope they focus more on the group surviving than bringing him back in too soon. As much as I like Morissey as an actor, he was a little too fecked in the head for my liking.

I wouldn't read anything into the water stopping, it was a hand pump pressured shower, he pressured it up before turning it on. Iit stopped just because the pressure dropped.
As mentioned, regarding the roof, I doubt they had been moving around for a while. Obviously the condition of the roof has weakened since they have been up there and as soon as they heard noise below they decided to kick off. It's not worth looking into as a flaw really.

What was up with the footprints the nerdy kid left on the way to the shower? Were they blood? I couldn't work it out.
Yeh, would a zombie tiger even be any different from a normal tiger? Actually, wouldn't they be worse? Just really slow and rubbish.
It used to cause some disagreements in the newbs.

I think I'll stick anything behind spoiler tags if I do discuss the comics. I rarely do as they are seperate entities, but as you'd expect the themes and arcs that do overlap are a lot more graphic and detailed in the comics.

No. No comics. At all. Even behind spoilers. Read the Spoiler Policy. The rules are clear.
The premier was alright, albeit slightly predictable.

I found it hilarious when Carl and that other kid were talking about Storytime and that kid was like "you won't like it, it's for us kids" and that lad was clearly older than Carl. If they want to push this idea of Carl growing up too quick they need to make his interactions with his peers believable.

Re the footprints on his way to the shower, I believe it was sweat. They were trying to show he was burning up, hence going for a shower to cool down. That's why the footprints weren't there after.
Re the footprints on his way to the shower, I believe it was sweat. They were trying to show he was burning up, hence going for a shower to cool down. That's why the footprints weren't there after.

That's what I had thought as well. Anyway overall I had enjoyed the episode more than some parts of last season.
Why are they not putting up plywood or something around the fence? What are all those people doing all fecking day? I'd like to know where they are getting all the petrol for their vehicles too.
very good opening... just saw it.

by the way, in the end, there was some kind of sexual tension between Daryl and Beth? how old is she in the show?

or its just me and the scene was just about her and how she deals with stuff these days?
Why are they not putting up plywood or something around the fence? What are all those people doing all fecking day? I'd like to know where they are getting all the petrol for their vehicles too.

Aye, that's what I don't get with shows like this. Surely in a bid to protect yourselves you'd be fortifying the defenses. They've got a huge forest on their doorstep which would enable them to build a proper wooden stake fence. Instead they sit about all day and do squat.

It also seems inevitable that the Prison will get overrun thanks to Nerdy kid. But you'd think they would have some kind of security system setup. Lock sections up so if one section does get infected it doesn't spread out. Lock specific doors etc.

Seriously, they're all freaking shit at this.
Daryl had a perfect chance to bang that chick. Why was he so rubbish at hugging her and emoting though? Tell me he's not holding out for the lezzer-hair woman.
Decent first episode, though had to laugh when people were falling through the roof. I was expecting them all to head in one area that makes the chopper collapse through, not just falling through under there individual weight.

Looks like the next episode will have some decent action in it. Though what I don't understand is, you are in a world where if someone dies they turn into a walker regardless of how they died. So wouldn't you put in place some sort of system where if you are feeling even slightly unwell, you get put in an infirmary type area that can be monitored at all times and locked down if things do go wrong.

At least it looks like they made some upgrades to the gate for protection, though seem silly to rely on a wire fence to protect the rest of the area. Particularly with so many walkers appearing each day. At least they are actually killing them off at the fence at last instead of just letting them walk around outside.