Television The Walking Dead

I thought last episode was pretty good, possibly best this season. For once, I did not feel like skipping over even no Zombie action scenes. They need to trim up some boring characters off the show and concentrate on a few.

Think they have started to trim up a bit. How little has the black and old dude been in the last three episodes. I'm sure some have even forgotten the black dude. Guess there's no place for them in apocalypse related entertainment :(
This review (of the last episode) gave me a few chuckles too

The Walking Dead S02E10: Two Tickets To The Knife Show | Videogum

There is another rent-a-zombie and he tells Shane it’s his turn. Later they will drag the zombies to a place on the grass and lay them down together for some reason. (The reason is so that Grimes will be allowed to see them lying side by side and be reminded of how there used to be a time when him and Shane would wear their uniforms and lie down in the grass together and talk about what animals the clouds looked like. But there’s no other purpose for it.) One of the best uses of your time and energy in a zombie Apocalypse is to move the dead zombies around a lot. Put them here and put them there. It’s important to do so just do it.

Shane cuts his hand open big time, like, way more than he needs to, and rubs the blood on the school bus door so that he can stab the zombies in the head, which doesn’t make much sense because those zombies were already trying super hard to get through that door. Not really sure what the blood is doing for Shane in this situation and now he’s got a big old cut on his hand.


The 2nd one.

It wasn't shown but I'm pretty sure Shane had already stabbed one of the security guard zombies in his head. Rick said to him it was his turn, he pulls out his knife and then it cuts to them standing over the dead zombies noticing that you only need a scratch to turn. Okay. Why is that? Presumably it's because the blood gets infected.
Well, later, like described, Shane uses that same knife and cuts his hand. Does that mean he's going zombie in the next episode?
Dale just needs to stop going around Andrea like he is her little bitch and let her just live or die, depending on what she wants.

The black guy, yeah seriously I have no idea what he does. I thought he would die when he cut open his arm during the zombie march but Daryl saved his ass.
Decent episode

So Herschel said in the last episode that they'd have to amputate his leg, because if they didn't and just pulled him up, he'd be severley wounded and could die.

3 days later and he has a limp.

Solid logic as always.
Decent episode

So Herschel said in the last episode that they'd have to amputate his leg, because if they didn't and just pulled him up, he'd be severley wounded and could die.

3 days later and he has a limp.

Solid logic as always.

I don't think he had the knowledge at all how bad it could be. He only glanced at it semi drunk with adrenaline rush after a gun fight and with zombies approaching. He probably just wanted to get the hell out of there.

But yea, he didn't look to banged up. Really surprised they didn't kill him. Wouldn't have an excuse for this zombie scene if they did.
Because two of the three people in the group who are actually good at thwarting zombies out put her needs above everyone else.
The middle part of the episode was shit. Not much point except some boring conversations. Picked up well in the final third, let's see how they close out the last two episodes.
Rubbish episode until the last 5 minutes

On the big, big plus side

Dale is dead. Thank feck, I hate the whiney bastard. He wrecked my head throughout this episode.
I can't help shouting at the TV every time the kid is wearing the cowboy hat egg gave him.

How the feck does it now fit your head? Has it shrunk? Did your head get bigger?

Way to go riling up the zombie bloke that got the old dude.

I don't like any of the characters. I hope they all get it.
This season
Has been wasted by them finding that fecking farm. It was interesting for a bit but now its a glorified soap opera with a love triangle to boot. Honestly they were debating about killing a kid that was shooting at them with intent to kill from a gang of 30, whats there to even talking about? Normal life went out the window long before they locked that kid up.

On the plus side Dale is dead, the useless old fool. The sheriff's kid should be next, along with the short haired women whos name I still can't remember.
My reaction to this episode.

Shit episode. At least Dale died though, I have a feeling they wanted to kill him off for a while and they made him even more hateable through the episode so everyone would be delighted. Would've been much better if the prisoner had killed him after escaping. Suck on that pansy.

On the plus side there are only two episodes left which hopefully means they'll move away from the farm story act after that.

I hope the '30 men' comes and kills every single one of the original cast members, unbelieveable how they managed to feck up and make basicly every single character annoying and incredibly stupid. They all lack common sense it's absurd, Lori going after Rick, which probably could just go down to absolutely horrible writing since she needed to get unpregnant, Carl going into the woods alone with a gun, Dale going around the edges of the farm at night alone etc.
Haven't seen the newest one yet, but it's turning into a damned soap opera lately. I hope they go somewhere sometime soon!

