Television The Walking Dead

They have been looking for a safe place, that was the entire point of going to the CDC, they had even debated going to a nearby military base. When at the CDC they got a good idea that the idea of a "safe haven" doesn't really exist. Remember the discussions about DC, the French, etc. How the CDC had been in contact with Wash DC, and other nations, but one by one they all lost contact.

Yeah the CDC seems such a long time ago though. I don't remember a military base being mentioned but that's more like what I mean. Something with a big community probably ran by the old government/military or some such. Even in a different country. Not like Woodbury which is basically a bandit camp. I know there needs to be a degree of uncertainty but I would have thought even a rumour would've been planted by now.
I wonder how they'll end it? Surely everyone being wiped out is to obvious so a proper safe is the only way, but again, pretty obvious.
They mentioned Fort Benning early on. That's the Army base from Band of Brothers.

Even if a safe place to live is their only goal, what's the overarching goal for the series? They've moved around looking for more people, but it seems that everyone is spread out and in a state of anarchy. There's very little driving the characters aside from survival, which is good, but I think there should be something more. Like trying to establish a safe area, like Woodbury, before working to reduce the zombie population to allow for a greater safe zone.

Someone has to have an endgame. Right now, none of the characters has any aim beyond survival. There would surely be some group of people trying to recivilize the world. Right?

Maybe I'm asking for too much.
They mentioned Fort Benning early on. That's the Army base from Band of Brothers.

Even if a safe place to live is their only goal, what's the overarching goal for the series? They've moved around looking for more people, but it seems that everyone is spread out and in a state of anarchy. There's very little driving the characters aside from survival, which is good, but I think there should be something more. Like trying to establish a safe area, like Woodbury, before working to reduce the zombie population to allow for a greater safe zone.

Someone has to have an endgame. Right now, none of the characters has any aim beyond survival. There would surely be some group of people trying to recivilize the world. Right?

Maybe I'm asking for too much.

Yeah that's basically what I was getting at.

There's so much they could do if they were allowed to roam too. Meeting a group of hippies already trying to repopulate? A weird repopulation farm? People actively looking to kill as many walkers as possible (with that hoard a wire tied to two trucks would have done nicely).
There were massive government-run refugee camps like the one in Atlanta that Rick was trying to find in the first season, the problem is that everyone is infected with the virus so in a large community when there are more people, it is more likely that somebody will die and turn, causing an outbreak.
There were massive government-run refugee camps like the one in Atlanta that Rick was trying to find in the first season, the problem is that everyone is infected with the virus so in a large community when there are more people, it is more likely that somebody will die and turn, causing an outbreak.

And with all the babies being born being infected too it'll never end so a cure is what's needed. Season 4 should be in the Amazon rainforest searching for the cure.
And with all the babies being born being infected too it'll never end so a cure is what's needed. Season 4 should be in the Amazon rainforest searching for the cure.

I have to agree that they blew their load too soon with the 'I am the last person trying to find the cure, everyone else is gone, all hope is lost' card. I can't see there being any positive resolution being brought to the show, but maybe that is intentional and we should just enjoy the show for what it is.
I have to agree that they blew their load too soon with the 'I am the last person trying to find the cure, everyone else is gone, all hope is lost' card. I can't see there being any positive resolution being brought to the show, but maybe that is intentional and we should just enjoy the show for what it is.

Definitely should have held off longer, can't agree more...

On another note, does anyone know how the infection started in the story?
What the feck was the story with Michonne telling Carl "wait here", then literally ten seconds later she appears with the photo and some random rainbow horse of troy that looked like it had been made by a five year old yet according to her was a work of sheer beauty? Seriously, it was ten seconds. Little shitstain Carl doesn't even think to ask "How in the holy bollocks did you manage to do that Super Black Deadlock Woman?". So ridiculous.

Still, good episode, because Lennie James is so awesome. I hope we see more of him.

I thought her somehow climbing that large building like spiderwoman was equally as ridiculous :lol:
You don't need a cure though. Just safe disposal of the dead. If you work to kill the zombies in your region, you could nearly eliminate them. They can't reproduce except by biting and people dying. If everyone who dies is cremated or has their head smashed, they won't come back. You might have people living alone who die and come back, but just make sure everyone sleeps/lives with their doors locked. It would keep them in whatever room they die in. The zombies aren't boning and having zombabies. They aren't intelligent.

