Television The Walking Dead

I dont get why they call them walkers. They're fecking zombies! Haven't they ever seen a George Romero film?
Right, how the feck does the little girl end up in the barn? If the farmers knew she was in there, why did they let the others keep going out to look for her? If they didn't know, how the feck did she get in there? If she sneaked in when she was still human the zombies would have torn her to pieces.

This is just tediously bad shit. Why do I keep watching it?

and how the feck does Egg's cowboy hat now suddenly fit the kid's head...?
That was also one of the worst sex scenes of all time....after suddenly becoming Calamity Jane she grabs his crotch.....he goes 'come on then girl' like some second-rate porno actor...cut to a long shot and the horn going off.

Every character is fecking rubbish.
So basically I saw all the first series and liked it.

I saw the first couple of the new series then went on holiday and variously got pissed and ill. Think I missed 3/4 episodes. I hear from a friend I have not missed much- it has gone a bit soapy and sparing on the action front. Should I dive back in or wait and shell out for the box set. ps- I don't care about the missing girl or whether that cop who isn't the sheriff pisses off or not...Iwant crossbow action.
I'm not that bothered it's gone until february tbh.
Rubbish show.

Well maybe not rubbish but pretty average considering the hype.
Bloody hell you guys are being overy harsh. Good episode last night .
I still quite like it, yes it's slow but I'm still interested in seeing what happens.
It's good, but it's not quite up to the standard of the classics like Flash Forward.
The ambient soundtrack on this current series is really annoying me, LOUD cricket and insect noises!!!!! that vanishes when they speak. Other than that I'm enjoying it.

Yeah, what is WITH that!? Can somebody please expalin? I really don't get why it's there, and it's really annoying when watching with headphones!

I too think some of you have been overly harsh, yeah it has been slow going, but they're telling a story. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Some episodes are very light on zombies, but I don't necessarily think wall-to-wall zombies would improve it drastically. If anything it means we're not spoiled and appreciate the zombie moments when they do come along.

P.S. Did anybody notice the horrendous continuity in the final 5 minutes of episode 7? Pretty much everytime the shot changes between characters, the sun is also changing. One second shining from the left, the next shining from the horizon on the right. :rolleyes:
This series has been mixed. Started very well had a couple of dull episodes but I thought yesterdasy was excellent.

Really liked the end

I hope a few characters get killed off before this season eends though.
It isn't Godfather 2 but it is decent enough free entertainment for a Monday night. Flashforward was the same.

I'm watching Battlestar Galactica at the moment, a show quite a few of you rave about, and the plot and acting are pretty clunky at times on that even though it is reasonably enjoyable when there is nothing else to watch.

Firefly was both silly rubbish and great entertainment.

We have become spoilt with shows like Breaking Bad and Dexter.
Flash Forward was far from as good as The Walking Dead. It was fecking awful.

I still sort of like this. I've got some amount of hope, after the last episode. Who knows, maybe they'll speed it up..
I didn't say it was as good but it left me wanting more after the last episode despite its limitations. The walking dead is fine and worth it for the (usually) weekly Zombie attack/killing.
I didn't say it was as good but it left me wanting more after the last episode despite its limitations. The walking dead is fine and worth it for the (usually) weekly Zombie attack/killing.

It's soap opera-like, you're basically addicted to Eastenders with zombies, Wibbs.
When are we going to get the first incidence of zombie-fecking? Old man in the RV must be getting randy as hell by now...he doesn't have anybody to make a play for. More of a case of the wanking dead for him.
I just watched the first season, great fun.

I'm thinking of going straight to the second season (no spoilers please), but what the heck is up with the last episode being aired in february?

Wait, has the second season been poor?
I just watched the first season, great fun.

I'm thinking of going straight to the second season (no spoilers please), but what the heck is up with the last episode being aired in february?

There are 6 more episodes of this season to be broadcast, starting in February. Most sites only list the first one because that's the only one there's any information about.
I liked the latest episode. A great last 5 minutes.

Haven't seen it yet, but same procedure as the episode before that then.

It's starting to annoy me more than it entertains me, seems to me the writers are stalling the plot to squeeze out more seasons.
Haven't seen it yet, but same procedure as the episode before that then.

