Television The Walking Dead

Crazy episode.
Well everything went all tits up for them didn't it. I thought the guy that ruined everything was dead? Didn't he run outside and get eaten by walkers right when Rick was chasing him down? If anyone had to die, at least it was Lori. I really hated her:lol:
Shame about T-dog. Delighted about Lori.

Party at my house if and when Andrea dies. Shane, Lori and Andrea, the unholy trinity of dislikeable pricks.
Wow. Good episode that. They are going to milk the next two episodes on how Rick reacts to this situation. Hopefully it won't die down fighting wise. I think they are done killing members of this group for sometime now because its 2 down in 1 episode and 1 is missing.
I got 99 problems but Lori ain't one, hit me! Bout time. This show has some balls doesn't it. They have no issues with killing off main characters...I'm liking it. @Drainy, the black prisoner had more lines in this one episode than T-Dawg did in two and a quarter seasons. Carl was actually not so annoying and have to give him mad props for doing in his mother.
I found it odd the way they all died with such ease though. They're part of the National Guard and they just stood there getting shot. One guy fell down really weird as well.

Well like you said, it was the National Guard....not as if they were taking down Seal Team Six. No offense to the guardsmen out there, I do thank you for your time and duty.
What happened to shit hair, shit mother woman?

She is missing but I am guessing she won't be far away. Did she take an exit to leave the prison or is she still stuck inside? If she is stuck inside, then she is as good as dead because she has no bullets left in her gun.
Oh dear, that was pathetic.

Carl mans up, Rick cries like a baby with a tantrum on the floor

T-Dog replaced by prisoner involved in the most obvious and precitable scene saving Rick from the midget who somehow survived.

Lori gets her son to help kill her, whilst at the same time giving a speech about doing whats right. Course the right thing to do would have been not deliver the baby when they are all in danger, let her lose it and with his mother and father still alive they could have one or more babies in the future.

At least they are thinning out the bad actors and terrible characters but unfortunately Andrea and the ex-mother person are still alive.

Also, not showing Lori being shot suggests Carl might have backed out and faked it in the end so she might be seen as a zombie soon.
T-dog is dead, Long live the new T-Dog.

Won't the baby die without milk, I can't see there being formula in a prison pantry.

After a 7 min labour lori was all like, I'm toast, gg wp. Labour can take hours it was very very premature to slice her open like deli meat..
Lori is dead, thank feck for that but it was a pretty shite we didn't get the gratification of watching the bullet entering her head. Oh and what a fecking martyr to the end she was, cow.

I don't really get the Andrea hate and the new town is building up nicely.

Poor T-Dawg, he finally grew a voice and some balls this season and look where it's got him. US TV keeping the brothers in their place, try and be part of the WASP society and it will get you killed.

Rick is going to have to bring up a baby that not only was the result of his best friend boning his wife but also killed her. Could see it being used as zombie bait.

That prisoner showing up again was a bit random.

I hope the Govenor goes to Augusta for a round of golf and bumps into Bill Murray.

Lori is dead.

All hail new T-Dawg, it's not racist if I just continue to call him T-dawg from now on is it?

Carl is actually growing on me as a character, he's still not allowed to be romantically involved with Herschel's daughter who is blatantly an adult though, it's still weird.

How quickly did the baby get washed up? Maggie must have had Cillit bang with her.
After a 7 min labour lori was all like, I'm toast, gg wp. Labour can take hours it was very very premature to slice her open like deli meat..

I don't know a whole lot about c-sections but I'm pretty positive that Lori wouldn't die anywhere near that fast. They basically just rushed through killing her off. Herschel gets his leg cut off and he manages to live but Lori gets cut on her stomach and its an automatic death.

Also, the smaller black prisoner being alive was very dumb. You see him completely surrounded by zombies grabbing ahold of him right after Rick locks him out. This would basically be the only time in the yshow where someone has survived a situation like that. Plus, he has basically no idea how to deal with zombies anyway.