Also, cina, she left him there as a distraction and went in the back while they were all focused on him. That's my interpretation of it, at least.
I enjoyed that episode quite a bit. The silly bit was the zombies not breaking the glass to get to Carl and Michonne was back a bit fast but then she wouldn't have hung around unnecessarily. And Lennie James does show the rest of the acting up a bit.
You assume from what has happened so far that,

[speculation based nothing other than guesses]
  • There will be a showdown or 3 between Woodbury and Rick's group before long
  • Andrea will return to Rick's group
  • When the conflict is won/lost/drawn whoever is left will move on from the prison
  • That Lenny James's character will bring Rick back from the edge of insanity
  • At some point they will have to try to make longer term plans.
  • At the very least there must be other groups of survivors to meet/fight/join
  • Hershel and Carol must die
You assume from what has happened so far that,

[speculation based nothing other than guesses]
  • There will be a showdown or 3 between Woodbury and Rick's group before long
  • Andrea will return to Rick's group
  • When the conflict is won/lost/drawn whoever is left will move on from the prison
  • That Lenny James's character will bring Rick back from the edge of insanity
  • At some point they will have to try to make longer term plans.
  • At the very least there must be other groups of survivors to meet/fight/join
  • Hershel and Carol must die

The fact they tried to humanise Michonne in that last episode is very ominous for her survival chances in the Woodbury conflict.
And with all the babies being born being infected too it'll never end so a cure is what's needed. Season 4 should be in the Amazon rainforest searching for the cure.

No it shouldn't be.

Neither has Ricks crew the means to get there, nor the knowledge to find a cure what would be the point of them running to Brazil.

It's not like WWZ where you get pretty much every side of the outbreak and a look at the grand scheme in The Walking Dead is just basic survival horror but a pretty in-depth one so there is actually no need to really explain any cause or possible solution at all.
I enjoyed that episode quite a bit. The silly bit was the zombies not breaking the glass to get to Carl and Michonne was back a bit fast but then she wouldn't have hung around unnecessarily. And Lennie James does show the rest of the acting up a bit.
Yep. Him calmly leaning against the door was a bit stupid. Particularly when in earlier episodes the weight of a bunch of zombies trying to get through was enough to push through doors and such.
You don't need a cure though. Just safe disposal of the dead. If you work to kill the zombies in your region, you could nearly eliminate them. They can't reproduce except by biting and people dying. If everyone who dies is cremated or has their head smashed, they won't come back. You might have people living alone who die and come back, but just make sure everyone sleeps/lives with their doors locked. It would keep them in whatever room they die in. The zombies aren't boning and having zombabies. They aren't intelligent.

That's just asking for another outbreak. What about people who sleep together then one dies in their sleep and they have a kid in the other room so keep the door open?
What about when someone gets knocked out, do people stomp their head in if they're unsure whether they're alive? Or wait for them to pop up in zombie mode first?

No it shouldn't be.

Neither has Ricks crew the means to get there, nor the knowledge to find a cure what would be the point of them running to Brazil.

It's not like WWZ where you get pretty much every side of the outbreak and a look at the grand scheme in The Walking Dead is just basic survival horror but a pretty in-depth one so there is actually no need to really explain any cause or possible solution at all.

You assume from what has happened so far that,

[speculation based nothing other than guesses]
  • There will be a showdown or 3 between Woodbury and Rick's group before long
  • Andrea will return to Rick's group
  • When the conflict is won/lost/drawn whoever is left will move on from the prison
  • That Lenny James's character will bring Rick back from the edge of insanity
  • At some point they will have to try to make longer term plans.
  • At the very least there must be other groups of survivors to meet/fight/join
  • Hershel and Carol must die

I can see Hershel dying at the end of this series, he's been trying to keep the group together all series, telling Glenn he see's him as a son now so he'll keep Maggie safe, trying to keep Rick sane as he knows the group need him as a leader and teaching Carol some doctoring skills - all in preperation for when he's not around... And that could be pretty soon.

Also, a bit more of a spoiler: speculation based on future episode titles.
The last episode is called "Welcome to the Tombs", I'm not 100%, but hasn't the 'Tombs' been mentioned as part of the Jail that is overun by walkers in this series?
Yeah the CDC seems such a long time ago though. I don't remember a military base being mentioned but that's more like what I mean. Something with a big community probably ran by the old government/military or some such. Even in a different country. Not like Woodbury which is basically a bandit camp. I know there needs to be a degree of uncertainty but I would have thought even a rumour would've been planted by now.
I wonder how they'll end it? Surely everyone being wiped out is to obvious so a proper safe is the only way, but again, pretty obvious.

That was one of the big conflicts between Shane and Rick before they headed to the CDC. Shane wanted to go to the military base, Rick the CDC.

