The Trump Presidency - Part 2

I think worth noting is how early he has done these things that will burn his popularity. If he wants, her can turn the tap back on a few years later, and be set as a saviour.
I think worth noting is how early he has done these things that will burn his popularity. If he wants, her can turn the tap back on a few years later, and be set as a saviour.
Are you referring to trump? I don't know if you've noticed but he's popular among the majority regardless of what he does. The ones who didn't vote for him will just sit back and enjoy the denials and justifications his followers come up with. It's almost as if they have this orange veil blocking out the reality.
Are you referring to trump? I don't know if you've noticed but he's popular among the majority regardless of what he does. The ones who didn't vote for him will just sit back and enjoy the denials and justifications his followers come up with. It's almost as if they have this orange veil blocking out the reality.
According to this source his favorability rating was around 47% couple of weeks ago:

According to 538's average of polls of Trump's favorability rating, 47.2 percent of American adults have a favorable view of the president-elect, compared to 47.4 percent who have an unfavorable view.
Are you referring to trump? I don't know if you've noticed but he's popular among the majority regardless of what he does. The ones who didn't vote for him will just sit back and enjoy the denials and justifications his followers come up with. It's almost as if they have this orange veil blocking out the reality.
He's currently just under 50%... and that's his highest number ever. He spent most of his presidency at 40%, and left the white house at 30%. If these cuts become operational I'm sure he's losing a decent amount of support. I don't think, outside his core base, enough people will accept a much worse life for the sake of their fuhrer.
And there goes Google. They've been much more quiet than Meta, Twitter and Amazon so far so had a bit of hope at least they would put up a little bit of resistance.

Why is it that the Silicon Valley companies are now so far up his ass when 8 years ago they opposed him by the way? How did he manage to turn all of them like that?
Business opportunities IMO. They care about having less regulations but the political climate was different in 2016, they couldn't be as overtly scummy back then. Now it seems the gloves are off.

Also, Bezos want space contracts for his space company, pretty sure of that.
Are you referring to trump? I don't know if you've noticed but he's popular among the majority regardless of what he does. The ones who didn't vote for him will just sit back and enjoy the denials and justifications his followers come up with. It's almost as if they have this orange veil blocking out the reality.
That orange veil will start lifting soon once these tariffs start being implemented, Mexico supplies a heck of a lot of food to the US, that food isn't suddenly going to be found on American farms, and they'll definitely be squealing when gasoline prices start rising

Which they will because even if they do the drill baby drill they can't refine it, US refineries are built to refine heavy crude oil, quite a bit of that from Canada, most new US oil is the lighter variety and the refining capacity for that isn't available in the US
He's currently just under 50%... and that's his highest number ever. He spent most of his presidency at 40%, and left the white house at 30%. If these cuts become operational I'm sure he's losing a decent amount of support. I don't think, outside his core base, enough people will accept a much worse life for the sake of their fuhrer.
The data does not match the elections result though.
As Trump does whatever he wants via executive order and the democrats do literally nothing, remember the Very Real senate parliamentarian said that democrats can't do good things. They really wanted to fulfill their campaign promises, they're just not allowed to because of the Rules. Oh well. Can't wait to vote in 4 years.
It would be hilarious if it wasn't so depressing. Biden apparently spent 4 years with his hands tied. Trump does whatever the feck he wants.
It would be hilarious if it wasn't so depressing. Biden apparently spent 4 years with his hands tied. Trump does whatever the feck he wants.
Half of what Trump is trying to do will likely get canned by the courts, or at worst delayed, not even the SC will be able to keep up with all the challenges that are and will be made

And there goes Google. They've been much more quiet than Meta, Twitter and Amazon so far so had a bit of hope at least they would put up a little bit of resistance.

