The Trump Presidency - Part 2

I guess we're cheering for people like Doug Ford now.
Ironically though the other side of what Musk and co is doing here of course is that it allows those with similar aspirations of a more nationalist approach in their regions to shine brightly. Or at the very least it forces those on either side of the political spectrum to be pulled further to the right. Resistance so to speak comes with its own dangers.
How so? Not being a complete doormat when it comes to a US-initiated trade war is right wing?
He's going after South Africa now,.with Musk at his side (peak irony). Has nothing to do with their stance against Israel of course..... Definitely not.

That is part of it. But you also have to remember that Musk's family moved to south africa specifically because it was an apartheid state and they were white. And hes a thin-skinned, racist child who holds a grudge.
Can we please threadban people who talk about USA invading Canada? Canada is a member of NATO, an American invasion is an all likelihood an end of the world as we know it scenario. It is NOT going to happen.
Can we please threadban people who talk about USA invading Canada? Canada is a member of NATO, an American invasion is an all likelihood an end of the world as we know it scenario. It is NOT going to happen.
Threadban Trump and JD Vance
Orange man and the imbeciles he calls advisers probably not taking into consideration that the Mexican peso might take a huge hit hereby making the tariffs less effective and making Mexican consumers less likely to buy American.
Orange man doesn't give a shit what Mexican's buy, he wants American's to buy American
Can we please threadban people who talk about USA invading Canada? Canada is a member of NATO, an American invasion is an all likelihood an end of the world as we know it scenario. It is NOT going to happen.
Trump doesn't give a crap about NATO. He openly resents it. The best argument against a Canada invasion happening is probably that many high ranking military officers would refuse to do it. The head of the DOD might be MAGA, but that doesn't mean the generals and admirals are.
Trump doesn't give a crap about NATO. He openly resents it. The best argument against a Canada invasion happening is probably that many high ranking military officers would refuse to do it. The head of the DOD might be MAGA, but that doesn't mean the generals and admirals are.

Do you think the other members of nato resent it and don’t give a crap about it? Each one of them duty bound to defend an attack on any member nation.
Do you think the other members of nato resent it and don’t give a crap about it? Each one of them duty bound to defend an attack on any member nation.
We all remember that big NATO war that broke out over Cyprus.

It's very optimistic to think NATO would do anything at all against an invading USA
Do you think the other members of nato resent it and don’t give a crap about it? Each one of them duty bound to defend an attack on any member nation.

If it ever happened, and I don;t think it ever will, not a single member of NATO would help Canada. Not one. Especially not the UK.
Do you think the other members of nato resent it and don’t give a crap about it? Each one of them duty bound to defend an attack on any member nation.
No, I think all other members are pretty serious about NATO. Doesn't mean I'd take it off the table of things Trump genuinely wants to do.

This is already a new world order. The US is openly talking about annexing territory of countries that were their strongest allies a few weeks ago.
Been a while since I've read a trump thread...... Are their any trump voters posting here?

Between this and the Bezos non-endorsement in the WaPo and musk, and the new DNC guy, there's something to me said about a total decent into rule by individual billionaires.
So, well being in the south is great especially with femdom fanboys of anything Trump and now Musk, I work in a bar and my friend was showing me pictures of her daughter's baby who is black .. well this bloody Nazi skinhead now former friend chimes in and starts with both N words and I'm like uh wtf? Salutes me with a Si*g H*il (can't even post it here) and yeah I know I'm the whitest person in the world but give me a break, I asked if he was serious and starts banging on about Musk making it okay to do that but lays into my friend for her daughter having a black baby, I asked if it was any business of his and well "Trump this, Trump that" I have some very large black friends who were actually in earshot of this which I had to hold back but next time he's around, I think I may have to turn the security cameras off and see nothing.

Unfortunately Trump has made this apparently acceptable, socially we are fecked.

Can I get out at the next exit please? By which I mean the world.
So, well being in the south is great especially with femdom fanboys of anything Trump and now Musk, I work in a bar and my friend was showing me pictures of her daughter's baby who is black .. well this bloody Nazi skinhead now former friend chimes in and starts with both N words and I'm like uh wtf? Salutes me with a Si*g H*il (can't even post it here) and yeah I know I'm the whitest person in the world but give me a break, I asked if he was serious and starts banging on about Musk making it okay to do that but lays into my friend for her daughter having a black baby, I asked if it was any business of his and well "Trump this, Trump that" I have some very large black friends who were actually in earshot of this which I had to hold back but next time he's around, I think I may have to turn the security cameras off and see nothing.

Unfortunately Trump has made this apparently acceptable, socially we are fecked.

Can I get out at the next exit please? By which I mean the world.

this is the most american post of all time
I guess we're cheering for people like Doug Ford now.
Ironically though the other side of what Musk and co is doing here of course is that it allows those with similar aspirations of a more nationalist approach in their regions to shine brightly. Or at the very least it forces those on either side of the political spectrum to be pulled further to the right. Resistance so to speak comes with its own dangers.
Ford is actually not so bad. I mean, he's not my choice and I disagree with him on a lot (almost everything?); but given governments will inevitably seesaw between left and right, he's the kind of rightist leader I'd prefer to have take the right's turn.
how did Canada treat the US “unfairly”?

Exporting more than they are importing. Crude oil, primarily, which the US relies on. So he probably wants them to buy more shitty US products (fracking oil, probably, which the US produces but can't process themselves).

Somehow all this is bizarrely fascinating. Like a social experiment. How effective is brainwashing, how much negative effects does it take for brainwashed individuals to turn on their alleged saviour?

I suggest the following:

- Canada joins the US, all the paper work is done in record time so that they can join shortly before the midterm elections
- The liberals, lefts and greens from Canada tip the balance of powers in favor of the Democrats
- The newfound coalition wins the midterms, then the presidential election in 2028
- They reform the constitution, the voting system, healthcare, environmental protection, worker rights, welfare, taxes the billionaires, ...
- Canada leaves the US and becomes an independent country again
- Everyone lives happily ever after

They’re literally in the process of shutting down each government agency one by one. At some point it’s going to cripple government and the result of that is going to be devastating to millions of people.
If Canada joined the US then it wouldn't join as a single state. It would be 13 states wouldn't it?

26 additional US senators and about 60 new members in the house.

The GOP would never control the senate or house again. So it will never happen. Even if Canadians had a collective stroke and suddenly decided en masse it would be a good idea.

Trudeau should counter and offer US states to succeed and join Canada.
If Canada joined the US then it wouldn't join as a single state. It would be 13 states wouldn't it?

26 additional US senators and about 60 new members is the house.

The GOP would never control the senate or house again. So it will never happen even if Canadians had a collective stroke and suddenly decided en masse it would be a good idea.

Trudeau should counter and offer US states to succeed and join Canada.
Canada's population is just about the same as California's, so it's not theoretically impossible that it would be a single state. Would look ridiculous on a map though.

But you get the sense that Trump and his lackies have not given much thought to the implications here. Trump is spouting stuff that sounds threatening and imposing tariffs, because it's part of his "Art of the Deal" schtick, but it's unclear what exactly he wants. I'm not sure even he is dumb enough to actually believe that Canada is causing them drug and immigration problems. It might just come down to his confusion about trade deficits.