The Trump Presidency - Part 2

Only if the US continues to vote for Republicans
Which they will, there are millions of people who will never, ever, vote for a Democrat, no different to most countries who have large swathes of voters who will only ever vote for a certain party
Which they will, there are millions of people who will never, ever, vote for a Democrat, no different to most countries who have large swathes of voters who will only ever vote for a certain party
Plus especially if the ballot paper says

Vote Republican

Vote Go to jail

and who wouldn't bet that'll be the choices come 2028
Plus especially if the ballot paper says

Vote Republican

Vote Go to jail

and who wouldn't bet that'll be the choices come 2028
Do you really think true-blue states like New York, California or Illinois would allow such wording?
Only if the US continues to vote for Republicans
Best case scenario is that it continues to flip-flop between Democrats and Republicans in power, and that is pretty useless for Europe, to be honest. If the American stance on transatlantic relations switches every four years, it’s going to be better to just be as independent as possible in all matters, not just defense.

I don’t know why European leaders think the current situation is limited to Trump. American voters are hostile to Europe at the moment. They think the rest of the world takes them for mugs. That will definitely outlast Trump.

Based on the fact that Russia is absolutely “pounding” Ukraine on the battlefield right now, I am strongly considering large scale Banking Sanctions, Sanctions, and Tariffs on Russia until a Cease Fire and FINAL SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ON PEACE IS REACHED. To Russia and Ukraine, get to the table right now, before it is too late. Thank you!!!

Seriously, what the hell world are we living in. I swear the only explanation is stock market manipulation
I don’t know why European leaders think the current situation is limited to Trump. American voters are hostile to Europe at the moment. They think the rest of the world takes them for mugs. That will definitely outlast Trump.

The vast majority of American voters don't know where Europe is.

Also, i'd imagine that any hostility towards Europe is directly linked with the absolutely insane amount of daft statements made by certain leaders.
The vast majority of American voters don't know where Europe is.

Also, i'd imagine that any hostility towards Europe is directly linked with the absolutely insane amount of daft statements made by certain leaders.

There are people here who think they speak German in Norway. I know them.
Best case scenario is that it continues to flip-flop between Democrats and Republicans in power, and that is pretty useless for Europe, to be honest. If the American stance on transatlantic relations switches every four years, it’s going to be better to just be as independent as possible in all matters, not just defense.

Considering the dramatic turn of events since Trump's second period started, just how much chaos they've managed to create even for their allies, it would be madness to have any faith in the US going forward. They've opened a door that isn't being closed anytime soon, it's going to be become more and more complicated to maintain a diplomatic relationship with them.

I see that Poland is looking into introducing training to make sure that men in Poland are essentially ready to be thrown into combat if required, to make sure that everyone has basic training. In Europe in 2025.
The vast majority of American voters don't know where Europe is.

Also, i'd imagine that any hostility towards Europe is directly linked with the absolutely insane amount of daft statements made by certain leaders.
I see that Poland is looking into introducing training to make sure that men in Poland are essentially ready to be thrown into combat if required, to make sure that everyone has basic training. In Europe in 2025.
I would not be surprised to see this followed in many European countries, who have not had any form of conscription since WW2.

The US has its National Guard, (which I assume is for quelling internal disputes) but I am not sure what sort of recruitment process is used.

In the UK, beyond conscription, the nearest voluntary thing to having our own national guard was the Home Guard ( idealised via TV's 'Dad's Army' ) but still this was war time based only; however, on reserve listings (in peacetime) the Territorial Army.

Is anyone expecting to see such training programmes being brought in within the UK and if so would they be voluntary or via conscription?
These things achieve feck all.
I’m so bored of liberal gotcha tweets. They got a short exhale out the nostrils in 2016 but they’re pathetic in 2025. Congrats on laughing at the right while they continue to win every fecking thing and decimate every thing that matters.
I’m so bored of liberal gotcha tweets. They got a short exhale out the nostrils in 2016 but they’re pathetic in 2025. Congrats on laughing at the right while they continue to win every fecking thing and decimate every thing that matters.
Couldn’t agree more. They’re pathetic indeed.

I think they work very well with unpolitical people but less so with those who already formed an opinion. Satire can be a very powerful instrument.
It can but satire is pretty much dead these days, so perhaps I’m being too harsh. How are you supposed to satirise this stuff anyway…especially when there’s a strong counter-cultural element to it all?
For a little laugh? I think this one is pretty clever. It's pretty old, but I chuckled when I first saw it.
It also helps with reach. It'll get far more views because of the way it's been put together and at least some of them will actually check how true it is. Secondary purpose by far, sure, but such videos also help a message get far and wide that normally wouldn't
Couldn’t agree more. They’re pathetic indeed.

It can but satire is pretty much dead these days, so perhaps I’m being too harsh. How are you supposed to satirise this stuff anyway…especially when there’s a strong counter-cultural element to it all?

All I know is: I was 12 when Schröder was elected for the second time and back then not politically interested at all. But at that time, a satire show published a song called "Ich erhöh' euch die Steuern" ("I raise your taxes") to the tune of a leading chart song I liked and suddenly I knew that Schröder had raised taxes and was known as the "Genosse der Bosse" ("comrade to the bosses") who let down the working class he was supposed to represent.

As said, I don't think satire can help convince people who already formed their opinions as they simply find it offensive and those who see it as what it is usually are self-reflected enough that they don't need convincing anyway. But stuff like this definitely helps in politicizing people. A viral video with a political message ingrained it is a very powerful spreader of ideology.
These videos achieve feck all.
I’m so bored of liberal gotcha tweets. They got a short exhale out the nostrils in 2016 but they’re pathetic in 2025. Congrats on laughing at the right while they continue to win every fecking thing and decimate every thing that matters.

There is the gotcha tweets that solves nothing. There is the people criticizing the gotcha tweets that solves nothing and there others like me that makes it even more meta and criticize who criticize blahblahblah

I don't see me or anyone on the chain organizing anything to change anything so I think everybody should choose what to laugh to without pretending that any of us will change anything anytime and asking others to change anything.

We are fecked. Let it go