Television The Walking Dead

It's consistently had higher viewing figures than any other AMC show, apart from the final episodes of Breaking Bad. It's hardly in 'do or die' mode, it's (for some strange reason) one of the most popular and well reviewed shows on TV.
I've only just got into this, my bro is a huge fan of the comics but bar playing the first episode of the game, I knew very little about this.

I think it's been a steady decline from the first season. I'm still looking forward to this season, but the last especially was largely dull and incredibly dumb. For a program like this, very few of the bloody characters I actually root for and that prison setting couldn't possibly more more dull and stretched out. So fingers crossed it picks up again. Shame they killed off Merle too.
It's a really average show, it baffles me a little how it's so popular and well reviewed. People just love zombies don't they?

It has some of the most boring characters ever too.
Hasn't it enjoyed excellent ratings? Would seem odd for AMC to order a spinoff for a show with low viewing figures.

IIRC they suffered massively in second series and dropped off as the third got worse.

The writers need to learn to carry a story over a full season, not just a few top episodes and then the rest being boring filler because they blew their budget on 3/4 episodes.
Zombies are in, which is why it's so popular.

I literally caught up with all 3 seasons last month, and while a lot of it was shit, there were enough moments that made me love it.

I could do with more zombie action though. And less Carl. They sooner they kill him off the better.
IIRC they suffered massively in second series and dropped off as the third got worse.

The writers need to learn to carry a story over a full season, not just a few top episodes and then the rest being boring filler because they blew their budget on 3/4 episodes.

I know it's only wiki but this would suggest they've almost doubled viewing figures between season 2 and 3.

I agree on your second point. They've got a great world to tell stories in and they just don't seem to know what they're doing with it.
It's popcorn TV, didn't take it seriously and enjoyed it.

Popcorn TV would be if it had constant action, witty dialogue and didn't try to take itself too seriously. The show is basically the opposite of that, it's a show about zombies that spends little time on the actual zombies and instead takes an ultra-serious tone that tries to make you have an emotional connection with characters that are ultimately written very poorly, and tries to put real world elements into a surreal environment (basically like GoT, which does it far better).

If it was "popcorn tv", it'd be a very different show.
Popcorn TV would be if it had constant action, witty dialogue and didn't try to take itself too seriously. The show is basically the opposite of that, it's a show about zombies that spends little time on the actual zombies and instead takes an ultra-serious tone that tries to make you have an emotional connection with characters that are ultimately written very poorly, and tries to put real world elements into a surreal environment (basically like GoT, which does it far better).

If it was "popcorn tv", it'd be a very different show.

It's a fun TV show IMO. Miles below the likes of GoT, Breaking Bad etc but watchable enough. Seeing Andrea die last season was a great moment. Daryl is also a very good character and the farmer chick is really hot.

I know it's only wiki but this would suggest they've almost doubled viewing figures between season 2 and 3.

I agree on your second point. They've got a great world to tell stories in and they just don't seem to know what they're doing with it.

I stand corrected, said the man in orthopedic shoes.

My second point will determine the future viewing figures, everyone I know who watches it have said if the fourth season doesn't improve in terms of storytelling and character development they'll stop watching. There's nothing to invest in other than hoping the alive people stay alive, when that's the only conflict it gets boring.
Imagine if Emmerdale was suddenly filled with zombies. That's basically the walking dead.
Yeah it's easy access stuff. Zombies, gore, etc... Public laps that shit up.

It's nothing amazing but I enjoy it nonetheless.
Popcorn TV would be if it had constant action, witty dialogue and didn't try to take itself too seriously. The show is basically the opposite of that, it's a show about zombies that spends little time on the actual zombies and instead takes an ultra-serious tone that tries to make you have an emotional connection with characters that are ultimately written very poorly, and tries to put real world elements into a surreal environment (basically like GoT, which does it far better).

If it was "popcorn tv", it'd be a very different show.

Yep that's basically it.

I don't take it seriously, it takes itself seriously though. And is pretty dumb based on that.
I stand corrected, said the man in orthopedic shoes.

My second point will determine the future viewing figures, everyone I know who watches it have said if the fourth season doesn't improve in terms of storytelling and character development they'll stop watching. There's nothing to invest in other than hoping the alive people stay alive, when that's the only conflict it gets boring.

Ha, I like that.

There is very few people I even care about in the show, Darryl and Rick I like, the sisters too because they're pretty, everyone else could die and I wouldn't care. It's possibly wrong but I think part of me watches to see the characters I don't like get killed, the Lori death was the highlight for me. Carol needs to go next.
It's a really average show, it baffles me a little how it's so popular and well reviewed. People just love zombies don't they?

It has some of the most boring characters ever too.

It isn't baffling why it's popular; quality hasn't anything to do with ratings and never has. It's a soap opera with zombies that has excellent production values.

It's characters are boring by AMC's standards no doubt, but not ever, that's daft. And people don't watch a show about zombies for the characters, otherwise George Romero wouldn't have got past his first film.
Really looking forward to the new season. Season three didn't exactly end on a high and was very drawn out, but taking former seasons out of the equation; season four seems like it will be more centered around zombies and generally looks far more exciting.
The good thing about the way season 3 ended is that we now have a lot of worthless characters that can get killed off, meaning lots of zombie goodness.
I also didn't really like the prison setting, especially when it was dragged on so long.
The good thing about the way season 3 ended is that we now have a lot of worthless characters that can get killed off, meaning lots of zombie goodness.

