Well it's not entirely all that but I do live in the south and all due respect to Louisana it's probably not the healthiest state (everything is fried!) so I did bash American food at large but it's not all entirely bad but there's a lot of chemicals and additives that are banned in the EU, I belong to a Expat Group on Facebook and it's one of the main things that is moaned about (we are Brits after all) bread being high up on that list, completely different and yes there are options especially these days as opposed to when I first came over.
But I was a skinny guy when I first came and now I am again, I am pretty fit, I (doubt still mind) can or say did the 100m in a PB of 11.7secs and played footy on the wing, I cycle around 20miles every couple of days, now with all of that... I go back to a real American diet I pack on the pounds like it's no tomorrow, if I stay within what I now know what to eat then Im in a healthy range but what's weirder, everytime I go back home to jolly England and eat everything I used to eat, by the end of the trip I've lost weight, that could be a number of coincidental things as I used to live in London and it's alot more walking obviously.
I'm sure you don't wanna know my entire life story and not to derail the thread off course

but I do believe Americans can benefit from removing the likes of Red40/Blue/Yellow (yes I know, to a point) and have cleaner ingredients in their food, you only gotta compare the likes of Doritos or Crisps in general/Yogurts/Ice Cream to the UK counterparts or European and see the differences, there is also A LOT more sugar in things here..