Television The Walking Dead

Arent the zombies pretty quiet, I don't remember them making any noise except for when they attack. I actually think that might deliberately be the case.

But other stuff is so annoying. I can't even be bothered to express how annoying that is.
Just finished season two. My thoughts:

I thought it was pretty sweet as a whole to be honest. Sure, there was a few boring episodes, but generally I learnt a lot more about each character.

At first I thought Hershel was a creepy fecking weirdo who kidnapped people and fed them to walkers, now I know he's a decent guy just a bit dumb. Glen is now my second favourite character, after Darryl, who is such a badass zombie killer it's too awesome. Did love that episode when he was seeing his brother too. Showed me that, as badass as he may be, he's probably the most honest and generally good willed out of all the characters.

Yadah yadah yadah. Finale was epic. The ninja zombie tamer was fecking awesome, wanted to see their face. Was hoping the bald stupid woman died though, or switched situations with Andrea, I can't stand her fecking moaning constantly. feck.

Carl is the single most annoying prick character I've ever watched. Everything he does is so annoying. Like his wondering off, whining, stealing guns and that. But even when they were at the highway and he wanted to wait for his mum (which is fair enough) the way he went about it just made me think, "You spoiled little prick. feck off and get eaten".

Love the new Rick now, he's how he shouda been a while ago, 'my way of the highway'. If they don't like what he does, feck off and do it your way. Oh, wait a second, you're not going too because you're all feeble little feckers who wouldn't stand a chance at all - yes I'm looking at you bald woman who's name alludes me.

Lori's a prick. Why get angry at Rick?!? I mean, WHY!?!? you basically convinced him to do it. Idiot.

That castle/fort/prison thing should be great viewing. Roll on the next season!
The people who watched it in one go seem to like it a lot more. I think I'll wait until Season 3 ends and then watch it through. I won't but its a good idea.
Think the undead can smell the living if they are close. Didn't Glenn and co smother themselves with dead zombie guts in the first season for that reason?

I saw a writer comment on that.

Not really a spoiler as such, I think?
It wasn't so much that they could smell living people like through a wall, they don't have super senses. They identify other zombies largely by smell, though, and would have noticed the lack of smell from them.. or something.
I've been thinking about the idea that everyone carries the zombie 'virus' or whatever it is.

Then what the hell does it matter if you get bit? It's already in your blood! So why would it matter if a zombie bit you or you got injured in another way?

Are they going to make up some stupid idea about how the zombie bite 'activates' the virus inside you or something? God I hope not.

Doesn't make any sense to me.
Indeed. I've been thinking about that as well. Who is the guy they left to die after he got bit? It would be hilarious if they found him alive.
You need to do is die, to become a zombie, as we saw with Shane and that annoying kid.

So Zombie bites turning people into zombies, well. Human mouths are already pretty filthy, now add that to the fact that it's a zombie that feeds on the dead and is decomposing itself. You're going to have a nasty infection should one bite you, maybe go into sceptic shock and die, then be reanimated.
Just got into the show. I saw most of season 2 I think. So far I really like it. Of course it's got some flaws but nothing horrible.

I didn't get why people were upset when they were told everyone was infected. So what? And I like that idea better than getting bit infects you.

And why would the hooded sword man have 2 walkers as some pet like animals? Trippy. Going to be interested to see what turns out there. And how they end up getting back to the others will be interesting too.

Glad Rick told them to all fvck off. But now they'll be lots of back biting. hmmmmm.
Indeed. I've been thinking about that as well. Who is the guy they left to die after he got bit? It would be hilarious if they found him alive.

Didnt someone turn who had been bitten in an earlier season? Of course they may have died from the bite and then come back to life I suppose.
Yeah, it was 'Jim' in season 1 who got bitten, and then started having zombie hallucinations, then couldn't take the pain of driving down a paved road slowly, so they left him by a tree.

Also the father and son who saved Rick in the first episode were concerned about him being bitten, I'm not sure if they said the mother had been bitten or not.
Yeah, it was 'Jim' in season 1 who got bitten, and then started having zombie hallucinations, then couldn't take the pain of driving down a paved road slowly, so they left him by a tree.

Also the father and son who saved Rick in the first episode were concerned about him being bitten, I'm not sure if they said the mother had been bitten or not.