It's starting to annoy me more than it entertains me, seems to me the writers are stalling the plot to squeeze out more seasons.

They've got a third season, but jeez given how slow it has gotten, that might prove painful.
They've got a third season, but jeez given how slow it has gotten, that might prove painful.

I'm sure they can give us many more twists to the love story between the asian pizza guy and that girl :rolleyes: Won't give up on it just yet though, they really should get the hell out of that farm though. I bet it's because it's cheaper to have a set on farm than in a city :o
I just watched the last episode. It was a sad last 5 minutes. I have to say I certainly did not expect that. But man we have to wait till mid February for the next episode. What the hell? Who the feck takes a three month mid-season break?

When they showed the shoes and the legs first of Sophia, I thought it might be the farmer's kid. I thought the farmer might end up killing his own kid now that he had no choice. Well that was sad. It will be interesting to see how the next episode goes.
I just watched the last episode. It was a sad last 5 minutes. I have to say I certainly did not expect that. But man we have to wait till mid February for the next episode. What the hell? Who the feck takes a three month mid-season break?

Nearly every american TV show now, unfortunately. It was OK back when we used to get shows months later than the US, but now most shows only run a few days behind we're stuck with the mid season breaks.
Kicks off again in ten days. Hopefully the second half is better than the first.
Kicks off again in ten days. Hopefully the second half is better than the first.

I don't hold much hope.

A show can't really improve when pretty much every single character is really annoying and can't act for shit. Daryl is the only good character in the entire thing.
Hope they kill off every fecking one of them, apart from Daryl.

Get a new cast in.

A Zombie show should be FUN, but this has more fecking daytime TV drama than actual zombie killing, and the dialogue is really poor. I could give a feck about the 3 way love affair between the Single Depressed Emotion Sheriff, cnut Wife and Mr. cnut. The old man is boring, the blonde one is fit but a whiney fecking idiot, the bald lesbian looking one is devoid of emotion, the black dude is genuinely just a token black guy. I've forgotten everyone else. Oh yeah, chinese dude, he's ok.

Daryl is cool, he's a bad ass hillbilly that loves killing zombies with a cool crossbow, we need more of that shit and less pregnancies.
Hope they kill off every fecking one of them, apart from Daryl.

Get a new cast in.

A Zombie show should be FUN, but this has more fecking daytime TV drama than actual zombie killing, and the dialogue is really poor. I could give a feck about the 3 way love affair between the Single Depressed Emotion Sheriff, cnut Wife and Mr. cnut. The old man is boring, the blonde one is fit but a whiney fecking idiot, the bald lesbian looking one is devoid of emotion, the black dude is genuinely just a token black guy. I've forgotten everyone else. Oh yeah, chinese dude, he's ok.

Daryl is cool, he's a bad ass hillbilly that loves killing zombies with a cool crossbow, we need more of that shit and less pregnancies.

I really agree. The character I hate most is undoubtly the blonde, feck me she pisses me off. I keep hoping that she'll be killed off every episode. I honestly don't think I've ever been as annoyed by a character in a tv series, I get annoyed now just thinking about her, gah.

The whole season has been quite shit with the search for the little girl and them being stuck at the farm - it's bound to pick a bit up now though given the way it ended I imagine.

Hope Daryl's brother comes back and kills a few of the main cast as a act of revenge, pretty please..
Just have 60 minutes of Daryl shooting zombies with bows and arrows from different angles and with some Fallout-style slow-mo trajectory-following shit and I'll be happy.
I think at least the next episode will be good given the circumstances and what happened in the last episode. So I am looking forward to it. They just need to leave the farm to stop this family drama shit and actually start fighting and running away from the zombies and in the process die!

And that Asian lad is going to find it hard to leave but the old man will kick everyone out in my opinion.
I really agree. The character I hate most is undoubtly the blonde, feck me she pisses me off. I keep hoping that she'll be killed off every episode. I honestly don't think I've ever been as annoyed by a character in a tv series, I get annoyed now just thinking about her, gah.

The whole season has been quite shit with the search for the little girl and them being stuck at the farm - it's bound to pick a bit up now though given the way it ended I imagine.

Hope Daryl's brother comes back and kills a few of the main cast as a act of revenge, pretty please..


Not ever seen Janice in Sopranos, then?