The Trump Presidency - Part 2

Canada's population is just about the same as California's, so it's not theoretically impossible that it would be a single state. Would look ridiculous on a map though.

But you get the sense that Trump and his lackies have not given much thought to the implications here. Trump is spouting stuff that sounds threatening and imposing tariffs, because it's part of his "Art of the Deal" schtick, but it's unclear what exactly he wants. I'm not sure even he is dumb enough to actually believe that Canada is causing them drug and immigration problems. It might just come down to his confusion about trade deficits.
It could also be - and hear me out here - that he’s the moron of all morons
Mexico agrees to send 10,000 national guard members to the border, in return for a 1 month delay of tariffs. There been reports in the past that a large number of the Mexican national gated are involved in the criminal trade, and in some cases active members of the cartel
Even morons have reasonings behind their actions.

Trump once owned a casino, a buisness where customers walk in and give you all their money, and you get to decide, via payout percentages for machines, how much of it you give them back.

And he went bust. Twice. In the first one, his dad bought $7 million of chips and handed them back without using them, to try and save him. Still went bust.

Never underestimate how stupid he is.
Trump once owned a casino, a buisness where customers walk in and give you all their money, and you get to decide, via payout percentages for machines, how much of it you give them back.

And he went bust. Twice. In the first one, his dad bought $7 million of chips and handed them back without using them, to try and save him. Still went bust.

Never underestimate how stupid he is.
He's immensely stupid, but that doesn't mean he has no motivations or goals with his actions. It's just that you can't figure them out by assuming he's a rational actor. Even if all his bluster about Canada is just to seem strong to his base, that's still motivation.

I couldn't possibly hold a lower opinion of the man, but he's still sentient.
I find the thought of Trump getting what he perceives to be wins so frustrating. Every country is going to bend over and offer tribute rather than fightback. Time for the UK to distance ourselves as much as possible but sadly we won't.
He's immensely stupid, but that doesn't mean he has no motivations or goals with his actions. It's just that you can't figure them out by assuming he's a rational actor. Even if all his bluster about Canada is just to seem strong to his base, that's still motivation.

I couldn't possibly hold a lower opinion of the man, but he's still sentient.

This has been his playbook his entire life. He wants canada for the same reason he wants greenland, natural resources. In the business world, he has been largely able to ride roughshod over laws and bully people into submission because his dad was very rich and he has always had more money than those he picks fights with.

he thinks that will work with countries too, and hes about to find out the hard way it does not.
Some GOP officials say Trump administration's federal workers buyout program is illegal
Republican officials have been quietly pointing out that the Trump administration's so-called buyout program is illegal, but they doubt that Congress will push back, sources told CBS News.
Many federal workers saw an email first thing Monday morning when they arrived at their desks that offered more details of the deferred resignations program.
He's immensely stupid, but that doesn't mean he has no motivations or goals with his actions. It's just that you can't figure them out by assuming he's a rational actor. Even if all his bluster about Canada is just to seem strong to his base, that's still motivation.

I couldn't possibly hold a lower opinion of the man, but he's still sentient.
You immediately contradicted yourself
Its too late for any legal solution to trump.

He owns the house, they will vote to suppport him because they have already been told they will lose their jobs via primaries if they don't.

He also owns the supreme court, and he'll force any constraint on his power to them to decide.

They fecked themseves by running biden and then his less likeable underling. They had to win the election, now they are in denial about the situation.
Suggestions of armed resistance sure are ridiculous but why are we seeing no mass protests?
Sadly it seems most of the guns are owned by Republicans who are fecking pussies and did absolutely feck all during the tyrannical years of Obama and Biden.
I told everyone on the left to buy more guns. Nobody listened.
He's immensely stupid, but that doesn't mean he has no motivations or goals with his actions. It's just that you can't figure them out by assuming he's a rational actor. Even if all his bluster about Canada is just to seem strong to his base, that's still motivation.

I couldn't possibly hold a lower opinion of the man, but he's still sentient.
I don't even think Trump is doing anything purposley to enrich himself anymore. He's just doing anything that anyone who flatters him says is a good idea. He's an easily influenced senile old codger. If he was a regular old timer, he'd have been cleaned out by scammers long ago. He probably has several times over in his life given his list of failed ventures and bailouts.

Unfortunately, he's in charge of the country and it's not just his personal assets at stake. And the scammers aren't the sort of guys that will be going after his retirement fund.
Suggestions of armed resistance sure are ridiculous but why are we seeing no mass protests?

I assume because people still have to work and stuff? I mean yeah, it's a shitshow right now and seems like it's descending into more of one, but America isn't exactly forgiving for people who don't have any money, and I imagine a lot of people who would be against Trump, probably still need to consider their own work and stuff.

This is just assumption on my part of course.
I told everyone on the left to buy more guns. Nobody listened.
Like the bearded baseball cap wearing dude in every conspiracy thriller , who everyone thinks is completely nuts but at the end of the film turns out he's right about aliens/the cia
I don't even think Trump is doing anything purposley to enrich himself anymore. He's just doing anything that anyone who flatters him says is a good idea. He's an easily influenced senile old codger. If he was a regular old timer, he'd have been cleaned out by scammers long ago. He probably has several times over in his life given his list of failed ventures and bailouts.

Unfortunately, he's in charge of the country and it's not just his personal assets at stake. And the scammers aren't the sort of guys that will be going after his retirement fund.
Oh yes he is, he still has a lot of oustanding bank loans and he's also still owes a fortune in court judgements
Oh yes he is, he still has a lot of oustanding bank loans and he's also still owes a fortune in court judgements
That's true. Although I think he's beyond caring about personal liability at this stage. His kids and their lawyers probably "advise" him on what to do in regards to anything they will inherit.
It is good that countries like Mexico are compromising with Trump. That will ensure he doesn't do this sort of thing in the future and won't repeat any damaging behaviour.
It might seem hyperbolic but I really do believe this.
What we are seeing and have seen for the last decade, is the beginning of the end of a superpower. The weird thing is it’s a self-implosion. Nothing external has contributed towards it.

Wouldn’t be so sure about that but definitely still largely their own voters to blame. Both Trump and Musk have ties to Russia though and Russian meddling was found in the voting. Seems a lot like the beginning of the Cold War end game.

We’re going to experience it more here too with Musk backing Farage. They’ve already influenced Brexit and General Elections.
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I don't even think Trump is doing anything purposley to enrich himself anymore. He's just doing anything that anyone who flatters him says is a good idea. He's an easily influenced senile old codger. If he was a regular old timer, he'd have been cleaned out by scammers long ago. He probably has several times over in his life given his list of failed ventures and bailouts.

Unfortunately, he's in charge of the country and it's not just his personal assets at stake. And the scammers aren't the sort of guys that will be going after his retirement fund.
I think far to much credit goes to Trump for all this. Yes he's an idiot, a very useful idiot. I imagine it was a shock even to those that want to see the US burn, just how useful he could be, but his stupidity and his ego it turns out are very good cover.

By the time the penny drops for everyone what's really going on and that its not just the stupid ambitions of one man, its going to be too late.
Literally every word from his mouth is a lie. It’s impressive really.
More than 1,000 employees at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) were notified last week that they may be subject to immediate firing, according to an email obtained by The Hill.