Television The Walking Dead

The show is entertaining, but god damn is it stupid. From the very start, we are reminded just how ridiculous their decision making is. Why would you make some desperate run for the tower to gain a vantage point for shooting, when old man white beard and your son are already safely at another tower, shooting zombies! In fact, why would you do any of that, you have a fecking fence between you and them, just attract them with a single gun shot and kill them with knives etc. Then immediately after wasting all of that ammunition, the doctor informs the sheriff they don't have enough ammo to safely check the inside of the prison. Yes. Also giving Carol (I think that's her name, she is completely pointless) an AK-47 seemed to continue with the general 'feck everything' attitude they have towards survival.

It would be so much better if they showed a little thought when heading into immediate and immense danger, like that entire end bit. I also like the thought of the baby turning into a zombie and eating that annoying, annoying bitch. Maybe Rick will kill her before that happens though, here's hoping.

Well the reasoning for Rick running to the other tower was to close the fence, to stop any further zombies getting in from the prison proper and then secure that area.

That part of the reasoning was entirely sound, the rest of it was a bit bullshit. Shooting the ones that didn't come near the fence, sure, the rest of it just had to gloss over.

I literally stared laughing when they stood in terror and befuddlement at the invincazombie, with a helmet of awe on. I know their tired and mentally exhausted (some of them did a crossword puzzle before hand, which was a big mistake in hindsight) but seriously :lol: they also can't hurt you, calm down.

Maggie is hot.
Well the reasoning for Rick running to the other tower was to close the fence, to stop any further zombies getting in from the prison proper and then secure that area.

That part of the reasoning was entirely sound, the rest of it was a bit bullshit. Shooting the ones that didn't come near the fence, sure, the rest of it just had to gloss over.

I literally stared laughing when they stood in terror and befuddlement at the invincazombie, with a helmet of awe on. I know their tired and mentally exhausted (some of them did a crossword puzzle before hand, which was a big mistake in hindsight) but seriously :lol: they also can't hurt you, calm down.

Maggie is hot.

Made me laugh when Maggie lifted up the helmet and stabbed one, and everyone else was like 'OF COURSE!' and all started doing it. fecking idiots.
He's clearly seen enough movies to know the black guy dies first. So he's playing it low-key. Clever T-Dog.
I think this season will be epic.

I predict that (spoiler based on feck all but my guess)
The Samurai woman with the Zombies will join the group and kick some serious arse.
The jail has some hidden secrets even if this first group aren't openly hostile
The redneck brother will return
A few characters will die. Herschel, his youngest daughter and one of the two black characters (T-dawg I'd guess) would be my guess. Plus one or two others.
The bit with the riot police walkers was fecked up funny. They all shat themselves, then realised, "I know what, what about not trying to hit their helmets" "OH YEAH SHIT LOL".

And Hershel, standing that close and stepping over a walker without checking it to see if it was alive or not? Bitch please.

Over all though, epic. Loved it. Can't wait till next week!
The stealth zombie is such a shit plot device. You see it in every zombie film, some clever zombie cnut who pretends to be dead but then springs to life when a limb is in front of his nose.
The stealth zombie is such a shit plot device. You see it in every zombie film, some clever zombie cnut who pretends to be dead but then springs to life when a limb is in front of his nose.

Yeaht that kind of made me roll my eyes. Every other zombie in the show goes nuts if it even thinks it hears a human, but not this one, it sits a prison......
If I saw one on the floor. I'd kick it in the head before even attempting to pass it. Even then I'd go as far around it as possible.
Also, every zombie we've seen is walking around. They call them walkers. Why the feck did this one decide to chill on the floor, completely still?
If Daryl and short haired lady get it on I will be disappointed. Would never happen.
Can't remember. Might have been his Woody Harrelson look-a-like brother.

The brother definitely was, can't remember anything like that about Daryll. But the brother (what was his name?) called T-dog a Uruguayan term of affection in season 1.
Also, every zombie we've seen is walking around. They call them walkers. Why the feck did this one decide to chill on the floor, completely still?

Not all of them, there was one in the tank right near the start of the first series that was just lying around waiting for someone to come near it.
Not all of them, there was one in the tank right near the start of the first series that was just lying around waiting for someone to come near it.

To be fair that one couldn't stand up. It was in a tank.
How is it that zombie teeth can go through trousers and a sock anyway? Do they get super-sharp as part of the change? I don't think I could bite through some trousers and get a mouthful of flesh.
Such a squalid group of personas in this show, you start rooting for the zombies very early on.

