Television The Walking Dead

I think some of you need to calm down a tad.

It was announced publically a few weeks back that David Morrissey would be playing a character called the governor in Season 3.

Whether you've read the comics and it means something to you or you haven't and it doesn't, in what way does that constitute a spoiler?

I don't watch the "next time on ...." I don't on any show I watch. I enjoy talking about the shows, speculating on what will happen, but I would honestly rather not know any spoilers at all. It's so much more enjoyable.

I don't even care if people want to discuss spoilers. Or the comic books. Just put it in a spoiler tag, bold saying "comic book talk" or "mild spoiler".

That (slight spoiler ahead)
Guvner thing, fair enough overreaction because it means nothing to me.
But with people continuously not being polite I can see why people are geting pissed off.
I don't want to know what happens in the comic books and I avoid watching the "next week in The Walking Dead" section at the end of each episode. Plot points that have happened in the TV show should be spoilered and anything that involves future developments should be accurately labeled.
Well the guy in the CIC whispered something in his ear at the end of season 1 that made him do his usual 'oh shit' look. There have been subtle hints throughout this season that he did know it.

He told Shane that the 2 cops were probably scratched by the walkers, didn't want to hang Randall, made sure to shoot both bar guys in the head etc.

I presume he didn't tell the group because he didn't want to worry them, or something.

If that is the case how come he seemed to have forgotten it when Shane died?
I don't want to know what happens in the comic books and I avoid watching the "next week in The Walking Dead" section at the end of each episode. Plot points that have happened in the TV show should be spoilered and anything that involves future developments should be accurately labeled.

Why? Why would someone be in this thread if not to discuss plot points, aka anything that happens in the show?

Or did you mean the comic? Because I 100% agree with that.
Why? Why would someone be in this thread if not to discuss plot points, aka anything that happens in the show?

Or did you mean the comic? Because I 100% agree with that.

The first series hasn't even been shown on pay tv here in Oz and other countries also get shows at a different pace to the US so it so it is only polite. I stay out of threads Neil I've seen the last episode but since it is no hassle to spoiler things why not do so?

When comic spoilers or anything to do with future episode at all should be both spoilers and labelled so that you know what you are opening.
I don't want to know what happens in the comic books and I avoid watching the "next week in The Walking Dead" section at the end of each episode. Plot points that have happened in the TV show should be spoilered and anything that involves future developments should be accurately labeled.

Exactly right. This isn't the comics thread, if you want to discuss that, make a thread about it and talk about it there. This thread is for the TV series only, and posts with the end preview of the next episode should say so clearly before the spoiler.

It's really not a hard system to follow, it's based entirely on common sense.
How are we supposed to tell the 'happened in the last episode' spoilers from the 'info from future episodes or the comic' spoilers?

I think future info spoilers should come with a giant picture of a honey badger so I can read the comments about the last episode without getting spoilers about the future.

This thread should just be in all spoilers, like some sanitized blog from communist China.
How are we supposed to tell the 'happened in the last episode' spoilers from the 'info from future episodes or the comic' spoilers?

I think future info spoilers should come with a giant picture of a honey badger so I can read the comments about the last episode without getting spoilers about the future.

This thread should just be in all spoilers, like some sanitized blog from communist China.

What the feck are you on about?
How are we supposed to tell the 'happened in the last episode' spoilers from the 'info from future episodes or the comic' spoilers?

I think future info spoilers should come with a giant picture of a honey badger so I can read the comments about the last episode without getting spoilers about the future.

This thread should just be in all spoilers, like some sanitized blog from communist China.

Just make a new fecking thread for the comic discussion, how hard is it for you to understand? Don't post about the comics in here.