Why is it that the Silicon Valley companies are now so far up his ass when 8 years ago they opposed him by the way? How did he manage to turn all of them like that?
The main reason is cause they probably are intimidated by him. The second one is cause they probably will earn more money being in good side of him rather than opposing him (e.g., Meta would benefit a lot from Trump banning TikTok). And the third one, DEI and wokeness has harmed these companies (especially Google), so they probably were waiting for the right moment to make the U-turn which Trump perfectly provides to them.
The main reason is cause they probably are intimidated by him. The second one is cause they probably will earn more money being in good side of him rather than opposing him (e.g., Meta would benefit a lot from Trump banning TikTok). And the third one, DEI and wokeness has harmed these companies (especially Google), so they probably were waiting for the right moment to make the U-turn which Trump perfectly provides to them.

How has wokeness harmed Google?
The main reason is cause they probably are intimidated by him. The second one is cause they probably will earn more money being in good side of him rather than opposing him (e.g., Meta would benefit a lot from Trump banning TikTok). And the third one, DEI and wokeness has harmed these companies (especially Google), so they probably were waiting for the right moment to make the U-turn which Trump perfectly provides to them.
The main reason is probably wanting a slice of the $500 billion project on AI that Trump has promised
The main reason is probably wanting a slice of the $500 billion project on AI that Trump has promised
The project Stargate? That is completely funded by companies.

Companies will earn money more by being in the good side of governments, of course.
The project Stargate? That is completely funded by companies.

Companies will earn money more by being in the good side of governments, of course.
Yes but that gets them in Trump's good books and has potential for huge profits if the participate
Whaddya know, inviting a leader whose been charged with an ICC arrest warrant.

Check Timnit Gebru’s firing and Gemini’s controversy.

I wouldn't call the Gemini problems a problem with "wokeness" although that's how people like Ben Shapiro framed it. It was really more a problem with QA and product development not wokeness per se. And isn't Gebru the person you had some weirdo personal vendetta against?
I wouldn't call the Gemini problems a problem with "wokeness" although that's how people like Ben Shapiro framed it. It was really more a problem with QA and product development not wokeness per se. And isn't Gebru the person you had some weirdo personal vendetta against?
It was completely to do with wokeness, researchers at DeepMind knew how shit it was going to be beforehand but the product manager in charge was so woke that he was fully expecting people to celebrate its release.

I wouldn’t say that I have a personal vendetta against her cause I have never worked at Google to be affected by her, but she was a bully of the highest order. It was pure schadenfreude seeing her and Google eating each other.

So apparently they have shut off Medicaid for 72 million people. Honestly seems like he is on some kind of speed-run to destroy the country. Incredible.

As much as they whine about abortions and how they want to protect fetuses. They sure are callous when the child actually grows up and happens to be poor. Of all the things that tax dollars go too. I just dont find the massive issue with a poor child being able to grab a lunch with my tax dollars.

This guy thinks they should head out to pick berries in fields now get a job as a pre teen? Pesky child labor laws! There are high schools here that have multi million dollar stadiums built for High school sports. Paid by tax dollars, but the lunch program for hungry kids is where we should obviously start looking for cuts.
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You want more?!?! About fecking time, bring back child labour! We can get the little feckers to sweep the chimneys of that newly dug coal that Trump’s promising.
Now that poor little Elon Musk & Mark Zuckerberg paying all those unfair taxes, it’s about time we start supporting our hard done by billionaires and teach those nasty layabout spoilt children a lesson! God it makes me so mad.
I once had Adolf Hitler in the back of me cab, lovely fella.
“But I want to really drill down on this, Jake, because it’s so important. There’s two million employees in the federal government. Overwhelmingly, the career federal service in this country is far-left, left-wing.” “Well, I’ll give you a great example,” Miller continued. “We looked at USAID as an example. 98%– 98% of the workforce either donated to Kamala Harris or another left-wing candidate. Just as an example.” He concluded, “The American people voted for dramatic change implemented by Donald Trump, so it is essential for him to get control of government, to establish a whole of government process for Donald Trump’s political appointees to review discretionary grants of spending for pet projects that are not directed by Congress.”

  • Openly declares this is political
  • pulls a number out of his ass (98%)
  • Tapper doesn't challenge anything
  • Miller gets away with it.
Democrats and the press are useless.