Television The Walking Dead

Spray except in open wounds wouldn't should really be a problem no matter what the nature of the zombie virus/disease. I suppose getting it in your nose or eyes might cause problems.
So is the rule that if a zombie breaks your skin then you turn or is it blood-related? It surely must be to do with the bloodstream since they claim to have saved Herschell by cutting off his leg in time. Yet getting zombie blood and gore all over you doesn't seem to have any ill-effect.

It's highly confusing.

If you are referring to the last episode, he was scratched by a bloody bone if I recall correctly (he ripped is hand off that handcuff), however, getting blood all over you does not constitute poisoning since it has to enter the blood stream.
So is the rule that if a zombie breaks your skin then you turn or is it blood-related? It surely must be to do with the bloodstream since they claim to have saved Herschell by cutting off his leg in time. Yet getting zombie blood and gore all over you doesn't seem to have any ill-effect.

It's highly confusing.

I hope I don't get another infraction for a spoiler her but... well how do I break it to you.

Zombies aren't real, there I said it.

No but seriously trying to find 100% logical consistency in a fictional story let alone in a TV series or movie is going to fail every time, mostly due to dramatization reasons.

I mean if you are completely logical about this there shouldn't even be any blood spatter when you kill a zombie.

They way they are rotten by now the blood should be totally dried up and not squirt around like crazy every time one of them gets stabbed, but then again where would be the fun in that?
That's what I wondered, about the blood splattering, biting/scratching. How some become infected through a scratch yet this guy got bit and apparently amputation stops infection which I find highly unlikely. Also, the blood splattering would surely enter the mouth/eyes/nostrils/open cuts and get into the bloodstream. So ultimately one would want to be a good distance from zombies/the infected when killing.

Or am I completely off-base here?
Yes. You did the mistake of not reading the previous page. Or pay attention. They are already infected :p

But yes, it still doesn't properly explain why people who are bit turn into zombies right away anyway, or why cutting the foot of helped, or why they knew the guy who just got a stump-scratch was doomed.
I wanna know who the feck was watching the lesbian looking annoying woman as she knife fecked the zombie woman's stomach.

And I really should stop watching the "on the next episode" clips at the end. Gives too much away!

Next weeks episode looks weird.
I wanna know who the feck was watching the lesbian looking annoying woman as she knife fecked the zombie woman's stomach.

And I really should stop watching the "on the next episode" clips at the end. Gives too much away!

Next weeks episode looks weird.

At a guess, it is that guy Merle
This was the more chatty episode to last weeks zombie massacring season opener. Still kept with the theme of Rick taking no shit and Lori and Carl keeping in the background which was good.

I winced when she gave Herschel mouth to mouth though. I thought something fecked up was about to happen.

Herschels daughter has annoyingly white teeth for a zombie apocalypse. I was distracted by them.

I also have a hard time believing those guys never left that canteen area once since the whole thing kicked off but whatever...

Oh and yeah...was scratching my head that Rick was all "Sorry mate, you're fecked" to the big fella after lopping Herschels leg off last week in an attempt to save him. I mean, it's not like they didn't have medical supplies to prevent infection so not sure what the craic was here.

:lol: @ Gutierrez.
I wanna know who the feck was watching the lesbian looking annoying woman as she knife fecked the zombie woman's stomach.

And I really should stop watching the "on the next episode" clips at the end. Gives too much away!

Next weeks episode looks weird.

Re: the second spoiler, about the "next week on" clip.

That looked weird, how the hell has a whole town/city avoided notice the whole time? You'd think the zombies would have all congregated there by now. And Merle back? That can't be good. Total guess but I'd say he and Dale will fight at some point in the series, and one of them will die.
Oh and yeah...was scratching my head that Rick was all "Sorry mate, you're fecked" to the big fella after lopping Herschels leg off last week in an attempt to save him. I mean, it's not like they didn't have medical supplies to prevent infection so not sure what the craic was here.

I think the idea is its a big scratch across the guys back. Assuming the bite causes an infection that spreads through blood flow, it'd be pretty hard to isolate that area. What are they supposed to do, cut a chunk out of the guy's back/shoulder?
I think the idea is its a big scratch across the guys back. Assuming the bite causes an infection that spreads through blood flow, it'd be pretty hard to isolate that area. What are they supposed to do, cut a chunk out of the guy's back/shoulder?

Well yeah I get that but at least wash the fecker out, bandage it and give the guy a chance to see if it even gets infected.

