Television The Walking Dead

It's nowhere near as bad as you're all saying it is to be honest. It's got it's problems and is far from perfect but it's still worth tuning into and provides some very good entertainment. A lot just like to complain.

Anyway that was a good episode with a good ending. Felt they could have done more with Merle's character and the bond between him and his brother but it was still a very strong ending nevertheless. Looking forward to the finale now.
It really is actually bad but has moments of being good. The bad is pretty funny though and makes you discuss it rather than turn off.
Just finished Season 2. Please let the kid and the mum die. I can't take much more of them, especially the kid. Bald headed woman and Blonde milf are also very annoying. Katana person/thing at the end was pretty cool - hopefully it scythes blonde milf's head off at the start of season 3.
Which kid are you talking about?

And which milf? Andrea? Yes she gets even more annoying.
I keep reading budget is an issue, but I can't for the life of me figure out why. Isn't this an extremely successful series? Season 1 and 2 received universal critical acclaim but they couldn't get a decent budget for season 3? How's that? Honest question, because at the moment it just sounds like a shit excuse to me.
I keep reading budget is an issue, but I can't for the life of me figure out why. Isn't this an extremely successful series? Season 1 and 2 received universal critical acclaim but they couldn't get a decent budget for season 3? How's that? Honest question, because at the moment it just sounds like a shit excuse to me.
Its a case of trying to maximise the number of episodes though for the budget. Even if they had the same budget as the first season. Twice as many episodes means half the money for each one. Though to be honest I don't think budget is the problem, it is the characters for me and dialogue. They just fail to draw us in to the point where we care about them at all. So when the show does slow down that is highlighted far more.
I keep reading budget is an issue, but I can't for the life of me figure out why. Isn't this an extremely successful series? Season 1 and 2 received universal critical acclaim but they couldn't get a decent budget for season 3? How's that? Honest question, because at the moment it just sounds like a shit excuse to me.

Season 3 probably has a bigger budget than 2.

Apparently TWD gets a smaller budget than Mad Men does even though the former attracts far, far more viewers for AMC than the latter.
Speculation possibly confirmed at some point by the writers about the fate of one character

Other-daughter is going to be carl's first shag. That's already been established by the writers. I still don't know her name. Remember her brother who really only came to prominence when he died stupidly in the RV in the farm finale.

This would be seriously, seriously gay/weird. I also don't know her name, she's totally pointless. I guess it's an attempt to give Carl a story line for the next season, but nobody cares about Carl or the blonde girl. As others have said she looks about 10 years older so I can't see how they'll do that without it looking really awkward.
Anyone know any 'legal' links for watching it live tonight when it airs?
Didn't expect that! Was expecting more to go in this one but that keeps up the suspense. For all of it's problems it has, there's ultimately a certain suspense and risk that you've got to respect them for when they're 3 seasons in and 3 of the 4 top billed characters are dead.
Also I liked the way how the suspense of her picking it up as soon as he turned, the dragging out, and leaving the scene with the screaming was leading to hollywood predictable survival#101, but then it turned out to be the complete opposite. That part was well done actually.
Discussing the last episode

Thank feck for that...the bitch is dead. Why the feck would they leave the town for the shithole prison though? Did the gov and the two goons just drive off into the sunset? Why the feck did they all run like frenchmen because of a few smoke grenades and two poor shots peppering their vehicles?
What exactly was the point of beating up the fella, then forcing him to kill Andrea, by killing him? It was just a muddled mess of shite. Were they deliberately not trying to kill the Guv's crew or were they shooting like the A-Team?
It was a stupid finale to be honest. Bunch of feckwits. Also what the feck happened to Carl? Why he is so pissed off?

Nothing happened except Andrea getting killed.
Well things happened at least. Not sure why for most of it

firstly good riddance to Andrea, that part was done fairly well as I was fully expecting her to survive due to how they had set it all up.

Why did the Governors men all rock up assault the place and yet a bunch of flash grenades and two people shooing back at them (without even hitting anyone) suddenly send them scrambling away with their tails between their legs. Made zero sense at all.

Looks like we are going to have to put up with the governor going rouge and attacking the prison next season. At least he won't have to play hide the evil intentions any more and can hopefully turn into a really evil bad guy without a town full of people to protect.
The file I downloaded fecked up the sound at the end so the last 2 minutes or so had sound from 10 minutes earlier. Can someone confirm the last thing we see is the cross in the field then it fades to black? And that it was 42 minutes long and not 49

I actually thought it was a good episode, first 25 minutes anyway, love the governor going mental and killing everyone
Yes that's the last thing vanthaman. It was a very average ep. Nothing really happened but of course I was delighted that
Andrea died. Was a long time coming. Bit concerned about next season surely they can't spend another whole season in the prison with that many people?
I knew the minute that episode ended that the majority on here would be moaning and complaining about it :lol:

I'm still interested to see why exactly they all went back to the prison, as mentioned above. You've got the choice, an uncomfortable PRISON or a small town that is much more comfortable, homely and seems more safe.

The Guv is fecking mental, good decision to have him just disappear, he'll be back in full force.

And I know everybody hates her, but poor Andrea :( Nowhere near as bad as some people make her out to be.

Will say while I throughly enjoyed it, quite surprised there wasn't a bit more in there. In fairness, they did tell a bloody brilliant story though.
Ever since the break episodes have been rather shitty. I thought it will probably get better towards the end but never did.

Why is it that almost all the shows that go on a break for several months only manage to disappoint?

