Television The Walking Dead


Cor give a warning man, so far are spoilers have just been about the previous episode not the next one!

:lol: it was in spoiler tags what do you want from me ?

it was just speculation off the 15 second clip at the end of the episode, calm down.
Watched 5 episodes and it's starting to bore me. Should I go on or is it just more of the same?
That last episode was ridiculous...

How the hell does a zombie jump out on anyone in the middle of a wide open field? Not to mention his super strength gut opening hands although I'm more prepared to accept that as a homage to old school zombie movies. Terrible writing.

T-Dog needs to die a slow horrible death. He needs to have a memorable moment or he will go down as the most pointless character in any show ever
Wow. What a shit episode this was. I'm not surprised if this gets cancelled. Awful awful season.

Debate over killing the dude or not
Pretty much unanimous decision to do so
Final minute Rick decides not to and since he's god everyone takes it

The fecking kid
Where is his mom? How can he wander off, be so stupid around the zombie, manage to sneak into the barn when it was blatantly obvious what time it was

Dale, died as stupid as he lived. If we have learned one thing from this show it's that zombies growl when they see humans but when humans don't see them they're more stealthy than a cat.
Always nice to wander off like that. Sure, we saw everything but you can be pretty sure that it was almost pitch black there.
Also, "let's get him back! Dale hold on!" Are you serious? You just learned 24 hours ago that all it takes is a scratch and now you want to bring him back with a hole in his stomach?

Two episodes left, 80 minutes that I would otherwise spend doing nothing, and I don't think I'm even going to bother to watch it.
I know. Renewed stuff can still get cancelled.

The show may emulate it's title.

The first few episodes were excellent, but after that it was downhill all the way. They needed to ditch the source material, and do something interesting with the Zombies.

Maybe you can't do anything interesting with Zombies? Maybe there's a reason 'zombie' is a synonym for a boring person?
I'm guessing that you are meant to dislike him.

And without defending the series because there are some boring moments but expecting people under such stress to not do or say stupid stuff that doesn't entirely make sense is a bit silly.
Yeah. If they didn't act annoying the whole killer zombies taking over the world thingy just wouldn't be realistic.
I'm guessing that you are meant to dislike him.

And without defending the series because there are some boring moments but expecting people under such stress to not do or say stupid stuff that doesn't entirely make sense is a bit silly.
I don't agree with this at all. If we were meant to dislike them Daryl would not have gotten a character transformation this season. I also believe writers would want audience to root for their characters to survive against Zombies, at least for most of the characters.

People also dislike characters for different reasons, mostly borne out of a bunch of them acting like soap-opera characters, or some being made ridiculously one dimensional by writers or some just not given any direction by the writers.

In fact if the audience hate the characters for the right reasons then a series can become pretty interesting.
I'm guessing that you are meant to dislike him.

And without defending the series because there are some boring moments but expecting people under such stress to not do or say stupid stuff that doesn't entirely make sense is a bit silly.

Yeah but come on. Camping out in tents in a field, letting your Kid go wandering off into the woods. There's silly and just nonsensical.

A lot of the times there's no consistency between what a character says and does. It's annoying.
Having the group of survivors on the road made the show edgy, unpredictable and entertaining. Once they settled at the farm, the show turned into a soap opera.

In real life, people would obviously try to stay at relatively safe place like that farm, to have food, water and rest and to protect themselves and their close ones from possible danger, be that live or undead, in the world where all social order broke down and everyone has to fend for themselves.

But for a viewer, it makes for much more interesting experience to have characters out of their comfort zone.
Having the group of survivors on the road made the show edgy, unpredictable and entertaining. Once they settled at the farm, the show turned into a soap opera.

In real life, people would obviously try to stay at relatively safe place like that farm, to have food, water and rest and to protect themselves and their close ones from possible danger, be that live or undead, in the world where all social order broke down and everyone has to fend for themselves.

But for a viewer, it makes for much more interesting experience to have characters out of their comfort zone.

I see what your saying.

The show was better when it was on the road.

