Television The Walking Dead

Anyone know the story with them? Are they in the comics? Are they even in the storyline?

I think the answer to that is interesting, but we're not allowed to discuss the comics in this thread, or the tv show in the comic thread. We'd need a third thread for comparing the two, if that wouldn't break the spoiler rules.
Saying whether they are in the comics or not is hardly a spoiler, as long as nothing else is mentioned
Is there a pointless character called T-Dog that is an insult to the idea of character development, with no personality or arc? I wish I could tell you.

But whoever decided this story needed such a character really understands how white Americans see black culture.
So I just finished season 1, thought the first 2 episodes were excellent, but the later episodes were rather average with the odd moment here and there. I normally decide if a series is worth continuing after the first season, but seeing as it was only 6 episodes I can't quite decide. Does this get better? I am leaning towards dropping it unless it does.
So I just finished season 1, thought the first 2 episodes were excellent, but the later episodes were rather average with the odd moment here and there. I normally decide if a series is worth continuing after the first season, but seeing as it was only 6 episodes I can't quite decide. Does this get better? I am leaning towards dropping it unless it does.

Season 2 is crap, season 3 is worth watching.
So I just finished season 1, thought the first 2 episodes were excellent, but the later episodes were rather average with the odd moment here and there. I normally decide if a series is worth continuing after the first season, but seeing as it was only 6 episodes I can't quite decide. Does this get better? I am leaning towards dropping it unless it does.

Series 3 is the best imo, series 2 gets pretty slow in parts and isnt as action packed in parts as series 1.
I liked season 2, didn't think the slow pace harmed it at all, saying that I liked Survivors and that got cancelled for being too boring.
I'm on the second series ep 4. Loved the first one but this ones some slow going.

Why didn't he just tell the little girl to wait under the log instead of giving it the 'run this way back, sun over your left shoulder, follow the leaves' bollocks?

Why does he still wear his shit uniform? Ok, he loves his hat, but take that shit shirt off you bellend, you've got a t shirt underneath anyway. Can't you see your loony mate looks way cooler which is probably why he managed to ruin your wife?

I hope it picks up. Its really boring in this old farm house thing. Miles more interesting when they're on the road or have their own camp.

I also hope this series goes as far as them getting to some safe haven and continues. Most films stop as soon as they reach any kind of safety.

Last thing....this series makes me really want a proper post apocalyptic series to be made. Fallout style. It'd have so much more scope.
Half way through season 2 and enjoying it a bit more.

When they're at the well and that zombie breaks in half :eek:

Anyone else reckon they'd half enjoy a zombie apocalypse? Like, it'd be shit but I reckon I'd excel. Specially with guns. We'd be fecked in the UK.
Half way through season 2 and enjoying it a bit more.

When they're at the well and that zombie breaks in half :eek:

Anyone else reckon they'd half enjoy a zombie apocalypse? Like, it'd be shit but I reckon I'd excel. Specially with guns. We'd be fecked in the UK.

I'd like to think that whatever kind of apocalypse, be it zombie or nuclear, Iceland would be safe. If either would make it here it would destroy us instantly. No guns and no way to live in the wild.
UK might survive. 28 weeks later was shit. You were fine in the first one.
I figure I'd be fecked. Live in Canada but right next to Detroit, no Islands to go to (which I figure would be the safest). Would be fun if you ignore the fear of being eaten alive and seeing everyone else get eaten alive :lol:
I'd like to think that whatever kind of apocalypse, be it zombie or nuclear, Iceland would be safe. If either would make it here it would destroy us instantly. No guns and no way to live in the wild.
UK might survive. 28 weeks later was shit. You were fine in the first one.

I figure I'd be fecked. Live in Canada but right next to Detroit, no Islands to go to (which I figure would be the safest). Would be fun if you ignore the fear of being eaten alive and seeing everyone else get eaten alive :lol:

There's no reason why it would spread across water is there really? If you had people checking for bites at the airport before allowing them to fly. Anything coming from America would most likely turn before landing.

BTW in Walking Dead, why is no one arsed about getting the blood in their mouth? What difference is there between that and getting bit?
Half way through season 2 and enjoying it a bit more.