And why would the other black inmate ever choose Rick over the oter inmate who minutes before had locked him out and told him to take his chances on the road.
feckin T-Dog man. That's what happens when you start asking for more lines.

I don't trust that weasely older inmate either. Something Savillian about him. Certainly one to keep an eye on.
Because Tyrone Dawg v2.0 knew that the little black guy and the two prisoners would be worse off than the two prisoners and Rick's group. Shooting Lil TDawg would prove their worth to the group and get them in with Rick.
I don't really get the Andrea hate and the new town is building up nicely.

She's generally an arsehole but she also;

Pulled a gun on Rick for daring to try and protect the group from her being a drama queen.

treated Dale (the nicest man to ever live) like crap after he saved her fecking life and was looking out for her and the group by withholding her gun that she couldn't use AND would use even when a herd of zombies were passing- leading them to come back and likely find everyone

Allowed a young girl to attempt suicide just to prove her point about having a choice.

Almost killed Daryl because she wanted to prove how great she was.

There's probably more that I've forgotten.
Why is angry black woman so angry? We know nothing about her character and she just spends screen time skulking about angrily. Why is she so desperate to go somewhere with just the two of them instead of a nice safe town with a semi-functioning society, food, drink, shelter, guns, etc. etc.

Is it just that we are supposed to accept that black women are angry and don't want to be ruled over by whitey or something? We have no idea why she had pet zombies, a samurai sword, rescued blondie, risks her life constantly for blondie, has predator hair, is always angry, I mean seriosuly...what the feck, writers?
Love that as well as 'angry black woman' 3/5 prisoners were black. Can hardly find two black survivors to rub together in the outside world but yet in prison.. *cough*
I thought it was really good. Never really got the Lori hate. Couldn't say she was one of my favourite characters but I didn't hate her. Thought the ending was quite sad actually.
Also, the group should call the new black guy T-Dog. Even if he protests.
Also, why did lesbian lady decide to start wearing a headscarf? Seems like an odd plot device to make them think she's dead. They all looked at it like "Oh my god this is Carol's heasdscarf that she's been wearing for the past 6 hours. She must be deaaaaad."
What ze feck?!?!

Mental episode. Poor T Dawg. feck you Lori.

All went a bit tits up 'cause of some little skinny black dude. T Dawg #2 looks cool though.

Mental oriental. Andrea can feck herself and die, ninja black woman should feck off without her and let her get trained by the Gov'ner and his men.
It would explain why she hates men and can handle swords and shit. She probably emasculated her zombie pets too.

No lesbian vibe IMO. I don't think she trusts almost anyone. And her story will come out I'm sure. The Governor is obviously a baddy but of what variety?

Speculation about future developments based on nothing at all

The 2 pet zombies have a story I'm sure and she is being set up for a major plot line I feel. What that will be I don't really know. I thought she might be T-Dawg's love interest (or rather vice versa) but that obviously isn't happening.

I think that The Governor may have sexual designs on one or both of the women and/or that he may keep them by force if they don't go now. Both men seem a bit rapey. One for The Governor and one for the brother maybe? Or the brother could surprise us and help them escape if they are held.

I also think that Rick will now become more ruthless in his defense of the group.

At some point there must be a conflict between Rick's group and The Governor's group either at the prison or the town.
Also, why did lesbian lady decide to start wearing a headscarf? Seems like an odd plot device to make them think she's dead. They all looked at it like "Oh my god this is Carol's heasdscarf that she's been wearing for the past 6 hours. She must be deaaaaad."

Where the feck did she actually go?

I thought she went out the door which led to the yard right past Hershel and his useless daughter but apparently they didn't see her.
It's not really that hard to believe when 99% of the world's population is dead.

There would be plenty to go around.

However, it doesn't keep well, they'd need to treat the diesel to get the water out at this point but who really gives a shit.