Television The Walking Dead

Not really. Most forums who have a spoiler policy have something very similar in terms of future specualtion restrictions.

There have been a number of recent cases where people's wild specualtion has actually matched thing in the source material and given bits of plot away or at least hinted at them in a way that has pissed people off more than a little. I can't be more specific without spoiling myself.

There is nothing worse than having something spoiled for you especially as it is usually due to stupid or careless or thoughtless behaviour. I had both Alien and The 6th Sense spoiled by people being idiots in real life and on here and we aren't going to relax things even more than we have already. I really don't think that it is asking too much for people to think before they post and use spoiler tags when in doubt.
Okay, I'll try. IMO it would be much simpler if speculation wasn't lumped in with actual source material that is an actual spoiler. I've never heard someone describe speculation as a spoiler before, so sorry about the confusion.

Seems like a bit of a conversation stopper, all that protocol, but I'm happy to follow those rules. I'll probably just keep my speculations to myself, having spoilered conversations about what might happen is a bit surreal.

Speculation is a spoiler???? Really? So now in a match day forum if I were to post "I think Nani will hit the winner in stoppage time" I'd have to do it in spoiler tags?

The whole spoiler tags are silly I think. I can see having them in match day forums for other teams scores and whatnot but besides that don't be a numpty going into a thread that might ruin your experience.
I don't think speculation should be in spoilers, personally. It's just that, speculation. Part of the reason for a thread like this is to discuss what's going to happen, I assume? I tend to agree with Cali about spoiler tags in this particular thread, at least. We've already got a blanket ban on comic talk (and presumably people knowing what will happen in other ways, like pre-aired episodes).
Not really. Most forums who have a spoiler policy have something very similar in terms of future specualtion restrictions.

There have been a number of recent cases where people's wild specualtion has actually matched thing in the source material and given bits of plot away or at least hinted at them in a way that has pissed people off more than a little. I can't be more specific without spoiling myself.

There is nothing worse than having something spoiled for you especially as it is usually due to stupid or careless or thoughtless behaviour. I had both Alien and The 6th Sense spoiled by people being idiots in real life and on here and we aren't going to relax things even more than we have already. I really don't think that it is asking too much for people to think before they post and use spoiler tags when in doubt.

Well, your examples of movies wouldn't apply, once the movie has been released we can discuss it all we want, so I'm not sure how spoilers would have saved you.

But I get your point about someone guessing and being right and that possibly taking away some of the surprise, especially for the mods who have to read everything to monitor content, they don't have a choice to avoid a thread. Considering my political leanings I'm not surprised I value freedom over the values of censorship, and speculation being a second class comment, of sorts. :p

Considering this is a free service, I think you guys can do whatever you want. Since you guys aren't looking to revisit the issue I'm happy to comply and let it go.
What I'd like to see this season:

Spoiler. Speculation. Likely Rubbish.
- Zombie traps. Maybe a nice cliff with people shouting on one side of it, encouraging zombies to run off like lemmings.
- Death. Maybe a character should die nearly every week, that would be a lot more fun. Hopefully there wouldn't be enough time to whine about it all.
- Not sleeping on the ground. Personally, in a world with zombies roaming randomly constantly, I'd be sleeping up a tree and not in a tent.
- Flash backs. At least something happens then. Maybe the moment people realise all their family and friends are dead. Flash backs of new characters could be useful.
- More camps. One with maybe a small amount of civilisation and respect. Maybe two more that are constantly at war and rape and pillage.
- That hat not to fit the boy any more. Did his head swell up when he got shot? That must have been it. Well it must be unswelling by now.
Hello. Is this thread safe?

I've just finished Season 2. As someone who hated season 1 from pretty much Episode 2 onwards, I thought S2 was excellent. I've gathered from all the bumps and the 'don't be an idiot' bit added by a mod that somebody fecked up with a spoiler or something? So before I look back through the thread can someone fill me in? Can I look at past posts? What exactly happened?

It's all sorted now, some people were slow on the uptake in regards to the new spoiler announcement. The revealing posts were removed or edited, but there may be some posts with bits about the comics in there, but nothing that can ruin anything.
Ok cool cheers.

Yeah I thought season 2 was so much better in comparison to the first. I didn't give a shit about any of the characters before. They did a good job of changing that. I also like the idea of a prison setting next season.
There was a point where when all the zombies came and attacked them that I reached some sort of mental euphoric state because I thought there was going to be a mass culling. The wench who lost her daughter, that stupid woman whose only purpose was to taunt Dale until his hilarious death, some of the farm people who served no purpose and somehow became extras during a zombie apocalypse with very few humans left. But no, it wasn't the massacre I was hoping for.

