Television The Walking Dead

Okay so final episode of the season up next

So besides our chat about who might die, how do you think it will play out? Big battle at the prison? Or will Rick and the gang leave before the Gov and his guys get there, leaving the Gov to attack an empty prison, but he noice attracts a large swarm of Zombies, effectively ending the Govs army? Obviously the big battle makes for more exciting television, but the other option might actually show some brains on the part of Ricks group and at least be a bit different from what we would normally expect.

I would be bummed out if Darryl also leaves the show, he is one of the best characters and still think him and Carol got some hot loving to get down to.

I was thinking along those lines as well. Rick and his group will lure the Gov and his people into the prison. Somehow trap them, and let loose a shit storm of walkers.
I'm also thinking that T-Dawg 3.0 and his sis will join back up with Ricks group. Also will have to wonder the fate of the Doc at Woodbury. Does he die? Join Ricks group as well? Or will he take over Woodbury once and if the Gov say adios to the big sombrero?
I wonder if the crew will take over Woodbury if they kill the governor. It will surely be a lot more comfy than the prison and I can't see them finding a better safe haven. Of course it's mor fun for us to see them on the run, but it gets to a point where they have to be settled somewhere eventually
Much better episode than in previous weeks.
The Governor was also better, biting Merle's fingers off and killing him is what he's all about, they haven't been this violent with him enough for my liking he's been a crappy character for the most part this season
My guess for the final episode is.
Big battle at the prison. They lose a few main characters but put up a huge fight, much better than The Governor expected. Andrea will be the Governors plaything but the Doc (or whatever he is) will free her and they, possibly with T-Dawg 3.0 and his sister, will be instrumental in killing The Governor at the end. The reintroduction of the walkers inside the prison suggests that this will play a part but not sure how exactly. At the end I expect Rich and whoever else survives to move on again.

And was the person killed taking a bullet for the Governor the white kid from T-Dawg 3.0s group?
My guess for the final episode is.
Big battle at the prison. They lose a few main characters but put up a huge fight, much better than The Governor expected. Andrea will be the Governors plaything but the Doc (or whatever he is) will free her and they, possibly with T-Dawg 3.0 and his sister, will be instrumental in killing The Governor at the end. The reintroduction of the walkers inside the prison suggests that this will play a part but not sure how exactly. At the end I expect Rich and whoever else survives to move on again.

And was the person killed taking a bullet for the Governor the white kid from T-Dawg 3.0s group?

Yes, he mentioned it during the shit conference episode.

Thinking about it, why bother with a big gay war when he could just place a few snipers around the prison and pick off the group members with ease?

I remember that now. Feck knows. Andrea perhaps? Did T-Dawg 3.0s group know?
Specualtion based on this event
That will potentially have some effect on the group dynamic. White bloke with the Governor and T-Dawg 3.0 and sis seeing the insanity of the Governor and wanting out.

its what I think too, but lets not forget that guy I think was the son of the other white guy. So he may want revenge on the governor.
Question about Allen's fate
Wasn't the kids dad killed as well? Sure I saw him been zombie food at the end.

Answer based on information some dick talked about to me based on the "next week" clip at the end of the episode.

Allen was apparently seem in a clip of next week's episode
Speculation partly based on the trailer for the finale.

Allen is still alive, he's clearly seen in the trailer for the finale.

My guess for the finale, T-Dawg 3.0 will probably be recruited by Andrea at somepoint and side with Rick by the end. The doc will be the one to save Andrea at the cost of his own life.

Herschel will die, I'm 100% sure he will simply so they don't have to keep CGI'ing his leg. :lol:

Morgan will show up, probably with new information which will provide the plot for Season 4. The Governor will perhaps die or they might do it in a way the viewer/group assumes he died, I hope he dies for story progressions sake.
Can we all describe what is in our spoiler please? It helps people decide what to open especially when it is based on things like preview footage which tend to give away lots of real information.
Yes. Of course. Why would be speculation about who dies be any different from speculation about anything else?
Really think we're getting a massive cull next week.

Wouldn't mind it if next series only has Michionne, Carl, Rick, Glenn, Milton, T-dawg 3.0, his girl and Andrea.
Twigg haven't you (like me) read the comics? it's therefore a bit much on your part to be doing speculation. I know people have got in trouble for it in the GoT threads before.
Twigg haven't you (like me) read the comics? it's therefore a bit much on your part to be doing speculation. I know people have got in trouble for it in the GoT threads before.

Don't you think these are almost completely different entities at this point? I honestly don't' take the future of the comics into account when thinking who'll survive.

I just think there are so many characters at the moment who have absolutely nothing to do. I think this whole season has been gearing up for some kind of "cull."
Also my friend come up with a theory last night (Nothing to do with the comics as he hasn't read them)

What if Milton has been the big bad behind Woodbury all along?

We've seen him gathering information all the time. Who was it who wanted the layout of the prison? And has been conducting experiments.

It'd be a way of continuing Woodbury after the Governor presumably dies soon.
I doubt that, he doesn't seem evil and helped Andrea to escape. He was also considering leaving himself but said he isn't part of the other group.
I thought if it was based purely on the episode and no comics, interviews, "next week on"s or anything then it didn't need to be spoilered.

Anything in the future. Anything that hasn't been directly observed in the episode really.
I just think they need a big name death. Daryl fits the bill the best I think.

If Daryl dies it's game over for the show.

I really don't care about any of the characters apart from Daryl. Rick used to be cool but is a right whopper now.
That last episode was much better i thought! Didn't want Murle (Or however you spell it) to die quite frankly, was quite a good character to have around, hoping they pull off a few personalities and expand after this season, I can see Glen becoming the hands on man if Hershaw dies and I think they have to find a way of bringing Rick back to life, as his character is too uninteresting, as is his boy