It just seemd a bit "You're fecked and we should kill you now." Christ, I'd have offered to walk out the prison before letting Gutierrez anywhere near me with a tyre iron.
Even sci-fi and fantasy should have consistency and make sense in the context of their own universes. And you feel the same way, I bet. I'm sure you wouldn't be too happy if Zombies suddenly had the power of teleportation. Or grew wings. Or they are actually aliens.
The entire incident was incredible contrived, he dandered off on his own after been told repeatedly, within the last 20 seconds even, that it was a bad idea.

He gets into to some shit with some zombies, he kills a few, doesn't freak out and get back to the group. The zombie scratched him with the stump or whatever that it only just fashioned for no real reason, he was calmly standing still on his own in a prison block full of zombies.

It was very silly, but he was a largely unimportant character (t-dog v2.0) I'd feel worse about it, if it hadn't lead to something so cool.
Killing the big guy with the scratch was a way for the plot to continue to make Jonas the antagonist and showcase his psychopathic (or would it be sociopathic?) tendencies. This made for good viewing when Jonas did his shit happens routine. It allowed the viewing audience to justify the end result instead of making the hero look possibly a bit of a loose cannon that might strike if he felt threatened.

It was a bit f'd up to leave the two others alone in their own block after all that went down but I suppose in that kind of environment one cannot risk their own life to accompany others that might cause a mutiny. Hopefully, zombies never attack in real life. ;)
That dude who got left in the yard with the zombies must have been the group's bitch. There's no way they were holed up for ten months without getting any action.
Even sci-fi and fantasy should have consistency and make sense in the context of their own universes. And you feel the same way, I bet. I'm sure you wouldn't be too happy if Zombies suddenly had the power of teleportation. Or grew wings. Or they are actually aliens.

They aren't doing anything as strange as that though :lol: and there have not been any rules set for this universe, you are as in the dark as the characters.
Some people are far too concerned with how realistic a show about the dead coming back to life to eat human flesh is.

:lol: I highly doubt that anyone is concerned at all.

This is still the place to come to and chew the fat over the latest episode is it not?

Re: next weeks episode preview

Looks good. That was definitely Merle at the end so yeah I guess T-Dog will have some splaining to do at some point.
RE: The preview

I reckon the Merle thing is a dream or hallucination
They aren't doing anything as strange as that though :lol: and there have not been any rules set for this universe, you are as in the dark as the characters.

Of course there have been some rules set. Everyone is infected. You die from a bite. That was the point. It was just weird how they (the characters) suddenly decided that the guy who got mildly scratched was definitely going to turn into a zombie any minute now.
What could they do? They couldn't quickly chop his shoulder off. And the loon then went postal.
They could bandage him up, keep him at the front and just see what happens, he might have been fine, he would have been useful for the next few hours atleast.
They could bandage him up, keep him at the front and just see what happens, he might have been fine, he would have been useful for the next few hours atleast.

They may have been thinking that, but then Jonas hacked his head to bits and there was no point arguing about it.
Pretty good episode all around (just watched it yesterday).

- Nice of Newcastle to give Jonas some time off for that cameo, very good. Looks as comfortable acting as when he's at right back.

- T-Dog just keeps giving and giving. The most hilarious part was when they left the last two prisoners in their cell block, Rick and Daryl had already walked away, and he just put his head back in the shot, photobombing style, and said something completely useless like "If I were you, I'd burn the bodies." More exactly T Dog, if you were them, you'd get more lines.

- Was hoping Hershel would come back as a zombie and bite Lori's face off. Would've been amazing. I was sure they were actually going to kill him when lesbian haircut went outside to practice a C section on a zombie. To be honest, I was hoping Hershel would die, and Lori would go into labour, obviously Carol wouldn't know how to do a proper C section so she would kill Lori in the process. Suppose we'll see a pretty gory birth, they wouldn't have brought that storyline into the show if not, I guess.

- At first, watching Carol, thought it was Michonne, but given next week's previews, that would seem inconsistent. So it was probably Merle. Or maybe T Dog, who knows.

- Looking forward to next week's episode, Michonne is a pretty cool character, and according to next week's previews, they're bringing in a guy who was my favourite character in the comic books!

- Really like what they've made of Rick's character, just will not give a shit anymore, brilliant.
Edited it quickly, although I don't quite understand how it can be a spoiler as I didn't give any indication whatsoever about what said character is or does (apart from saying I enjoyed him in the comic books), and seen as he's referenced with his character's name on any page relating to the series, such as IMDB, and in all the information leading up to the 3rd season this summer.

What exactly are the rules on spoilers? Seems pretty extreme.
They're not extreme at all. You can talk about anything you want, related to what has already been aired. Just don't mention anything, anything at all, that is related to the comics. You're not supposed to talk about the "sneak peak" either, but if you do at least spoiler it and label it as such.