Television The Walking Dead

That last episodes was awful... just long stares into each other... what was the point?

Why didnt Daryl just knife that guy during the zombie fight then kill the governor or Rick could have kileld the Governor and then shot that guy that was with Daryl :confused:
That last episodes was awful... just long stares into each other... what was the point?

Why didnt Daryl just knife that guy during the zombie fight then kill the governor or Rick could have kileld the Governor and then shot that guy that was with Daryl :confused:

Thats exactly what I was thinking. Why he did they not end it there? So boring I almost fell asleep. But looking at "In the next episode...", it was kinda interesting. I mean an episode cant get any boring than the latest one. Oh and the botox bitch needs to die soon.
That last episodes was awful... just long stares into each other... what was the point?

Why didnt Daryl just knife that guy during the zombie fight then kill the governor or Rick could have kileld the Governor and then shot that guy that was with Daryl :confused:

Yeah they sometimes seem to have those "filler" episodes where almost nothing happens, really annoying.

I feel those 16 episodes could have easily fitted into 12 episodes but maybe they felt that after the long break they had to offer a few more episodes to satisfy the fans.
Thats exactly what I was thinking. Why he did they not end it there? So boring I almost fell asleep. But looking at "In the next episode...", it was kinda interesting. I mean an episode cant get any boring than the latest one. Oh and the botox bitch needs to die soon.

If you mean the preview at the end of the episode, dont get too excited. After the episode with Morgan, they showed the preview for the "next episode" but instead of showing Rick and Governor staring into each others eyes like long lost lovers, they showed loads of shooting and action. As we found out, they just show a montage of the remaining episodes and the preview is really only that :(
That last episodes was awful... just long stares into each other... what was the point?

Why didnt Daryl just knife that guy during the zombie fight then kill the governor or Rick could have kileld the Governor and then shot that guy that was with Daryl :confused:

Yup I agree. It's because the governor is a complete failure, they haven't been able to give him the 'aura' needed to carry a season like he's been expected to do. He's uninteresting and nowhere near bad enough to make people care what he does, this scene with rick and him would have been quite interesting if the governor was better.
Season 2 was pretty average and season 3 hasn't been much better, it's getting to the point where I dislike 90% of the cast now, unless the last 3 episodes are amazing I probably wont bother with season 4.
It was dreadful. If you take out the gore and zombies (which they did in this episode) then the show is shit, cause the majority of characters are rubbish and the writing is lazy. I think the whole thing was summed up by Herschel's "at least buy me a drink first" line which him and the doctor proceeded to put horribly fake laughs on for. It was supposed to be funny but just made me cringe, absolute crap.
Yes I agree the writing has become so lazy post season 1. I liked the idea of the walkers being the main enemy but now they just dont seem dangerous at all. The danger is now the Governor who is quite one dimensional. I thought he might poison the whiskey or something at least. He seemed menacing at first because of the way he would suddenly y"switch" to being the antagonist but now that he has completely gotten rid of his "good" persona, he is just a generic bad guy and that is why this season is failing.
I think with the writing part, it is getting lazy because they also follow the book. Either they completely follow the books or just come up with a story on their own. Since they are mixing up the comics with their own shit, is why the show is suffering.
They don't follow much of the book at all actually, just the general plot, but the writing is rubbish in comparison. Andrea is one of the best characters in the comic, and she's dreadful in the TV show.
The show is written far and away better than the books. Far and away. Kirkman's writing and dialogue would not pass muster on the screen (as evidenced by the episode he took over, probably the worst episode of the show)
Obviously you have to write comics differently to TV shows but it's clearly written better for what it is because it's far better than the TV show and most of the characters are more likable and better written.
Obviously you have to write comics differently to TV shows but it's clearly written better for what it is because it's far better than the TV show and most of the characters are more likable and better written.

I'm not sure about that.

For a start, I'm not sure that characters being "Likable" is a valid reason for criticising the show. I'd rather find a character interesting than him being likable, and I think the show does a better job than the comics in that regard.

The big problem for the show for me is the acting ability and the dialogue. But the dialogue is 100 times worse in the comic, it often makes me groan. I mean there was an issue when Rick found out he was infected where there's a two page spread of him saying something like "They aren't the Walking Dead.... WE ARE!" or something like that.

I think the comics are pretty much one dimensional pieces of fluff entertainment. Fair enough in 23 pages you pretty much don't have the time to be anything else, but I feel at least the show tries to add a level of subtlety and intrigue that the comic often misses.
I think it was shown on screen to let us see that the Governor couldn't be trusted in this situation, he may have thrown down his weapons, but he was always prepared to double cross Rick if he didn't get his way!

