Television The Walking Dead

They should have everyone die except Rick and the rest of the show is just him staring at the ghosts of the entire cast.
I thought that around five minutes of the latest episode was good and the rest was rubbish, i.e. whenever the characters had conversations.

I think they need to kill off pretty much everyone bar 2 or 3 characters and just introduce new ones next season, and try do a better job of writing them this time.
Thoughts on the current episode:

Enjoyed that a bit more. Merle's plan was genius apart from the obvious plot hole that he could not hit anyone important leading up to the finale. I can't remember if one of the better writers was supposed to take the last two episodes or just the finale, but it was definitely better. All a bit disjointed before this.

Unfortunately i have read too far into the comics to speculate. Will wait and see what the finale brings before i comment.
What would be the point in killing Daryl now that Merle is gone ? If anything it pretty much gives Daryl immortality

There are no more foreseeable story arcs for Daryl, since the one with his brother's resolved.

Just plain sexing up the butchy looking silver-haired Carol and being a general badass?
There are no more foreseeable story arcs for Daryl, since the one with his brother's resolved.

Just plain sexing up the butchy looking silver-haired Carol and being a general badass?

It would be beyond madness to kill off the only good main character they have.I for one cannot wait for the death of Herschel, either one of his daughters and Andrea
It would be beyond madness to kill off the only good main character they have.I for one cannot wait for the death of Herschel, either one of his daughters and Andrea

feck that shit, Maggie is the only reason I'm still watching the damn thing!
They shouldn't have killed Merle off, out of the remaining characters he's one of a very few who had some interest. He brought a tension to the show, he was a lot better at that role even when being a 'good guy' than the governor has been all season.

Pretty much every character remaining is terrible, other than Daryl and to some extent Rick id like to see the lot be replaced.
I wonder if Rick's change of heart that he can't be the one who decides everything, that they need to be a democracy is really relevant to the story or did the writer realize that if Rick is making all of the decisions there is really not much else for any of the other characters to do if they are not being attacked by zombies?
They shouldn't have killed Merle off, out of the remaining characters he's one of a very few who had some interest. He brought a tension to the show, he was a lot better at that role even when being a 'good guy' than the governor has been all season.

Pretty much every character remaining is terrible, other than Daryl and to some extent Rick id like to see the lot be replaced.

Agree with you there.

There was a lot of potential with Merle and there was a good opportunity for some great character development. We haven't actually had the chance of seeing the brothers together.

I think what they did in the last series was good, or was it earlier this series? I lost because I watched it all in one go. Anyway the flashbacks were a good element, and if they're smart they should add some more back story to the brothers relationship and show their relationship before Merle got left in the city. They were planning on robbing the group, so they can show a bit of this and how they came to be part of the group.
People still can't get this right.

a) If it has happened ypu can talk about it without spoilers
b) If it hasn't happened, even if you are just pondering, spoiler tags with a description of the content.
People still can't get this right.

a) If it has happened ypu can talk about it without spoilers
b) If it hasn't happened, even if you are just pondering, spoiler tags with a description of the content.

I've been rather bored with the second half of the season...just feels far too drawn out, same mistake they made last season which meant I just set them to record rather than tune in to watch as it was on...hope the finale is great, but I can't see it getting many more seasons...i shouldn't have read the comics as im too disappointed when things are changed lol
I downloaded the comics, at some point ill have to read them.
Watching this latest episode I noticed that Hershels <sp> blonde daughter gets less airtime than T-Dawg 3.0. Seriously, what is the point? Surely she is dead weight and will be killed off unless they have plans for her character next season.
Speculation possibly confirmed at some point by the writers about the fate of one character

Other-daughter is going to be carl's first shag. That's already been established by the writers. I still don't know her name. Remember her brother who really only came to prominence when he died stupidly in the RV in the farm finale.
Speculation possibly confirmed at some point by the writers about the fate of one character

Other-daughter is going to be carl's first shag. That's already been established by the writers. I still don't know her name. Remember her brother who really only came to prominence when he died stupidly in the RV in the farm finale.
Are you joking? He still sounds like a girl, and the daughter is 28 in real life.
Does anyone actually expect the season finale to be so good that we cant wait for next season to start? I honestly dont think they have such an episode. The writers arent good enough for that.
Does anyone actually expect the season finale to be so good that we cant wait for next season to start? I honestly dont think they have such an episode. The writers arent good enough for that.

Apparently production for the fourth season starts in May. Its a popular show, a successful zombie series is unprecedented and even most recent movies have been crap. You have to be interested in everything this kind of world would bring imo, and they have covered it well so far.
Does anyone actually expect the season finale to be so good that we cant wait for next season to start? I honestly dont think they have such an episode. The writers arent good enough for that.

One thing that the writers get correct in Walking Dead are the cliffhangers. Every season and hiatus endings have cliffhangers that keep you wanting more. I think for that reason people will still tune in. It's just a shame that the series is going downhill and they have yet to show Maggies tits.
Apparently production for the fourth season starts in May. Its a popular show, a successful zombie series is unprecedented and even most recent movies have been crap. You have to be interested in everything this kind of world would bring imo, and they have covered it well so far.

Yeah still I just meant that the way this show has kinda dragged on, it doesn't really keep you on the edge of your seat anymore. Its just boring dialogue. The zombie killing action scenes are hardly there anymore. Even the ending of season 2 wasnt great IMHO. They just ended with them leaving the farm and showing the prison. Thats it.
Yeah still I just meant that the way this show has kinda dragged on, it doesn't really keep you on the edge of your seat anymore. Its just boring dialogue. The zombie killing action scenes are hardly there anymore. Even the ending of season 2 wasnt great IMHO. They just ended with them leaving the farm and showing the prison. Thats it.

Yeah i get what you're saying. I think everyones main gripe has been that they have captured this part of the story poorly. Judging by the tone of this thread, not many are genuinely invested in any of the characters and with this part of the story mainly being about people being a bigger threat to the group than the zombies, i can see why some aren't enjoying it. I still think they need a movie budget, they are doing quite well with what they have.
Yeah i get what you're saying. I think everyones main gripe has been that they have captured this part of the story poorly. Judging by the tone of this thread, not many are genuinely invested in any of the characters and with this part of the story mainly being about people being a bigger threat to the group than the zombies, i can see why some aren't enjoying it. I still think they need a movie budget, they are doing quite well with what they have.

Very true. Season one worked because it had a huge budget and was only six episodes.

I mean, if you halved Game of Thrones budget and asked them to make 16 episodes instead of 10, I'm sure the quality of it would drop considerably too.

I think the biggest problem with TWD is that the source material they had to work with was fairly limited, it's just a bunch of 20 page comics with pretty limited dialogue, so trying to copy that on to TV over the space of 800-900 minutes a year would always be an impossible task unless they added a shitload of new stuff and wrote a lot of their own dialogue. Unfortunately the writers haven't done a good job of that and as such nobody gives a feck about the melodrama or characters and just wants to see gore and zombie bashing, which doesn't happen much because the budget isn't high enough for them to have a constant stream of that for 16 episodes a season.

I blame AMC.
Exactly right Cina. Season one was incredible and felt like a movie.

Recently after reading the comics, i have come to appreciate the show even more. Its a huge problem when you base something off a book/comic. They have to cater to the die hard comic fans who dont want anything changed while actually giving the 40min show some content.

I can't blame AMC though, there is a pre-existing plot that needs to be followed and from what i am seeing, a budget that means a story has to be played out in one ideal location until the conclusion.
Does anyone actually expect the season finale to be so good that we cant wait for next season to start? I honestly dont think they have such an episode. The writers arent good enough for that.
I can see been good, but not great. Hopefully we get plenty of action and some sort of actual resolution between the two groups, as the constant build up has been highly frustrating most of the time.

I'm expecting the finale to end in a cliffhanger somehow, that will be used to draw people in to the next season. Without that I can see plenty of people like myself who are getting a bit fed up with the slow pace not tuning in straightaway or eagerly anticipating the next season.
the one thing I wonder is if the did a series that was more about constant battles with zombies, how bored of that would we get? Oh look Rick shot a zombie...oh look Darryl shot a zombie...oh look Carl shot a zombie...again and again and again and again.

They key for the series is finding a balance, though I don't think the intention of the series is to focus on the group fighting zombies all the time.
I'm currently half way through season 2. If they kill off Deryl or make him a racist twat like his brother I'm going to be proper pissed. Genuinely would have stopped watching it if that stupid blonde bitch had killed him with the rifle. I wish this little girl lost storyline gets resolved fast as it's seriously boring. Shane seems like he's being set up to lose the plot at some point, if he hasn't already. Rick's attitude is at times annoying, survival is the name of the game and some of the group's decisions have been massively questionable if it were a real event.
the one thing I wonder is if the did a series that was more about constant battles with zombies, how bored of that would we get? Oh look Rick shot a zombie...oh look Darryl shot a zombie...oh look Carl shot a zombie...again and again and again and again.

They key for the series is finding a balance, though I don't think the intention of the series is to focus on the group fighting zombies all the time.

Finding the balance is key but this show does a shit job at it. When was the last time you actually saw a horde of zombies attacking the group? Starting couple of episodes this season when they first reached the prison? Since then it has been pretty dry. I know budget is an issue but they knew about when they signed up for the show. I think they need to do a better job of allocating money to the extras and makeup for zombies.
I'm currently half way through season 2. If they kill off Deryl or make him a racist twat like his brother I'm going to be proper pissed. Genuinely would have stopped watching it if that stupid blonde bitch had killed him with the rifle. I wish this little girl lost storyline gets resolved fast as it's seriously boring. Shane seems like he's being set up to lose the plot at some point, if he hasn't already. Rick's attitude is at times annoying, survival is the name of the game and some of the group's decisions have been massively questionable if it were a real event.

You've got to be careful coming into this thread. Its littered with spoilers although of late we have been doing a better job at it. And the parts you are talking about feels SO LONG AGO.
You've got to be careful coming into this thread. Its littered with spoilers although of late we have been doing a better job at it. And the parts you are talking about feels SO LONG AGO.

Yeah I haven't read the posts on this page. Does the series get better or worse?
Yeah I haven't read the posts on this page. Does the series get better or worse?

A bit of both. Mainly worse.

Just realised how far behind you are, it gets better so stick with it. But you'll be hating your life at some point in season 3.
Yeah I haven't read the posts on this page. Does the series get better or worse?

Season 2 gets a lot better towards the end and start of season 3 is good but midway through 3 is horrible and now we are at ending and it is still bad.