The idea of the some government set up safe zone, again is the reason Rick wanted to go to Atlanta before he met up with the group, he assumed the government would have a safe refuge in the city. Then again for going to the CDC, he assumed the government would have protected that place and made it safe. While at the CDC they got a good idea that they are dealing with a pandemic and that safe zones do not seem to exist. Remember the CDC lost all contact with everyone.

A rumour? And where exactly would they be hearing this rumour? From whom? The internet? In case you had not noticed watching the show, they are not exactly in contact with lots of other people.

Yes a safe haven would be nice, but pay a bit of attention to what is happening in the show before making assumptions.

Now perhaps while at the farm they could have tried to track down a ham radio set and a generator to run it with and see if they could find anyone else broadcasting or listening. But it seems after the info they got at the CDC they have a good reason to believe such a safe place does not exist unless they build it themselves.

As far as just looking for the place, well which direction should they go? Which country should they try? Canada or Mexico? Or hop a flight to China? or France?

Remember from what we have seen the military got deployed to cities and towns, so a good chance that any military bases would be easily over-run by Z's since the troops were off doing other things, mainly getting slaughtered by the zombies.

Perhaps down the road in the story they will find some info. about a safe haven and try to get there, but as of right now they have no information about any such place and their attempts to find the ones they thought about were not successful.

Even right before they found the prison they mentioned how difficult getting around was getting as they kept running into groups of zombies, hence they had spent a the time between leaving the farm and finding the prison not getting very far.
That's just asking for another outbreak. What about people who sleep together then one dies in their sleep and they have a kid in the other room so keep the door open?
What about when someone gets knocked out, do people stomp their head in if they're unsure whether they're alive? Or wait for them to pop up in zombie mode first?


You could you know CHECK FOR A PULSE before stomping their head. Just saying.

But given what they have said about the virus everyone has it. given that level of destruction to civilization a cure is a long way away. Decades or more.

If you could clear out an area and keep it safe from any roaming hordes, you would still have to deal potential new outbreaks everytime someone dies. So they could never really let their guard down as there will always be a new Z popping up now and then.
I really think they should just find a large boat. Seems the best option for a "safe haven".

Well a cruise ship they would not be able to move (eventually fuel would be an issue and I am guessing it is not easy to refuel one of those with a hand pump), but would be able to cut off access to.

Some sail boats would be good for getting around, providing of course they had enough people who knew how to sail a boat. Of course at sea fresh water would be an issue. On a large fresh water lake they would just have to purify the water, easy enough.

But not a bad idea, even assuming a good many boat owners took to their boats to try and escape, there would probably still be some tied to the docks.
That was one of the big conflicts between Shane and Rick before they headed to the CDC. Shane wanted to go to the military base, Rick the CDC.

The idea of the some government set up safe zone, again is the reason Rick wanted to go to Atlanta before he met up with the group, he assumed the government would have a safe refuge in the city. Then again for going to the CDC, he assumed the government would have protected that place and made it safe. While at the CDC they got a good idea that they are dealing with a pandemic and that safe zones do not seem to exist. Remember the CDC lost all contact with everyone.

A rumour? And where exactly would they be hearing this rumour? From whom? The internet? In case you had not noticed watching the show, they are not exactly in contact with lots of other people.

Yes a safe haven would be nice, but pay a bit of attention to what is happening in the show before making assumptions.

Now perhaps while at the farm they could have tried to track down a ham radio set and a generator to run it with and see if they could find anyone else broadcasting or listening. But it seems after the info they got at the CDC they have a good reason to believe such a safe place does not exist unless they build it themselves.

As far as just looking for the place, well which direction should they go? Which country should they try? Canada or Mexico? Or hop a flight to China? or France?

Remember from what we have seen the military got deployed to cities and towns, so a good chance that any military bases would be easily over-run by Z's since the troops were off doing other things, mainly getting slaughtered by the zombies.

Perhaps down the road in the story they will find some info. about a safe haven and try to get there, but as of right now they have no information about any such place and their attempts to find the ones they thought about were not successful.

Even right before they found the prison they mentioned how difficult getting around was getting as they kept running into groups of zombies, hence they had spent a the time between leaving the farm and finding the prison not getting very far.

Sorry, mr serious. A rumour could come from anywhere, meeting someone who says they've heard something, a radio station, a message left somewhere. I don't need to pay attention to say that it's been wrote different to what I would've expected.
As for which direction to go, I don't know or care, I don't write the show. The writers should think of somewhere interesting to go for a change and make a reason to go there. I don't believe a full military couldn't ward off the walkers long enough to make an immense safe haven, if a few Ihni binni dimi diniwiny anitaime at Woodbury can make a half decent one, and a cop, his wife, his son, a cripple, a young woman, an older woman etc have no problem fighting them off most of the time.

