Television The Walking Dead

Do we know if season 3 is the last season?

I'm a bit confused.

If they get bit, do they turn into zombies? Or is it only if they die from the bite? What with everyone being infected.

I love it when Rick kills that prisoner. I think that's supposed to show some subtle character development but it had nothing on BB.

What were they thinking giving the little kid a gun? Yeah so he's an awesome shot all of a sudden but in reality it'd be the worst decision ever. Plus it'd probably fly out of his puny little hands.
They already have the virus so they will all turn into a zombie whether they're bit or not. Obviously getting bit by a zombie is bad news anyway as antibiotics to treat the infection from the wound would be hard to find.
The notion of 'recoil' in gun shooting is always absent on TV shows.A kid would find it hard to keep it steady never mind hit headshots so consistently
They already have the virus so they will all turn into a zombie whether they're bit or not. Obviously getting bit by a zombie is bad news anyway as antibiotics to treat the infection from the wound would be hard to find.

But the black prisoner gets bit, not bad enough to die yet they chirp on about how they have to kill him. And they hack Hershall's leg off, which i'm guessing was to stop whatever is in the bite from spreading.

The notion of 'recoil' in gun shooting is always absent on TV shows.A kid would find it hard to keep it steady never mind hit headshots so consistently

Yeah its daft. When we were in Vegas my mates shot one of the weakest pistols and the recoil was still mad.
Plus the fact a kid could pull it out any time and let it off by accident.
But the black prisoner gets bit, not bad enough to die yet they chirp on about how they have to kill him. And they hack Hershall's leg off, which i'm guessing was to stop whatever is in the bite from spreading.

Yea because the bite kills them quicker because of infection. I have no idea about the Herschel thing, I just assumed that was one of the many inconsistencies in the tv show.
Do we know if season 3 is the last season?

I'm a bit confused.

If they get bit, do they turn into zombies? Or is it only if they die from the bite? What with everyone being infected.

I love it when Rick kills that prisoner. I think that's supposed to show some subtle character development but it had nothing on BB.

What were they thinking giving the little kid a gun? Yeah so he's an awesome shot all of a sudden but in reality it'd be the worst decision ever. Plus it'd probably fly out of his puny little hands.

It was confirmed there will be a fourth season.
I've always liked him. Andrea creeps me out. Would get it though.

Whats with the telephone calls? Just watched that episode. Was it just his imagination? Don't spoil it if its not though.
It was yeah, his extreme grief made him delusional for a moment.The governor creeps me out, I would have never thought the actor was british tbh.
British actors generally nail to some incredible realism the yank accent, the opposite is really rare.
It was yeah, his extreme grief made him delusional for a moment.The governor creeps me out, I would have never thought the actor was british tbh.
British actors generally nail to some incredible realism the yank accent, the opposite is really rare.

Isn't Rick British? Swear I saw the making of and he was. The black guy with the kid at the start definitely is.
Mad isn't it? To be fair I reckon most of them would have had to put an accent on in this but it must come easier to Americans.
Christian Bale is Welsh but has an american accent in films and in real life... never drops it.
Just watched the latest episode

Thought there would be a bigger ending than that. Some kind of cliffhanger. Was actually expecting Daryl to get shot being everyones favourite character. Then we find out he's not dead in the next one.

Also, you just know the guv is gonna come back with an eyepatch don't you :lol:

Thought the ninja woman would be a goner but she's probably too cool to kill off yet. Wish she'd speak up a bit more often though.
I've been reading the comic up to 3/4 of the comic.It's so easily better than the TV show it's crazy.The TV show has been made way too soft

How long are the comics? Worth reading past the TV show?
I've got season 1 and 2 on my laptop and I've never actually sat down and watched this. Away to start tonight. Will watch a couple just now.
How long are the comics? Worth reading past the TV show?

There are so far 105 albums that have been released.Next one is in February.The comics are a lot different from the TV shows in terms which character die, when and how they die.Also there are characters present in the comics who aren't in the TV show and vice-versa
After a while you get this feeling that general story is one big cycle, I'm not going to go into details because I wouldn't wanna ruin it for anyone.
The comics are more gore and 'adult' oriented than the TV show, the characters who appeared to be annoying on TV aren't the same in the comics.
Just finished Episode 8, season 2. I love this. Really enjoyable, I've almost watched 2 seasons in less than a week.
I agree that we'd struggle with no weapons. However we have far more defensible positions. There are so many repaired castles throughout the countryside which would be ideal.

I think Ireland/UK would actually be better, you'd only have a maximum amount of zombies to deal with, can you imagine being on mainland europe? Attached t Asia as well you'd never get rid!
I think Ireland/UK would actually be better, you'd only have a maximum amount of zombies to deal with, can you imagine being on mainland europe? Attached t Asia as well you'd never get rid!

Jup we would be totally in the shit.

740 mio. Europeans and about 4 billion Asians, that's going to be a lot of Zombies.

Oh yeah and I'm happy the show is finally back.
I think Ireland/UK would actually be better, you'd only have a maximum amount of zombies to deal with, can you imagine being on mainland europe? Attached t Asia as well you'd never get rid!

That's how 28 Weeks Later finished up....the virus spreading to mainland Europe.
Good to have TWD back....

Decent episode. T-Dawg 3.0 had more lines in one ep than the previous incarnations combined. Hopefully the two groups can work together. Nice to have Merle back causing havok among the group members. Didn't especially like the ending with Rick seeing La llorona (wife). But I guess he really is losing it. Season can only get better now that there three separate groups. Can go in many diff directions.
Good to have TWD back....

Decent episode. T-Dawg 3.0 had more lines in one ep than the previous incarnations combined. Hopefully the two groups can work together. Nice to have Merle back causing havok among the group members. Didn't especially like the ending with Rick seeing La llorona (wife). But I guess he really is losing it. Season can only get better now that there three separate groups. Can go in many diff directions.

Yeah, good episode for the most part.

Rick really is losing the plot though. The part at the end was a bit freaky with her just standing there. Hopefully Darryl comes back to the group as well, he was just about the only character that didn't bother me.
Just finished catching up last week, so this starting back up is great timing. Will have to try and watch the new episode tonight.
Enjoyed that episode

Look like Rick is really losing it. I like the look of the new black guy, seems like a decent addition so far. Bit of a crappy ending, but guess it was required to build up the Rick is losing the plot story.

Should be plenty of action at least with the two brothers out on there own for a bit in the next episode.
Agree with everyone else, wasn't the most interesting episode
Also like new black guy. Can see him and new black girl turning on those two that wanted to kill everyone.
The bit with Rick seeing his wife was creepy as. Hope it doesn't keep happening because things like that have been overdone.
I like the part where Carl was the only one to ask "What happened to the Tdog?" when they first got back. And then when he was told he didnt make it, Carl had no reaction whatsoever and closed the gate.

When are they finally going to learn and stop making Andrea relevant to the plot. Jesus christ its dragging on forever and its only just starting isnt it. Just let the black woman stab her or something
the kid is like 10 and he's seen the fall of humanity, the latest tdawg dying is just what happens before breakfast most days.