The Trump Presidency - Part 2

Hold on, you accuse me of wanting more Hitlers, and now "it's become tedious" because I responded to you?
You claimed the Treaty of Versailles was far too lenient.

The Treaty of Versailles led to significant resentment in Germany after WWI, contributing significantly to the rise of extremist parties, i.e. the Nazis! Whilst the Marshall Plan paved the way for significant and rapid economic recovery, not just in Germany but in Western Europe.
He just doesn't have a fecking clue. First time it's been held in this part of the world? The USA hosted it in 1994 and Mexico hosted it twice previously in 1970 and 1986. They will become the first country to host it three times when they hold matches there next summer. Completely clueless and always wanting to take credit for everything and anything. It's just so fecking pathetic.

They rigged the election and I became President :lol: I think he definitely mispoke there. I know what he was getting at but he rambles so much he came out with a very incriminating statement whilst yet again proving he can't let anything go and was trying to dig at the Democrats. Any excuse. It's so nauseating and petty.

Tensions are a good thing and will make it more exciting (when asked about the issues between the USA, Mexico and Canada causing problems with the joint hosting of the World Cup)

Honestly, what the actual feck?

Another clown show ending with refusal to answer questions and him scraping his signature and then showing it off to everyone like it's some major achievement. A fecking world cup task force. :lol: Complete and utter bollocks.

The way he's going we might not even have a world cup next year anyway. Be funny if everyone boycotted it and demanded the matches are in just Canada and Mexico. :lol:
I mentioned in the 2026 WC Cup that exactly this kind of craziness would happen (and that Trump might want for the US to have it alone). Some people didn't take it very well.
You claimed the Treaty of Versailles was far too lenient.

The Treaty of Versailles led to significant resentment in Germany after WWI, contributing significantly to the rise of extremist parties, i.e. the Nazis! Whilst the Marshall Plan paved the way for significant and rapid economic recovery, not just in Germany but in Western Europe.
You are completely missing the point where the Marshall plan was put in place hand in hand with the Potsdam agreement which led the the full demilitarization of Germany and oversight of German military affairs. The Treaty of Versailles was a half measure that was somewhat punitive but had no real enforcement or oversight provisions. A harsher ToV, like the Potsdam Agreement, coupled with a Marshall plan like investment (kind of like the Dawes and Young plans) would have been far better.
I mentioned in the 2026 WC Cup that exactly this kind of craziness would happen (and that Trump might want for the US to have it alone). Some people didn't take it very well.

I haven't seen that thread, will go and take a look. He wasn't happy when it was mentioned they were sharing it with Canada and Mexico and the bit at the end of the clip regarding tensions just goes to show he's not going to back off either country any time soon. It could cause a real issue depending how far he takes things and how much he continues to ruffle their feathers, insult them or provoke them and attack them with tarrifs and the like.

Most of the Trump supporters avoid this entire forum and especially this thread like the plague. Many have been banned too so it's rare to find anyone defending him or agreeing with anything he's doing. The same as the Pro-Israel crowd in the Palestine thread , they don't stick around because they just can't defend their positions without resorting to insults or completely ignoring anything put to them. Quite often you will get a incendiary drive by post but that's about it.

You can't ever have a serious conversation or debate as they don't post in good faith and constantly move the goalposts, constantly use whataboutism and refuse to acknowledge anything that doesn't lineup with their view or opinions on things. It's the same all over the internet to be honest. Especially on Twitter and Facebook.
History has also shown that certain megalomaniacs need to be placed as far away as possible and be kept under guard at all times. Preferably an isolated island in the Atlantic. If you don't, they just come back.
Given "the alliance system" is commonly acknowledged as one of the main causes of WW1, you definitely could, yeah.
I know that and you know that, but apparently not everyone subscribes to that view
History has also shown that certain megalomaniacs need to be placed as far away as possible and be kept under guard at all times. Preferably an isolated island in the Atlantic. If you don't, they just come back.
True, the island in the Med didn't work.
feck those people.

They’re happy to vote for other people to get screwed, but it happening to them is unconscionable.

Selfish cnuts.


As an example

"Piggott, 47, told Reuters in an interview, saying she would not have supported Trump if she knew then what she knows now"

This person would be applauding if everything would be exactly the same but she would get to keep her job.

