Television The Walking Dead

Why is angry black woman so angry? We know nothing about her character and she just spends screen time skulking about angrily. Why is she so desperate to go somewhere with just the two of them instead of a nice safe town with a semi-functioning society, food, drink, shelter, guns, etc. etc.

Is it just that we are supposed to accept that black women are angry and don't want to be ruled over by whitey or something? We have no idea why she had pet zombies, a samurai sword, rescued blondie, risks her life constantly for blondie, has predator hair, is always angry, I mean seriosuly...what the feck, writers?

I don't know.

But maybe that weird Governor and the Nazi with his hook hand might have something to do with it.

Maybe they just smell bad.

Whatever it is the woman clearly got some great survival skills, well and a Katana, but for all we have seen of those psychos she is pretty spot on with not trusting them.
Is this any good? I've not watched any of it but don't want to jump in mid way through, if I thought it was worth a watch i'd get it from the start and give it a go.
I think you can jump in mid-way, there isn't too much you'd miss out on in terms of plot.
Is this any good? I've not watched any of it but don't want to jump in mid way through, if I thought it was worth a watch i'd get it from the start and give it a go.

Yeah its definitely worth it. Bar a stretch of 4-6 episodes in the middle of season 2 it's been very good.

The pilot is one of the best I've ever seen.
I'd watch the pilot and then consider jumping straight into this season.

In fact, I now wish I could go back in time and do just that.

Nah, that's a tad harsh. The first season petered out after a few episodes, the second season was largely pap but this one has got off to a cracking start.

That said, If you're gonna watch the first 2 seasons then there's a fine companion piece on videogum to read after each episode.
Anyone agree that they replaced T-Dog with the most useless of the black prisoners?

There was the huge guy who was bitten, the skinny guy with Spiderman's strength as he was close to taking out Rick and the survivor was almost unnoticable until a gun fell on his lap. Even facial hair prisoner had more character in the previous episodes
When TD2 was holding the gun on Rick why was Daryl crouched behind him like that? He looked like he was preparing to unleash Sith lightning bolts or something.

Well, I thought that was great. I don't know why people dissect this show so much to find plot faults, it's about zombies for feck sake, who cares? This season has been everything the shitty second season failed to be so far, and I am thoroughly enjoying it.

I think it helps that we have two concurrent plot lines now. They were able to break up the chaos in the prison with calmer scenes in the mini-town.

They have serious balls killing off Lori though, I'm glad they did, cause I never liked her, but still, it's four episodes into season three and they've already killed off two of the three main characters at the start of the show. They're obviously listening to the fans now which is good.

The difference between this and season two is insane.

Also, a (small) theory that I stumbled upon

The idea that the baby (or other babies) could play a part in creating a cure, as perhaps it has built up an immune system to the virus whilst in Lori's womb.

Also, a (small) theory that I stumbled upon

The idea that the baby (or other babies) could play a part in creating a cure, as perhaps it has built up an immune system to the virus whilst in Lori's womb.

Interesting and also weird because it sort of fits into a discussion I had with a mate about this. We were both talking about the weird vibe towards the women in the town and I was saying how I think they're going to use them as 'breeders' to create a new society. That sounds a bit weird but I don't know how else to say it.
i really enjoed the latest one. Lots of surprises.

I assume short haired lady isnt really dead.

Also, a (small) theory that I stumbled upon

The idea that the baby (or other babies) could play a part in creating a cure, as perhaps it has built up an immune system to the virus whilst in Lori's womb.

That's not really biologically sound.

If you're mom has AIDs, then it's very likely you have AIDs when your born, not a resistance to a illness she can't fight off.

If anything it just means the baby is already infected just like everyone else.

A cure is hardly a silver bullet but it would give then some hope I guess, T-Dawg and large T-Dawg could have been saved.
Question for you.

If as has been stated, everybody carries the virus, why does there need to be any zombie input to make someone turn?

Doesn't, as said. Hence why Carl sorted his mother before she had a chance to change.

Likewise with some other people, I think?
The infection from a bite in Walking Dead can take a while to kill the victims. They go through a fever, hallucinations, vomiting etc before dying and reanimating.

It is only the reanimation after death that can take 2 minutes, but often longer.
He was in a tactical pose. Cut him some slack, his left hand is ready for anything, his right hand is coiled like a snake, and he is SNEAKING, that's why he is crouched.

Obviously you've never had to kill someone holding a gun with a knife before!
Infection takes longer that 2 minutes to do that to you

And you know that because you have met someone who has been bitten by a Zombie?

I mean common guys it's fiction if the authors feel you die after being bitten and don't amputate the bitten part of you body fast, well then so be it.

It's always funny that people are willing to accept that there are dead people walking around but then find it hard to believe that a bite from them can kill you pretty quickly.
And you know that because you have met someone who has been bitten by a Zombie?

I mean common guys it's fiction if the authors feel you die after being bitten and don't amputate the bitten part of you body fast, well then so be it.

It's always funny that people are willing to accept that there are dead people walking around but then find it hard to believe that a bite from them can kill you pretty quickly.

You mean it's not a documentary?:eek:
Brilliant so far. I really enjoyed most of series 1, and didn't actually mind series 2, although it did lack a certain edge.

This series has really stepped up the game so far though and I'm impressed. I didn't expect them to kill off Lori, but it really adds the edge it needs. Now she's gone, you believe that pretty much anyone can go, which series 2 lacked for most of it. I didn't like her too much, but it's more the impact her death will have which makes it more interesting. Carl's coldness when shooting her was brutal, and Rick's only going to get colder from here on in.

Hopefully Carol won't come back. Always found her annoying.

I actually quite liked T-Dog, even though he didn't do anything. He was a decent character, but then the lack of them actually doing anything meant that his death was kind of ineffective in the end. As soon as he actually had an opinion on something, they went and got rid of him. He could've had a good angle with Merle too after the first seasons end.

I still doubt Hershel has long left. I thought he would go early on, but even without the immediate threat of infection, he's still a liability. In any chase scenes, he's going to lag behind. He'll be the last big death before they do reach the town in my opinion.
Uh, we're talking about a zombie apocalypse here. I think were can throw real world medical principals out the window. ;)

And? He was just asking what the zombie input was of making you turn into one as well. It's the fact that after you get bit you'll most likely die at some point from the infection and then become a zombie.

Calm yourself, numbers.

And you know that because you have met someone who has been bitten by a Zombie?

I mean common guys it's fiction if the authors feel you die after being bitten and don't amputate the bitten part of you body fast, well then so be it.

It's always funny that people are willing to accept that there are dead people walking around but then find it hard to believe that a bite from them can kill you pretty quickly.

What I meant is there is probably something in the bites as well as the virus taking hold when they die.
Brilliant so far. I really enjoyed most of series 1, and didn't actually mind series 2, although it did lack a certain edge.

This series has really stepped up the game so far though and I'm impressed.

My view too.

Really care about the characters in this program.
Dale's death got to me and even Lori, whom I really had no liking for.
It is one of Frank Darabont's strengths though.
What's the bet that they spend half of this season searching the prison and it's grounds for shit hair, shit mother woman?