So, well being in the south is great especially with femdom fanboys of anything Trump and now Musk, I work in a bar and my friend was showing me pictures of her daughter's baby who is black .. well this bloody Nazi skinhead now former friend chimes in and starts with both N words and I'm like uh wtf? Salutes me with a Si*g H*il (can't even post it here) and yeah I know I'm the whitest person in the world but give me a break, I asked if he was serious and starts banging on about Musk making it okay to do that but lays into my friend for her daughter having a black baby, I asked if it was any business of his and well "Trump this, Trump that" I have some very large black friends who were actually in earshot of this which I had to hold back but next time he's around, I think I may have to turn the security cameras off and see nothing.
Unfortunately Trump has made this apparently acceptable, socially we are fecked.
Can I get out at the next exit please? By which I mean the world.