The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Nikki can do one
NEW YORK — Two of President Trump’s senior advisers undermined and ignored him in what they claimed was an effort to “save the country,” former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley claims in a new memoir.

Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly sought to recruit her to work around and subvert Trump, but she refused, Haley writes in a new book, “With All Due Respect,” which also describes Tillerson as “exhausting” and imperious and Kelly as suspicious of her access to Trump.

I had a neighbour who would inexplicably open his front door at 3 in the morning, drunkenly shout "I'm gonna blow up the moon" and slam his door shut. Trump is him but in electronic form.
I had a neighbour who would inexplicably open his front door at 3 in the morning, drunkenly shout "I'm gonna blow up the moon" and slam his door shut. Trump is him but in electronic form.

I had a neighbour who would inexplicably open his front door at 3 in the morning, drunkenly shout "I'm gonna blow up the moon" and slam his door shut. Trump is him but in electronic form.

Personally I'm hoping those tall muscular men called "secret service" are having their way with him and this is true for once.
Don Jnr's Book Tour going well.First The View then..

Donald Trump Jr. booed off stage at UCLA book event

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What do these arse clowns expect going to venues where there are educated individuals who actually understand and can see through their lies and bullshit.

It's like the entire Trump clan is so insecure that they'll never be happy until they the validation of the educated.

And if I was in the Democrats, that exactly how I'd sell the next election. They support their president but he doesn't respect them.
Mr Burns strikes again:
The Trump administration is set to significantly limit the kinds of medical and scientific research the government can use to determine public health regulations, according to a proposal reported on by the New York Times, raising concerns among scientists and physicians.

The Environmental Protection Agency proposal would require scientists to disclose all of their raw data, including confidential medical records, before the agency could consider an academic study’s conclusions.

The measure would undermine scientific basis for many public health and policy regulations, critics say, and make it ore difficult to enact new clean air and water rules.

The proposal would also retroactively apply to existing health regulations. From the New York Times:

Public health experts warned that studies that have been used for decades — to show, for example, that mercury from power plants impairs brain development, or that lead in paint dust is tied to behavioral disorders in children — might be inadmissible when existing regulations come up for renewal.

Dude was relating the story of some blokes heroism:
Trump said:
At that point, the German put a gun to Roddie’s head and demanded, “You will order the Jews to step forward immediately or I will shoot you right now through the head.” Roddie responded, “Major, you can shoot me, but you’ll have to kill us all.” That’s something. (Applause.) The German turned red, got very angry, but put down his gun, and walked away.
I had a kid last year do a presentation on this guy in my Holocaust class...

Master Sergeant Roddie Edmonds - this happened during the Battle of the Bulge. He was named Righteous Among the Nations a couple years ago.

Reading up on it it seems he never mentioned his actions to anybody. His son found out after his death from a diary he kept.
Reading up on it it seems he never mentioned his actions to anybody. His son found out after his death from a diary he kept.
Yep. Says a lot about the guy, I think.

In regards to the tweet and the clip it shows... to me that’s one of those that doesn’t really help things and could actually be used by Trump to help his own odds. “See, look how they’re unjustly attacking me when I was talking about a war hero” kinda thing.
Just scrolled through last couple of days of his tweeter feed. Has he really not tweeted about Bolivia yet or am I blind? Was he told yet?
Senior Trump official embellished résumé, had face on fake Time cover

Unbelievable...worth a read just to see how far..very far ... people go in embellishing the truth and straight up making up shit and somehow making it into the upper echolons of the federal government. Vetting is a complete joke. You d think in today s world its incredibly easy to verify someone is being honest. Makes you wonder how easy it must be for smart foreign or other operatives to work their way into the Feds. At least just one of the many things in that article would set off a red flag with any organization.
Senior Trump official embellished résumé, had face on fake Time cover

Unbelievable...worth a read just to see how far..very far ... people go in embellishing the truth and straight up making up shit and somehow making it into the upper echolons of the federal government. Vetting is a complete joke. You d think in today s world its incredibly easy to verify someone is being honest. Makes you wonder how easy it must be for smart foreign or other operatives to work their way into the Feds. At least just one of the many things in that article would set off a red flag with any organization.
Not surprising, unfortunately. I’ve seen something like 3 threads in the General about lying on your CV/Resume to get a job.
Senior Trump official embellished résumé, had face on fake Time cover

Unbelievable...worth a read just to see how far..very far ... people go in embellishing the truth and straight up making up shit and somehow making it into the upper echolons of the federal government. Vetting is a complete joke. You d think in today s world its incredibly easy to verify someone is being honest. Makes you wonder how easy it must be for smart foreign or other operatives to work their way into the Feds. At least just one of the many things in that article would set off a red flag with any organization.

In her State Department post, Chang, 35, from Dallas, helps oversee efforts to prevent conflicts from erupting in politically unstable countries.

Euphemism of the year?

America has reached a stage where anyone able to spell "Drone" can claim a job as technical adviser to the government it seems :lol:

Daily said it is a small nongovernmental organization (NGO) that does not run large-scale programs, and instead tests new technologies — including drones — and new approaches to humanitarian relief.

"Well, we started using drone technology in disaster response and so that was when the whole talk of how is technology being used to save lives in disaster response scenarios, I suppose I brought some attention to that," Chang said.

She has often cited her organization's work with drones in humanitarian relief efforts but four experts in that field said they had not heard of her organization. The Humanitarian UAV Network UAViators does not mention Chang or Linking the World on a list of advisers.
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To be fair they probably didn’t need to go hunting for anything to prove he’s a racist cnut. Just ask the prick, he’s never shown the slightest interest in hiding his abhorrent opinions in the past.
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