When they're at the well and that zombie breaks in half :eek:

Anyone else reckon they'd half enjoy a zombie apocalypse? Like, it'd be shit but I reckon I'd excel. Specially with guns. We'd be fecked in the UK.

I reckon I'd do alright in that type of situation. I've seen a lot of zombie movies, plus the Walking Dead.
If it was me where I'm up to now (on the farm) I'd be finding loads of brand new RVs. There has to be a dealership somewhere. Miles safer than staying in tents. As well as

I'd also find a plant hire place (again, can't be that difficult) and get some diggers. Then dig a huge trench all the way round. The only way over would be a drawbridge. Job done.

Surely all the Zombies are gonna die eventually? There's no way there is enough food for all of them. So why are they on about their kids having to live like they are at the moment?
If it was me where I'm up to now (on the farm) I'd be finding loads of brand new RVs. There has to be a dealership somewhere. Miles safer than staying in tents. As well as

I'd also find a plant hire place (again, can't be that difficult) and get some diggers. Then dig a huge trench all the way round. The only way over would be a drawbridge. Job done.

Surely all the Zombies are gonna die eventually? There's no way there is enough food for all of them. So why are they on about their kids having to live like they are at the moment?

Tents, that was the most ridiculous thing ever, it drove me nuts every time I saw them.

Technically speaking winter should have destroyed them totally but they didn't I wouldn't place bets on them starving anytime soon, they don't seem to need to eat they just do. It's more resident evil than 28days later.
Tents, that was the most ridiculous thing ever, it drove me nuts every time I saw them.

Technically speaking winter should have destroyed them totally but they didn't I wouldn't place bets on them starving anytime soon, they don't seem to need to eat they just do. It's more resident evil than 28days later.

Well the winters are milder in Georgia then they are further north so that would explain why the winter did not destroy them. Out of curiousity, why would the winter have to destroy zombies?

The key to how long the Zombies last would be the rate at which the body continues to decay. Surely a hot summer, especially a humid one would aid the continued decay of the flesh, eventually leading the Zombie to just fall apart.

But probably being too technical about a show that is about ZOMBIES.
Technically speaking winter should have destroyed them totally but they didn't I wouldn't place bets on them starving anytime soon, they don't seem to need to eat they just do. It's more resident evil than 28days later.

They do though because they were feeding the ones in the barn.

Finding some military vehicles (can't be that hard, there were loads abandoned) would also be a good idea. Something with a big gun on it. Grenades too. They'd be magic in some situations. And distraction tools. More flares. Find the nearest police station.

Wear really thick clothing. The kind designed to stop knives and fire and animals. If they can't bite through it you're sorted. Better yet, find a museum and nick the armour. Whenever you go out wear a full suit of armour and you can walk around just like old times and find all this other stuff.

Instead of an RV, get one of those really expensive touring buses. Americans love that shit so there will be loads. Probably just dumped at the side of the road as well.
Navigating the roads would be difficult, I'm surprised more of the roads aren't clogged with abandoned cars, but yes their vehicle woes didn't seem to make a lot of sense given they have hundreds of things they could just steal to replace the piece of shit.
As crazy as it might seem, it can at least navigate the clogged part of the roads easily, as a scout vehicle it's not bad.
As crazy as it might seem, it can at least navigate the clogged part of the roads easily, as a scout vehicle it's not bad.

The right kind of motorcycle also can go offroad quite easily so it has that extra benefit. Plus decent fuel mileage. It is possible that most gas stations got tapped out of fuel in the initial panic of everyone wanting to get out of cities and larger towns. Finding some kind of hand pump to get the gas out of the underground tanks would be necessary as well.

Not sure how easy it would be getting fuel out of the big storage tanks that the distributers use.

Syphoning off of abandoned vehicles would be possible though if the cars that got abandoned on roads had been left running, they of course would be out of fuel. Plus cars sitting on the road or where ever exposed to the elements for any extended time without being run, you might start getting some water in the fuel making it useless, but for the immediate time being that would work.

Of course some vehicles need different types of fuel (ie diesel or in the case of some military vehicles aviation fuel, which I think the M1 tank runs on), so it is not just finding any supply it is finding the right supply.

Again probably thinking way too much about a show involving zombies, lol
I've finally caught up.It won't be one of my all time favorite shows but it doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed it.Most favorite character is obviously Daryl