Television The Walking Dead

Well the reasoning for Rick running to the other tower was to close the fence, to stop any further zombies getting in from the prison proper and then secure that area.

That part of the reasoning was entirely sound, the rest of it was a bit bullshit. Shooting the ones that didn't come near the fence, sure, the rest of it just had to gloss over.

I literally stared laughing when they stood in terror and befuddlement at the invincazombie, with a helmet of awe on. I know their tired and mentally exhausted (some of them did a crossword puzzle before hand, which was a big mistake in hindsight) but seriously :lol: they also can't hurt you, calm down.

Maggie is hot.


Best episode since the pilot.

Though to be fair, this and the pilot are the only good episodes.

Yeah, I agree. I've accepted the 'soapy' route it went down some time ago and I'm more than happy with any episode that cranks up the zombie killing and tones down the melodrama.

I also got the impression that they'd been reading opinions online about Lori and Carl as it was just about the only episode where they both didn't annoy me.

Good stuff.
Yeah the second I saw Carl going all Rambo, I thought "They're listening to the viewers, this might turn out to be a great season."
The question is whether they've the budget to continuously have episodes like that. I just hope they don't spend the next 5 episodes trying to figure out what to do with Herschel and having Lori and Rick going on about zombie baby and "Ah have teh protect you Lori dammit!"

I read that this has a much lower budget than Mad Men, despite pulling in far higher viewer figures. Not that I'm complaining, because Mad Men is way better.
Mad Men is batshit boring.

Man in a nice suit acts like a sexist pig while smoking seems to be the default plotline.

And how can it need a big budget? Unless they are paying the actors far too much.
As far as I'm aware the actors are on large salaries, but mainly cause it's set in the sixties and they design a lot of their own sets and such to make it authentic. Saying that, it's about an advertising firm so they throw in a hell of a lot of product placement to make up the costs.

It's a great show, feck you Wibs.
Mad Men is batshit boring.

Man in a nice suit acts like a sexist pig while smoking seems to be the default plotline.

And how can it need a big budget? Unless they are paying the actors far too much.

I'm pretty sure series regulars get a pay rise every year until the usually the 6th year when contracts are renewed and they'll obviously go up considerably for some of the 'stars' of the show.

Even with a modest cast, that tends to add up to quite a bit of money after just 2-3 season, plus budgets are rarely up'd year on year so it tends to become and more a percentage of your total.

They (walking dead) spilt last season up to get more money and can't see what they did with it.

Hopefully they keep this up but I won't be surprised if we're back to 1-2 zombies a week soon
Mad Men is batshit boring.

Man in a nice suit acts like a sexist pig while smoking seems to be the default plotline.

And how can it need a big budget? Unless they are paying the actors far too much.

You need to give mad men another shot. Only breaking bad beats it for current tv shows, for me.
You need to give mad men another shot. Only breaking bad beats it for current tv shows, for me.

I've really tried with Mad Men. I can appreciate the acting and the cinematography, but god it's boring. Breaking Bad certainly surpasses it (IMO,) as does Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire (as far as current shows go.)
I watched bits of this last night as oates likes it - one practical question.

If you were constantly frightened of getting zombie blood into your own bloodstream through a scratch or little cut, wouldn't you wear something more substantial than a vest top? That seems a bit of a sartorial fail. Surely in the last series they had time to get other clothes from somewhere?
They're already infected Penna.

When they die they turn. Although this throws out the question as to why some people were turned when bitten in the first season (that girls sister for one). I assume the infection from the bite was severe enough to kill.
Yes, I actually caught myself wondering about that during the fight montages, before realizing (remembering) that they were already infected. It's actually quite clever, even if it doesn't serve some greater plot element, which it probably does. When zombies are involved, I always wonder how they avoid getting infected with all the blood that must be flying around always (even if zombies don't have the same blood pressure or what have you). With Walking Dead, that's not an issue.

I assume there's something specifically about the bites that is more likely to kill you outright.
Ah, thanks for the explanations!

Mad show. After watching it I dreamed last night that oates and I were in a prison and I was trying to cook spaghetti.

No idea where the spaghetti thing came from, although I was thinking about cooking tagliatelle yesterday. :lol:
The bites lead to illness/infection and eventual death. The guy who got bit and they left by the tree was slowly dying from illness and hadn't turned. I imagine once he died he turned. The annoying blonde woman's sister turned after she died also.
I thought Rick was wavering on his badass heel turn, looks like it's here to stay, hurray.