The only think "she knows now" is that she has no job. Not that Trump is fecking the country and many peoples lives

feck her
But in a totally different way, allies obliged to join a war, not someone starting a war with a country because totally separate countries have an alliance.
Germany declared war on Russia because of Russia's support of Serbia which Russia did not have an alliance with, that is how it started, Britain joined becase it guaranteed Belgian neutrality that Germany ignored, though because of the treaty with France they would have entered anyway because the purpose of Germany ignoring Belgian neutrality was to do an end run to defeat France quickly so the could concentrate on Russia
It’s spamming the thread at this point. People can read over that particular exchange and come to their own conclusions.
No they can't, cause you didn't actually explain anything. You jumped on @WI_Red (because his comments were easiest to respond to?), but didn't respond to anything else. In particular, I still have no idea why you brought up the Treaty of Versailles in the first place:
Wait, why is this relevant? Are you comparing what happened to the USSR in the 1990s to the Treaty of Versailles? Or to Russia's subsequent geopolitical situation? How are those situations similar?
As it says in the comments, he probably means that it was rigged in 2020 but he won anyway in 2024, or that it was rigged in 2024 and he won regardless.

There's no way he meant that his people rigged the elections for him. Even if that happened, he would say that they compensated for the unfairness introduced by the Democrats.
It’s spamming the thread at this point. People can read over that particular exchange and come to their own conclusions.

I read the exchange. In some ways I almost hope you’re a WUM, because otherwise I’d probably just feel sorry for you with how disassociated your view of yourself is to how it’s perceived in reality.
Germany declared war on Russia because of Russia's support of Serbia which Russia did not have an alliance with, that is how it started, Britain joined becase it guaranteed Belgian neutrality that Germany ignored, though because of the treaty with France they would have entered anyway because the purpose of Germany ignoring Belgian neutrality was to do an end run to defeat France quickly so the could concentrate on Russia

Ukraine is not an ally of NATO, no one in NATO is an ally of Ukraine.

It would be like saying Germany declared war on Russia because of Australia's allegiance with New Zealand.

I don't think that a war has ever been fought between parties A & B because of an alliance between C, D, E etc, none of which have an alliance with A or B.

If Ukraine had been in NATO I don't think the invasion would have ever happened. Totally the opposite of a situation where allegiance dragged countries into a war.
Being allies of a larger consortium does not guarantee territorial integrity or even independence.

The other side has to believe the allies will follow through. Germany did not believe France and England would go through and declare war when they invaded Poland.

Certainly with Trump at the helm, being in NATO, would be no guarantee either.
Something to celebrate with his mate Putin

Yes exactly. Both Trump and his new best friend the war criminal Putin don't give a sh1t about those who get killed or injured.
It is just all about themselves.

I would have thought that most clear thinking Americans will be absolutely ashamed of their leader.... but maybe not.
Yes exactly. Both Trump and his new best friend the war criminal Putin don't give a sh1t about those who get killed or injured.
It is just all about themselves.

I would have thought that most clear thinking Americans will be absolutely ashamed of their leader.... but maybe not.

I don't think there is much that would sway some of his cult away, they could invade Canada and millions would follow along pushing rhetoric like Canadian Nazis and they wouldn't blink.

It reminds me of some of the stories in Ukraine, where civilians with family in Russia tried to tell them about what was happening and in many cases the response was either denial or it needs to happen.
I'm sure there was one example where a woman sent photos of her bombed out apartment to Russian relatives and it was downplayed/defended, despite them visiting in the past.
Germany declared war on Russia because of Russia's support of Serbia which Russia did not have an alliance with, that is how it started, Britain joined becase it guaranteed Belgian neutrality that Germany ignored, though because of the treaty with France they would have entered anyway because the purpose of Germany ignoring Belgian neutrality was to do an end run to defeat France quickly so the could concentrate on Russia
That’s not quite true actually, Germany declared war on Russia because it declared war on Austrian-Hungarian empire for invading Serbia. It was all engineered by Germany for encouraging Austria-Hungary to attack Serbia.
I don't think there is much that would sway some of his cult away, they could invade Canada and millions would follow along pushing rhetoric like Canadian Nazis and they wouldn't blink.

It reminds me of some of the stories in Ukraine, where civilians with family in Russia tried to tell them about what was happening and in many cases the response was either denial or it needs to happen.
I'm sure there was one example where a woman sent photos of her bombed out apartment to Russian relatives and it was downplayed/defended, despite them visiting in the past.

Good post. We saw in the UK just how gullible some people are to state propaganda. Many believe in it because it chimes with their long held opinions. And the rest get it bombarded onto their phones through their social media.