Television The Walking Dead

I kinda like that episode. Some action, some "drama". Not all about the fecking farm.

Maybe that solitary walker going through the fields at the very end of the episode signaled that maybe their happy safe period at the farm is over? Can always hope. Incidentally, that girl also talked about that, that some day the farm would be run over. Foreshadowing? Let's hope...
For a zombie survival show, we are into season two and they have:

a) Finally learnt that the infection spreads through scratches
b) finally started fecking using knives, or at least said it.

why have they not fortified the barn. It would have taken one scene: "The barn isn't secure, I'll coordinate with blah blah to make it secure" "okay"

Edit - also

What the feck was that psychobabble about? So if someone is suicide, and starts to cut, but cant go all the way she is suddenly not suicidal anymore?
For a zombie survival show, we are into season two and they have:

a) Finally learnt that the infection spreads through scratches
b) finally started fecking using knives, or at least said it.

why have they not fortified the barn. It would have taken one scene: "The barn isn't secure, I'll coordinate with blah blah to make it secure" "okay"

Edit - also

What the feck was that psychobabble about? So if someone is suicide, and starts to cut, but cant go all the way she is suddenly not suicidal anymore?

yeah, thats still called suicidal tendencies in real just means that they hurt themselves on the outside to deal with the pain inside...not that they don't necessarily want to die...and I'm sure they established ages ago about not using guns a lot and it kind of went out of the window
I think they turned a corner this episode.

I barely skipped any of it, some of it was nicely directed, the reflected image of shane on the broken window pane, that was very artistic, nicely done whomever thought that up.

There was drama without the melodrama for the most part, which was refreshing.

They are the masters of making a show that just peaks my interest enough to not stop watching it, but still be a little disappointed.
I think they turned a corner this episode.

I barely skipped any of it, some of it was nicely directed, the reflected image of shane on the broken window pane, that was very artistic, nicely done whomever thought that up.

There was drama without the melodrama for the most part, which was refreshing.

They are the masters of making a show that just peaks my interest enough to not stop watching it, but still be a little disappointed.

Yeah, I think they have reached the stage now where things can only go forward...I think things will start to get sketchy for them all at the farm and the greatness will start from there...I've seen a sneak peek of next weeks too and it looks ok
Just a point about retarded character decisions.

That place they were going to leave the kid off at, was clearly going to be riddled with zombies.

They killed two cops on the way in, look at all the vechiles in the car park, school buses, transports. It was a medical health facility, the gate was chained.

I couldn't think of a worse place to leave him, c'ept for make Zombie Road, Zombie town, USZ.
They have always been alright at the artistic stuff on paper, the episode where

Shane kills Otis, the episode before left on the cliff hanger "will Shane survive?", but they answered that in the opening scene with Shane shaving his head, and instead asked the question "what will Shane do to survive?". (did read an analysis of that episode so I am just quoting from memory).

What they haven't done well is make the show interesting and appealing. So many shows have interesting eccentric characters these days, perhaps we have just got used to relaxing and being entertained. HIMYM had Barney, House had House, Breaking Bad had Gustavo and Walter, 3 different shows (comedy, drama, action/drama) but you can do it with nearly every program. It's not that hard to stick in a character with a little enthusiasm, perhaps someone who enjoys killing zombies for fun?

Have said all this before though
It is a strange show, that's for sure. I am disappointed in how a lot of the plot and character development has gone, and I am fully aware that it could have been a lot better, but all the same I am fairly excited about every new episode.
This season has no money what so ever. That has to be it. They can't afford all that zombie make up so they use it sparingly.

Can't believe they're not off the farm yet. Thought that would happen right after the break.
yeah, thats still called suicidal tendencies in real just means that they hurt themselves on the outside to deal with the pain inside...not that they don't necessarily want to die...and I'm sure they established ages ago about not using guns a lot and it kind of went out of the window

Yea. Odd that they brought it up again. What has happened since last time they said anything about saving ammo? Stupid blondie shot Dale. They shot up the barn animals. They really couldn't have spared much ammo there at all so it was basically just the sheriff preaching again.
Glen's latest turn is basically the story line from top gun but with zombies. He's holding on too tight, he can't live on the edge and care about someone, not on the highway to the danger zone or put simply, he must be gay.

Who's Goose? And who's Iceman? Does it also mean that one of the annoying characters in the series will end up with a major role playing an even more annoying character on a major sitcom that sucks? :nervous:
Morgan and dwayne appear later in the comics, which could be fecking ages off in the show considering how much they are dragging it out
Lenny James was phenomenal in Jericho (another post apocalyptic show), I was really hoping he'd make a re-appearance but we've covered alot of ground, would be weird to have him pop up now.

Who's Goose? And who's Iceman? Does it also mean that one of the annoying characters in the series will end up with a major role playing an even more annoying character on a major sitcom that sucks? :nervous:

Goose eh ? hmmmm Dale ?. Iceman is clearly Shane. And yes, yes it does, it means exactly that.
Lenny James was phenomenal in Jericho (another post apocalyptic show), I was really hoping he'd make a re-appearance but we've covered alot of ground, would be weird to have him pop up now.

Yeah, he was great in that, and Snatch for that matter, was looking forward to seeing him again but it seems pretty unlikely at this point.
Ahh, the pimp in Hung. It's spelled Lennie James. Didn't find him on imdb and when he didn't appear on the first page in google I thought someone made a mistake.
Didn't realize he played Sol. Was he the guy who Rick was always trying to reach on the walkie talkie?
Ahh, the pimp in Hung. It's spelled Lennie James. Didn't find him on imdb and when he didn't appear on the first page in google I thought someone made a mistake.
Didn't realize he played Sol. Was he the guy who Rick was always trying to reach on the walkie talkie?

Yeah, he was in first episode of season 1 with him
Just watched last night's episode. Thought it went well.

It was obvious Rick wasn't going to leave Shane behind. I thought that kid was going to be eaten by the zombies. Can't believe he survived. Things between Andrea and the rest of the group are going to heat up, if she decides to stay with them or if she decides to stay alive. There is still going to be tension between Rick and Shane but they won't fight at the barn because too many people around will break it up.

I kinda feel after the break it has finally take a turn for the good. It has got interesting. They have signed on season 3 which means they have one season to save the show. I think the show can go on even though the characters aren't exactly great.

It freaking zombie land already. Its not like the disease is just spreading and they are waiting for D-Day or something. Anywhere they go, there is going to be drama and zombies. There will a lot of zombie fights and a couple of characters will die sooner rather than later. I really think the show can go on.
I thought last episode was pretty good, possibly best this season. For once, I did not feel like skipping over even no Zombie action scenes. They need to trim up some boring characters off the show and concentrate on a few.
I think they turned a corner this episode.

I barely skipped any of it, some of it was nicely directed, the reflected image of shane on the broken window pane, that was very artistic, nicely done whomever thought that up.

There was drama without the melodrama for the most part, which was refreshing.

They are the masters of making a show that just peaks my interest enough to not stop watching it, but still be a little disappointed.

Yep. Couldn't have said it any better.

Apparently the character of 'The Governor' has been cast for Season 3 if that means anything to anyone (i.e. those of you who've read the comics).

AMC's 'The Walking Dead' Finds its Governor - Hollywood Reporter
This review (of the last episode) gave me a few chuckles too

The Walking Dead S02E10: Two Tickets To The Knife Show | Videogum

There is another rent-a-zombie and he tells Shane it’s his turn. Later they will drag the zombies to a place on the grass and lay them down together for some reason. (The reason is so that Grimes will be allowed to see them lying side by side and be reminded of how there used to be a time when him and Shane would wear their uniforms and lie down in the grass together and talk about what animals the clouds looked like. But there’s no other purpose for it.) One of the best uses of your time and energy in a zombie Apocalypse is to move the dead zombies around a lot. Put them here and put them there. It’s important to do so just do it.