But the settled down farm life need not be the tripe that it is, There are interesting stories to be had here, there are 10-15 of them, can a farm that size even keep them all in good order considering the fields don't seem to have anything in them, the winter is just round the corner, reading between the lines, in which case they should be harvesting the fields.

Stealing a tractor from somewhere, could have half a episode or so with that, Going to an army base for supplies, guns, ammo, ration packs.

Think I'm just going to re-watch Jericho, it was way better than this.
Having the group of survivors on the road made the show edgy, unpredictable and entertaining. Once they settled at the farm, the show turned into a soap opera.

In real life, people would obviously try to stay at relatively safe place like that farm, to have food, water and rest and to protect themselves and their close ones from possible danger, be that live or undead, in the world where all social order broke down and everyone has to fend for themselves.

But for a viewer, it makes for much more interesting experience to have characters out of their comfort zone.

Post-apocalyptic Emmerdale. If a show has zombies it has to use em, otherwise its false pretences.

The evolution of sci fi has taken a direction I deplore, where the fantasy scenario is used as a mere context in which to explore the 'social drama'.

I prefer the old-fashioned virtues - flying saucers, flesh-eating aliens with 4 heads, trans-dimensional time-warping and cannibalism.
Having the group of survivors on the road made the show edgy, unpredictable and entertaining. Once they settled at the farm, the show turned into a soap opera.

In real life, people would obviously try to stay at relatively safe place like that farm, to have food, water and rest and to protect themselves and their close ones from possible danger, be that live or undead, in the world where all social order broke down and everyone has to fend for themselves.

But for a viewer, it makes for much more interesting experience to have characters out of their comfort zone.
Next season all ideas of the comfort zone will be gone.
The kid will slowly evolve into the focal point and the most interesting character.

You better not be referencing the comics or any other kind of potential spoiler, Gambit.
You better not be referencing the comics or any other kind of potential spoiler, Gambit.

The show doesn't follow the comics. Got it from an interview wth one of the producers (who may or may not be the same guy who did the comics :angel:) as he said what really intrigues them is the idea of the kid growing up in this world were societies rules no longer exist, he's not growing up to go to college, get a job and raise a family. He's growing up to survive and to survive in a world where evertning will try to kill him. His journey will become more central to the show and his development as a character is the most interesting aspect to the shows writers. Now yes it's a bit spoilerish but not in an all revealing type of way, ruining it for everyone type of way.

Now if you want some real spoilers wait till you see what Shane does....
It's sort of a spoiler though, as now we'll know that no matter what situations the kid ends up in, we know that he'll be alright.
Basically just shut the feck up about anything that reveals anything we haven't seen in the aired episodes. You do this way too often, and as the infraction told you, this is your last warning before you're banned from the Entertainment Forum.
I don't agree with this at all. If we were meant to dislike them Daryl would not have gotten a character transformation this season. I also believe writers would want audience to root for their characters to survive against Zombies, at least for most of the characters.

People also dislike characters for different reasons, mostly borne out of a bunch of them acting like soap-opera characters, or some being made ridiculously one dimensional by writers or some just not given any direction by the writers.

In fact if the audience hate the characters for the right reasons then a series can become pretty interesting.

I'm not trying to make out that the series is stunningly well written. It isn't. But the kid being dislikeable isn't part if that problem.

The death in the last episode was good (the death of reasoned civilization in favor of the kids reality/future but badly done. A scratch followed by a gradual change to zombiedom would have been better.
The show doesn't follow the comics. Got it from an interview wth one of the producers (who may or may not be the same guy who did the comics :angel:) as he said what really intrigues them is the idea of the kid growing up in this world were societies rules no longer exist, he's not growing up to go to college, get a job and raise a family. He's growing up to survive and to survive in a world where evertning will try to kill him. His journey will become more central to the show and his development as a character is the most interesting aspect to the shows writers. Now yes it's a bit spoilerish but not in an all revealing type of way, ruining it for everyone type of way.

Now if you want some real spoilers wait till you see what Shane does....

