Television The Walking Dead

How the feck do you manage to flip a car on an empty road in the middle of nowhere? And why was she even going out anyway? Daft cow. To look for people who were looking for someone else? Stupid.

That said, I liked the showdown with the rednecks in the bar. Tense stuff. Still needs more zombies though
Exactly what I was thinking Cass. I mean its not like they were gone for like a couple of days. The script is written badly there. They needed something big to happen in the first episode of their return and it ended up being her crash. They were barely gone and she has no reason to follow them how ever serious the situation is.
Some bad writing all right. Obviously meant to kill the baby. That's the only thing keeping them at the farm. No more now.

Maybe they thought she was hysterical and stupid anyway so they could get away with that scene.
How the feck do you manage to flip a car on an empty road in the middle of nowhere? And why was she even going out anyway? Daft cow. To look for people who were looking for someone else? Stupid.

That said, I liked the showdown with the rednecks in the bar. Tense stuff. Still needs more zombies though

She was retarded in Prison Break too.
I liked her in season 1 of Prison Break but not really after that and I did not know the Sheriff was British. I would never have guessed with his accent in the show.
This is for people who have seen the first episode of the show's return.

Also I wanted to know did the farmer and his daughter know they had Sophia in the barn? I can't seem to remember which episode but when the talk of the little girl came up, they looked at each other as if they found her and hid her there and just did not tell the group.
I still can't believe none of the four died. I thought at least they might get shot or get injured or something. But they all came away unscathed kinda. But it is going to get interesting next week. It is shaping up to be a good end to the season. Its Sheriff vs Shane now.
I haven't seen the latest one yet as its not on till Friday...but seriously, they gave to kill off Shane long are they going to be able to drag him out for...I think Rick will be the one to do it if it does happen...they have proved he is capable of shooting a person if he sees a with the two in the bar, as I don't think they will stick to the comics and have Carl kill him
I haven't seen the latest one yet as its not on till Friday...but seriously, they gave to kill off Shane long are they going to be able to drag him out for...I think Rick will be the one to do it if it does happen...they have proved he is capable of shooting a person if he sees a with the two in the bar, as I don't think they will stick to the comics and have Carl kill him

I know everyone hates Shane, including me, but you won't get this drama if he dies. I don't think they are going to kill him off yet. I don't know how the comics go but I think he is essential for the drama that happens when there are no zombies.
I know everyone hates Shane, including me, but you won't get this drama if he dies. I don't think they are going to kill him off yet. I don't know how the comics go but I think he is essential for the drama that happens when there are no zombies.

in the comics Shane died before the farm...
Yeah at this point it's pretty safe to treat the comics and the tv show as two separate entities.

Yeah, I agree...they have taken certain elements but adapted others for tv...I just think there are certain parts in the comics that would be great in the programne
The TV show isn't shit, nor is it good. It's just really, really average.

I blame AMC. They order double the episodes and give them half of last seasons budget, and then fire Darabont. The show has declined hugely from it's excellent pilot episode.

It doesn't help that the characters are all boring cnuts.
The TV show isn't shit, nor is it good. It's just really, really average.

I blame AMC. They order double the episodes and give them half of last seasons budget, and then fire Darabont. The show has declined hugely from it's excellent pilot episode.

It doesn't help that the characters are all boring cnuts.

Yeah it's decent enough for me to keep watching because I've started, but it's not good enough that I look forward to it every week.

That said it serves as a pretty good advertisement for the comics which I'll inevitably buy and read and probably enjoy more.
To be honest, I watched season one and loved went out and bought all the comics and love them :) season two so far has been a bit hit and had a great start and then focussed too much on Sofia...they should be able to really get going and gave more zombies in it now...but we will see
This whole farm thing is getting a bit boring, nothing much is happening.

They aren't in any real danger. I want to see them leaving the farm, or a horde of zombies storm the farm and things to heat up a little bit.
This whole farm thing is getting a bit boring, nothing much is happening.

They aren't in any real danger. I want to see them leaving the farm, or a horde of zombies storm the farm and things to heat up a little bit.

Yeah, something major needs to happen
Not really a spoiler for this season, so no tags.

The start of season 2 showed something new: zombies moving in hordes rather than aimlessly. Zombies also retain some form of memory, for anyone who's seen Dawn of the Dead (the original). I reckon Shane's 'sacrificed' dude will bring his horde back to the farm and then bham.
Not really a spoiler for this season, so no tags.

The start of season 2 showed something new: zombies moving in hordes rather than aimlessly. Zombies also retain some form of memory, for anyone who's seen Dawn of the Dead (the original). I reckon Shane's 'sacrificed' dude will bring his horde back to the farm and then bham.

Well there's nothing left of him to go back. He was completely eaten.
I really liked the most recent episode, it was pretty intense. The best episode in all of season 2.

I can understand why everyone hates Shane but to be honest, I think he adds a lot to the show, he's one of the few interesting characters. Especially now that Rick knows about Shane and the dumb bitch, I'd hope the dynamic between them is interesting to watch. I don't think Shane has done or said anything, bar smashing his best mate's wife, that I personally wouldn't have done so far so to be honest I think he's a misunderstood rogue more than a treacherous knobhead.
I really liked the most recent episode, it was pretty intense. The best episode in all of season 2.