Telltale's game though is superb, for anyone who didn't try it yet. A superior experience in every way.
How is it that zombie teeth can go through trousers and a sock anyway? Do they get super-sharp as part of the change? I don't think I could bite through some trousers and get a mouthful of flesh.

This. That zombie got right to Herschels bone. No human could possibly do that, could they?
To be fair that one couldn't stand up. It was in a tank.

It was still relatively dormant, the whole point of the apparently dormant ones is that you don't notice them, they just look like normal dead bodies until you get too close and then you're fecked.
It's zombies, so at some point to have to hand wave away reality, zombies only decay to a point then stop, they can somehow move despite rigormortis, muscle atrophy and they operate for months/years without being alive enough to consume the meat they ingest.

The super claws/strength they seem to have when necessary, a la the sneak attack on Dale fiasco does seem very inconsistent with the established order of things, admittedly.

The whole series is very inconsistent, just thinking about it.

Why they needed to chop off Hershels leg at all is a bit bizarre, since in this universe they're already infected, it only activates on death. Movie/tv logic dictates amputation would be the course of action to take, but in the Walking Dead world it makes no difference he's already got zombitis.

So really Hershels got a bad bite, but assuming he hasn't nicked an artery and survives any fever/ normal infection (tetanus that kind of thing), he'll be fine (see Karl and his gut shot) if anything severing the leg is working towards making him a zombie, rather than against.

Wait .....

Rick, you crafty bastard, it's clever feck you to the old guy, "sleep with my wife will you!".

Think about it, his wife is a known hussy, she's slept with his friend for christ sake, turned him into a raving lunatic with her haunted snatch. Then she had the gaul to be annoyed at Rick, when he put Shane down like the rabid dog he was, something she told him to do, like the day before.

She's been moany lately, secret meetings with Hershel, weird looks, heavy silences. Rick has put 2 and 2 together and came up with kill Hershel.
Well people seem to die pretty fast after a zombie bite usually.

So I guess it's not like a common injury but way more deadly.

Fact is we don't know really what's happening what's going with the zombies, we just know if you get bitten you are usually fecked pretty fast.

The characters in the show are pretty much guessing just as much as we do, if Rick thought it might be a possibility that an amputation could save the old farts live and if not he was fecked anyway.

Another thing is, well as weird as it sounds, zombies and what they are isn't really important in this film, just like in most zombie films, they are just the means to create an extreme world in which you can put your characters in and explore the extremes of the human condition.
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Best episode since the pilot.

Though to be fair, this and the pilot are the only good episodes.
feck y'all, I thought it was great, big improvement on Season 2. Yeah it was stupid, but who cares? This is a show about zombies, and they killed lots of fecking zombies, I'm happy.

Also, how the hell do they get away with the TV-14 rating on this show, the violence was insane in that episode. fecking Americans, if they'd shown Maggie's tits (I wish) it wouldn't be allowed on air.
I agree. Since zombies are imaginary you have to lower your realism expectations.

Lots of zombie action, decent special effects and some drama. Great popcorn viewing.

My personal theory is that our main enjoyment from these type of post apocalyptic shows is pretending we are in the same situations and hypothesising how we would react or behave. And of course we always have better options than the characters which makes us feel good.
feck y'all, I thought it was great, big improvement on Season 2. Yeah it was stupid, but who cares? This is a show about zombies, and they killed lots of fecking zombies, I'm happy.

Also, how the hell do they get away with the TV-14 rating on this show, the violence was insane in that episode. fecking Americans, if they'd shown Maggie's tits (I wish) it wouldn't be allowed on air.

I also thought it was a great improvement on a rather boring season 2.

They got away with the TV-14 rating because there are no boobs in the show.

That being said for a show that features zombies it's not that violent, I have seen worse.
Well yeah, that's what I mean though, in the States you can show an old guy getting his legs chopped off to 14 year old but as soon as you throw in a pair of ladies tits you can't show it anymore.

Anyway, as I said, I don't care about realism or how stupid they are, the cast of zombie movies and shows are always supposed to be stupid, it's how it rolls. I'm not expecting something like The Wire here. It was the pointless melodrama and whiny soapy character plots that I hated, and whilst I don't really expect them to disappear any time soon, I hope there will be less of them and more zombie killing.

I also think the prison should be a far better setting for the season than that stupid farm.