Television The Walking Dead

Season 3 probably has a bigger budget than 2.

Apparently TWD gets a smaller budget than Mad Men does even though the former attracts far, far more viewers for AMC than the latter.

I image that's to do with it's age, 6 seasons + large cast with everyone getting pay rises year on year, I can see budget creep alone causing it to be one of their most expensive shows.
I can't decide whether or not I liked the way Andrea died. On one hand it's good to see the zombies actually be a threat again, on the other it completely goes against how easily the zombies have been dealt with this entire season. And yes, her talking and taking forever to finally try to get the pliers was ridiculous. I also don't get why the wouldn't have stayed at Woodbury, or why the governor apparently just took off and didn't go back to the prison or Woodbury. Or yet again why everyone can shoot zombies in the head every time but they can't ever hit a living person.

That episode didn't feel like a finale, nothing was actually resolved because the governor is still out there roaming around and will clearly still be at war with Rick. You knew they'd end it on a cliffhanger but I assumed that the conflict with the governor would at least be resolved in some way.
Maybe fresh zombies are stronger than aged ones like the bunch she fought off in the forest.

They would be, and she knows this, which is why her messing around and making speeches to a guy about to die at any second was all the more stupid. She could have been out of those handcuffs in about 1 minute, given how ridiculously fragile they seemed to be. But no, even then she has to go on and on about irrelevant shite.
I also hate how they are trying to make Andrea look like some visionary peacemaker amongst all the violence. No, she completely fell for all the governors bullshit despite all the warnings and failed miserably at trying to keep peace when she had the best opportunity out of everyone to end it.
I also hate how they are trying to make Andrea look like some visionary peacemaker amongst all the violence. No, she completely fell for all the governors bullshit despite all the warnings and failed miserably at trying to keep peace when she had the best opportunity out of everyone to end it.

Yeah she was repeatedly wrong in just about every decision she made through the entire series, even more so towards the end. I think she is the worst character of all time.
:lol: yeah pissed me off the way she tried rewriting history. "I just wanted us all to be friends :(" cnut.
Well that was just a bit shit really. It would have been okay if it was just a normal episode, but it was the finale of a sub par season, and it just wasn't that great of a finale. Very disappointing. So many stupid moments in the episode too, like Glen and Maggie shooting at the huge group of people yet managing to somehow miss everyone, and all of the Governor's people running away from what was supposed to be a battle because the prison group threw flash bangs and fired a few bullets at them :lol:
And then the random women later telling the Governor that the prison group is crazy and it was a slaughter, despite nobody actually being killed :lol:
Ridiculous. Oh and at the end, instead of taking a pre built town with supplies already there, they take the huge group of people and go back to a prison. What on earth is the logic in that?

At least Andrea is gone, such a shit character.
He wanted to be an active part of the defense, he felt like being the guardian of the infirmed and the defenseless, yet again, he took as a slight. He was further miffed to not be going on the governor hunt, he had a point. I'd rather have him with me in a gun fight over Glenn and Maggie, who managed to not hit anyone from an excellent vantage place firing into a choke point with 100's of rounds.

He's getting to be a right ruthless little cnut, though.

It's a katana, but I don't disagree about the need for it.

Hershel was never in any real danger, so survival was easy enough for him. I thought that bit with him and Carl, caused a bit of retardedness in the writing.

Rick did the exact same thing in a bar ages ago (earlier this 'season?'), when he just wasted the two looters, on a hunch and that was a good call says Hershel and Rick.

Carl does the same thing and gets lambasted for it, if the dude wanted to live he would have dropped the gun, he was trying to inch forward on the kid. Fair game.

Yes Carl is getting to be a ruthless cnut and there's great potential for character development with him.

My point about Hershel still being alive was that I was expecting some of the group to get killed and I thought he might have been one to have got the chop. As it turns out only Andrea died from the group and that's just made us all happy anyway.

Also what is the point of the lesbian looking woman, she and Daryl need to get together otherwise she's a bit pointless. Come to think of it, there's more pointless people in the group than not. It will be interesting to find out what happens with the new formed group.
Carol's hair looked especially lezzy this week. She had that lumpy parka on too...I think she's after Michonne and swinging the machete to try and get noticed.

I bet she finds some prison dungarees soon.
:lol: yeah pissed me off the way she tried rewriting history. "I just wanted us all to be friends :(" cnut.

Hugely annoying. Also her 'speech' a few episodes back was one of the most laughable things I've ever heard. The worst thing was the people actually responding to it as if she'd just delivered a Martin Luther King-esque monologue. She was a massive failure from start to end and was written terribly.

Maybe in the next series they'll have the zombies, sorry walkers mutate? Make em faster, or have better senses or some shit. Or have zombie animals.
Yeah that's something I don't get. Why don't nobody call them zombies? Surely that's the obvious word for those mutants.
Well I just watched that finale and feel thoroughly vindicated on giving up on it 3 episodes back. I've no inclination to watch the ones I've missed or bother with it next season.

Bag o shite it really is.
You lot are hard to please. I would have perhaps liked a better resolution with the Governor but it was pretty good and perhaps oee are over thinking it a bit. It's zombies folks.
Andrea's dead so everyone can stop moaning about her now. Expected a bit more from the finale really but overall I've enjoyed the season.
The big epic battle that they'd building up for weeks turned into a scene from the A-Team. All that was missing was a home-made watermelon gun.
It's mainly because The Governor brought a load of people who'd never been in a fight into a fight. They all naturally shit themselves when the flashbangs and such went off. Governor couldn't stay if everyone else had buggered off, that's why he killed them.
The episode I downloaded wasn't working, I could watch it up until the people from Woodbury got to the prison, what happens after that and the next few minutes of the epidose ? I'm asking this because I'm too lazy to download it again
What's happened to all of the zombies that have been killed in the prison grounds over the season? There's been dozens of them slotted in different episodes yet you don't see any corpses lying about.

Are they digging them in for fertilizer?
You lot are hard to please. I would have perhaps liked a better resolution with the Governor but it was pretty good and perhaps oee are over thinking it a bit. It's zombies folks.

Nothing to do with over thinking anything.

It's just a wanky soap opera with cardboard characters and awful writing.

The fact that "it's zombies" was the only thing that kept me watching so long.
The epic battle that they'd been building up to for weeks and nobody on either side actually died!

Sad to see Andrea die.

I hope we don't have any more Lori sightings, they're bollocks.

Carl is becoming a pretty bad-ass character, hopefully the actor can pull it off with the direction they seem to be taking him. If he sleeps with Herschels daughter I'll be upset though.

Carol can do one, can't believe she survived the season, a total waste of screen time.

The conclusion of the Guvnor arc was awful, even if he's back next season it was completely pointless. When he mowed down all his people were we meant to be shocked? He's meant to be an evil bastard, we've known that since the beginning of the season, the money shot of the season should not be a reminder of what we've known for 16 episodes but some kind of conclusion. Wank.

How cute did Herschel's daughter look in that hat?

Them taking in all the refugees is weird. If it ends up with another season in the prison I'll probably give up on the show.
I was wondering why they randomly shoved her in our faces a few episodes ago.
They built up to the battle all season and that's how it happened? 25 people getting shot at by 2 people and decide to run off. What a load of shite, it summed up the season for me almost every episode was mediocre.

The governor was at least better for the last few episodes, he should have been this evil/crazy from the start he would have brought a tension to the show that i think it's missed this season. Not got a clue where the show will go now though most of the characters are either plain useless or just awful and it will be boring seeing them stay in the prison.
The funny thing is, people misjudged what they were building to and some even after the finale are failing to grasp the point of the entire story, mainly because all they want is balls to the wall action. Instead, and thank feck, this show actually provides points and good stories.

Actually, I came across this little bit that summed it up brilliantly really:

From the very start, it was made clear that 90% of Woodbury's residents were completely and totally incapable of fighting, and in fact were clearly sheltered from the harsh realities of the world they were living in. The contrast, from the start, was the mostly softer residents of Woodbury to the group, who had been hardened by the time they spent in between season two and season three on the road.

The other theme this season is the parallel trajectories of Rick and The Governor as leaders. The Governor's failure to organize a large group of said relatively skittish, not battle-tested people with the exceptions of Cesar and the hilariously-named Shumpert meant that he finally lost his shit flat-out and killed 90% of them.

Both recurring themes got their payoffs tonight. Rick succeeded as a leader, The Governor failed. That's the story.

And honestly, I'll still never understand why people continue to watch a program that they think is shit or boring.
The funny thing is, people misjudged what they were building to and some even after the finale are failing to grasp the point of the entire story, mainly because all they want is balls to the wall action. Instead, and thank feck, this show actually provides points and good stories.

Actually, I came across this little bit that summed it up brilliantly really:

And honestly, I'll still never understand why people continue to watch a program that they think is shit or boring.

That's the problem, it doesn't and hasn't since season 1. The characters are terrible, half the cast are ether pointless or despised they couldn't make a decent story with such underdeveloped characters.

I get that half of Woodbury weren't fighters and I have no problem with that but if your going to build up to a battle for 16 episodes at least make it better than a 2 minute worthless scene like the one we saw. How many episodes and side stories about X person joining Y team for the 'battle' were wasted for the conclusion to it all? complete waste of 16 hours to conclude it like they did.