Television The Walking Dead

I really enjoyed the last episode, I think the show really lacks that horror element, and the stalking scene was done well. It's all become a bit Lord of the Flies recently. And it's good to see the Governor chewing it up a bit more. I agree with Snow that the ep with Rick and Carl and Michonne was weak, and seemed like a lazy attempt to tie up that strand from season one.

As for the acting, I'm not sure if they're all bad or if the writers are just terrible. They don't have much to work with. Andrew Lincoln could lay off his constipation face though. Rooker and Morrissey have both been decent at times.
Is it just me or do the episodes never seem to flow into each other any more. I always spend the first few minutes thinking, 'wait whats going on how did these guys get here and what are the doing. What happened to last weeks cliff hanger ending?'. Seems to be happening more and more.

The show really is stagnating right now, things are going round in circles and that doesn't look like it will change at all until the final episode of the season. The last couple really could have been left out all together.

The sense that any character could die at any moment has dropped of as well sadly. I no longer fear for people living out episodes despite them running about among the zombies every 30 seconds. without that threat it really is just a poorly scripted soap.

Pretty much bob on. While I think the fact that they are less scared by zombies is good development, them having posed no threat for what seems like the whole of the second half of this season is a bit weird for a zombie show. I'm guessing they've used most of their ideas up already and don't want to exhaust them completely when there's still another season to go.
They've had the herd, the school full of them, them being used by humans etc. what else can they do to make them interesting?

When was the last time this show really progressed?
To be honest the black guy is the only one who can act properly in the entire show. Maybe it was good actually seeing someone who could act for a change. Plus the governor is not as good an actor as you make him out to be. I usually appreciate bad guys more when they are good actors but this guy just pisses me off so much.

I wasn't praising the actor who plays the governor, I was praising the character. What he does and says. Actor is alright.

The 2nd half of the season has definitely moved back to plothole city. Started off much stronger than what it has become.
To be honest the black guy is the only one who can act properly in the entire show. Maybe it was good actually seeing someone who could act for a change. Plus the governor is not as good an actor as you make him out to be. I usually appreciate bad guys more when they are good actors but this guy just pisses me off so much.

You don't think Andrew Lincoln or Norman Reedus are good actors? Michael Rooker?

And I do think David Morrissey is a good actor. I've seen better, but I still think he's good.
You don't think Andrew Lincoln or Norman Reedus are good actors? Michael Rooker?

And I do think David Morrissey is a good actor. I've seen better, but I still think he's good.

All Andrew Lincoln does is mourn and scorn and make faces to show us he is pissed. Anyone can do that. Daryl and Meryl are alright I guess.
Tree zombie grabbing Andrea scene was fecking annoying. They telegraphed it massively with a slow camera pan and then this stupid tart is holding off 3 zombies with ease. They might as well call it The Walking Poofs.
What even happens if you get bit? Do you turn? Is there any evidence of that?
Maybe it gets infected and you die from that then turn?
It doesn't make much sense that you'd automatically turn just from being bit, if everyone is infected in the other sense.

Hasn't the idea always been that if you get bit, you die. When you die, you turn, because everybody is infected. Which is why they had to chop off Hershals leg to save him.

Only just watched the latest ep, pretty damn good. Gov/Andrea scenes were very good, still don't really get the Andrea hate considering there's way more annoying characters. Final scene was good, still cant see her dying this season, she'll be saved.

Way too many complaining people on here, probably because all you want is balls to the wall every single episode, which in turn would eventually get tiring. Glad to see them pace themselves. fecking annoying how people are always "OH WHY DIDN'T THEY DO THIS THOSE feckING IDIOTS NO LOGIC! I'D OF DONE THAT!", like they have experience of living in a fecking world overrun with zombies.
Hasn't the idea always been that if you get bit, you die. When you die, you turn, because everybody is infected. Which is why they had to chop off Hershals leg to save him.

Only just watched the latest ep, pretty damn good. Gov/Andrea scenes were very good, still don't really get the Andrea hate considering there's way more annoying characters. Final scene was good, still cant see her dying this season, she'll be saved.

