Television The Walking Dead

TBH, I think you're both missing the point that Lori is pretty upset with Rick because Carl had to shoot Shane. For starters, what parent would want their 12yr old son carrying a armed weapon with them, no matter what type of situation/world you're living in you wouldn't want a child carrying a weapon. Not only that, the person he 'killed' was a family friend who Carl probably grew up knowing quite well and he helped rescue himself & his mother whilst Rick was in hospital - this no doubt would have been pretty hard for any minor to burden.

All this piled on top of the recent actions of Carl on the farm (turning up to Randall's execution and telling his dad to 'do it'), Lori was probably distraught from how upside down the world was turning around her and what it was turning her son into.

She may of appeared angry at Rick, but I think it's a combination of the above and the fact she hasn't been able to stop or help her child throughout any of it.
TBH, I think you're both missing the point that Lori is pretty upset with Rick because Carl had to shoot Shane. For starters, what parent would want their 12yr old son carrying a armed weapon with them, no matter what type of situation/world you're living in you wouldn't want a child carrying a weapon. Not only that, the person he 'killed' was a family friend who Carl probably grew up knowing quite well and he helped rescue himself & his mother whilst Rick was in hospital - this no doubt would have been pretty hard for any minor to burden.

All this piled on top of the recent actions of Carl on the farm (turning up to Randall's execution and telling his dad to 'do it'), Lori was probably distraught from how upside down the world was turning around her and what it was turning her son into.

She may of appeared angry at Rick, but I think it's a combination of the above and the fact she hasn't been able to stop or help her child throughout any of it.

Maybe she should of done a better job making sure he stayed in the house instead of letting him roam around and do whatever he wants?
Lori is just a shit character. It's as if the writers wanted to put in everything bad about pregnant and menstruating females all into one person.
Lori is just a shit character. It's as if the writers wanted to put in everything bad about pregnant and menstruating females all into one person.

The women don't actually have individual personalities. They're just one entity. I'm convinced the writers just write a female line, then pull a name out of a hat to decide which of the female characters gets to say it.
Except for the blonde chick who loves guns, she's written like a male character.

I got the impression that Lori was coming to terms with the fact she loved Shane more than Rick. Shane seemed much better at talking to Lori and calming her down before Rick came back, and she seemed to generally prefer Shane's route over Rick's. Hearing that Rick killed him made her realize how she really felt.
Maybe she should of done a better job making sure he stayed in the house instead of letting him roam around and do whatever he wants?

This this and this!

What sort of an idiot let's their kid son roam around swamps where wakers are cruising about?! And you'd have thought in that world, you keep your children as close to you as humanly possible at all times.

What would she have preferred; Carl not having a gun and Shane eating Rick and then having a walker Shane and Rick chase Carl and probably eat him too?

She's just shit. So is Carl. Carl more so, however.

Do kind of see what he was saying about her feelings for Shane though, and that Rick killing him might have made her realise these more.
I got the impression that Lori was coming to terms with the fact she loved Shane more than Rick. Shane seemed much better at talking to Lori and calming her down before Rick came back, and she seemed to generally prefer Shane's route over Rick's. Hear that Rick killed him made her realize how she really felt.

Thats what i assumed. What a shit character.
Lori is the counter to Rick. He wouldn't be this tormented soul if Lori was the supportive wife and mate. Ricks character needs her. Otherwise he'd get boring.

Carl is just shit and a walker can't catch him soon enough.
Could we please be careful when discussing speculative stuff e.g. the way zombidom is transferred etc. I know we are discussing what we have seen but we are also getting pretty close to the line with speculation about what it means and this will presumably be addressed in future episodes or series. A bit of a blurred line with this issue I know but If in doubt pleas use a spoiler.
It's just pure speculation, at least from my side. I assume no one with any actual knowledge on the subject will post, since they've been told not to. Everything I've got is based on the series that we're all following, as we're following it. Except for that one little comment from the writers about zombies smelling humans or not, and I spoilered that one.
Yea, with the speculations comes the reasons why we have them and the reasons have all been aired. I don't know squat about the comics. I heard a spoiler around the first episodes on the farm and they were revealed in the final episode.
Just being careful. The line between discussing what we have seen and whatbitnmeans and what will happen in the future is a bit fuzzy at times, that's all.
Just thought I'd let you guys know S01E01 is starting in 3 minutes on 5*

Good stuff.
Been ages since I've seen that. Pure awesome!

