Television The Walking Dead

Well I've seen season 3 now.

Season 2 could have filled a clip of similar length and been less frustrating.
A mate advised this to me and I watched episode 1, series 1 today. I'm hooked.
Finished the 1st series and I was blown away by it. Absolutely superb.
Yep, best series I've seen in a long time. Thought the first episode of series 2 was one of the best yet as well.
Yep, best series I've seen in a long time. Thought the first episode of series 2 was one of the best yet as well.

Wow really? :eek: Theres sooo many shows im assuming you havent watched in recent years then
Wow really? :eek: Theres sooo many shows im assuming you havent watched in recent years then

Admittedly it's not as good as some quality shows like the Wire for example, it's not on that level good, but it's still very good. There was a slight decline towards the end of series 1 and I thought the season finale was a bit abrupt, but the first episode of season 2 gave me a lot of hope for it again.

I was surprised to see how much criticism people were giving it on the first couple of pages. It's not perfect and there are flaws, but on the whole I think it's very good.

I like the main character, as well as Glen the asian kid, the old guy is good too and while the redneck is a dick, he's at least an interesting character who doesn't cry after every 2nd sentence.

The woman, for that reason, of the series would probably be my main complaint. I'm hoping they get rid of the one whose daughter is lost soon since she cries all the time. I can understand why you would in that situation but it's annoying. Andrea's the same now. She was okay at first, but if she wants to die then she should just go ahead and do it now.

I do think the whole love triangle things a bit pointless. I don't see the need for it to be honest and Rick's wife is a bit annoying as a character.

Despite that, I do like it. I want to see the guy from the first episode back though as he was a good character. Same with Merle from the 2nd, although I fear he'll only be seen again as a zombie. Hopefully not though as he was good.

I've really enjoyed it so far though, more so than most in the thread here and I'm interested to see where they go. Hopefully things are freshened up with a couple of major deaths during this series.

If I was predicting I'd say that Shane will pop it at the end with all the stuff about him and Rick's wife being revealed before that. Him, the black dude, and the woman with the girl as well hopefully. Looking forward to watching the rest of the season though.
Fair, I think it may be more enjoyable watching it episodes in a row rather than having to wait a week. Dont get me wrong, it was enjoyable for me, but mostly for the wrong reasons. I was going to reply to a few things you said but it would actually spoil it for you.

I agree with the whole season 1 was good except the last ep decline.

It was just the best series in a long time statement...
Oh my, Cheesy. You've yet to watch the episodes where basically the same thing happens in every episode and the plot barely moves.
season 2 was very slow but i thought it ended fantastically

actually looking forward to this....

wasn't season 2 badly affected by budget problems - hence the slow nature
Fair, I think it may be more enjoyable watching it episodes in a row rather than having to wait a week. Dont get me wrong, it was enjoyable for me, but mostly for the wrong reasons. I was going to reply to a few things you said but it would actually spoil it for you.

I agree with the whole season 1 was good except the last ep decline.

It was just the best series in a long time statement...

That's probably the main thing. I can watch it episode after episode knowing that if there's a disappointing one, I'm not sitting there for a week waiting for the next one hoping it'll be good. I can just jump onto the next one right away which helps. I do that with most series anyway.

I haven't seen any really good TV series in a while though, but this is up there with some of the best stuff I've seen in a while. Can tell that series 2 might be a slow burner but they've done it well so far I think.
I love the first season, it was one of the best things I've seen on tv in a long time. But then I love zombies and this is probably the most zombies done the right way (i.e. walking not running) ever put on film.

The second season not so much, it was funnier than it was good. Oh shit, where has my child gone to again, he was just here a minute ago.....
Finished the second season now so here are my thoughts.

On the whole I enjoyed it and I still maintain it's better than most TV series out there right now. Sure there are some plotholes and some bad characters, but on the whole I think it's good.

The plot was definitely too slow at times and I can understand someone's frustration if they were watching it week after week and had that long break. I'm different because I've seen the whole things in 6 days.

Anyway, Daryl really grew on me. You can see that he's a decent guy, but he was a good fighter too and the crossbow is awesome. One of the best characters in the show.