Well that sounds feckin stupid to be honest. At the moment they're sacrificing plot, continuity and all the other characters etc just so they can lay the foundations for the future story of this annoying kid? Idiotic. How long are they planning on having this series run for, are we supposed to wait until the kid hits adulthood for the show to get good?

Just focus on the God damn zombies, guns, horror, survival and post-apocalypticness please. Because so far the writers have shown they possess neither the suspense nor the acumen to make this show into anything deeper than a zombie survival series.
Well that sounds feckin stupid to be honest. At the moment they're sacrificing plot, continuity and all the other characters etc just so they can lay the foundations for the future story of this annoying kid? Idiotic. How long are they planning on having this series run for, are we supposed to wait until the kid hits adulthood for the show to get good?

Just focus on the God damn zombies, guns, horror, survival and post-apocalypticness please. Because so far the writers have shown they possess neither the suspense nor the acumen to make this show into anything deeper than a zombie survival series.

Not allowed to talk about it. It was just a small aspect of a larger interview.

(Opinion) I do see the appeal though, the idea of how this new life situation will affect the psychology and what is the norm for those growing up in it.
While the Kid growing up in a world that's really screwed the pooch, where societies rules of normality are out the window, is a very interesting subject and as a writer, I'm sure that would be a lot of fun to explore.

It can't carry a show on it's own, especially as that kid is on limited work hours due to his age and for that to work, you need to have interesting characters surrounding him, educating and influencing the man he will become.

At this point, he'll be running around it circles screaming about how he can't keep himself safe, while cutting himself to attract zombies that were already nearby.

They're describing a character arc. And while I could see that being a potentially cool one to watch, the rest of the show irritates me to the extent I don't know if I can be bothered to wait around for it. All the characters need to have some sort of arc, not just the kid and I think that's a primary problem with the current show.

It seems that some characters pop up and say things just to remind us they are still alive, then piss off again for a few weeks. The stuff with Glenn and his woman is actually a pretty interesting story, we have this sweet, selfless kid that only thinks and wants the best for others around him and is struggling with this new world and the situations he finds himself in.
(spoilerish)But it's handled in such a hamfisted way that it's a 5 minute "We shouldn't bone no more, makes me weak" dialogue and a 2 minute "with this watch, I give you the key to my daughter's vag" scene and that's it resolved but we can spend the lion's share of 3 episodes on one fecking random creepy kid they saved for no reason and how much they shoot him some or tones, tones of shooting.

I wish some one would have just had the sense to say "Rick, you won't shoot anyone innocent, your on American network television and your the 'good' one which means you can't shoot someone in cold blood, lets just let him go already"

I think they are gearing up to shoot the kid anyway, the creepy rape story, which was totally unnecessarily retold, is a seed of guilt in the story, he will later be 'revealed' as a total rapist asshole, then Rick will be allowed to shoot him.
While the Kid growing up in a world that's really screw the pooch where societies rules of normality are out the window, is a very interesting subject and as a writer, I'm sure that would be a lot of fun to explore.

It can't carry a show on it's own, especially as that kid is on limited work hours due to his age and for that to work, you need to have interesting characters surrounding him, educating and influencing the man he will become.

At this point, he'll be running around it circles screaming about how he can't keep himself safe, while cutting himself to attract zombies that were already nearby.

(Opinion, plus speculative possible spoiler)
It won't carry the show, nor will the show be all about the kid, its just one aspect of it is all.
The kid will slowly evolve into the focal point and the most interesting character.

Too bad for the show because the kid can't act.

You can't think that the show will be the same as the comics. There are always changes. Especially with characters.
I want to see a zombie apocalypse set in the middle ages. Why hasn't anyone made that yet? We need HBO on this.

Because it wouldn't last one bit. 1/4 of the population is already bed ridden and sick and would become zombie fodder in no time. You couldn't fight off a horde because you have no guns. There wouldn't be any broadcasting so you'd know what was going on. It would happen without notice in every town pretty much and there would be nothing people could do.

Show like that would be set in a town with a big ass moat and there would be little to no food there and would be similar to the farm but more boring because people back then did absolutely nothing.