Love when you hear Glen on the radio at the end haha.
Just to clear one thing up, in Night of the Living Dead, etc, people that had died years before all rose up to become zombies. Are we saying that as this is a pathogen thing only the current living can and will become zombies as they need their heart working at some initial stage to pump the infected blood around?

If so, then the numbers against you aren't as bad specially if you move to previously sparsely populated areas.
Having just watched the season finale I came in to gather everyone's views but I couldn't help but be distracted by the fact snow feels the need to continually mention his girlfriend, is this some sort of ongoing joke?

I've been watching this series with my girlfriend the entire time. She's been able to find all the plotholes yet she's not the type that does. The driving and shooting, the gas, headshots. All of that. And whilst watching the previews for Paranomal Activity at the time she asked me if it was based on a true story.

My girlfriend is watching that. It's so so stupid. I can't even listen to it.

Spot on I think. I can deal with one or two episodes that are like season 2 but not the whole season being like that. Girlfriend doesn't even like it and women are like the main watchers of poor tv shows.
Snow's girlfriend doesn't appreciate the tone you're taking here.

I did further research (says a lot about me) and he does this quite a bit in other threads, it's like some sort of tourette's. Girlfriend this, girlfriend that, girlfriend there, girlfriend here. feck Off.
Having just watched the season finale I came in to gather everyone's views but I couldn't help but be distracted by the fact snow feels the need to continually mention his girlfriend, is this some sort of ongoing joke?

I use it to illustrate how obvious the plot holes are as my girlfriend isn't the smartest at keeping up with plots and what have you in tv shows. She's never been as vocal at pointing out flaws as when she's watching that show. For me a testament to how poor season 2 was.
What Snow is trying to say is that his girlfriend is a bit thick.

I mean, she must be to be with him!

Seriously? No offense but you bumped this thread just to say the ribbon thing was annoying, not even the hat but the ribbon was annoying?
Seriously? No offense but you bumped this thread just to say the ribbon thing was annoying, not even the hat but the ribbon was annoying?

Forget the ribbon or the hat. The silly sod that wears it is the most annoying thing!
I did mean to add to it after I watched the rest of the episodes but I got side tracked. Just watching the finale now. The second half of this series has been better than the first half. Anyway what does it matter that it got bumped its a popular thread it gets bumped all the time.
Finished the second series. Seemed a lot of darker character development in this series also I have to agree with sw33t Carl is becoming an annoying character.
Could we please be careful when discussing speculative stuff e.g. the way zombidom is transferred etc. I know we are discussing what we have seen but we are also getting pretty close to the line with speculation about what it means and this will presumably be addressed in future episodes or series. A bit of a blurred line with this issue I know but If in doubt pleas use a spoiler.

I have no idea what will happen in the future, my speculation is just that. I haven't read the comic, though I'm tempted to just so I don't have to wait for the series to end to see them all die. I hope.
Finished the second series. Seemed a lot of darker character development in this series also I have to agree with sw33t Carl is becoming an annoying character.

sw33t...? You realize everyone whose ever tuned in a TV ever is willing Carl to get served up as zombie food?
I have no idea what will happen in the future, my speculation is just that. I haven't read the comic, though I'm tempted to just so I don't have to wait for the series to end to see them all die. I hope.

Which is why future specualtion needs to be in spoiler tags and labelled as to source e.g. Wild speculation, next week on clips, official press release etc etc

There have been occasions where people have speculated on future developments that haven't beennbasednon source material but were spot on anyway and could thus spoil people's enjoyment.
Which is why future specualtion needs to be in spoiler tags and labelled as to source e.g. Wild speculation, next week on clips, official press release etc etc

There have been occasions where people have speculated on future developments that haven't beennbasednon source material but were spot on anyway and could thus spoil people's enjoyment.

I see, I didn't get that impression from reading the policy, the word speculation doesn't appear, thought it was only meant to include interviews, comments made by anyone ITK in any media, knowledge from source material.

What the policy says is:
- any and all comment related to future developments must be placed in spoiler tags even if the information comes from an official interview or a "next week on ..." clip at the end of an episode.

Later it defines 'future developments' as anything not in an episode.

If you're taking the widest interpretation, then any speculation related to 'future developments' should be spoilered, right? So anyone saying they want Carl eaten is talking about future developments, and it should be spoilered, right?

