Television The Walking Dead

I've that book, and it is very compelling. My girlfriend reads the comics, but I'd rather not be spoiled in the series.

The series just ticks no boxes; it doesn't have a compelling love story, although I imagine the comic books do. It doesn't focus on the efforts of survival, as the safest place they have found is a farm which is safe in that it just doesn't get attacked. It's not entertaining or funny, in that none of the characters have moments of enjoyment, none of them take any satisfaction from anything that's occurred on screen. The best episodes and moments this season have probably been the dark gritty ones, which the show doesn't do that badly, but there is nothing to counter them. You can have a dark gritty film for 2-3 hours without problem, but when you are trying to make a 15 hour series it becomes a lot harder. Other dark series, allow the events to occur in the background whilst focusing on either the light side of events or the romantic interest. It just doesn't work very well in my opinion.

It is just that though, an opinion.

Spot on I think. I can deal with one or two episodes that are like season 2 but not the whole season being like that. Girlfriend doesn't even like it and women are like the main watchers of poor tv shows.
Au contraire, they walk slower than my nan fecks.

I'd be able to out crawl them. I wouldn't even run away, they come in groups of what, 10? I could just hack some down with my axe, punch a few in the face with my metal fists so they stagger back, kill a few more, sorted.

If I go down, good luck biting through plate metal. I'd be fine, they'd either get bored and walk off, or I'd fix a metal spike to my helmet just in case, and if I go down I'll start nutting the zombie in front of me until I can get free.

weight of numbers would pull you down and then they'd rip you apart

if you really need to go out, try that stuff that they use for shark bites. Can be worn under your normal clothes for a period of time. That way you still have better mobility and wont be easily bitten
Have to agree. I thin that type of armour was a misconception anyway. Wasn't it those coming from richer backgrounds who bought it or had it made, but it was mostly left on the sidelines during the actual war. Chain mail is probably a great deal better, although useless against zombies if there is the slightest bit exposed.

That particular armour is more for show/ jousting but heavy plate became more common as the use of bows and crossbows became more prevalent.


Full chain suit like the guy on the right, would be more common, maybe plated gauntlets and leg armour (it's the places he'd receive the most attacks with a shield)
weight of numbers would pull you down and then they'd rip you apart

if you really need to go out, try that stuff that they use for shark bites. Can be worn under your normal clothes for a period of time. That way you still have better mobility and wont be easily bitten

I wouldn't trust it, they have gaps in between the links you could get scratched.

How would they rip through plate metal? They couldn't even get out of a wooden barn.
I haven't watched anything but the first two episodes, but my ideal location in the case of a zombie apocalypse is a relative's farm. It's in the country at the top of a slight hill with everything cleared for 500 yds around it. Great visibility plus land to grow food on if necessary. We could set up a perimeter trench or wall and be solid for a long time.
I wouldn't trust it, they have gaps in between the links you could get scratched.

How would they rip through plate metal? They couldn't even get out of a wooden barn.

consider this. They know inside that metal you are a take away meal. Thats all they think about. If you get knocked over, with several on you, theres no way that you are getting the feck back up. Plate mail is damned heavy. Meanwhile you have several zombies on you scratching and tearing away, till they find a weakness or pull a peice off.
For the second week in a row, the trends on my Twitter page have spoiled the significant moment of an episode. feck.
So so episode

spoilers related to the similar event in comic .. does not spoil future events though

In the comics, it is Carl who kills Shane. That would have been way better.. this was rubbish IMO. Second last episode of the season and it was meh IMO
I don't understand though how Shane turned into a walker when he wasn't bitten by one, he was stabbed.


As far as I know, everyone is infected already. I think Rick already knows this as the guy in the bunker told him at the end of the 1st season.

When you die, you turn.


the title of the show refers to the survivors. Not the zombies.
Big spoiler

Yeah, everyone is already infected and it takes death to trigger it...but only if you dont die from a shot to the head...randal had hs neck broken and became a walker, shane got stabbed and became a walker...I think that is what the guy at the CDC told rick too...I think that is why he was waiting next to shane but then carl turned up...

As far as I know, everyone is infected already. I think Rick already knows this as the guy in the bunker told him at the end of the 1st season.

When you die, you turn.


the title of the show refers to the survivors. Not the zombies.
Nah it will be this

Basically any one who dies after the Zombie apocalypse turns into Zombie. You don't need to be bitten by a Zombie anymore for it.