I just hope they don't feck up breaking bad as well.

The only positive thing was probably seeing Carl turn into a psychopath earlier than expected.
fecksake Andrea I hate your face

The most infuriating part about that episode was even when approaching imminent death, Andrea still can't do a fecking thing right. She had about 15 minutes to take off those handcuffs, she could have easily killed him in basically anyway she wanted. Instead, after being told about the pliers, she goes off in to one of her incredibly annoying speeches, talking about how she only wanted to save people and not kill anyone. You stupid bitch, there's a guy dying 5 feet in front of you, and is about to turn into a zombie and rip you to pieces, no-one gives a feck about anything you're saying, especially him ffs. She only moved towards the pliers or even attempted to break free after he keeps telling her to hurry up, hell she didn't even react to the pliers after he initially told her, not until he explained what they could be used for. How is she this stupid? I mean seriously? She knows exactly what's going to happen and thinks this is the time to explain her actions, and not you know....survive? Also she killed about 6 zombies in hand to hand combat just a couple episodes ago, after one zombie already had it's arm around her throat and the others were closing in...locked in one room with a zombie and armed with a weapon, she can't kill him without being bitten? Yeah alright then. fecking Andrea you piece of shit character, even in death you couldn't do anything right.

I also re-watched the invasion/escape scene by the town people in the prison, and not one single person was injured or killed, despite Maggie and Glenn cheering and celebrating, and that lady later on calling it a 'massacre' just before the governor actually explains the definition of a massacre, by massacring them. They can headshot zombies while leaning outside of cars and shit, but when it comes to about 30 humans escaping a single door, together, they can't hit a single thing? Why is it the most basic things about this show are so poorly done/explained?
Not great

Andrea is dead hurrah, typical TV writing they dragged it out too long and had her give a useless speech instead of just trying to save herself.

The assault on the prison made no sense. At least kill a few of the attackers and then it makes sense that some of the people go into a panic. But in a way I think the Gov had his henchmen who kept too many in Woodbury safe so when he had to pull some of those people in for the assault they were going to lack any sort of toughness.

Now a large group of people none of whom look very useful have joined the prison. WTF are they going to do with them?

I can sort of see not staying in Woodbury since they can not be sure what the Gov has left around there or that he doesn't have some secret ways in that he could cause problems.

Yeah the Gov will be back later, but not sure why. Just kill the fecker and get on with the story.
I could definitely see him biting off some fingers of offenders.

And I can see him having lost an eye due to misuse of spoilers too, blinded by the ignorance of others when it came to revealing things about future episodes.
So ill be the first to talk about this episode without spoilers.

I'm so glad that Andrea died, but towards the end I had a bit of sympathy towards her. But then as Hectic pointed out, how stupid was she to get herself killed. Well I guess that adds to the many reasons why I'm glad she's dead.

Little Carl, he's turned a bit crazy hasn't he. Has anyone figured out why he was so pissed?

I was disappointed with that episode considering it was a season finale, was hoping for more action. The only decent thing to happen was the governor massacring his own people, bit out of character though surely. Well I guess he's a psychopath so nothing it out of character for him.

Hershel is still alive, how?

We need more of Michonne's machete in the next series.
So ill be the first to talk about this episode without spoilers.

I'm so glad that Andrea died, but towards the end I had a bit of sympathy towards her. But then as Hectic pointed out, how stupid was she to get herself killed. Well I guess that adds to the many reasons why I'm glad she's dead.

Little Carl, he's turned a bit crazy hasn't he. Has anyone figured out why he was so pissed?

I was disappointed with that episode considering it was a season finale, was hoping for more action. The only decent thing to happen was the governor massacring his own people, bit out of character though surely. Well I guess he's a psychopath so nothing it out of character for him.

Hershel is still alive, how?

We need more of Michonne's machete in the next series.

No you won't.
They saw a box of about 1000 grenades at mad morgan's place, why the feck didn't they take them all and just chuck grenades all over the place?
So ill be the first to talk about this episode without spoilers.

I'm so glad that Andrea died, but towards the end I had a bit of sympathy towards her. But then as Hectic pointed out, how stupid was she to get herself killed. Well I guess that adds to the many reasons why I'm glad she's dead.

Little Carl, he's turned a bit crazy hasn't he. Has anyone figured out why he was so pissed?

He wanted to be an active part of the defense, he felt like being the guardian of the infirmed and the defenseless, yet again, he took as a slight. He was further miffed to not be going on the governor hunt, he had a point. I'd rather have him with me in a gun fight over Glenn and Maggie, who managed to not hit anyone from an excellent vantage place firing into a choke point with 100's of rounds.

He's getting to be a right ruthless little cnut, though.

I was disappointed with that episode considering it was a season finale, was hoping for more action. The only decent thing to happen was the governor massacring his own people, bit out of character though surely. Well I guess he's a psychopath so nothing it out of character for him.

Hershel is still alive, how?

We need more of Michonne's machete in the next series.

It's a katana, but I don't disagree about the need for it.

Hershel was never in any real danger, so survival was easy enough for him. I thought that bit with him and Carl, caused a bit of retardedness in the writing.

Rick did the exact same thing in a bar ages ago (earlier this 'season?'), when he just wasted the two looters, on a hunch and that was a good call says Hershel and Rick.

Carl does the same thing and gets lambasted for it, if the dude wanted to live he would have dropped the gun, he was trying to inch forward on the kid. Fair game.