Shane was an interesting character certainly, however it was good that he went. I didn't like him at all and it really signalled the change in Rick which we saw at the very end.

They could've had more balls in the last episode by getting rid of one or two major characters, however the fact that they did kill of Dale shows that they're obviously willing to do it at some point.

The woman of the show are annoying though. Lori's the worst mum ever and her turn against Rick at the end was confusing. Andrea constantly whined and her most productive act was shooting one of the best characters in the show. Lori's not a good character but at least she knew she belonged in the kitchen. Same with Carol. Annoying but once her daughter was rid of she wasn't as bad.

I still like Glen. I actually didn't mind his whole story with the farmers daughter.

Hershel grew on me too. Was indifferent at first but there was something about him I really started to like when he was shooting them all one by one on the farm.

And T-Dog. Oh, T-Dog. It's a shame. He was actually decent in series 1 and was helpful, but he was so pointless in season 2. It was frustrating. With some of them on the farm, I understand that they were just there to make up the numbers, but he's been there all along and gets more useless as time goes on. They have to bring back Merle to make him do something. For the sake of his actor. His stance on his acting career on the show would make Hargreaves feel upbeat and optimistic about his footballing career.

Overall though, it was very good for me and I hold high hopes for season 3. I hope they really pick up on the action, bring back Merle and bring back the guy from the first episode. These new characters we've heard talked about seem to have some potential too.
I just finished season 2 tonight and echo pretty much everything Cheesy said there. I'm not sure I'd have enjoyed it half so much if I was watching it week to week though.

On a side note, I've borrowed the comics from my mate. I've never really been into comic books, not even as a kid, but these are class.
No way, is it even close to being brilliant, nevermind the best thing on tv.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and whatnot but you're wrong.
It is pretty good, it's just nowhere near the best show.
It's not the best thing on TV.

No way, is it even close to being brilliant, nevermind the best thing on tv.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion and whatnot but you're wrong.

In my opinion it is. If there's something out at the minute that's better I'd like to know what it is because it would have to be brilliant to be better. If you don't like it lastwolf, that's grand and all, to each their own.
In my opinion it is. If there's something out at the minute that's better I'd like to know what it is because it would have to be brilliant to be better. If you don't like it lastwolf, that's grand and all, to each their own.

I'm in two minds, I like it but it's also 15 different kinds of stupid and annoying too. I'll watch it probably till it's conclusion or cancellation but unless there is a dramatic shift in the next few seasons I can't see it as a brilliant series, it's good.

Game of Thrones is so vastly better it's not even remotely close.
It's a good show, more because it has such an entertaining and relatively rare theme, rather than anything of real substance. You put it up against current greats like Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Games Of Thrones and it's not even comparable.
Finished up series two last night, was great, especially the last two episodes.

Not even remotely comparable to Breaking Bad though...
It's a good show, more because it has such an entertaining and relatively rare theme, rather than anything of real substance. You put it up against current greats like Mad Men, Breaking Bad, Games Of Thrones and it's not even comparable.

The first two I've never heard of and I've never watched Game of thrones because it sounded crap. I'll give them a watch and see.
You've never heard of Mad Men or Breaking Bad?! Both AMC shows (same channel as Walking Dead), and both absolutely great shows with brilliant writing.
The Breaking Bad thread is constantly bumped in this forum, you must have heard of it.
This show is good but so frustrating. Lori and Karl are some of the most annoying characters on television. It's got. Food hook to keep you watching though, but it's nowhere near the best. Game of thrones for me is the best tv show by a distance. Breaking bad I could never get in to, I watched the first season and it was only meh for me, didn't have enough to keep me watching.
I don't want to read any spoilers because I'm only on episode 11 of season 2 but it's all a bit mehhhh. I don't know half the characters names and I want more of them dead than alive. Like Dale, I fecking hate that guy. He is the worst, most annoying character ever always pulling that stupid, shocked, high eyebrow face. I want to kill him myself.
I watched the show but imho if you have read the comics, I don't see how or why you'd want to watch the show since the comics is so much better. I get that it's different mediums and all but some of the stuff that the comic does, no network would even dare having it on cable.

I await to see what they do with The Governor and Lori this season but I am willing to bet that they will not push the subplots as far as the comics did.