Source: Speculation. Content: Who I Want to Die.
I hope zombies eat Carl!

If I say I'd [Source: Speculation. Content: Possible Transportation Opportunities.]
like to see them try to find an airplane,
I need to spoiler that because that idea never appears in an episode.

So it should like this:

Source: Speculation. Content: Possible Transportation Opportunities.
I'd like to see them try to find a plane.

Likewise this previous post of mine should have looked like this:

Source: Speculation. Content: Character Motivation.
I got the impression that Lori was coming to terms with the fact she loved Shane more than Rick. Shane seemed much better at talking to Lori and calming her down before Rick came back, and she seemed to generally prefer Shane's route over Rick's. Hearing that Rick killed him made her realize how she really felt.

Or should it be character specific, in case someone is interested in reading speculation about Rick but not Lori?

Or, because I'm speculating on something that already happened can that be free of spoilers? I'm not speculation on how my interpretation of past events will effect the future, but of course it's related, and may be a topic of future episodes. That would mean I could say 'If they had used a plane that would have gone better getting to the CDC' because that trip happened?

My comments about the details of zombie-ism are about past events, the details have already been established, so if I can speculate on past events it would seem okay to speculate on how it occurred in the past. Or because, like character motivation it may be later revealed, should it be spoilered?

Because the show has flashbacks, anything that happened but wasn't fully explained could be the basis of a future episode. We'd be back to spoilering everything!
I see, I didn't get that impression from reading the policy, the word speculation doesn't appear, thought it was only meant to include interviews, comments made by anyone ITK in any media, knowledge from source material.

What the policy says is:

Later it defines 'future developments' as anything not in an episode.

If you're taking the widest interpretation, then any speculation related to 'future developments' should be spoilered, right? So anyone saying they want Carl eaten is talking about future developments, and it should be spoilered, right?

Source: Speculation. Content: Who I Want to Die.
I hope zombies eat Carl!

If I say I'd [Source: Speculation. Content: Possible Transportation Opportunities.]
like to see them try to find an airplane,
I need to spoiler that because that idea never appears in an episode.

So it should like this:

Source: Speculation. Content: Possible Transportation Opportunities.
I'd like to see them try to find a plane.

Likewise this previous post of mine should have looked like this:

Source: Speculation. Content: Character Motivation.
I got the impression that Lori was coming to terms with the fact she loved Shane more than Rick. Shane seemed much better at talking to Lori and calming her down before Rick came back, and she seemed to generally prefer Shane's route over Rick's. Hearing that Rick killed him made her realize how she really felt.

Or should it be character specific, in case someone is interested in reading speculation about Rick but not Lori?

Or, because I'm speculating on something that already happened can that be free of spoilers? I'm not speculation on how my interpretation of past events will effect the future, but of course it's related, and may be a topic of future episodes. That would mean I could say 'If they had used a plane that would have gone better getting to the CDC' because that trip happened?

My comments about the details of zombie-ism are about past events, the details have already been established, so if I can speculate on past events it would seem okay to speculate on how it occurred in the past. Or because, like character motivation it may be later revealed, should it be spoilered?

Because the show has flashbacks, anything that happened but wasn't fully explained could be the basis of a future episode. We'd be back to spoilering everything!

I don't think that you hoping that zombies eat Carl needs to be spoilered because you are expressing a dislike of the character and not suggesting this will happen. If you had stated this in terms of what you though might actually happen then that would need to be spoilered by the letter of the law.

The character motivation bit also wouldnt need to be spoiler tagged as worded because it doesn't discuss the future. If you went on to speculate what this will mean next season then spoiler tags are required.

The plane bit probably should be spoilered as it addresses future developments but you would probably get away with it as long as it was just a random speculation. Unless you guessed right and then it would look like you posted spoilers so best to be safe IMO.

The same goes about the causes of zombidom. If speculation about past events has the potential to spoil future events then the sensible and polite thing is to use spoiler tags.
Okay, I'll try. IMO it would be much simpler if speculation wasn't lumped in with actual source material that is an actual spoiler. I've never heard someone describe speculation as a spoiler before, so sorry about the confusion.

Seems like a bit of a conversation stopper, all that protocol, but I'm happy to follow those rules. I'll probably just keep my speculations to myself, having spoilered conversations about what might happen is a bit surreal.