Well a cruise ship they would not be able to move (eventually fuel would be an issue and I am guessing it is not easy to refuel one of those with a hand pump), but would be able to cut off access to.

Some sail boats would be good for getting around, providing of course they had enough people who knew how to sail a boat. Of course at sea fresh water would be an issue. On a large fresh water lake they would just have to purify the water, easy enough.

But not a bad idea, even assuming a good many boat owners took to their boats to try and escape, there would probably still be some tied to the docks.

Obviously the boat wouldn't have to move. They'd just have to create a sustainable environment.
Problem being if you watch the show it is pretty obvious the military got deployed to the cities/larger towns so there is no full military strong hold someplace. They pretty much got over-run by the zombies, which sort of shows that in this story-universe the military could not handle the zombies. Which of course is a basic premise of all zombie stories, if the military could defeat them, then there really is no story.

I would point out that Rick and his group have not done a great job at holding off the zombies, first their camp gets over-run, then they get attacked on the highway, then the farm gets over-run, how things work out in the prison and Woodbury remains to be seen, either or both may yet be over-run.

Remember the title "The Walking Dead" which in case you have not figured it out, does not just mean the zombies, it applies to the survivors as well and not because they have the virus. The idea is not that they are full of hope.

The idea of an easily known about safe haven does not fit the story they are trying to tell.
Well a cruise ship they would not be able to move (eventually fuel would be an issue and I am guessing it is not easy to refuel one of those with a hand pump), but would be able to cut off access to.

Some sail boats would be good for getting around, providing of course they had enough people who knew how to sail a boat. Of course at sea fresh water would be an issue. On a large fresh water lake they would just have to purify the water, easy enough.

But not a bad idea, even assuming a good many boat owners took to their boats to try and escape, there would probably still be some tied to the docks.

I really doubt that.

I think if something like a Zombie outbreak would really the first thing basically everyone living close to the water would try to do is getting their ass on a boat, let alone that there would still be boats left after a few months.

Of course if like 99,9% of all humans died within the first 24 hours of the outbreak there might be some around but we all know the makers of this series won't allow their cast such an easy escape, because I have a feeling it might get really boring after that.
While zombies shuffle around him as he awkwardly tries to photocopy something.
I really doubt that.

I think if something like a Zombie outbreak would really the first thing basically everyone living close to the water would try to do is getting their ass on a boat, let alone that there would still be boats left after a few months.

Of course if like 99,9% of all humans died within the first 24 hours of the outbreak there might be some around but we all know the makers of this series won't allow their cast such an easy escape, because I have a feeling it might get really boring after that.

Indeed, no easy outs otherwise the show would be boring, hence no super safe haven that everybody knows about, etc.
Well a cruise ship they would not be able to move (eventually fuel would be an issue and I am guessing it is not easy to refuel one of those with a hand pump), but would be able to cut off access to.

Some sail boats would be good for getting around, providing of course they had enough people who knew how to sail a boat. Of course at sea fresh water would be an issue. On a large fresh water lake they would just have to purify the water, easy enough.

But not a bad idea, even assuming a good many boat owners took to their boats to try and escape, there would probably still be some tied to the docks.

The boat doesn't need to move. If I woke up tomorrow and everyone had turned to zombies I'd immediately make for my friend's cabin (about an hour north). They've a decent size boat for wakeboarding (hold 10-12 people comfortably) and a couple of kayaks. I'd go hang out in the middle of the lake, with occasional trips back to the nearby town/other cabins for food. I'd also fish and like you said, boil the water. Easy peasy.

As for the show, I think they'd be best served to head for the coast (or a lake if there's one nearby) and build a crude boat/raft. All you need is maybe 50-75m of open water between you and the zombies.
I liked the zombie attack from nowhere at the start. Sneaky feckers they are. Can spring out from anywhere.

Did that dude have rocket launchers? I could've swore I saw rocket launchers. They could come in very handy against the Governor and his goon squad. Stick a couple of people (not Carol) up on those towers with rocket launchers and let the games begin.
I can finally enter this thread now that I'm up to date. The first thing I'd like to say is Andrea is the dumbest gullible bitch I've ever seen in any show.
Well that was largely pointless. On big prolonged episode to drag things out.

had to laugh at Rick and the governor sending Andrea out. Clearly she is just as annoying to them as to the viewers
Andrea needs to die in the crossfire, she's the most annoying character throughout all the series and I cant understand her stupidity and how gullible she is.
Either show us your ones tits or feck off, the build up for the big war is only rivaled by the build up to seeing Maggie's tits.
I'm starting to think we will be disappointing on both parts. No tits and crappy rushed war after all the build up