More to the point, did I miss something in the previous episodes, when the feck did this meeting even get organised!?
For anyone who enjoyed 'Clear' (the Lennie James episode last week), the writer responsible for the episode will be taking over as showrunner in season 4, which could see the quality/direction of the show improve.

Then again, I had been expecting great things from Glen Mezzara (current showrunner), given his time on The Shield.
He's also written the penultimate episode of this series, which hopefully is a good sign. It doesn't say who's written the final episode though!
When I first started watching I thought they must be upping the pace a bit, either that or I'd missed the bit where this meeting got organised. I'd at least expect that to be strung out two episodes. Couldn't have been more wrong. I mean, did they really have a whole episode of two blokes sat across from each other at a table?

I think the whole thing was summed up by Herschel's "at least buy me a drink first" line which him and the doctor proceeded to put horribly fake laughs on for. It was supposed to be funny but just made me cringe, absolute crap.

It wasn't supposed to be funny was it? Didn't Herschel have something hidden down there? Still lame like.

I liked the idea of the walkers being the main enemy but now they just dont seem dangerous at all.

I think that's kind of the point. It's about the only decent character progression we've seen. Although making new ways for the walkers to pose a threat would be more interesting.
Can we keep all talk of the comics out of this thread please. Far too easy for spoilers to slip out.
I have a feeling that the last episode was partly to save money as they have obviously had some very expensive episodes this season. It could also just be a device to make the finale even more dramatic. The same may go for the Lennie James episode which was also quite talky but more than saved by James's presence.

As for the Governor, it is too late for him to be anything other than a bad guy from our perspective now. We have been shown too much.

The bottom line is that this show is about a zombie apocalypse and as always with such films the way humans react so as to survive is the real story. So when we have Rick imagining his wife's return and talky episodes like the last one we get bored very quickly. So when it returns to zombie staughter and human vs human war we will all be much happier.

I also want to see Michone go metal with the samuri sword again in some way.

And this has reminded me of a spoiler someone posted from the comic. It now has me debating if a plot line from the comics will be used or if it has been jettisoned. Whereas I should just be speculating based on what I have seen in the TV seres to date. Annoying.
If they try to paint the governor as a good guy again I think the show is doomed. He should die at the end of this season after going fully against the group. If we are lucky both the prison and town will be ruined and the group will be forced to be on the move again.

the show is far more enjoyably when they are moving about and discovering new things. When they stop, things just slow down to much and we get episodes like the last one to build things up.
That was stupid.

1) How did Andrea outrun a truck in an open field?
2) How did the Governator not see her when she was standing up in that vent thing? The camera went to his point of view and it was utterly obvious she was up there. Nerdboy moved out of the way but Andrea just stood there.
3) Why didn't Andrea steal the truck? Or at the very least (let's say the keys weren't in there, though they obviously were since we saw him get out and at no point did the truck turn off) slash the tires with the knife she has?
That was stupid.

1) How did Andrea outrun a truck in an open field?
2) How did the Governator not see her when she was standing up in that vent thing? The camera went to his point of view and it was utterly obvious she was up there. Nerdboy moved out of the way but Andrea just stood there.
3) Why didn't Andrea steal the truck? Or at the very least (let's say the keys weren't in there, though they obviously were since we saw him get out and at no point did the truck turn off) slash the tires with the knife she has?

Well I think she was fairly cloe to the trees in the first place and he wasn't really going all out to try and run her down.

Im wondering how this crazy zombie killing bitch didnt put up more of a fight when he tackled and then dragged her to his truck. Surely the bitch could of created some sort of commotion to either warn Rick or attract some walkers. In any case she is fecked. Although I wonder if she will be saved at the last min by the zombie burning doc.
The people in this show are just fecking stupid.

Also I think either that nerd or the big black dude is going to find Andrea before this whole thing goes down. Also have a feeling the black dude is going to play a big part in the ending and probably earn his spot back with the prison group. He seems a genuinely nice bloke. You could say he just got mixed up with the wrong crowd. :)
A whole episode based around Andrea trying to get to the prison then ending back exactly where she started. Brill.

Was thinking if I was in the position she was in in the building I'd take my shoes off and sneak up behind the guy. She definitely has the balls to do it.

