The Trump Presidency - Part 2

I’d love to know what percentage voted Trump, guaranteed it’s a significant %
They’re literally in the process of shutting down each government agency one by one. At some point it’s going to cripple government and the result of that is going to be devastating to millions of people.
Republicans will get what they have been looking for: they first got rid of Roe v. Wade. Now, they’re shutting down government agencies that they don’t like. Next, they will find a way to repeal BRC, and then the first Amendment. One thing at a time.
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Trump once owned a casino, a buisness where customers walk in and give you all their money, and you get to decide, via payout percentages for machines, how much of it you give them back.

And he went bust. Twice. In the first one, his dad bought $7 million of chips and handed them back without using them, to try and save him. Still went bust.

Never underestimate how stupid he is.

A very salient point.
Republicans will get what they have been looking for: they first got rid of Roe v. Wade. Now, they’re shutting down government agencies that they don’t like. Next, they will find a way to repeal BRS, and then the first Amendment. One thing at a time.
Republicans will get what they have been looking for: they first got rid of Roe v. Wade. Now, they’re shutting down government agencies that they don’t like. Next, they will find a way to repeal BRC, and then the first Amendment. One thing at a time.
I’d add Obergefell to that list. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if that fell in the next few years with Trump using the same “sending it back to the states” logic as he did with Roe.
I’d add Obergefell to that list. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if that fell in the next few years with Trump using the same “sending it back to the states” logic as he did with Roe.
Correct. Trump has done for them what they have wanted for 4-5 decades. That’s why they’re insisting on him so much. They will get their wishes, if not now, then in the not so distant future.
Correct. Trump has done for them what they have wanted for 4-5 decades. That’s why they’re insisting on him so much. They will get their wishes, if not now, then in the not so distant future.
Disaster Capitalism in full flow
Remind me why Biden had his hands tied?

Executive orders only works for republicans?

What is the difference between what trump is doing and a dictatorship?
everybody is bending over for 1 month delays. Then what? what he will ask? negotiating with terrorists is a dangerous game
Musk claiming he's removing the "direct to file" tax system.
What is the difference between what trump is doing and a dictatorship?
It’s a dictatorship by a “genius” not a “sleepy” grandpa. And so, it’s OK.

Rules don’t apply to Republicans, especially this guy.

These optics are great for Trump and his mad base.

Just artificially create leverage and get something minimal in return. Makes him look like he’s getting what he wants.

Everyone is going to bend over backwards for him.

Because is a bully and has bully tools to accomplish it. Denmark must be shitting bricks because what trump is asking is much more than what he asked Canada or Mexico.

And this will work short term. Maybe medium term. But countries are taking note and will try to find other, specially economic, alliances
These optics are great for Trump and his mad base.

Just artificially create leverage and get something minimal in return. Makes him look like he’s getting what he wants.

Isn’t all of this that Felon 47 has claimed as a win only exactly what all these countries were already doing?
Also, weren't we told that tariffs were meant to get manufacturing back to the US? Now it's just used to damage their reputation as a trading partner while getting Canada and Mexico to do what they were already planning to do.
Trump doesn't deal in reality, he deals in perception. And the perception is clear, trump made some threats and they caved in.

I wonder what foreign leader holds the record for most platforms given in this country. The amount of times Netanyahu has been given the benefit of receptions at the WH and speeches before congress etc must be way up there. Id love to see Trump demand equal treatment for shit show reasons.
Wonder how the hell this is even possible given that Canadian border patrol only has around 7000 officers and obviously the majority of them are probably already deployed to the US-Canada border. It's not like Trumpie boy will be counting them. If I was Canada I'd totally make up shit.
What they told them they'll do and what they actually do are not the same thing, Trimp notoriously doesn't do details so he's probably not going to count them - he just wants to claim 'victory'
They've pledged to send 10k troops to twiddle their thumbs at the border. Smart to placate the demon with gestures for now.

"If that shit got hungry I used to have to go take chicken."
everybody is bending over for 1 month delays. Then what? what he will ask? negotiating with terrorists is a dangerous game

My hope is that we (Canadians) use the time to work on trade partnerships with other countries. As much as I want to tell the orange cnut to feck himself, Canada's economy is already weak and we can't afford this fight at the moment. The commitments we made are the same ones made in November, except now there's a "Fentanyl Czar" as well. No idea what that is, but I'm assuming we can trot out some idiot in a hat and Trump will clap his tiny hands in delight.

Placate for now, and (hopefully) immediately begin working on divesting from the US.

Wonder how the hell this is even possible given that Canadian border patrol only has around 7000 officers and obviously the majority of them are probably already deployed to the US-Canada border. It's not like Trumpie boy will be counting them. If I was Canada I'd totally make up shit.

I honestly think we could set some mannequins in fatigues on the border and get away with it.
They've pledged to send 10k troops to twiddle their thumbs at the border. Smart to placate the demon with gestures for now.

"If that shit got hungry I used to have to go take chicken."
like everything else, it's all true, false, imminent and delayed, conspiracy and anti-corruption all at the same time. Until it isn't, which it actually is, and you can't prove otherwise.
Trump showing how easily he backs down... But yeh that's irrelevant when you control the media, can spin it how they want.