Television The Walking Dead

I wouldnt have cared if people had run away from the fight if they were seeing their friends die and they didnt want it. But really, they go in like a mob, they see a few zombies, get shot (and this is when they are running) and nobody even dies.

The whole thing was just ridiculous. Looking at it, not a lot happened in this season really. I was hoping the prison would be destroyed so they couldnt live there and had to go. I was also hoping an opening would be kept in Woodbury so that it would be overrun by walkers and thus had to go on the move.

The saddest thing about this season (and the end of season 2) was how useless the walkers are now. Theres no shock or suspense in terms of what a walker can do with a person (let alone a herd).

In season 1 and beginning of season 2, you had that feeling, example one of the very first few scenes where Rick was walking really slowly in that really dark building staircase with no light.

The only good thing is they didnt cop out with Andrea, and even then, it was due to her own stupidity of trying to be righteous. Merles final scene was better than hers.
I didn't think it was possible to make a worse episode than some of those that went before, but they did it anyway. The governor slaughtering his own people didn't make him look cool or anything, he's just an annoying sack of shit that should've died a million times if he wasn't a protected character, and that's a sign of thouroughly shite writing. Why the feck wouldn't those two douche bags that were still with him kill him after that? Weren't those people their friends? Or did they manage to go through that entire time at Woodbury only befriending eachother in some twisted homo-erotic love triangle? If the characters made any sense, they would've put him down. Yet again the governor impossibly escapes his fate through horrendously poor writing.

Andrea's scenes were terrible to sit through, especially her wasting time rambling on about her useless actions to a man too busy dying to listen, instead of trying to free herself. The attack on the prison was laughable, Maggie and Glenn were utterly pathetic. Why would the governor go inside with his entire group anyway? Didn't that seem a little too easy? And why on earth they took that entire group from Woodbury to the prison in stead of moving to Woodbury altogether is a bit of a mystery to me as well. And the worst part of all, the horribly written governor character is still out there, so we'll have to put up with him for another fecking season.

I want to like this series. I loved the first season and I desperately hoped they could get it back to that level. But the third season has been a fecking nightmare to sit through. They've turned this into a bloody horrible show on every level. It's not just bad compared to the first season, it's simply piss poor.

But hey, at least Game of Thrones is back.
Season 3 started off brilliantly but seemed to get a bit lost half way through. I still think Herschel needs a machine-gun attachment for his leg too.
Just watched it, wasn't very good was it. The only thing I'm happy about is Cutty is still alive and hopefully now he will be a main member for Season 4.

Just a total anti-climax though.
Just watched the pilot while waiting for s5 of the sopranos to download. Very enjoyable and a nice break from the other.
He wanted to be an active part of the defense, he felt like being the guardian of the infirmed and the defenseless, yet again, he took as a slight. He was further miffed to not be going on the governor hunt, he had a point. I'd rather have him with me in a gun fight over Glenn and Maggie, who managed to not hit anyone from an excellent vantage place firing into a choke point with 100's of rounds.

He's getting to be a right ruthless little cnut, though.

It's a katana, but I don't disagree about the need for it.

Hershel was never in any real danger, so survival was easy enough for him. I thought that bit with him and Carl, caused a bit of retardedness in the writing.

Rick did the exact same thing in a bar ages ago (earlier this 'season?'), when he just wasted the two looters, on a hunch and that was a good call says Hershel and Rick.

Carl does the same thing and gets lambasted for it, if the dude wanted to live he would have dropped the gun, he was trying to inch forward on the kid. Fair game.

Memory is a little fuzzy but I think those two looters were up to no good. Carl is such a fecking little prick. I should envy his characters change into a nut job, but his shitty attitude and then killing that kid for no good reason really wants me to see a two footed Suarez challenge right into that cnuts head. Yeah, all of sudden so fecking angry. Fecking cnut. I bet the actor is just as annoying in RL as the character.

Anyways really thought the Gov was going to buy it but I guess he and his two goons went off to start anew. Im surprised they even stuck with him. Surely that was ott even for those sheep.

Oh and what about the blonde daughter? Looks like she was really enjoying killing those walkers. And how the feck did Andrea get loose using a pair of pliers on handcuffs. Funny how her annoyance is what finally did her in. It wasn't a total shit finale but wasn't great either. Oh and feck off Carl you ungrateful cnut.
I think the reason they panicked inside the prison is because most of those town folk were just that. They weren't his regular militia he was sending out all the time to do his dirty deeds. So I guess they weren't use to all the gun play.
It was good that Andrea died.

The geek was an OK character and probably could have been left alive.

The Guvnor killing all his pals was pretty good too.

Not a great finale, though.
It's one of the worst finales I've ever seen, seriously, it was just dire. I actually can't believe they managed to make it so bad. When it ended, I was just sitting there going, is this it? At least the season two finale left us with loads of potential new plots at the end, this has left us with nothing other than the death of the worst character in the show. The Governor (who is shit) is still there, the prison is still there, Woodbury is still there, what the feck has changed?

