Television The Walking Dead

Episode 12 spoilers:

Can't take that gumtree review seriously at all. Complaining there's not 3.5 million walkers. Couldn't remember they were eating a horse.

Complaining they didn't go down to the basement - They mentioned this wasn't possible in the show. They weren't prepared for this many zombies at all, especially with 3 important characters MIA. Complaining Maggie can't go through about 12 undead corpses with a car. Complaining that the cast are freaked out they are all going to become zombies.

The complaints about not enough deaths ring hollow as well, as 2 of the main cast had just died in the last two episodes.

Shows like this aren't around to be expertly written or have air tight plots. They're dealing with a zombie apocalypse. I think the first two seasons of this show have been fantastic compared to what I expected.

And the award for the most pointless character goes to....
Is it just me or was the finale a bit racist? You probably know what I mean.
Say what you want about the finale, it's done enough to keep me interested for the next season, which is impressive given the recent run.

They killed off the 2 characters that turned up at every group scene but had no lines, they were always about but they've said, combined, about 10 words.

That's not dramatic.

The bloke had NO REASON, to open that door.... none, zero, it is literally the most retarded decision in the history of man. It's equivalent to sticking your cock in a blender and musing "I wonder what the on button means, I should press it".

Rick and the kid could clearly jump on the roof and then drive off to safety, happy as Larry.

Instead he goes in the back, and opens the door, killing himself. Now maybe .... maybe you could make the arrangement that he thought the banging on the door was Rick and Carl but he walked past two windows, there's one on the door for christ sake.
See, this is the fecking problem with the "spoiler everything" policy. I didn't want to know this. But now I opened a spoiler (one of many), and now I do.

I thought we agreed on keeping ALL comic information way the hell out of this thread?

The problem isn't the spoiler. The problem is people talking about future stuff in spoilers when they shouldn't be in this thread at all.
The problem isn't the spoiler. The problem is people talking about future stuff in spoilers when they shouldn't be in this thread at all.

To be fair I did say "Answer to your question" when I replied to 77 so people were aware of what the topic was. I have been in The Walking Dead thread on and off for a while and didn't realise we were cutting out the spoilers for future events, so apologies for that.

Could we get the thread title changed? Maybe add on "|NO Comic Book Talk" or something along those lines (like the GoT's thread), sounds daft but would immediately stop people like myself from coming in and posting the wrong thing :lol:
Well. The last two episodes were like plotholes with some stories around them. Lots of very stupid things in the final episodes especially. Lori has to be the worst mom on TV. Worse that the crackhores on The Wire. Then that bit with the blonde happens and the final shot happens. Something I anticipated the whole fecking season. *Sigh*. It really is a frustrating show but they at least did well at getting rid of some characters even though the way they did it was very stupid. If my girlfriend picks up on things then you're doing something wrong.
After loving the first season, I forgot about this until I saw this thread recently. Just watched the first two episodes of the second season earlier this evening, so far loving it. Seems better than the first thus far, some really tense moments!
Tend to agree. I think this show has taken more than its fair share of flak. It's not been perfect, and it's been frustrating quite a few times, but there's a reason why I see new episodes as soon as I am able.

At least we're through with that bloody farm!
Nah. His single purpose is to defy the stereotype that the black guy always gets killed.
I think he is being kept around so that Daryl's brother can come back into it and they can have a bit of a Suarez moment with T-Dawwwwg.
So yeah, was alright. There have been far worse season finale's lets be honest.
Who on earth was the guy who got eaten in the RV? Blonde guy, young...have no memory of him, thought I missed an episode!

And yeah, Rick did a shit job of explaining what happened with Shane. But that's how zombie movies go, it's all about the breakdown of everything people normally rely on, so of course the group has to lose faith in Rick.

Laurie is possibly the stupidest character ever.

Thank god they're off the farm.
I think he is being kept around so that Daryl's brother can come back into it and they can have a bit of a Suarez moment with T-Dawwwwg.
Good call I keep forgetting about him, but surely he's going to come back into it, he had to. And that explains why whatshisname is alive.
She's (Lori) shit isn't she? There's absolutely zero consistancy in her actions, reasoning or motivation from one episode to the next.

Anyway that was an enjoyably action packed finale so it wasn't necessary to nit pick the writing so much.

Also, I have no idea who the woman with the blade and 2 armless zombie gimps on leashes is but she's instantly more interesting than all of the other characters in the show bar Daryll.

I believe it's called the 'male gaze', one tendency of which is to make the female characters nothing more than 2 dimensional 'reactions' to a 3 dimensional male character. So in this case, Lori is there to provide a counter to whatever Rick thinks, to fill in for the reaction of the audience to question whatever is the point of contention. Thus there is no consideration for her as an entity, and she makes no sense except as a reaction to the plot and main characters.
She should have her son taken away from her by social zombie services. Do us all a favor.
i enjoyed ep13.

Loved how Rick has finally come to the conclusion that everyone can either follow his way or do it themselves. A bit of a Jack Bauer moment

Would love to see a lot more zombies in the hordes though. The impression should really be that you are urgently fighting for your life against overwhelming odds. Every time i see it on telly, I cant help but thinking its around 100 extras who get killed, get up and run to a different part of the screen to be shot in a different scene again. More zombies required!
So who is that hooded character. And why does his zombie slaves have no arms and seem obedient?
So who is that hooded character. And why does his zombie slaves have no arms and seem obedient?

From someone who knows nothing about the comics.

I'm guessing that theyir mouth is glued shut and their arms cut off, so that the smell masks the "life" smell from other zombies?

No I don't want to know if I am right or wrong, from you comic peoples x

Funny thing is nobody is even talking about the comics.

I think some people are just copy and pasting 'stop talking about the comics' on every page.


People are quite clearly referring to the comics in the posts above. How fecking difficult can it be to pretend this show is all there is?

You can talk as much about the comics as you like in the thread "Walking Dead Comic" or by PM, but do not refer to the other thread or the PM conversations.

Can't believe we need to spell this out every freaking day.
Eh? We were talking about the hooded character with the zombies who appeared at the end of the last episode.

I haven't read the comics. Neither has robo. Anyone that has, rightly offered up info via pm.

Where is the problem?
Eh? We were talking about the hooded character with the zombies who appeared at the end of the last episode.

I haven't read the comics. Neither has robo. Anyone that has, rightly offered up info via pm.

Where is the problem?
A couple of people did spoil stuff from comics which was stupid.
Eh? We were talking about the hooded character with the zombies who appeared at the end of the last episode.

I haven't read the comics. Neither has robo. Anyone that has, rightly offered up info via pm.

Where is the problem?

Top is just having a moment.

I can see no comic spoliers at all
Eh? We were talking about the hooded character with the zombies who appeared at the end of the last episode.

I haven't read the comics. Neither has robo. Anyone that has, rightly offered up info via pm.

Where is the problem?
Randall was clearly referring to info beyond the show - and that i the problem! Yes, you might think what he said was innocent enough, but the point is that it did reveal something - and most of us don't want to know anything other than what we have seen no matter how small a piece of info it is.

His comment was completely unnecessary, and that is the poiint - it's not that difficult, yet we constantly see people allude or refer to something they're not supposed to.

I don't want to know anything about the hooded character or his zombies until I watch future episodes.