I can understand why everyone hates Shane but to be honest, I think he adds a lot to the show, he's one of the few interesting characters. Especially now that Rick knows about Shane and the dumb bitch, I'd hope the dynamic between them is interesting to watch. I don't think Shane has done or said anything, bar smashing his best mate's wife, that I personally wouldn't have done so far so to be honest I think he's a misunderstood rogue more than a treacherous knobhead.

Shane's committed an act of cold blooded murder. That's unforgiveable even if it saved the little boy. The cop shot the two Phillies in the bar after his life was threatened before anyone tries to tie the two up.

On the bar showdown bit, did anyone else get the Wild West theme? :D

Two rogue riders walk into a bar, threaten to rape their women and shoot the sheriff. Only the sheriff is the sharpest shooter in town. Heck he even kept his cowboy looking hat on through the whole scene. :D

Its like America is back to the old Settlers days except there aren't injuns to worry about but zombies.
Shane isn't misunderstood, give him any opportunity to save himself and he will take it...I think what dale said us right and he will try to kill someone else...he will try to kill either Rick or dale I reckon
I just gave up this serie today, it turned shit all of a sudden, utterly boring.
I bet the boy with the fecked leg ends up getting shot by the blonde annoying woman.
Shane's committed an act of cold blooded murder. That's unforgiveable even if it saved the little boy. The cop shot the two Phillies in the bar after his life was threatened before anyone tries to tie the two up.

On the bar showdown bit, did anyone else get the Wild West theme? :D

Two rogue riders walk into a bar, threaten to rape their women and shoot the sheriff. Only the sheriff is the sharpest shooter in town. Heck he even kept his cowboy looking hat on through the whole scene. :D

Its like America is back to the old Settlers days except there aren't injuns to worry about but zombies.

And how about the reference to the movie 127 Hours, only here they try and cut of his leg instead of his hand. Sheriff just took his leg of the spike when time was running out. That gave a shiver down my spine.
I just gave up this serie today, it turned shit all of a sudden, utterly boring.

I think its just started to get interesting for the first time since the first episode of the show. You are mistaken mate!
I've watched the newest episode, and I've decided that for some reason, I no longer hate Shane. At least he does something unlike Dale and that bald bitch.

That makes 3 characters I don't hate, Shane, Glenn and Daryl. Oh and I guess the farmers daughter, cause she's hot. Other than that I hate everyone, but still, it's an improvement.
I've watched the newest episode, and I've decided that for some reason, I no longer hate Shane. At least he does something unlike Dale and that bald bitch.

That makes 3 characters I don't hate, Shane, Glenn and Daryl. Oh and I guess the farmers daughter, cause she's hot. Other than that I hate everyone, but still, it's an improvement.

Glenn bores the life out of me. I like him but he's just too soppy and does everything for everyone, for some reason I really don't like people who like to be on the fence about everything. I quite like Rick as well but I agree with you with the rest.
I found myself just skipping sections of the latest episode, I just could not be arsed with the open mouthed heavy breathing they where doing, some of it might have been dialogue it hard to tell sometimes.

I think the scene's between Darryl and the crying lady where the best and they didn't even say that much to each other.

But, it feels like they've been having the same arguments now forever, same shit all the time, the whole cast seems to be going round and round, I can't been myself to care about half the characters.

It's like 15 episodes in, I can even remember most of their names.

Can a farm that size really care for all those people, considering not one of them ever does any actual farm work.
Should have done us all a favour and have the zombie eat the sheriff's wife's annoying face off. Does she even have a name?
have just watched the new episode online, quite impressed actually...seems like they are bringing the action back which is good...thought the zombie threw the car window was awesome and felt quite nervous watching the scene with the walkers and the lad stuck on the fence...
The TV show isn't shit, nor is it good. It's just really, really average.

I blame AMC. They order double the episodes and give them half of last seasons budget, and then fire Darabont. The show has declined hugely from it's excellent pilot episode.

It doesn't help that the characters are all boring cnuts.

That's true. Plus they have not been able to develop a single character properly.

Their decision to try to turn Shane into ultra villain was also very stupid. They should have pitted him in the morally grey area as someone willing to do bad things for the group to survive and contrasted that with Rick who tries to play by the rules as much as possible. Instead they have had Shane trying to rape and what not.

This description from a review blog sums Lori up pretty well- "dull, self-righteous, kinda stupid woman".

Glen's latest turn is also straight out a a soap-opera book and makes zero sense.
Glen's latest turn is basically the story line from top gun but with zombies. He's holding on too tight, he can't live on the edge and care about someone, not on the highway to the danger zone or put simply, he must be gay.
watched the latest episode online, was ok...want to see what they ate going to do about the lad and whether the show is going to start delving into the fact that you don't need to have been in any sort of contact with a zombie to come back...
I'm sure they end up shooting the kid, but the show really isn't good enough to pull it off. Can they delve into the conflicting emotions surrounding Rick's decision to shoot the lad? No. Let him leave, take the easy option. Maybe he may actually end up being a likeable character
I'm sure they end up shooting the kid, but the show really isn't good enough to pull it off. Can they delve into the conflicting emotions surrounding Rick's decision to shoot the lad? No. Let him leave, take the easy option. Maybe he may actually end up being a likeable character

yeah, the problem is they are so focused on each character having their own moral dilemas that they are forgetting about other aspects of the story...I think they have taken too long messing around with emotions. Yes its an emotional situation...but bloody Hell, sometimes things just need to be done...he shot those guys in the bar