I beet season four will now involve Rick and co. taking over Woodbury and defending it against the Governor, so basically a reverse of the last season, with the same locations.

God, I can't get over the shitness of that, I'd rather rewatch season six of Dexter than watch that again. The worst thing is that the ending of the Woodbury plot and prison invasion is probably the best thing in the entire comic so far yet for some stupid reason the writers completely abandoned that plot and did their own rubbish one.
Awful season finale. Build up a huge conflict for the entire series and it lasts about two minutes. Some problems with just the prison invasion part, forget the rest. (like how ridiculously slow Andrea was with those pliers).

- Why the feck would you invade like that anyways? You've a massive advantage in numbers and firearms, just lay siege and starve Rick's group out. In the meantime maybe continue to round up walkers and send them in to drain ammo.

- Why would you take untrained and clearly unfit for close quarters combat townsfolk into a dark and cramped prison, where your numbers advantage is effectively negated? Rick & co missed a big opportunity to trap a bunch of Woodbury in the prison there imo, could have done some serious damage.

- How did two gunmen (Glen/Maggie) who seemingly didn't hit a single person scare 50 armed assailants away? Just wtf. You have grenade launchers, turrets etc but Glen and Maggie crouching behind some plywood is too much to deal with?

It's still a somewhat entertaining show, but literally everything the characters do at this point just seems so stupid.

The big epic battle that they'd building up for weeks turned into a scene from the A-Team. All that was missing was a home-made watermelon gun.

:lol: I could totally imagine the A-Team tune playing once the flash bangs started going off.
Big thing is the ending has really left me wondering just where they will go next season? Can they really drag a showdown with the Gov. out for another season? What's going to be the point of all these useless Woodburians? More people for Rick to get killed with his screw ups? More people for Carl to slaughter?

That's a lot of mouths to feed, with fall already there, winter soon to follow, too late to plant any crops out in the prison yard. Though I suppose they can raid Woodbury now for supplies.

Trying to think of what interesting they can come up with for the group now, still hanging out at the prison?
Glad she's gone. Seriously disliked her from the moment she pulled a gun on Rick for trying to do the sensible thing and get her away from her dead sister who was due to turn any minute, and she just got worse.

Almost getting everyone killed buy using a gun while the herd were going past.
Being a dick when Dale took her gun away.
Being a dick when Dale convinced her to keep living
Almost killing Deryl because she wanted to show everyone what a good shot she is.
and so on..
By the way, didn't they say it can take anything from a minute or two to 8 hours to change into a walker? So why have Milton and Shane both come back instantly?

Thinking back to when they had the RV, that was better times. Someone chuck them a few quid will you?

Does anyone know what their budget actually is?
Yes, turning can take anywhere from a few seconds to a couple of days I think, with most taking a fair few hours.

They both come back instantly so they can have the typical, killed him thank good, then while walking away they get back up and attack again scene. At least in Shane's case.

Would be nice if a massive zombie hoard appeared again. we haven't really seen any hoards at all anymore. They basically created the idea and then forgot about it. All we see is random zombie wandering around, or a whole bunch trapped in a building together.
Thinking back on the way Andrea died, I think it was stupid. As someone else had alluded to, this was the woman who fended of four to five zombies the episode before, albeit she had a knife then. But still all she has to do was kick or push the nerdy guy and then kill him or push him away and run.

I'd agree with that except the green bit should run across the whole top of it.

I'm watching S2 and...

..for the few episodes when the wee girl Sophia was missing and they were looking, I was fecking sure they would find her for the feel good factor. So when she came out of the shed as a walker I was pure gutted. I actually said 'aww feck' out loud. :(

This show is turning me into a woman.
I couldn't care less about Sophia. Expected her to be found also, but these moments should be emotional for the viewer, not "meh, who cares" like most things in the show. I felt especially in the third season they bottled a lot of stuff. [don't read on if you haven't reached it yet]

Merle staying alive would have led to an interesting dynamic between him, Daryl and Carol for season 3. Michonne 'sacrificed' (as was Rick's initial decision) and killed by the governor would again have been very interesting to see what would have happened next. But no they couldn't have that. The guys Rick turned away at the prison - no consequences for rick and his crew. Even shit like the baby getting infected would have given Rick extremely tough choices to make. And nobody gave a single feck about Andrea dying so that wasn't exactly 'hard viewing' either.
Shaggy you should spoiler that considering where Irwin is upto.
I knew Sophia would be found as a walker. I think the shock moment there was having to kill her in front of everyone.
I didn't read that post because u luckily caught sight of the one below advising to spoiler it. Why can't people have basic courtesy?
I didn't read that post because u luckily caught sight of the one below advising to spoiler it. Why can't people have basic courtesy?

I know that spoilers are only really needed for speculation (which still seems a bit odd to me) but it would've definitely made sense there.
I didn't read that post because u luckily caught sight of the one below advising to spoiler it. Why can't people have basic courtesy?

Shaggy you should spoiler that considering where Irwin is upto.
I knew Sophia would be found as a walker. I think the shock moment there was having to kill her in front of everyone.

:lol: Guys

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