Edit: Here were are, go nuts:
Its true though. I agree that anything thats happened already should not need spoiler tags. Anything that happens in comics should not be in this thread at all and actual spoilers (ie previews for next week or online leaks) should actually be spoilered.
Except most of what has happened hasn't yet happened in many countries. So spoilers will be used or infractions will follow. A small inconvenience anyway and one I do automatically in any film or tv thread when talking about any plot related item out of courtesy. By the same argument we should talk openly about the plot of any film that has been released anywhere without spoiler tags, which is obviously bollocks. Shame that we have to enforce courtesy but there you go.
Well that's silly, in my opinion, but you're the one with the power. I can't wait to read the thread where I have to open a spoiler in every single post, since everyone who is in this thread pretty much by default has already seen the last episode. And then all it takes is one idiot to post something either Comic-related or otherwise spoilery in a regular spoiler.

Edit: Just look at the last page. Everything is either in spoilers, or it's a part of the actual spoiler discussion itself. What possible use could this thread be for people who don't follow it as it airs?
I'm just restating what has been the rule and common practice since we introduced spoiler tag. For exame every plot related spoiler in the movie review should be in spoilers. Obviously there is a grey area with a review which must by definition tell you something about a film e.g. The Sixth Sense - it is reasonable to say that it is about a boy who sees ghosts but it isn't reasonable to say that
Bruce Willis' character is dead

Personally I never go in threads about a TV show unless I am up to date or don't care but unless we spoiler every plot related point we exclude a large proportion of posters which isn't fair.

I don't see why having all plot related issues in spoilers is a problem anyway as it is a negligible inconvenience to click on one.
I don't think it is really an inconvenience or unnecessary. That said I be fine if we had different rules as long as they were clear. We have discussed this many times in the mod and/or admin forums but nothing ever gets decided because nobody has a better plan.
I don't really care how it's done. However, I do think it's a bit strange to do it differently than we handle a match day thread. We don't ask people to spoiler things that have happened, if you're not up to date it's you're obligation to stay out.

How old does info have to be before we can post it without spoilers? Is the idea people want to come in and discuss season 1 without knowing about season 2?
A match day thread is meant to be an up to the second comment thread in the game which is totally different to the purpose of a thread about a book/TV program/film. So your comparison is irrelevant and misleading.

Unless a thread is created to specifically discuss the plot of a film or book or whatever (so people know to avoid it if they haven't watched/read it yet) then I think everything plot related should be in spoilers. No time limit unless we adopt forum wide rules about it. Which is something the modmins never seem to be able to agree upon. Or rather we discuss it but never come to any firm written conclusion.
No time limit? I ask again, what is the point of this thread, then? The only people who will have any purpose in it, and so the only people who will use it, are the people who are following it as it airs anyway. The entire thread will be exactly like most of the last few pages, every single post in spoilers or not related to the show at all.

It's just such a pointless rule.
Hmm, well, fair enough, I certainly didn't mean to be misleading. The interesting I have in this thread is to discuss what happens on the show, just like a matchday thread. But of course it can still be done. And I guess I could start a thread for those who want to talk about the plot.

And I don't mean to be annoying, but what is the point of the thread if not to discuss what happens in the show? I mean, how do you discuss a book without discussing what's in the book? It seems odd to me that the plot should be separated from all other elements of the show as being off limits.

Just seems messy is all, and extremely counter-productive to promoting discusison.
I could have written this season finale. Very predictable... Although its not over yet...

Edit: it just finished...

It was obvious the cousin dude (hardly has a line) was going to get it. Same goes for the other sister.

Same with Andrea getting saved/captured by the hooded dude with the two (h)armless walkers in chains. Is this the Guvnor that's been mentioned?

The prison at the end looks ominous.
I could have written this season finale. Very predictable... Although its not over yet...

Edit: it just finished...

It was obvious the cousin dude (hardly has a line) was going to get it. Same goes for the other sister.

Same with Andrea getting saved/captured by the hooded dude with the two (h)armless walkers in chains. Is this the Guvnor that's been mentioned?

The prison at the end looks ominous.