It was implied that she was bitten. They were talking about the how the fever kills after being bitten and dwayne(the son) says they've seen it before.
I watched Dead Set again last night. Now THAT'S how you make a zombie show.

I don't get the problem people have with them already being infected though. The zombies still affect them because they can turn them without killing thrm still.
I just had a thought, you know as gooDevil said, Jim started having zombie hallucinations after getting bit, that's probably because he was close to dying, and when you're close to dying the first phases of zombiedom start kicking in, such as visions and such.

So I reckon when TDawg got that infection from the car door, and started tripping out and saying weird shit and looking like crap, I reckon he was having the zombiedom hallucinations such as Jim, but knowing what happened to him, he didn't say anything and just started saying it was hurting and such. But because Darryl gave him those antibiotics it started to cure the infection, making it so he wasn't going to die the hallucinations went away and he was himself again. Just a thought
That would make sense. It would have the consequence of someone being bit not necessarily being a game over. Of course, if you're in the position where you get bit by a zombie, you're probably in a spot of bother anyway.

It wouldn't be beyond believing that people have just assumed the bite kills because they haven't had the right medicine, and people tend to die after being bitten.
That would be hilarious. After all this, the cure is... antobiotics. haha. In fact, im hoping that is the case now.
I didn't say the cure was antibiotics. But to treat an infected cut, you take antibiotics, otherwise you can die. And if you die, you turn. So good health and medicine is the only way to live as long as possible and not turn. I'm not saying taking a paracetamol will stop you from turning when you die, but it delays it.
I watched Dead Set again last night. Now THAT'S how you make a zombie show.

I don't get the problem people have with them already being infected though. The zombies still affect them because they can turn them without killing thrm still.

But how do the zombies 'turn' people without killing them? What about the bite causes 'zombieism' if it isn't a pathogen?
If, as we know, everyone is infected and turns after death then what difference will getting bitten make? Maybe the bite kills you with the same or a different pathogen/virus/whatever and then you turn. Possibly.
Ah, maybe the pathogen mutates when it re-animates a body, combines with human cells or a virus perhaps, to become more lethal? Except now it's transmittable by fluid only, while the original form was air-born, thus everyone having the original version.
I've always wondered... how easy is it/would it be to get infected through stuff other than bites? I mean, they keep chopping up zombies in close combat, wouldn't blood spurt everywhere? Or does blood only do that in living things because, you know, flow of blood?

I get fairly open sores on my knuckles if I don't do anything about it for a while. I think I might fairly quickly become the filler in a Zombie movie.
Blood does spurt with the zombies. We've seen it happen, like when Andrea fecked that uggo one up in the motorhome with the screwdriver. They often end up with zombie blood all over their faces and such. I know what you mean, what if they got some in the eyes/mouth, wouldn't you expect them to turn?
Blood does spurt with the zombies. We've seen it happen, like when Andrea fecked that uggo one up in the motorhome with the screwdriver. They often end up with zombie blood all over their faces and such. I know what you mean, what if they got some in the eyes/mouth, wouldn't you expect them to turn?

Haven't we already established you need to be dead to turn about 30 times on this page alone, and that it is the bite that kills you?
We have, and I've said it myself about 10 times. But no harm in spit balling different things. It's happened like that in other zombie films/shows too, infected by the blood etc
In the other films they weren't infected. In this show you knew something was up in the episode where they were going to kill the prisoner. Found the zombie guards with no bite marks. Then baldie uses the same knife that he killed a zombie with to cut his hand for a pointless taunt. If blood infection is all it took he should have turned then.

It's been established. Everyone is infected (or at least almost everyone). If you die you turn. Zombie bites causes and uncontrollable fever of some sorts which eventually leads to a death. I'm sure if you get bitten in the arm and then cut the arm of straight away you wouldn't die.
That's actually quite clever, then. I thought they might have made a mistake with the knife/blood thing.

This also means you can have characters injured by zombies without them actually having to be cut from the show by dying.
That's actually quite clever, then. I thought they might have made a mistake with the knife/blood thing.

This also means you can have characters injured by zombies without them actually having to be cut from the show by dying.

Aye that would be cool. Someone getting their arm amputated after a bite. Preferably Carl. And not his arm but both his legs.
For such a rubbish show it gets bumped a lot :drool: I recommend Once Upon A Time if anyone needs a new show.