This is how it was in the comics. This is somewhat a general rule for zombie movies or shows based on Romero rules, a guy who created a chain of Zombie movies.

Only was you don't turn is if you die due to a brain trauma
Nah it will be this

Basically any one who dies after the Zombie apocalypse turns into Zombie. You don't need to be bitten by a Zombie anymore for it.

This is how it was in the comics. This is somewhat a general rule for zombie movies or shows based on Romero rules, a guy who created a chain of Zombie movies.

Only was you don't turn is if you die due to a brain trauma

Just because it's like that in the comics, doesn't mean it will be like that in the series.

They probably want to make it more "realistic" for the series. Perhaps they're doing a "combined" sort of thing. Where the message from the scientist guy was that they are infected, it's just that everyone is infected, and will turn when they die. So not the dead rising, just a virus that everyone has.

I am shocked, though. That was a pretty good episode IMO.

But: Can we have a NO COMIC TALK rule, even in spoilers? People use spoilers to talk about the latest episode (though I think we should remove that rule altogether, since this is The Walking Dead thread). Just don't mention the comics, ever, under any circumstances.
Nah it will be this

Basically any one who dies after the Zombie apocalypse turns into Zombie. You don't need to be bitten by a Zombie anymore for it.

This is how it was in the comics. This is somewhat a general rule for zombie movies or shows based on Romero rules, a guy who created a chain of Zombie movies.

Only was you don't turn is if you die due to a brain trauma

Err, is that not what I said? :confused:
Just because it's like that in the comics, doesn't mean it will be like that in the series.

They probably want to make it more "realistic" for the series. Perhaps they're doing a "combined" sort of thing. Where the message from the scientist guy was that they are infected, it's just that everyone is infected, and will turn when they die. So not the dead rising, just a virus that everyone has.

I am shocked, though. That was a pretty good episode IMO.

But: Can we have a NO COMIC TALK rule, even in spoilers? People use spoilers to talk about the latest episode (though I think we should remove that rule altogether, since this is The Walking Dead thread). Just don't mention the comics, ever, under any circumstances.

So the comics are different to the series but we shouldn't talk about the comics at all?

Perhaps there needs to be 2 seperate threads then.
So the comics are different to the series but we shouldn't talk about the comics at all?

Perhaps there needs to be 2 seperate threads then.

I think two threads would be good. Right now there is no guarantee that anything that happens in the comics will happen in the series, but it will be similar enough that it could be a problem.
Or it could mean, like some people thought, that you could get it from scratches. It was signposted for you because you've read the Comics. And this is precisely the reason why all talk of the comics should stay out of the thread.
Can people please specify whether their spoiler is from the comics or the show? I agree with niMic, it's not fair on those of us who haven't read the comics so I'd appreciate it if all comic talk was kept out of this thread.

Regarding this week's episode:

Apparently a 10 year old child is a better shot than an adult and can handle the recoil of what looks a rather powerful gun without putting any effort. I really don't understand why I continue to watch this, nothing really happens and they have now killed off one of the more interesting characters in it.
I think two threads would be good. Right now there is no guarantee that anything that happens in the comics will happen in the series, but it will be similar enough that it could be a problem.

I think the rule should be you can not put in any spoiler based on the comic.

But discussing what has happened so far in the series with respect to comic should be fine

for example

Carl killed Zombie shane while in comic he kills human one. That should be ok to be pointed out
Then I have no idea why you immediately jumped to that conclusion.

Because generally in a tv show (or a movie for that matter) when one character brings something seemingly innocous to another characters attention there's more to it than the the casually dismissive response offered.

Hollywood Cliche 101.
Yeah, my bf thought about it straight away...when shane mentioned about the cops not having bite marks and then rick said it must be scratches, then shane hesitantly bf said "what if they didnt need to be infected by a zombie"

He has never read the comics...
I think the rule should be you can not put in any spoiler based on the comic.

But discussing what has happened so far in the series with respect to comic should be fine

for example

Carl killed Zombie shane while in comic he kills human one. That should be ok to be pointed out

Or just leave the comic talk entirely so people don't make the mistake? Make a new thread for the comics if you want to talk about them and compare them to the show so much.
Much better episode this time in my opinion. First time it felt like the show was going somewhere. For "drama" to work, you first have to set the premise of the rules, explain what is going to happen and the difficulties facing the characters. That's why shows that "cop out" make you feel so cheated. You have to know when to break the rules you made, and when the characters will fall victims to them.