Answer to your question:

No. The hooded character is Michonne, with her and the Governor in the next series things are definitely looking up! The prison will play a pivotal point in the next series too... if it's following the comics that is!
My 2 cents. How hard is it for people NOT to go into a thread if they haven't seen the latest episodes? I've been avoiding this particular thread until i got up to date with episode 12. If stuff is spoilered regarding comics/books, theories, then I personally dont have a problem.
one or two points to make about the episode...

1- I dont get why Lori is acting like that with Rick when he tells her what happened with Shane, bloody Hell he did you a favour with the whole baby daddy drama which you did cause in a way, and its not like Rick asked Carl to be there and he didn't tell him to shoot walker Shane...stop giving him evils all the time when really you are grateful you don't gave to worry about it anymore.

2- no idea why Carl is so bummed about Shane, he only put up with him to get into his mums knickers...stop acting like a little brat because Rick killed him, why have you suddenly got a conscience when earlier he wanted Rick to shoot randall in the head for no real reason and he caused the death of dale by acting like a douche with a walker...grow up
Answer to your question:

No. The hooded character is Michonne, with her and the Governor in the next series things are definitely looking up! The prison will play a pivotal point in the next series too... if it's following the comics that is!

See, this is the fecking problem with the "spoiler everything" policy. I didn't want to know this. But now I opened a spoiler (one of many), and now I do.

I thought we agreed on keeping ALL comic information way the hell out of this thread?
one or two points to make about the episode...

1- I dont get why Lori is acting like that with Rick when he tells her what happened with Shane, bloody Hell he did you a favour with the whole baby daddy drama which you did cause in a way, and its not like Rick asked Carl to be there and he didn't tell him to shoot walker Shane...stop giving him evils all the time when really you are grateful you don't gave to worry about it anymore.

2- no idea why Carl is so bummed about Shane, he only put up with him to get into his mums knickers...stop acting like a little brat because Rick killed him, why have you suddenly got a conscience when earlier he wanted Rick to shoot randall in the head for no real reason and he caused the death of dale by acting like a douche with a walker...grow up

1. I agree, totally didn't make sense. She had feelings for Shane sure, but even she said "your going to have to kill Shane" to Rick, like an episode ago. What tripe, she is as a character, the only way that made sense is that she's a manipulative bitch that gets off on the two 'alpha' male characters fighting the right to bang her or severely bi-polar, unfortunately, for us, she's neither just a terrible role with a so-so actress.

2. That was Shane's motivation sure, but for Karl he looked up to Shane, in some ways hero worshipped him. He's still a kid, dealing with your hero's not being who you thought they were is tough at any age :P never mind handling that and the fact that he died like 8 hours ago.
The episode was good but only because there was lots of Zombie action for once.

  • Darryl is total badass, if they killed everyone else and just had him walking around talking to his crossbow the show would be a thousand times better.
  • A helicopter? Hope it's bringing some Dharma care packages
  • Hoped T-Dawg was going to die just because they'd need a new token then and might have brought back Lenny James
  • I'm glad Andrea isn't dead and hope she'll now grow into a more spunky character. I'm guessing she'll spend the next season moaning about being left though, which will be shit.
  • The Herschel thing was annoying, 'I'm not leaving my farm, they'll have to kill me', does he not realise he has two daughters? Totally ridiculous.
  • Carol didn't take long to turn on the man who wouldn't leave before her daughter was found. Nice loyalty baldy.
  • Glenn loves Maggie, aaww how sweet, wait aren't they only meant to have been at the farm 2 weeks?
  • What motive did the guy in the RV have for getting up and walking out the door into a sea of walkers?
  • I hate Lori, I genuinely don't think I could possibly hate anyone more on TV unless they got Joseph Kony to present Match of the day.
  • Sword weilder woman (I think) was pretty nifty.
  • They've turned Rick heel? Will he be low blowing zombies when the referee isn't looking?
I agree with what gb said re: spoilers/comics etc. Posts in this thread about anything that has happened on the show shouldn't need to be spoilered. Stuff from the comics regarding future characters and events should be spoilered. If you're not up to date don't come into the thread. That's how I see it at least.

