How long, realistically, can we expect the insanity to go on? Serious question for those who really study these things.
My lay person take on this is that we have two years of Trump going bananas, with the only real handbrake on him being his own discombobulation and disorganisation. I.e. endlessly flip flopping between policies and getting distracted by shiny objects.
Then we have mid-terms, which presumably, hopefully, will deliver some sort of a swing back to the left as the country reacts to two mental years (this usually seems to happen in mid-terms anyway to whatever sitting president there is). And assuming the House then goes democrat, are we left with a lame duck president for the final two years, a president who can’t re-run and who can’t push any bills through?
Is this a fair prediction of what will probably happen? Or is it just wishful thinking? This is what I keep telling my wife to try and calm her down.