Television The Walking Dead

Question about something that happened at the end of the episode
So who is on the other end of the phone? Any ideas?

Incorrect quess
I thought the end of the episode was his Shinning moment, he talking to ghosts, he's already got the axe, now all he needs in a door. Heeeeeerreeeee's Grimesey.

Micheonne, that's not it Maccaraina... whatever Scowly McSamurai, missed one of her stabs by about 3 feet and it was quite obvious when she tried to 'withdraw' the blade :lol: nearly went down his arm.
So i'm assuming the grave at the end was for shit hair, shit mother woman. What the feck did they bury though....her stupid headscarf? She's gonna be pissed off when she comes back in an episode or two and has nothing to hide that shit hair with
Well Rick took a bit of a dark turn. Wonder who is on the end of the phone.

It's calling ... will you accept the charges ?

Seriously though, it has to be an internal system, no way can it work otherwise.
Great episode. In fact, great season so far.

Why did Rick spaz out on the fat belly zombie? Am I missing something there? What was he trying to do....confirm that she was in there (like that bit in Jaws when Brody and Hooper cut open the shark to look for the body) ?

Surely the phone call is just him going full retard (which to be fair kind of negates the above question).
Oh feck her. I'd actually forgot she existed this episode.

Although I did think it was a bit odd that Daryl was putting a flower on T-Dogs grave.
It'll be shit hair woman. "Have you seen my headscarf?".

Genuine laugh out loud. Had me chuckling.

Random question, but does anyone know if the walkers poo? Because it's never been shown/mentioned, and you never see them do it, or any poo marks or dumping ground around the place.

It's like the fat bellied one who obviously ate the silly cows corpse, he's gotta have to digest that and shit it out, no?
They never showed Carol getting killed nor her body. And I thought the zombie ate Lori's body, so who's in the 3rd grave? It was a confusing episode.
Andrea is fecking retarded. She trusts some random strangers she met four days ago over the woman who saved her life and kept her alive for 8 months? Just kill her off already.
Andrea is fecking retarded. She trusts some random strangers she met four days ago over the woman who saved her life and kept her alive for 8 months? Just kill her off already.

It's blatantly coming, and soon. It has too... right? Please?

I do want to see a lot more of Axel though... think he can turn in to a decent character.
She's just gagging for cock. That samurai sword handle was beginning to chafe.

Clearly, you can see it in her eyes.

It's blatantly coming, and soon. It has too... right? Please?

I do want to see a lot more of Axel though... think he can turn in to a decent character.

Axel is blatantly a paedophile mate. He's just waiting for his first chance on that little blonde girl
Well Rick took a bit of a dark turn. Wonder who is on the end of the phone.

I think they aer going overboard with his turn. Seriously, he had to expect something like this would happen sooner or later given the situation they have all been in the last year or so.
Great episode. In fact, great season so far.

Why did Rick spaz out on the fat belly zombie? Am I missing something there? What was he trying to do....confirm that she was in there (like that bit in Jaws when Brody and Hooper cut open the shark to look for the body) ?

Surely the phone call is just him going full retard (which to be fair kind of negates the above question).

Yea I was thinking the same, he is just losing it.
Why did Rick spaz out on the fat belly zombie? Am I missing something there? What was he trying to do....confirm that she was in there (like that bit in Jaws when Brody and Hooper cut open the shark to look for the body) ?

Well, one would assume it's got a belly full of Lori, clearly struggling to choke her down and I can relate, that bitch was hard to stomach for 2 seasons.

Bones and all, which was a bit odd.

When he was cutting I assumed it was to retrieve his wedding ring or one serious misguided attempt to see her one last time or something, he seems to have bottled it or changed his mind, cause didn't see it opened up much.
Er wait what? I thought that was Lori's zombie, although I suppose her being eaten by someone else explains why all her hair had gone in the 5 minutes it took Rick to walk back to her.

Speaking of which, at first I thought that the new black woman with the sword was going to be cool. Someone who could really kick zombie ass.

Turns out Rick just needs an axe and he can kill waves of them. Bet Rick wishes he had found an axe earlier, maybe even previous seasons. Nobody would have died, Rick can just kill them all himself apparently.

Also the very first scene was hard to watch. So bad. Havent we already had the story about stupidly keeping family alive even though they are zombies with Hershal at the farm? Why do we need to have it again with this guy's daughter ?
I haven't seen the most recent episode, but I caught up on the first 4. I'd just like to say:

Ding dong the witch is dead!
Which old witch? The bitchy witch!
Ding dong the bitchy witch is dead!
Haven't we been through this before? Strictly keep comic stuff out of here.

I am reading season 3 comic at the moment, but not till after ice watched the episode it relates too. I only read as far as I've watched on tv.
I'm going to go all biblical on the next person to post comic based spoilers. 5 point infraction and 2 days out waiting.

Great episode. In fact, great season so far.

Why did Rick spaz out on the fat belly zombie? Am I missing something there? What was he trying to do....confirm that she was in there (like that bit in Jaws when Brody and Hooper cut open the shark to look for the body) ?

Surely the phone call is just him going full retard (which to be fair kind of negates the above question).

I think he wanted to see Lori's corpse for some closure and due to his mental state, thought about cutting open the Zombie's stomach to retrieve the chewn bits of her. But then realizing the oddity of the idea, just proceeded to stab it repeatedly out of anger.
May I ask why? The comic is better than the tv show tbh.

I've no idea really, I've only just started with the comics and have watched the TV series since day one. But was curious as for the differences between the two... just thought I'd carry on watching the TV series and read the comic once the episode is out.
a) because it is policy
b) because people watching the TV series don't want their enjoyment spoiled by selfish people who want to talk about the source material.
c) use your brain. It is obvious.

Do you think that people who hadn't watched the 6th Sense had their enjoyment enhanced by some selfish fecknuckle saying

Plot spoiler for the film the 6th Sense
of course it is obvious that Bruce Willis is dead
I had the Sixth Sense ruined for me by a classmate. Another classmate punched him in the face for it (he ruined it for all of us), which made me feel better. Can we implement a similar policy here?