Way too many complaining people on here, probably because all you want is balls to the wall every single episode, which in turn would eventually get tiring. Glad to see them pace themselves. fecking annoying how people are always "OH WHY DIDN'T THEY DO THIS THOSE feckING IDIOTS NO LOGIC! I'D OF DONE THAT!", like they have experience of living in a fecking world overrun with zombies.

Yeah its just sometimes they make it seem as if being bit turns you directly, like with most zombie stories.

I don't think everyone just wants all action all the time. But a bit more movement in the story (and in their actual environment) wouldn't go amiss. They tend to get bogged down and things that could take 10 minutes take whole episodes which makes it seem like nothing really happens.

I agree with whoever mentioned it being better before having to wait to watch one every week. You could watch about 3 at once and you'd feel like you got somewhere afterwards.
The bite is just so infections on a different level than the zombie virus (think komodo dragon bites). Their immune system can't handle it and there's no known treatment really so you just suffer awful fevers and in the end die. By cutting off the leg you prevented him from being sick. Everyone is already infected and will need their brains mushed when they die.

At the beginning they didn't know that everyone was infected so a scratch was pretty much thought to be a death sentence. Not sure if it really is as I haven't seen anyone get scratched despite getting pinned by the zombies a lot.
Just came around to seeing last weekend's episode and I have to say, wow, what god awful tripe this show has become. Andrea is just too incredibly dumb not to hate her as a character and they've made the Governor into an almost superman like character that isn't bound to the laws of the series' universe. The locations have outstayed their welcome, the plot doesn't move anymore, characters get progressively worse and every episode seems to end with a song and some floating images just to kill some more time. They've destroyed everything I liked about the first season.
Cool music used throughout would But they don't use it properly. Like most things.
Tree zombie grabbing Andrea scene was fecking annoying. They telegraphed it massively with a slow camera pan and then this stupid tart is holding off 3 zombies with ease. They might as well call it The Walking Poofs.

Me too.
And the most chaotically organised factory, for the stalking scene. Unless we are to believe the zombs made a maze while they were waiting for fresh meat to come wandering in.

Pissing me off now, this show.
The second half of the season has been decent but is really starting to slow down now. That fear factor element which was there earlier seems to be fading away again, and everything between about ep 10 onwards isn't going to mean much when it all depends on the season finale.

I think they've maybe gone with too many episodes for this series. Things like the guy from the first season, Rick and the Governor's meeting, and the stalking episode were all good individually, but it's a bit much to drag it off into three episodes. I appreciate focusing on particular characters but there's giving extended screen time and there's then giving a full episode. You get right into something at one point and then it'll just disappear for the next episode. Yeah, a finale is supposed to be the big moment, but it's not like you can't have other high octane, edge of the seat episodes. The first half of season 3 was the best the show has been but it's starting to fade away.

Anyway, I still think it's building up to a good finale. Can see a death or two before it's out, a final confrontation between Rick's group and Woodbury, and a situation involving the brothers of some sort, so not all is lost yet. Still good TV, just going a lot slower again like in season 2.
That was a pretty good episode, excepting Rick's speech. Chance of death in the finale:

Herschel - 100%
Herschel's other daughter - 85%
Michionne - 75%
Carol - 65%
Andrea - 35%
Maggie - 10%
Glen - 10%
Carl - 5%
Darryl - 0%
The baby - 0%
Rick - 0%
That was a pretty good episode, excepting Rick's speech. Chance of death in the finale:

Herschel - 100%
Herschel's other daughter - 85%
Michionne - 75%
Carol - 65%
Andrea - 35%
Maggie - 10%
Glen - 10%
Carl - 5%
Darryl - 0%
The baby - 0%
Rick - 0%

Future speculation about any further deaths base on ???
there are supposed to be 'multiple' deaths in the final 'emotional' episode (if you believe what you read)

Im guessing that either Glenn or Maggie will cack it since they just got back together again

I also just noticed that Tyreese is the actor that played 'Cuddy' in The Wire (season 3)
Specualtion about deaths in the final episode based on ????
Yeah I read about the multiple deaths theory as well but there are already only like 7 of them left. If they further lessen this group, its going to be like 3-4 people walking around trying to find something.
Well that was a decent episode considering the sack of shit we've had to watch recently.

dont you just hate it when the bad guy finally gets a conscience and then goes and dies just when you think he may turn a corner.
Good second half to the episode.

