Television The Walking Dead

Has this show gotten good then? I stopped watching after the 1st season, but I see it's the most popular thing on the torrent trackers, and my brother is also raving about it.
Another good episode, helps that Lori and Carl weren't in it. I'm very much liking this season so far.

It's much better than the second season so far, certainly helps that things are actually happening.

Its weird, but I almost agree with what "Governor" did with those soldiers. I mean not really, it was obviously very extreme. But a group of heavily armed soldiers who just lost their safe haven and resources would certainly be a threat to that town. Even if he'd taken them in, some sort of conflict would be inevitable.
Can't say I agree. It was a power play type of move. Any potential conflicts (which could be prevented by taking some precautions) would be heavily outweighed by the benefit of having a dozen well trained soldiers. It wasn't a "for the good of the town" type of move, it was a "I'm the boss" move.
Can't say I agree. It was a power play type of move. Any potential conflicts (which could be prevented by taking some precautions) would be heavily outweighed by the benefit of having a dozen well trained soldiers. It wasn't a "for the good of the town" type of move, it was a "I'm the boss" move.

It was a political move, they could have proved a threat to his leadership because the common folk in the town would still probably have respect for them as actual soldiers, trained to fight and to command.

It was also a good move on his part to show how dangerous it is out there and to warn them about any thoughts of leaving. Whilst also showing how brave and thoughtful he had been trying to rescue them in such circumstances.

All in all it was pretty badass.
Speculation about future relationship between characters (modmin edit)
Angry black woman....she is destined to be tamed by T-Dogg.
I'm hoping they both come to bad ends. Andrea is useless and Michonne is just angry. She's a Tara(from True Blood) replica in terms of personality. Moody and angry. Meh.

Also, that's racist.
Great episode, just to cover my ass on here, thoughts are as follows....

In a way it was predictable. I'm pretty sure they shot down that copter. You just knew they were never going to bring back those reservists. Makes you wonder if that is how they handle all groups they run into. Do they kill them because of considered threats or for the supplies or both? Surely they can't take in everyone they run into on the outside. This town is approaching cult status fast. But it may be better to be inside than out. Something tells me they have a lot more in store for the women of that town than just the gardens being taken care of. Also, was that the pilots head at the end? It was interesting to find out about the walkers losing the ability of wanting to feed. I was wondering why the one at the beginning walked right past Laurie and Michonne.

Who played Milton the scientist? He looks familiar...pretty sure he's from an 80's movie or show.
At this point the show can go into quite a few directions being that there are two different story lines with two separate locations. Should be a great season.
I watched The Mist the other day and noticed a lot of the characters from TWD in it doing the same roles. Dale doing 'old man who speaks sense but ultimately dies', Andrea as 'quite cute, but very annoying', lesbian haircut woman as 'rubbish mum with shit hair'.

Must be the Darabont connection.
Worst acting job ever by the stand in raking up the leaves on the lawn. Like the guy has never seen a rake before.
Is anyone else irritated by the samurai sword girl?

I call her Scowly McBushido, I can't make out if she wants to feck Andrea or is just annoyed and enthralled by her in equal measure, what's stopping her from just getting up and walking out of there, forgetting about Andrea.

I wasn't really liking the Governorator much until he utterly shut Andrea down, she tried that attempted cute "look at me I'm one of the guys but with tits, I can make faux-sarcy statements and you'll chuckle at it because I have lady bits' shtick that bewitched Shark-Face McBangfriendswife.

And he was like .... "Never."

I call her Scowly McBushido, I can't make out if she wants to feck Andrea or is just annoyed and enthralled by her in equal measure, what's stopping her from just getting up and walking out of there, forgetting about Andrea.

I wasn't really liking the Governorator much until he utterly shut Andrea down, she tried that attempted cute "look at me I'm one of the guys but with tits, I can make faux-sarcy statements and you'll chuckle at it because I have lady bits' shtick that bewitched Shark-Face McBangfriendswife.

And he was like .... "Never."


Angry black woman....she is destined to be tamed by T-Dogg.

:lol: that's good, I'll have to borrow that in my list of nicknames for the characters.

I only just started watching Walking Dead this week, marathonned it and now I'm upto date after watching an LP of the video game.

I only knew Hershel and Glenn because they are in the game, everyone else was just (or is) a nickname until I could (or can) be arsed learning their proper names. Based the nicknames on either their stereotyping or role in the show.

Seriously though, what is with all of the women on this show being dislikeable clichéd arseholes? Probably Molly is the best of the bunch and she has the 'hot and cold dater' thing that happened at the start of her seeing Glenn. They are all irrational- if real life actually reflected The Walking Dead first rule of zombie apocalypse survival would be 'no women and children in your group'
when they were hiding in the bushes watching the helicopter crash and the governors men, how on earth couldn't the men spot them, plus the two standing zombies making noise right behind them. You could even see the women's legs
I can understand why he doesn't, it's a lot of work to deconstruct an episode and make it funny, don't think I could do it.
I don't have much to say about that episode.

Scowling woman needs a personality injection for sure.

Has Merle been toned down a bit or what? I remember him being more...err racist.

That helicopter crash was impressive.
Can't say I agree. It was a power play type of move. Any potential conflicts (which could be prevented by taking some precautions) would be heavily outweighed by the benefit of having a dozen well trained soldiers. It wasn't a "for the good of the town" type of move, it was a "I'm the boss" move.

I think the idea of a dozen well armed soldiers would certainly be threatening. Governor (feels pretty stupid calling him that) may be willing to take in 2 women, one of whom is very sick. Stragglers would be much easier to integrate into the little society he's building. Those soldiers loyalty would be to something other than the town, which would always have a chance to cause trouble. It doesn't seem like they've any need for the extra man power in any case.
I found it odd the way they all died with such ease though. They're part of the National Guard and they just stood there getting shot. One guy fell down really weird as well.
I found it odd the way they all died with such ease though. They're part of the National Guard and they just stood there getting shot. One guy fell down really weird as well.

Is that the guy with his back turned who did a sort of slow motion dive with his mouth open? I laughed at that bit.

I suppose they just weren't really expecting it, but still, these are trained soliders, you think they'd have scouts around the perimeter looking for zombies at least and would've spotted the guys in the bushes, and not been so quick to put their weapons down when the Governor asked them to.
Well it's been about a year (?) since all civilization has went to shit, I imagine unit discipline hasn't held up all that well and all these men abandoned ship as soon as their position was over run, so their pretty strung out and not thinking very straight. They're trained to follow orders and they ain't getting any.

That said did they even return fire ? Governor was standing in the open, should have really got hit at least once.
I generally like it, but there are some things which annoy me.

1) The Zombies seem to be about as dangerous as a pack of kittens.

2) Everyone in the group would put Seal team 6 to shame with their ability to head shot any target at seemingly any distance from a moving, and bumping vehicle!

Besides that, enjoying the show.