This season has certainly been better, and they haven't had me hate the characters with all of my being like it did at times in the first, but so much of it is still bad. I think because the idea is great, and it's nice to have a proper zombie show I can overlook a lot of that, but I know it can't be right when I start each episode hoping for a zombie wave to wipe out all the characters barring a couple, especially taking out his little wanker of a son first.
The only thing that was truly good about that first season was the first episode. The one after that wasn't bad either, but then the following episodes were awful.
The only thing that was truly good about that first season was the first episode. The one after that wasn't bad either, but then the following episodes were awful.

Agreed. I actually really struggled to watch the first season, it took me about 12 months to do it.

Yes. Not everything has to be a masterpiece. I've no idea what you think of it but it's not shit is it? It probably has plot holes, it probably has shit lines, pointless characters, etc.. but I take it for what it is. I'm a sucker for a good zombie anything. Did you see the finale of the last season? It was atrocious. That fecking explosion :lol: It's an improvement and I find it an enjoyable show.
Agreed. I actually really struggled to watch the first season, it took me about 12 months to do it.

I still can't remember some things from the last episode, but I get chills when I think about watching it. I don't want to put myself through that again. I'd much rather just watch the first episode 6 times and pretend I've watched the whole season.
What was the cliffhanger at the end of season 1? It seems like ages since I watched it.
Everything looks better if you watch it in one sitting. Except the first seasons of the Sopranos apparently. Those did bore me, I was waiting for them to get good for a long time.
Well, your examples of movies wouldn't apply, once the movie has been released we can discuss it all we want, so I'm not sure how spoilers would have saved you.

But I get your point about someone guessing and being right and that possibly taking away some of the surprise, especially for the mods who have to read everything to monitor content, they don't have a choice to avoid a thread. Considering my political leanings I'm not surprised I value freedom over the values of censorship, and speculation being a second class comment, of sorts. :p

Considering this is a free service, I think you guys can do whatever you want. Since you guys aren't looking to revisit the issue I'm happy to comply and let it go.

Spoilers would have saved me in the one case that was in here because it wasn't in a thread that related to the film or indeed films in general. But that wasn't the point I was making. I was pointing out how thoughtless comment can ruin things for people. In my case I ended up watching 2 landmark films which depended on the element of surprise for some of their impact already knowing what was going to happen which spoiled them for me quite considerably. Just as some of the speculation in the Walking Dead has spoiled some episodes this season and hints about next season from people who have read the graphic novels have already probably given away part of next season's plot.

And spoiler policy isn't censorship since you are free to talk about source content in the appropriate thread and other future developments in spoiler tags. So nobody is prevented from saying anything, just asked to post in the right way/place.

We will revist the policy if necessary after a suitably long bedding in time, say another 6 months, but it seems to be working when people remember the rules at the moment.
I was joking about the censorship, thus the :P. I'm certainly not disagreeing that source material spoilers shouldn't be put in spoilers. I've certainly had some movies spoiled myself, just not on a forum.

I wouldn't want to watch a tv series with someone who figures out every mystery immediately and announces the answer. So I agree that someone shouldn't throw out their solutions to the mysteries without a spoiler warning. Wild speculation seems different, but who knows what will become part of the plot, so better safe than sorry seems reasonable enough.

I think I've even had someone make an educated guess once that happened and was something of a spoiler. But I've probably made 100,000 speculative comments on tv shows, I would think that's the bread and butter of the entertainment forum. Seems inefficient I guess, a lot of bolded summaries per actual spoiler.

Again, I'm just shooting the shit, speaking theoretically, it's a fine policy and a small inconvenience in the grand scheme.
Fair enough. You wouldn't believe the number of times we get complaints when "censoring" all sorts of obscene/illegal/bizarre/defamatory stuff.

I like it. And it's all true

Talking of Walking Dead, started to watch the second season again because it started on Channel 5 last night. Still quality, I like watching it again after knowing what happens, you can be like an american and shout at the TV "No point looking for that little bitch, she's dead!" and the like.

I like it. And it's all true

Talking of Walking Dead, started to watch the second season again because it started on Channel 5 last night. Still quality, I like watching it again after knowing what happens, you can be like an american and shout at the TV "No point looking for that little bitch, she's dead!" and the like.

I hear AMC has been pulled from DISH due to a legal battle going on between VOOM HD (subsiduary of AMC) and DISH

What does this mean for fans of this series (and other AMC shows like Waking Bad)?
I hear ANC has been pulled from DISH due to a legal battle going on between VOOM HD (subsiduary of ANC) and DISH

What does this mean for fans of this series (and other ANC shows like Waking Bad)?

So many acronyms.
They probably showed far, far too much in that clip. I didn't want to know Merel was going to return from a preview clip
I knew Merle was coming back but they could of left it out of the trailer and kept it a surprise for most people.
Aye, the Merle bit was shit. But it does look so damn awesome