Surprised merl started taking out the governors men and then got killed. Didn't expect him to die, but at the same time I never really expected him to fully integrate into the group long term.
Good second half to the episode.

Surprised merl started taking out the governors men and then got killed. Didn't expect him to die, but at the same time I never really expected him to fully integrate into the group long term.

it would have been nice to think that he may have turned a corner and earn a spot though. What he did turned out to be pointless as he didnt hit anyone worth hitting, they should have made that better.
it would have been nice to think that he may have turned a corner and earn a spot though. What he did turned out to be pointless as he didnt hit anyone worth hitting, they should have made that better.

I agree maybe he did not take out that many. But not surprised his character was offed. Once he made the turn into being a decent guy, well there was not much more they could do with him character wise that would not have just been that he was another Darryl. Well maybe the writers could have come up with something, but had to see what.

I was half expecting Merle to lead a huge swarm to Woodbury and that while the Gov. and his crew were attacking the prison, Woodbury with the rest of the citizens there gets over run.
it would have been nice to think that he may have turned a corner and earn a spot though. What he did turned out to be pointless as he didnt hit anyone worth hitting, they should have made that better.

I did have a laugh at all the extras basically getting killed. You just knew no one major (ie anyone that has had proper screen time before) was going to die on the governors side
Specualtion about deaths in the final episode based on ????
Yeah I read about the multiple deaths theory as well but there are already only like 7 of them left. If they further lessen this group, its going to be like 3-4 people walking around trying to find something.

My guess is that if they thing the current prison group down by 3 or 4 more people then it will mean either a few from Woodbury joining the group or that they meet up with another small group and join them in some sort of journey.
I agree maybe he did not take out that many. But not surprised his character was offed. Once he made the turn into being a decent guy, well there was not much more they could do with him character wise that would not have just been that he was another Darryl. Well maybe the writers could have come up with something, but had to see what.

I was half expecting Merle to lead a huge swarm to Woodbury and that while the Gov. and his crew were attacking the prison, Woodbury with the rest of the citizens there gets over run.

thats what I thought he was doing initially as well but then it wouldn't be fair to start killing all the innocents. I still think he should have got some sort of vantage point. He died way too easily. I would have preferred to see him being taken hostage alongside Andrea. The group basically have hardly any muscle left.

I did have a laugh at all the extras basically getting killed. You just knew no one major (ie anyone that has had proper screen time before) was going to die on the governors side

yeah although it was good to see that guy die who got in the way of the governor. Hopefully that black dude will join forces with the group.
Okay so final episode of the season up next

So besides our chat about who might die, how do you think it will play out? Big battle at the prison? Or will Rick and the gang leave before the Gov and his guys get there, leaving the Gov to attack an empty prison, but he noice attracts a large swarm of Zombies, effectively ending the Govs army? Obviously the big battle makes for more exciting television, but the other option might actually show some brains on the part of Ricks group and at least be a bit different from what we would normally expect.

I would be bummed out if Darryl also leaves the show, he is one of the best characters and still think him and Carol got some hot loving to get down to.
Okay so final episode of the season up next

So besides our chat about who might die, how do you think it will play out? Big battle at the prison? Or will Rick and the gang leave before the Gov and his guys get there, leaving the Gov to attack an empty prison, but he noice attracts a large swarm of Zombies, effectively ending the Govs army? Obviously the big battle makes for more exciting television, but the other option might actually show some brains on the part of Ricks group and at least be a bit different from what we would normally expect.

I would be bummed out if Darryl also leaves the show, he is one of the best characters and still think him and Carol got some hot loving to get down to.

that would be so boring that it would be absolutely pointless