Nobody did anything exceedingly stupid with the exception of Lori (is that what her character name is) french kissing a possible zombie and berating Karl for being useful for once.
Really? I thought Carl was being a stupid brat. I'm pretty sure they have a "don't go anywhere alone" rule, and he decides to go somewhere alone. Shame he didn't get himself eaten by a zombie.
I watched bits of this last night as oates likes it - one practical question.

If you were constantly frightened of getting zombie blood into your own bloodstream through a scratch or little cut, wouldn't you wear something more substantial than a vest top? That seems a bit of a sartorial fail. Surely in the last series they had time to get other clothes from somewhere?

Zombie movies always have a problem with things like this type of thing. So what is it that exactly turns you into a zombie? The bite? The scratch? The fact everyone is already infected? Are there two types of viruses at work here? One that kills you if you get bitten/scratched but that is not transmitted if zombie blood/goo gets sprayed all over you? And one that turns you into a zombie?

Though this might be part of the reason why the creators of the show have said they are not going to delve into the virus itself much, by not doing so they can basically have it do whatever they want whenever they want.

Also if somebody is getting bit by some zombies, isn't it better to let them get completely eaten by the zombies so that there will not be a body left to turn into another zombie?

The clothing thing also bothers me a bit, even when considering Georgia can get quite warm and I would imagine the prison is pretty warm at that point also. You would think a bit of long sleeve, thicker clothing would be carried along for when they go zombie hunting.
Really? I thought Carl was being a stupid brat. I'm pretty sure they have a "don't go anywhere alone" rule, and he decides to go somewhere alone. Shame he didn't get himself eaten by a zombie.

He got the supplies and didn't end up dead, 'Well done' should come first, rebuke him mildly, in private. Making a dick out of him in front of everyone was hardly the way to go and Herschel was a bit dense, fecking around in the dark, didn't really get the parallel she was trying to draw there.

After it he ran off again, she didn't follow him, clearly isn't that bothered. Beforehand she had no idea where he was for maybe as long as an hour in order for him to be able to scout, find the supplies and bring them back. She's right she isn't wining mother of the year and it's bound to be a short fecking list.
Wouldn't the old fella have died from blood loss after that amputation? I didn't see any transfusions going on yet a day after the event he's awake and shaking hands.

Zombie pulling his own hand off was fecking stupid and why did big bloke get infected from being gored?
I was praying that Herschel turned out to be a zombie and ate Lori's face.

At this point are there any fans of that show who are not desperately hoping that the spawn of shane she is carrying does not eat her fecking guts out all Alien style? Any combination of Lori and Shane can not be good and would certainly turn out to be some sort of uber Zombie so might as well kill her and it.
The kid will come out black and it will have been T-Dogg all along. Did that huge black dude have more lines than T-Dogg last night?
The kid will come out black and it will have been T-Dogg all along. Did that huge black dude have more lines than T-Dogg last night?

The two black dudes, had more lines than he did, I also found it hialrous that they got knives, axes and shit, Tdawg had his riot shield and bolt from the crossbow, jabbing it awkwardly into their face.
Wouldn't the old fella have died from blood loss after that amputation? I didn't see any transfusions going on yet a day after the event he's awake and shaking hands.

Zombie pulling his own hand off was fecking stupid and why did big bloke get infected from being gored?

He was scratched deeply by the bloody stump of the zombies arm wasn't he?
I thought he was stabbed, but he did seem suspiciously up and about if that was the case. I admit I was somehow confused as to why they could suddenly be so sure that he was doomed. They already knew everyone is infected. And that people die from bites, unless you cut off their legs. But have they ever tried out scratching yet?
The two black dudes, had more lines than he did, I also found it hialrous that they got knives, axes and shit, Tdawg had his riot shield and bolt from the crossbow, jabbing it awkwardly into their face.

Even when they had the two prisoners down on the floor all T-dog got to do was scowel at them. His fecking agent sucks. :lol:
Even when they had the two prisoners down on the floor all T-dog got to do was scowel at them. His fecking agent sucks. :lol:

Maybe... on the other hand, think about all the attention T-Dog gets now. Half the people who watch the show mostly do it to see if T-Dog gets to do anything. He's pretty much the star.
So is the rule that if a zombie breaks your skin then you turn or is it blood-related? It surely must be to do with the bloodstream since they claim to have saved Herschell by cutting off his leg in time. Yet getting zombie blood and gore all over you doesn't seem to have any ill-effect.

It's highly confusing.