Are we really supposed to care about most of these characters? I'd care more if they showed them doing something other than complaining.
What they need is 5 or so characters that aren't crying all the time. Just 5 or so, people who are the do-ers, build shit, protect the camp, create sophisticated zombie tramps. Maybe an ex Iraqi Torturer who can kill people with his legs, maybe a Redneck who calls people by random names as a kinda side gimmick. Maybe even a bald ex cripple.

I know understand how lost lasted so long, it even went down hill when these characters where being all mopey.
I completely forgot about the black dude until I saw him again during the meeting scene.
But, so, Dale finally convinces Andrea, who opens her eyes wide and says “he’s right.” Ugh, why does Andrea think that she’s such a genius every time she has a sustained thought. She’s constantly reactionary and suicidal and then the second SHE stops wanting to kill herself or agrees with something that someone else has been saying the whole time, she acts like she’s fecking Queen of Eureeka’s Castle. “He’s right!” Shut up, Andrea.

Yes, just yes.
The black guy is such a token character it's embarrassing. He hasn't had a line for ages until "what should we do with the body" in this episode :lol:

Someone please shoot the kid in the face and do us all a favour.
The black guy is such a token character it's embarrassing. He hasn't had a line for ages until "what should we do with the body" in this episode :lol:

Someone please shoot the kid in the face and do us all a favour.
Shocking stuff IMO.
I'm going to keep watching this show in the hope that one day that stupid little kid gets his his face ripped to shreds by a pack of zombies.

PS. I miss Frank Darabont
Anyone know if they're being true to the comic? Hard to believe it would get so bogged down, comic writers are usually the epitome of fast plots.
The black guy is such a token character it's embarrassing. He hasn't had a line for ages until "what should we do with the body" in this episode :lol:

Someone please shoot the kid in the face and do us all a favour.

He's clearly there to fill out some cast diversity, which is frustrating because they had a really interesting black character in Lenny James and he could act circles round the majority of the cast.....actually on review, all of the cast.

This last episode was fecking daft, we have spend nearly 3 episodes on "should we kill the kid" nearly an hour of programming on wither or not they should shoot him or leave him by a road side somewhere.

No-one was going to have the stones to straight up excute him for nothing, well maybe Shane but as soon a he decided Shane wasn't allowed to kill him.

The kid was safe. There is no tension or drama when the audience can see the events coming, as soon as he took he kid off the railing he was safe, he's always been safe, its a complete waste of time and effort to save the retard and then shoot him, for feck sake.

We know Rick, he has a hero complex a mile and a half wide, there was no way he was ever going to do it in cold blood. Rick should know enough about himself to not bother with this bullshit will-he-won't-he routine and save us all the heart ache.

We've all wasted over an hour on something that could have just as easily been done with in about 10 minutes. The roundtable talks, dale's bleeding heart routine and Rick obviously bailing on committing murder.

The Dale death scene was lol-tastic, he got fooled by sneak zombie ninja, Zombies aren't remotely scary solo, the whole point of zombies is that, its the horde, hundreds of unstoppable mindless bastards shuffling towards you. How did he not see the zombie on the way in. HOW ? it's a wide open field, alright it's dark, which brings us on to the even better point ... WHY THE feck are you dandering about in, I can't see more than 5 feet darkness ? bring a god damn torch !

It's what, a year or so since Zombie-apocalypse ? if you can't handle a single zombie by yourself at this point, put a gun in your mouth and save everyone else the resources and effort of caring about your stupid ass, you oxygen thief.

The fact that its the same zombie Karl was trying to teabag earlier in the episode, is some cock-eyed attempt at some character development for him in the future (I expect about 4 - 5 episodes to focus on Karl and his guilt in the next season, with maybe 2-3 minutes of Lori looking like a sour face bitch staring off into the distance for some reason)

It wasn't Karl's fault in the slightest, that zombie would have eventually got out of that swamp and even if it didn't, some other one would have, it hardly the first to make it that far (well zombie). Anyway, they had a whole barn full of zombies that they captured from a similar location only two weeks ago (before Shane freak out number 14). So the fact that zombies have been walking across the farm is nothing new.

They haven't done anything to defend the farms perimeter at all, they still live in tents, they continually walk off, in the dark, on their own all the time despite proving multiple times how utterly retarded of an idea this is as they nearly always get attacked and/or killed.

Lori and Rick mentioned clearing the barn out and living there in the winter ... feck winter ... today.. do it fecking today.

They daft thing is they skipped over this very quickly, I think Lori's reaction was "lol-wut no I was talking about something important, like how wimmen should be seen and not heard" and they dropped it.

Just like in last weeks episode in the car, Rick was making some valid statements about survival, admittedly with all the passion and gravitas of someone reading off a list of last's month shopping. They had him drone out from Shane's point of view as if to say "enough with that boring survival shit back to artistic staring".

The struggle to survive in a world turned into a zombie infested shit hole, with some touching on how to reconstruct some sort of normality and society, that's the premise of the show, stop ignoring it for the soap opera roundabout.


2 episodes left for me, If they don't improve, I'm out.
The plot holes in the show are ridiculous at times. It's worse than fuxking Dexter.

The Walker can't get out of the mud to attack the kid yet he manages to rip open Dale's fecking stomach.

Also, the complaints about the farm. To be fair to the writers, given the massively reduced budget and double the episodes, it's sort of necessary to do. It'll be the same in future series I expect.
Harsh but fair Lastwolf. I watch them in bunches so that the nothing happening isn't nearly as annoying, as far as waiting more than one episode for a 'cliff-hanger'.
I've no problem with cliff hangers.

I love them, Lost was pretty good at them, done well they make you desperate for next week to roll round so you can find out what happened.

These aren't really cliff hangers at all, what's going to happen next week that we haven't seen in the trailer? not much.
They should leave the farm already.

Hopefully it'll be overrun by walkers and a few annoying characters will get get eaten.
They should leave the farm already.

Hopefully it'll be overrun by walkers and a few annoying characters will get get eaten.

Yeah I'm hoping a stampede of walkers will descend on the farm and cause chaos.

The only character I find particularly annoying is Andrea.

Rick and Shane are :drool:
they need to speed this up...dale is dead now (no need to worry about morals anymore or all becoming savages)...they will shoot that kid and do one before the 30 men show up
they need to speed this up...dale is dead now (no need to worry about morals anymore or all becoming savages)...they will shoot that kid and do one before the 30 men show up

I would hope so.

However, it's unlikely given the trailer for next week, the kid escapes and they tool up for the coming war.

What is most annoying is that most of what's going on isn't 'bad' it actually quite a decent story, it's just spread massively too thin and dragged out. Like a drop of butter to cover a whole loaf of toast.

Plus a lot of the actors seem to have went to the school of loud noises and hushed tones never in between. I've seen some of them in other shows, they can act, I have to think it's the material/ direction.
I would hope so.

However, it's unlikely given the trailer for next week, the kid escapes and they tool up for the coming war.

What is most annoying is that most of what's going on isn't 'bad' it actually quite a decent story, it's just spread massively too thin and dragged out. Like a drop of butter to cover a whole loaf of toast.

Plus a lot of the actors seem to have went to the school of loud noises and hushed tones never in between. I've seen some of them in other shows, they can act, I have to think it's the material/ direction.

Cor give a warning man, so far are spoilers have just been about the previous episode not the next one!
I would hope so.

However, it's unlikely given the trailer for next week, the kid escapes and they tool up for the coming war.

What is most annoying is that most of what's going on isn't 'bad' it actually quite a decent story, it's just spread massively too thin and dragged out. Like a drop of butter to cover a whole loaf of toast.

Plus a lot of the actors seem to have went to the school of loud noises and hushed tones never in between. I've seen some of them in other shows, they can act, I have to think it's the material/ direction.

yeah, its been dragged out for too long, especially the whole search for Sofia thing...they could have been at this stage 4 or 5 episodes ago
It's pretty amazing that this has been beaten by Survivors as the most compelling and exciting (post) apocalyptic TV series. Particularly when you consider the post-apocalyptic element in Survivors was basically that everyone else was dead (not undead), and the main antagonist was a middle-aged bloke with a shotgun and a pickup.
Am I the only one who thought that the scene in the house where everybody argued, then the short haired woman suddenly burst out saying "I dont want any part of this, leave me out of all of this!" and then just stood there, was totally random and ridiculous?
Big spoiler for next season which only really relates to people that have read the comic. Those that haven't it's just an actor who's been cast. Nice to see them returning to the comic storyline a bit as well.
David Morrisey (The Next Doctor Doctor who christmas special, The reaping) has been cast as the Governor
A few thoughts by me on the episode that got me wondering, although I did enjoy it and a lot of you are over the top.
Why do we look at Shane as the villain when all he's trying to do is protect people yet when Darryl is torturing some kid we just, meh, it's Daryl.

Since when did Zombies get superstrength? Dales one thing, getting through a cows hide is another.

Why did he tell the tale of his crew raping the girls, totally random and out of the blue and why did he endure so much just to say that he was in a group of about 30 which has women and kids. Not exactly ground breaking stuff.
Am I the only one who thought that the scene in the house where everybody argued, then the short haired woman suddenly burst out saying "I dont want any part of this, leave me out of all of this!" and then just stood there, was totally random and ridiculous?
:lol: True, was absurd. Kill her already