I hope season 3 adds some new characters.
Haven't we already established you need to be dead to turn about 30 times on this page alone, and that it is the bite that kills you?

Sure, but it would be a bit needlessly complicated if the pathogen that causes 'zombieism' isn't also causing those bitten to die. And this pathogen has to move in the blood stream to get to the brain to reanimate it, so it's in the blood.

I'd be surprised if my guess about the pathogen mutating is right, seems a bit boring as a plot point, just as bad as making separate pathogens for 'zombieism' and the bites being lethal. But I suppose it's possible that once a dead body is reanimated that the pathogen mutates in the body to where it is no longer infectious but instead just kills you. And since you have the older version in you already, you are reanimated.

But if that were the case, then getting zombie blood in your mouth or eyes would give you the fever, or cutting your hand with a knife used on a zombie. What, is the mutated pathogen only in the saliva? I don't think that's possible, HIV is in your blood but not in your saliva, but I don't think it works the other way around.

Honestly I liked it better in the old zombie movies where it was just 'radiation' that did it.
Why were they driving? Surely the best thing would be to stop the car to make shooting easier as they had a fence between them and the zombies? If a zombie managed to get close they could then drive off.
Driving is one thing, but why were they fecking speeding? I love the show, but that bit was ridiculous. And killing off all the characters they hadn't really used so far in an epic finale took away from the general random and natural feel of the show.
Sure, but it would be a bit needlessly complicated if the pathogen that causes 'zombieism' isn't also causing those bitten to die. And this pathogen has to move in the blood stream to get to the brain to reanimate it, so it's in the blood.

I'd be surprised if my guess about the pathogen mutating is right, seems a bit boring as a plot point, just as bad as making separate pathogens for 'zombieism' and the bites being lethal. But I suppose it's possible that once a dead body is reanimated that the pathogen mutates in the body to where it is no longer infectious but instead just kills you. And since you have the older version in you already, you are reanimated.

But if that were the case, then getting zombie blood in your mouth or eyes would give you the fever, or cutting your hand with a knife used on a zombie. What, is the mutated pathogen only in the saliva? I don't think that's possible, HIV is in your blood but not in your saliva, but I don't think it works the other way around.

Honestly I liked it better in the old zombie movies where it was just 'radiation' that did it.

Komodo dragon.
I watched the first episode again and noticed that in the first scene there are a couple of dead bodies that aren't reanimated, that seem to have no head trauma. There are also a lot of dead bodies that aren't zombies when they get stuck on the highway at the beginning of season 2. I wonder how that fits in, unless they were all supposed to have their brain stems too damaged to become zombies.
Just finished season two. My thoughts:

I thought it was pretty sweet as a whole to be honest. Sure, there was a few boring episodes, but generally I learnt a lot more about each character.

At first I thought Hershel was a creepy fecking weirdo who kidnapped people and fed them to walkers, now I know he's a decent guy just a bit dumb. Glen is now my second favourite character, after Darryl, who is such a badass zombie killer it's too awesome. Did love that episode when he was seeing his brother too. Showed me that, as badass as he may be, he's probably the most honest and generally good willed out of all the characters.

Yadah yadah yadah. Finale was epic. The ninja zombie tamer was fecking awesome, wanted to see their face. Was hoping the bald stupid woman died though, or switched situations with Andrea, I can't stand her fecking moaning constantly. feck.

Carl is the single most annoying prick character I've ever watched. Everything he does is so annoying. Like his wondering off, whining, stealing guns and that. But even when they were at the highway and he wanted to wait for his mum (which is fair enough) the way he went about it just made me think, "You spoiled little prick. feck off and get eaten".

Love the new Rick now, he's how he shouda been a while ago, 'my way of the highway'. If they don't like what he does, feck off and do it your way. Oh, wait a second, you're not going too because you're all feeble little feckers who wouldn't stand a chance at all - yes I'm looking at you bald woman who's name alludes me.

Lori's a prick. Why get angry at Rick?!? I mean, WHY!?!? you basically convinced him to do it. Idiot.

That castle/fort/prison thing should be great viewing. Roll on the next season!

Pretty much my thoughts too.

I don't understand at all why Lori would get upset about Rick killing Shane. She was the one who waffled on in Rick's ear about how dangerous Shane was.

Support your bloody husband love! Also Rick is just :drool: