Television The Walking Dead

Well, thank you.

How do you think this seasons gonna finish?

Only way it can finish. Gov dead. Prison and Woodbury over run with zombies, who if you remember do get attracted to the sound of gun fire. Then it will be back on the road next season to meet a new wacky bunch of survivors and things will continue not to work out as planned.

The real question is who is going to be left alive for Ricks "new" group. I expect a few from the current group , Rick, Carl, Glenn, Maggie, maybe Darryl to be left alive. Then a few survivors from Woodbury might tag along.

Andrea, not so sure if she will make it. Darryl and Merle, they just might decide sticking with family is better and run off after the fight, providing they survive.
Gov dead. Prison and Woodbury over run with zombies, who if you remember do get attracted to the sound of gun fire. Then it will be back on the road next season to meet a new wacky bunch of survivors and things will continue not to work out as planned.

:lol: you're a condescending little fecker.

I reckon the guv will obviously die, but he'll take a few with him. Possibly one of Hershal's daughters for shock factor.
Or maybe just Hershal himself. Can see Andrea biting the dust and either the Dr joining the crew or dying as well.
It is just that the show has a pattern now doesn't it. Each season will be the surviving group running into a new group and that will drive the story for that season. It is difficult to see where they could go with the story while breaking that pattern. They need to introduce new characters into the story each season otherwise it will become far too stale.

What will be interesting to see is if Morgan decides to show up and play a role in how this season plays out or if he is going to be held out for some surprise later on or if they will just forget about him now and leave us to assume he just continued his drift deeper into crazy land.
It is just that the show has a pattern now doesn't it. Each season will be the surviving group running into a new group and that will drive the story for that season. It is difficult to see where they could go with the story while breaking that pattern. They need to introduce new characters into the story each season otherwise it will become far too stale.

What will be interesting to see is if Morgan decides to show up and play a role in how this season plays out or if he is going to be held out for some surprise later on or if they will just forget about him now and leave us to assume he just continued his drift deeper into crazy land.

That's why I'm thinking they'll be killing a few off, to make way for some new characters. Could see Morgan showing up just in time to help in the big showdown. Or maybe just after they all leave as a kind of cliffhanger.
Let's hope they get the next season right.
We don't know who burnt the zombies BTW

Most likely this guy

For survivors, a lot of them are fecking thick and naive

Always got the impression that for a lot of them their survival has been at least as much down to luck or being with the right people as it has been down to any survival skills.

And that might be the point is that they are not super survivalists, just regular people struggling and not necessarily dealing with it all very well.
Anyone think the walkers are a bit useless as a plot point this season? I mean series 1/2 they represented a real threat this season is seems as if the survivors arent bothered about, Andrea has no issue taking on a gang of them in hand to hand combat and they just seem too easy to kill or something. Even this episode the governor would've died had that been series 1/2 but nope in series 3 without any ammo he takes down a group of 15 in hand to hand combat with a shovel presumably (which would be shit given the tight space).

Also how the feck did he get to Andrea? I mean even if you take into account that hes in the car as opposed to on foot, at what point does he say "yeah I'll stop here and get out"? I mean otherwise he did it on foot and considering the advantage Andrea had theres no way he'd be able to catch her, let alone know the specific path she took.

Shit like that is starting to really piss me off, since it came back off the break it hasnt been the same, we've just spent the whole time building up to this end of season war.
We don't know who burnt the zombies BTW

Well I was thinking it might have the white guy from the group of four who left the prison and went to Woodbury since he wanted the blame to fall on the black guy? But then the nerdy guy came out and was all cocky about it. So it might have been him.
Everyone's infected remember.

Yes, everyone is infected with the virus (or whatever) so they reanimate when they die, but I mean he has to have been bitten, which caused an infection which causes an illness that kills you. The only reason Hershel survived is because they amputated his leg before the infection could spread.

If he wasn't bitten in that situation then the show really is a fecking joke.
Could everyone remember spoiler tags please.

Speculation based on nothing about who might have torched the zombies
It might have been a number of people including the Lenny James character.

Speculation about Andrea's fate based on what we saw in the episode.
I assume we all noticed that the Governor's torture kit included gynecological tools. Prepared for Michonne but will he use them on Andrea? I'm thinking yes as they presumably weren't chosen without though by the writers?
Could everyone remember spoiler tags please.

Speculation based on nothing about who might have torched the zombies
It might have been a number of people including the Lenny James character.

Speculation about Andrea's fate based on what we saw in the episode.
I assume we all noticed that the Governor's torture kit included gynecological tools. Prepared for Michonne but will he use them on Andrea? I'm thinking yes as they presumably weren't chosen without though by the writers?

Are tag necessary after the first one/two posts each week?
Comment and speculation about the armless zombies Michonne used as decoys when she was first introduced. I wonder what Michonne means by "they were barely human to begin with" when Andrea asked about them?

Speculation about who Michonne's decoy zombies were based on this show alone
You would assume that she must have known them before they were zombies in some way but she seems to have contempt for them so maybe they attacked her and she killed them causing them to turn or ???????

Without saying what happened in the comics this comment by Michonne (and lots of other things I know or half know or suspect from people being careless with information) suggests that they are now less and less reliant on the plot of the comics. Not sure if this is good or bad.
So the leaves on the trees went from lush green to red and almost fallen off in the space of a few days?
Yes. And compulsory.

I thought you didn't need to use tags once the episode had aired everywhere or something?
Then again I don't know if it has been aired here yet....or even what channel it's on (Sky1 I'd imagine).
Not for the episode itself once it has been aired anywhere in the world but for any and all future speculation you need to spoiler tag your comments combined with a description of that spoiler. And no comic info allowed.
So the leaves on the trees went from lush green to red and almost fallen off in the space of a few days?

I was joking rather obviously I though.

So I have no idea. If it just a few days and TBH I didn't notice if it was suddenly autumn. If it was due to the filming schedule then I don't suppose there is much they can do to stop nature doing it's thing. It could even be due to editing things into a different order than they were filmed for some reason. Crap continuity planning if that is the reason.

TBH the speed of the seasons changing isn't the most unbelievable thing about a zombie apocalypse so I probably don't really care.
Why is it suddenly Autumn?

So the leaves on the trees went from lush green to red and almost fallen off in the space of a few days?


"In episode 2F09 when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib twice in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is some sort of a magic xylophone or something?"
Not for the episode itself once it has been aired anywhere in the world but for any and all future speculation you need to spoiler tag your comments combined with a description of that spoiler. And no comic info allowed.

Ah ok. Didn't realise.
That was probably the worst episode I've seen, watching the show on a weekly basis now rather than all in one go is really opening my eyes to what it's become. First season was great, second season was really good, but this season seems to be all over the place.

I get it that the zombies have become less of a threat to the people, after all they've had to adapt. And in this battle for survival humans pose a scarier threat, that much makes sense.

I think I'd like to see more of them out in the open trying to survive, come across more people than just the Woodbury lot and be in situations where the group have roles where they're split up to go get food for the camp etc. We're not seeing how they're surviving, how they're getting food etc. I'd like to see them go into town to get things to make the the prison a nicer place to live and run into trouble along the ways.

The group just doesn't seem to come across any danger other than the business with the governor.
Cutting the budget and doubling the episodes ruined this show. it's like they can't afford to build more than one location a season so they have to keep the entire season there. It also looks like they blew the entire budget on the first 5 or 6 episodes so now they're in a constant circle of moving that annoying blonde side-boobing twat between the only two locations in the season over and over again.

Still, at least the previews are great.
Is it just me or do the episodes never seem to flow into each other any more. I always spend the first few minutes thinking, 'wait whats going on how did these guys get here and what are the doing. What happened to last weeks cliff hanger ending?'. Seems to be happening more and more.

The show really is stagnating right now, things are going round in circles and that doesn't look like it will change at all until the final episode of the season. The last couple really could have been left out all together.

The sense that any character could die at any moment has dropped of as well sadly. I no longer fear for people living out episodes despite them running about among the zombies every 30 seconds. without that threat it really is just a poorly scripted soap.
Best thing about the last episode was seeing the cnut bound and gagged. It's what we all wanted.

What the feck does the Gov want to do to Michonnes fanny though?
Best thing about the last episode was seeing the cnut bound and gagged. It's what we all wanted.

What the feck does the Gov want to do to Michonnes fanny though?
It would have been better if she got killed though. I can see her surviving the season now :(
Best thing about the last episode was seeing the cnut bound and gagged. It's what we all wanted.

What the feck does the Gov want to do to Michonnes fanny though?

If you read the comic books you'd understand that the Governor on TV is a much softier version of the real devil he is.Maybe it's a way for the writers to use some of those traits without going OTT
You guys really thought that filler episode with the black guy from the 1st season was good? It was so pointless. It was so bad. As bad as any of the bad stuff from season 2.

Last 3 episodes were not good. Only thing good about them is the Governor. Excellent crazy character. It hasn't moved on at all. The ninja zombies are way too predictable now. It's like the writers have forgotten that zombies exist in the show and need to show them in there to make up the action quota. I mean how come Andrea didn't react to those 3 or 4 zombies that were 5 meters away and approaching her until she was grabbed from behind? And how the hell did the Governor catch up to her?

Governor ponderment
I think they'll end him like Tolkien ended Saruman. The glasses guy will kill him. Probably die in the process.
He won't end up torturing anyone physically. It just hasn't been done on the show. People are held down, shot or punched. That's as far as the show will, ehrm, show.
You guys really thought that filler episode with the black guy from the 1st season was good? It was so pointless. It was so bad. As bad as any of the bad stuff from season 2.

Last 3 episodes were not good. Only thing good about them is the Governor. Excellent crazy character. It hasn't moved on at all. The ninja zombies are way too predictable now. It's like the writers have forgotten that zombies exist in the show and need to show them in there to make up the action quota. I mean how come Andrea didn't react to those 3 or 4 zombies that were 5 meters away and approaching her until she was grabbed from behind? And how the hell did the Governor catch up to her?

To be honest the black guy is the only one who can act properly in the entire show. Maybe it was good actually seeing someone who could act for a change. Plus the governor is not as good an actor as you make him out to be. I usually appreciate bad guys more when they are good actors but this guy just pisses me off so much.
The whistling shite was kind of annoying. Would have been more terrifying if he'd done the little whistle from 'Moves Like Jagger", I reckon.