This is stuff about the finale, in spoilers for now until we've got a decision on the above. This would be an example of what shouldn't need spoilering though.

Agree with whoever said Lori is an idiot. "You killed Shane?But he's a fecking murderous lunatic who hatched an elaborate scheme to kill you! Plus I was advocating killing Shane a couple episodes ago! How could you?"

Carol can feck off to, well done Daryll for resisting her bullshit. Really wish she'd died. What does she expect anyway, that her and Daryll will run off into the countryside together?

Great ep though, looks like the next season will have a couple new characters/locations. Ninja zombie slave trader woman was awesome as well.
She's (Lori) shit isn't she? There's absolutely zero consistancy in her actions, reasoning or motivation from one episode to the next.

Anyway that was an enjoyably action packed finale so it wasn't necessary to nit pick the writing so much.

Also, I have no idea who the woman with the blade and 2 armless zombie gimps on leashes is but she's instantly more interesting than all of the other characters in the show bar Daryll.
Why do all the women in this show have the same personality?


Who the cock was the man in the RV who got eaten?Did they just write in some token guy in the last episode specifically so they could show him getting eaten? I have no idea who the woman who got eaten was either, though I think I may have seen her once before so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt there. It was positively star-trek-red-jumper-security-guy-esque.

Kudos on the black guy for finally having a line though.
Why do all the women in this show have the same personality?


Who the cock was the man in the RV who got eaten?Did they just write in some token guy in the last episode specifically so they could show him getting eaten? I have no idea who the woman who got eaten was either, though I think I may have seen her once before so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt there. It was positively star-trek-red-jumper-security-guy-esque.

Kudos on the black guy for finally having a line though.

They have been in the whole of season two since the farm...Patricia was the missus of otis and the bloke worked on the farm and liked Beth (the other daughter of hershal)
First off, watching the opening scene I get even more pissed off at the fact that the writers think Carl not only finding Shane and Rick pretty far away from the farm, but doing it at night time is a believeable scene.

Secondly, that scene where Rick told Lori that he killed Shane and Carl finished him off, I couldn't stop laughing after she did that evade move when he tried touching him. So hilarious, quality acting & writing. Even thinking about it now makes me laugh. Oh you silly woman, I hate you and your offspring. She is such a shit mother it's unbelievable, in the middle of the zombie invasion she goes 'OH SHIT WHERE IS CARL?"

I had honestly hoped to see more people die than possibly the most unimportant characters in any show ever. I honestly have no idea what the two died were called or what their relationship with the farm residents was, couldn't care less either. Wish they had some fecking balls and killed someone like the old bald woman or Andrea. We all know that when she eventually finds the group again she'll go on her stupid whining trips and talk about how they abandoned her and how she should have believed Shane.

The drive-by-shooting-zombies scene was silly as well. I really, really, really didn't get that. WHY!? Surely driving around not only wastes gas but also makes it incredibly hard to hit the zombies in the head, which they presumeably hope to do. For some reason they are all master shots though, especially the Korean kid who worked as a pizza delivery guy pre-zombie-outbreak can easily hit a zombie straight in the head when sitting in the window of a car driving around a bumpy field, mhm.

Possibly the most exciting thing about the whole season was the end, that sword lady with the zombie slaves and that big prison looks promising.

Anyway my advice for the decision makers, sack everyone involved, start the third season pretending season two and the farm never happened and release an apology campaign like the BP one:


To be honest I keep thinking about what the videogum reviews will touch upon when watching the show, they/he really captures the absurdity of the show perfectly.
On the whole spoiler debate, don't see how hard it is To just put "ep 12" or "comic" before a spoiler