For the first time it feels like a proper zombie show. We now know that farm is not invulnerable, in fact it's about to be attacked. We now know that all the dead rise, not just the infected. It's a shame that they didn't hint at this occurring earlier in the season, just throwing a few "we are safe here", "what makes you think this place is safe?" or "we should be securing the fences, we need to go into town and get stuff to use, concrete, strong fences", "thats a waste of energy, what if you get killed". Just something to show the struggle to live every day life vs the struggle to prepare. Oh well they didn't.

Still, we are learning about "herds", we have learnt about how the dead reanimate, the characters have dealt with their moral dilemmas, dispensed with the boy, dispensed with Shane, dispensed with whiny old dude.

Bring on the zombies.

Or just leave the comic talk entirely so people don't make the mistake? Make a new thread for the comics if you want to talk about them and compare them to the show so much.

Have to agree.
Now that.... is a good show.

best episode in this current season by a mile and a half.

Rick needed to gank Shane, it's a decent writing decision, for once.

It's a watershed moment hopefully, he sacked up good a proper at the start of the episode, finally getting people to think smart about this mess and make some decent decisions. And in killing Shane he finally put voice to the hollow words of weeks, he will "protect his family at any cost".

Shane had to go, Rick had tried and tried to provide an avenue for him to return to sense but he wasn't having it and he was always going to be a danger.

From the get go Rick knew what Shane was at, how he positioned himself throughout made that clear even before they drew attention to it from Shane's pov.

Giving the boy the opportunity to blast zombie Shane, redeems him from the mistake that killed Dale, it's similar to Glenn's redemptive gank on zombie "the kid", saving Daryl, hopefully he can go back and give Bella (I only remember her name from another TV show :lol:) a right good seeing to, with out any worries.

Maybe on re watching this episode it won't be as good (it will be the first epsiode I even want to rewatch), maybe it's just like constipation, when you finally have a shit, it's the greatest shit ever.
hmmm maybe the killing off of all these characters- (sofia, shane, dale, otis and potentially others in the season finale...who knows) will mean a better budget for season 3...
Whoa holy spoilers in the open DT!

I doubt it for Sophia and Otis, considerign limited set time for a child of her age and low screen appearance, her salary can't have been that high. Otis was a guest star, similarly not a huge budgetary concern.

Shane and Dale on the other hand maybe, I'm pretty sure as main cast they're entitled to a raise each series, so killing them off (in addition to be part of the story) could free up some budget for new actors, which they can probably get for cheaper than a 3rd year main cast member.

But considering the actors playing Shane and Dale where hardly Holywood big shots, It won't be a formidable sum, hopefully the 'success' of this season prompts them to up the show budget this year but generally they try to reduce costs over the period of a shows run
There are no spoilers in what I said...its been announced there is a season 3 and all the ones I listed dead are dead in the show...I don't know if anyone else will die in the show or not, that's why I said "who knows"
Some people are against saying any "spoilers" in this thread, including things that have already happened in the series. Personally I think that's silly. No one should come into this thread if they don't want to risk seeing what happened in the last episode. Actually, I'm going to stop spoiler-tagging my comments about aired episodes.
Tbh, I avoided this thread until I had watched the latest episode, but some people are sensitive and/or addicted to checking this thread before doing that.
Some people are against saying any "spoilers" in this thread, including things that have already happened in the series. Personally I think that's silly. No one should come into this thread if they don't want to risk seeing what happened in the last episode. Actually, I'm going to stop spoiler-tagging my comments about aired episodes.

Why? That's just dickish, not everyone can watch it straight away. It's just the comic stuff that's unnecessary.
How is it dickish? This is a thread created solely for the tv series The Walking Dead. What possible reason could people have to go into this thread if they haven't seen the latest episodes? Discuss earlier episodes? Do they then have to spoiler that, in case there are some people who are even further behind?

It's pointless. I've said this in every thread about a series I follow. Spoilertags should be used in case there's any outside knowledge (and be clearly marked as such), or if an episode is somehow leaked early (has happened once or twice I suppose). Other than that, it should run on the basis of latest aired episode.
TV Show:
I liked Shane in it, thought he was one of the better characters but I could see why they've killed him. Hopefully the next series they start to get some more interesting characters