Shane cuts his hand open big time, like, way more than he needs to, and rubs the blood on the school bus door so that he can stab the zombies in the head, which doesn’t make much sense because those zombies were already trying super hard to get through that door. Not really sure what the blood is doing for Shane in this situation and now he’s got a big old cut on his hand.


The reason is so that Grimes will be allowed to see them lying side by side and be reminded of how there used to be a time when him and Shane would wear their uniforms and lie down in the grass together and talk about what animals the clouds looked like.
I still watch this. One thing occurred to me though.

That black guy (T-Dog?) Is possibly the most pointless character in any show ever. I can’t think of a single important moment from him. Is he really a proper token black guy?

Also what was the point of the beginning of this week’s episode. Where it shows us what is going to happen. I realise shows do this, but it usually hints at an obscure scene leaving the viewer wondering how the episode will reach this point.

This show being about a zombie holocaust, showing us a later scene of Zombies attacking 2 main characters is hardly going to surprise us and make us think how on earth this situation may arise?
I have just read the start of the review above. It would appear they had the same thought as myself
Most satisfying and apt paragraph of the whole thing lol

" Grimes says that it’s not Shane’s call. Why not though? Who undied and made Grimes the boss every step of the way? He says that Shane has to follow his lead on this one. Again: does he? Why does he? Shane says Grimes was right the first time, Shane doesn’t think he can keep Lori and Carl safe. So Grimes tries to punch him. Poor Grimes. Kind of showing your hand here, Grimes. Maybe you CAN’T keep Lori and Carl safe? It’s like Shane called Grimes gay when Grimes was definitely a self-loathing, closeted homosexual. “If I’m gay, then why would I punch you for calling me gay?” Shane catches Grimes punch and head butts him. And then the men proceed to have sex for five minutes. Seriously, the amount of grunting is hilarious. So much grunting! Boys! Stop fecking for a second! The boy is going to get the knife! Fight fight fight. feck feck feck. At one point, after they’ve been fighting forever, Shane says “get off me, man!” which is a very funny thing to say to someone who is trying to kill you and has been for the past five minutes. “Get off me, man.” Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize that you DIDN’T want me to sit on our chest and punch you in the face. Shane drops a motorcycle on Grimes."
Very funny review, I think there where elements of the episode that made it worthwhile but he has a point about most everything else. The bit with Lori was pretty wow, she basically gave blondie a "get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich, bitch" speech.

We had a discussion on surviving the Zombie apocalypse in the newbs and the people on this show are almost as retarded as liam's "I'll drown in the sea" option.
Very funny review, I think there where elements of the episode that made it worthwhile but he has a point about most everything else. The bit with Lori was pretty wow, she basically gave blondie a "get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich, bitch" speech.

We had a discussion on surviving the Zombie apocalypse in the newbs and the people on this show are almost as retarded as liam's "I'll drown in the sea" option.

Sounds a good option to me. The last time someone asked me what I'd do I said "I'd probably be a zombie to be honest, I mean it's not a zombie apocalypse if there aren't at least some zombies." My friend ignored that fact and went on to explain his multi-point plan of how he would survive. Seems everyone thinks they'll survive the zombie apocalypse. It's not an apocalypse if everyone survives guys and besides, it might be fun being a zombie.
I thought last episode was pretty good, possibly best this season. For once, I did not feel like skipping over even no Zombie action scenes. They need to trim up some boring characters off the show and concentrate on a few.

To be fair, I haven't seen Token Black in a while. Maybe they've dropped him without telling anyone?
To be honest the series has removed itself totally from the comics this season. There's not really anything spoilerish you can bring to the table.
Well except for one real biggy which it is following....
yeah I read about half of them laughing, was my tits off, I'll keep an eye out for them from now on.