I always thought that. It's as if the show had to temporarily get worse, before it gets better. Season three ended poorly, but the possibilities for season four are endless. I don't think the amount of episodes for each season should be as high though, eight quality episodes would suffice instead of sixteen drawn out average episodes.
Started today watching it. The pilot was amazing.

Going by Cina's comment, it seems that the quality will decrese though. Shame!
I always thought that. It's as if the show had to temporarily get worse, before it gets better. Season three ended poorly, but the possibilities for season four are endless. I don't think the amount of episodes for each season should be as high though, eight quality episodes would suffice instead of sixteen drawn out average episodes.

I still think that the show comes in for too harsh a rep here and that it's a lot better than some of the people say it is, but the last half of season 3 was poorer and I agree that there were too many episodes. I thought the first half of the season was excellent and intense, but you could see that 16 episodes was definitely too many for them and there were poorly done fillers sometimes.

I actually quite like a few of the characters, but the drawback is that there is too much dead weight which doesn't actually do anything. GoT for example has a lot more characters in the main cast, but you always get the impression they know exactly what to do with them and when to use them. With this, you get certain characters who are just there and seem to have no relevance.
It has its moments. Season one starts off great and gets crap, season two is mostly boring, melodramatic crap with very little actual zombies and then the last few episodes are good. The first half of three is great but the second is really poor.
It has its moments. Season one starts off great and gets crap, season two is mostly boring, melodramatic crap with very little actual zombies and then the last few episodes are good. The first half of three is great but the second is really poor.

Pretty well summed up. Had a bit of a disagreement with a couple of mates over the weekend, they were all praising it as one of the best shows on TV, while I was saying it was actually pretty average. Think I need to just turn my brain off and watch it, and I'd probably enjoy it a lot more, but I find it very hard to watch 'bad' (poor writing, boring characters etc) TV.

Saying that, I'm really looking forward to Season 4 :lol: Probably because Breaking Bad is now over.
I still think that the show comes in for too harsh a rep here and that it's a lot better than some of the people say it is, but the last half of season 3 was poorer and I agree that there were too many episodes. I thought the first half of the season was excellent and intense, but you could see that 16 episodes was definitely too many for them and there were poorly done fillers sometimes.

I actually quite like a few of the characters, but the drawback is that there is too much dead weight which doesn't actually do anything. GoT for example has a lot more characters in the main cast, but you always get the impression they know exactly what to do with them and when to use them. With this, you get certain characters who are just there and seem to have no relevance.

Definitely, it's a show you shouldn't pay much attention to and just enjoy it for what it is. The acting from a lot of the cast is poor and the script and dialogue is poorly written, but when you look past those flaws and just take it as a show based on a zombie apocalypse, not much is to be expected when it comes to the acting and writing department. It is still entertaining for what it is.

One thing I don't like is how the zombies have practically become gimmicks also. You no longer have a massive horror or fear factor with them and they are becoming more like obstacles that are easy to evade. Of course there's the element of a human threat, which adds better realism and drama to the show, but you can't neglect the basics of what the show is actually meant to be centered on.

Sixteen episodes is too much, eight for each season would allow a better script and more exciting/entertaining episodes. Given the popularity of the show, the demand for it is higher than ever though and people want to watch it for months. Season two was ridiculously drawn out with the first half revolving around finding Sophia and TWD was starting to become off-putting from that. I hope the script and storyline improves over the course of the whole season for season four I really do.

I'm still excited though. There seems to be feck loads of zombies and also a 'surprise' with them. The Governor is a good character and I'm glad they didn't kill him off with how bat shit crazy he is. The walkers need to become the biggest threat again however.
The walkers need to become the biggest threat again however.

This in a nutshell. They have deterred way too far from the zombies being the threat, and it's just turned out to be a fight between humans, kind of boring now. The zombies are a highlight of the show, they really need to focus on that again. Have them being overrun by a horde without many weapons to hand, us simple people love that shit.
In reality though eventually survivors would manage to get into a situation that walkers are not the constant threat.

Maybe they can evolve or something, make them smarter.
In reality though eventually survivors would manage to get into a situation that walkers are not the constant threat.

Maybe they can evolve or something, make them smarter.

Turbo Zombies, would also mean we could finally delete Noodles thread in the Utd forum
In reality though eventually survivors would manage to get into a situation that walkers are not the constant threat.

Maybe they can evolve or something, make them smarter.

That's how I've always interpretted it. The walkers will only remain a threat until the humans figure out how to defend themselves against them properly.

What's the rule in the mains thread re discussing the comics? They overlap slightly but the TV show are not remakes of the comic/book, unlike GoT.
Don't know what the story is about the comics. If it's not revealing a story line it should be ok for discussion I guess.
Don't know what the story is about the comics. If it's not revealing a story line it should be ok for discussion I guess.

It used to cause some disagreements in the newbs.

I think I'll stick anything behind spoiler tags if I do discuss the comics. I rarely do as they are seperate entities, but as you'd expect the themes and arcs that do overlap are a lot more graphic and detailed in the comics.
It was neat that the roof started caving in randomly even though the zombies had clearly been walking around up there for a while. It was just a bunch of random, pointless things happening. The only relevant bit to season 3 was that samurai girl is looking for the governor apparently. I guess the pig getting diseased and the kid dying could be interesting but we'll just have to see.
I thought it was good. Sets things up nicely. You can't really expect it all to kick off in the first episode. Obviously with that kid dying it helps get the zombies inside the prison, so i'm expecting some anarchy to commence shortly. There's also something not quite right about that new bloke that was a massive liability at the store. I was thinking maybe the big reveal at the end of the episode was that he had been bitten but it wasn't the case.