Shit episode anyway in which literally nothing of any note happened.
Im not sure what to feel about Andrea the character. I have no sympathy at all with her or most of the survivors. I think T-Dogg 3.0 is the only one I actually like and think is a good guy. The rest are all idiots. I mean actual stupid idiots. I know this is a zombiepocalypse and they are fighting for survival but there is so much stupidity with these people.
Trapped in a corner being grabbed at by at least half a dozen zombies with no bullets left.. if the Governor isn't at least infected then this show might as well not have zombies in it anymore.
Seems I'm against the general consensus but I thought the episode was good.

@Eboue: We didn't see him get out of the truck, we saw the lights through the window and then the distinct sound of the engine being turned off. Just sneaking out is easier said than done when you're in an unfamiliar building, it's dark, it has zombies, it has a mad man with a gun who is hunting you.

No sideboob teasing.

The Governor stalking Andrea was fun and actually made him seem a proper villain for the first time in a while. Why are people talking about him becoming good? He has Andrea chained up in his torture palace, he's lying to Tyreese's group and is planning on killing the whole group of 'good guys', how is he anything but evil?

You had a progression of Tyreese's lot and their story arc and the loyalty of the Doctor.

The Governor was certainly holding his side, has he been bit?

Burnt out zombies.

No Carol. No Lori.

The only problem with it that I can really see is that they did a whole episode on Andrea going back to the group on 3 episodes ago which is massively annoying and lazy writing but as a standalone episode though I enjoyed it and was much better than the last one they did on her getting back to the group.
Well she did sneak out. Once she left him to fend off the zombies and she got (almost) to the prison. She would have been a lot better off if once she exited the building she took 30 seconds to slash a couple of tires.
What even happens if you get bit? Do you turn? Is there any evidence of that?
Maybe it gets infected and you die from that then turn?
It doesn't make much sense that you'd automatically turn just from being bit, if everyone is infected in the other sense.
What even happens if you get bit? Do you turn? Is there any evidence of that?
Maybe it gets infected and you die from that then turn?
It doesn't make much sense that you'd automatically turn just from being bit, if everyone is infected in the other sense.

The show has already established that you do NOT have to be bitten to turn into a zombie. That everyone has the virus or whatever it is in them already. If you get bitten by some rancid zombie then you stand a good chance of dieing from infection or blood loss etc in which case you then turn into a zombie unless someone puts a bullet or shovel or axe or tire iron etc into your brain. Except for Herschel the show has established that getting bit or scratched is a death sentence for the vast majority.
Well she did sneak out. Once she left him to fend off the zombies and she got (almost) to the prison. She would have been a lot better off if once she exited the building she took 30 seconds to slash a couple of tires.

Yeah she got out once The Governor and the zombies were distracted with each other making it a bit easier. I also took it that she had left out of a back entrance so may not have actually passed the car on her way.

I don't really know why I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt as it has served up so many stupid things over the last few years.
We could suppose many reasons for her not going to the truck and either seeing if the keys were still in it to drive away or at least disabling it. She might have been confident that he was done for and did not think beyond that. Perhaps there were other zombies about and she decided it was best to get a move on. Perhaps she was not sure who else he might have sneaking about providing him some additional cover, and did not want to stick around and find out. Or it was just shit writing.
Spectacularly stupid episode relying on a string of plot and character contrivances just to connect the scenes.

Milton bumbling to give up key information on Andrea's escape to the Governor. Andrea escaping down the very road they'd drive down to find her. Zombies teleporting to 6 feet away from Andrea despite her looking in the very direction they'd have come from. Andrea proceeding to to run across an open field beside that same road. The Governor randomly assuming she'd be in a deserted building despite having not followed her there nor seen her go in. Andrea not taking the car. Milton going from being a season-long advocate of preserving any human life, to burning fifty zombies alive, despite his long-established belief that they're still human. Milton asking completely un-natural questions to confirm the governor's suspicions about the pit burnings.

There's been more boring episodes than this one, but probably not many as badly written.
The show has already established that you do NOT have to be bitten to turn into a zombie. That everyone has the virus or whatever it is in them already. If you get bitten by some rancid zombie then you stand a good chance of dieing from infection or blood loss etc in which case you then turn into a zombie unless someone puts a bullet or shovel or axe or tire iron etc into your brain. Except for Herschel the show has established that getting bit or scratched is a death sentence for the vast majority.

Well that's what I was I saying....why exactly...and you just repeated what I figured was the case. Thanks for the various examples of implements that could be used to put down a walker though.